To all who trash conroe

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I'm not one to peek my head into Intel !!!!!! range for chopping, however I will comment that from an AMD guy's perspective, Conroe is downright impressive. Hands down.

I say to wait until release time to give opinions on it, based on preliminary benchmarks it appears that the A64 has met its match. Although, with Intel's release schedule lately, it's likely another 2-3 FX chips will be released by then. ;)
The above poster is a a little silly and a AMD !!!!!!. I think I found were the AMD fan-boys get their info about intel. Read this blog. Scroll threw and read every Intel subject its the best I ever read . I laughed for hours.
shaun said:
I'm not one to peek my head into Intel !!!!!! range for chopping, however I will comment that from an AMD guy's perspective, Conroe is downright impressive. Hands down.

I say to wait until release time to give opinions on it, based on preliminary benchmarks it appears that the A64 has met its match. Although, with Intel's release schedule lately, it's likely another 2-3 FX chips will be released by then. ;)

I like the way you worded the last part.(It appears that A64 HAS met its match)

I know what you ment but here's a little spin on the word HAS which is a word the describes past tense or present. Your referring to Celeron M (yonah core) and the yonah core itself as both these seem to give X2 60 a run for the the money .

If your referring to Conroe @ 30% more performance than x2 fx60 its no Match its an ass kicking.
$BangforThe$ said:
I like the way you worded the last part.(It appears that A64 HAS met its match)

I know what you ment but here's a little spin on the word HAS which is a word the describes past tense or present. Your referring to Celeron M (yonah core) and the yonah core itself as both these seem to give X2 60 a run for the the money .

If your referring to Conroe @ 30% more performance than x2 fx60 its no Match its an ass kicking.

Yup! I almost commented on the same thing. There's long line of BS and FUD accepted as Fact by folks on the Green side of the Forum. Since the first Pentium M shipped that's been almost the case.
Donnie27 said:
Yup! I almost commented on the same thing. There's long line of BS and FUD accepted as Fact by folks on the Green side of the Forum. Since the first Pentium M shipped that's been almost the case.

Donnie and Bang.....

You guys are dillusional.....
duby229 said:
Donnie and Bang.....

You guys are dillusional.....
Well at least you can seem to understand what they're saying :p I'm a tad :confused: trying to figure out what they're actually saying.
I guess were just tired of the P-6 pro chip not getting its credit from the AMD side. Dothan is more than a match on the AMD side if gaming is all that counts. Yonah is = to x2 across the board at same clocks.. Conroe is another class of cpu not to be compared to anthing AMD has to offer. Yonah is really the only thing that amd can match up to on the Intel side unless you want to count P4 and the new P4 c1 stepping brings that old tech right up to AMD performance it doesn't win but its close. If yonah were 64bit Intel has the advantage right now. I don't care about stock clocks as most of us don't buy Dells.
In not so many words they are tryin to say that Intel is kickin AMD's butt.

In the the process they have fallen for some of the oldest marketing gimmicks in the book. And at the same time fial to realize that If Intel could make Yonah comppete they would have. Instead we have Yonah barely available, and Conroe several months out.

Like I said dillusional.
duby229 said:
In not so many words they are tryin to say that Intel is kickin AMD's butt.

In the the process they have fallen for some of the oldest marketing gimmicks in the book. And at the same time fial to realize that If Intel could make Yonah comppete they would have. Instead we have Yonah barely available, and Conroe several months out.

Like I said dillusional.

Dillusional ya right - Heres the yonah in supply

Put this with the Aopen expensive 975 M/B and you can easily have the best performing system around.
$BangforThe$ said:
I guess were just tired of the P-6 pro chip not getting its credit from the AMD side. Dothan is more than a match on the AMD side if gaming is all that counts. Yonah is = to x2 across the board at same clocks.. Conroe is another class of cpu not to be compared to anthing AMD has to offer. Yonah is really the only thing that amd can match up to on the Intel side unless you want to count P4 and the new P4 c1 stepping brings that old tech right up to AMD performance it doesn't win but its close. If yonah were 64bit Intel has the advantage right now. I don't care about stock clocks as most of us don't buy Dells.
If your looking at it from an overclockers perspective, then AMD is pretty strong there as well with their Opteron 165/170's as well as Opteron 144/146. If you can get them for a good price as they are Socket 939 CPU there is no problem with them working on most S939 out there unlike Dothan/Yonah which are more difficult in that arena.

Dothan is a good gaming option if you overclock and don't care about performance in other areas as Dothan performance flutuates pretty wildly in other areas, though it had a bumpy road to start as before you only had the AOpen 855 Chipsets, then you moved on to the DFI/Aopen 915 Chipsets, which those reamins hellaof expensive.

It was only until the Asus CT479 Adaptor that Dothan became a more reasonable price with the use of Asus cheap 865PE chipset.

With Yonah though you still have to worry about the chipset somewhat, though the situation is alot better this time around as 3 vendors to my knowledge have jumped in on Yonah capable motherboards, Asus, Gigabyte and Aopen. The Asus N4L-VM is a pretty good one, with a price that isn't too high but tstill more expensive then a run of the mill performance motherboard.

The Opterons will have a better mobo slection as they can use Nforce 3, Nforce 3 250GB, Nforce 4, Nforce 4 Ultra, Nforce 4 SLi, Nforce 4 SLix16, Radeon Xpress 200, Radeon Xpress 1600, Radeon Xpress 3200 So they have alot of price points covered, in addition to the ability to choose to use either SLI or Crossfire with offiical support.

With Yonah I believe your basically limited to Crossfire. :(

On desktop I would say for most stock application AMD has been enjoying the advantage, though the situation is improving with Presler, while on the mobile side it's Intel with their Centrino platform, though AMD will be closing the gap there as well with their Dual Core Turion 64's.
Intel right now has AMD covered in all area's other than server. Yonah mobile soon to be merom 20% faster. P4 C1 stepping is very close in performance at a way better price and their cool. Celron D (yonah core) for $125 is great. If your an O/C yonah and celron D are great and more and more M/B manufactories are suppling new M/B designs for them .

Intel has it covered right now! Also intel doesn't have a problem with their cpu's of making mistakes if their pushed hard like AMD. This could easily explain why so many AMD users that O/C have problems.
$BangforThe$ said:
Intel right now has AMD covered in all area's other than server. Yonah mobile soon to be merom 20% faster. P4 C1 stepping is very close in performance at a way better price and their cool. Celron D (yonah core) for $125 is great. If your an O/C yonah and celron D are great and more and more M/B manufactories are suppling new M/B designs for them .

Intel has it covered right now! Also intel doesn't have a problem with their cpu's of making mistakes if their pushed hard like AMD. This could easily explain why so many AMD users that O/C have problems.
If you know you are getting a Pentium D C1 Steping that's great, from what I heard though since this stepping was released in the past week or 2, you don't know for sure which stepping your getting as there are still lots of B1 Stepping in the Channel.

Where can you get the Celeron M 420/430, are you talking about the ones being sold in Japan? That's nice for them but what about people in North America, where can we get these overclockable processors?

Even, still comparing to about an Opteron 146 170US, that's basically a wash, because the chepeast Yonah mobo, is 140ish you get better themral properties on the Celeron M, but you get 64Bit Extensions and SLI/Crossfire with AMD.

Things are getting better now for Intel yes, I agree but I wouldn't say Intel is out of the woods just yet. You can make pretty decent argument for the AMD side as well.
Ehhh I'm a fan of Intel, albeit that I've been using AMD for 4+ years but Intel's lines seem to be extremely short lived at the moment. Maybe AMD is doing the same thing and news and media are not talking about them as much, but Intel does seem to be going through lines like they are going out of style.
And we're supposed to be impressed because someone posted screenshots on an internet forum? *cough* photoshop*cough*
Fort_Major said:
Ehhh I'm a fan of Intel, albeit that I've been using AMD for 4+ years but Intel's lines seem to be extremely short lived at the moment. Maybe AMD is doing the same thing and news and media are not talking about them as much, but Intel does seem to be going through lines like they are going out of style.

That is becouse they are an 800 pound gorrilla. They rae trying there damnest to catch up. They will this year with Conroe, but in the mean time they still have the vast majority of the market to keep happy. That is the reason why they keep pushing the P4.

Got to give them credit for that. They been doing pretty good so far this year.
ALT+F4 said:
And we're supposed to be impressed because someone posted screenshots on an internet forum? *cough* photoshop*cough*

I agree, the AM2 benchmarks look really fake.
duby229 said:
In not so many words they are tryin to say that Intel is kickin AMD's butt.

In the the process they have fallen for some of the oldest marketing gimmicks in the book. And at the same time fial to realize that If Intel could make Yonah comppete they would have. Instead we have Yonah barely available, and Conroe several months out.

Like I said dillusional.

You "fial" to understand Intel can "comppete" with AMD from a whole system stand point, WOW!

I'm shocked you're still posting, missed out on knowing anything about the 2.4C, you think Intel routes the System BUS through the FSB, you're convinced Intel is having problems with 65nm and only you think Conroe will not be available until Nov, no, it is you who is " dillusional".
$BangforThe$ said:
Also intel doesn't have a problem with their cpu's of making mistakes if their pushed hard like AMD. This could easily explain why so many AMD users that O/C have problems.
First of all, overclocked CPUs from both companies make mistakes all the time. That is why people cannot get their boxes to boot when the CPU clock is too high. Hell, where do you think the phrase "screenshot of death" came from? Why do you think people run stress-tests on their boxes to make sure their OC is stable (enough)?

For you to say that Intel "doesn't have a problem with their cpu's of making mistakes if their pushed hard" (in reference to overclocking), shows that you are either a fool, or are intentionally spreading baseless FUD.


Second, if you bothered to read anything about the problem, you would come to understand that it cannot even occur when running a normal operating system such as Windows or Linux.

For the flaw to show itself, the CPU must execute a small set of specific instructions continuously for hours. AMD has stated that if a single conditional statement is executed, it will give the one problematic section of the CPU enough time to cool off. The OS code which handles interrupts, drivers, and context-switches executes millions of conditional instructions an hour.

There is zero chance that this problem will effect you, $BangforThe$. You just like to latch on to every little thing you can and bash AMD with your FUD.


Intel and AMD both make chips which are just as reliable and stable as the other.

Do you really want me to post a long list of links to all the times Intel has done recalls on their CPUs and chipsets? Did you already forget about the FDIV bug (or are you too young for that)? Or perhaps you would like to read about how Intel tried to deny that the FDIV bug even existed? How about how they tried to make companies prove they suffered some sort of a loss to get a replacement?

I really am just amazed that you're one of the people who still try to make up FUD about AMD's reliability. Just a few posts ago you were trying to tell everyone that you could tell when your game connected to an AMD server because the game would be buggy. :rolleyes: Total BS. Now you're trying to make up some crap about AMD's CPUs being too unreliable to OC. :rolleyes: You never cease to amaze me with your idiotic posts.
visaris said:
You never cease to amaze me with your idiotic posts.

To be fair that can be said for people on both sides of the "fence"...
Just lok through any "Conroe" thread ;)

Terra said:
To be fair that can be said for people on both sides of the "fence"...
Just lok through any "Conroe" thread ;)
Yeah, that is true. I have more of a problem with specific people rather than either side as a whole. I don't even read the AMD section all that often; because it has more posters, the amount of crap is even greater over there.

It would be neat to have a section anyone could read, but one could only post to if they passed some sort of test. I think that would dramatically increase the quality of discussion.
visaris said:
Yeah, that is true. I have more of a problem with specific people rather than either side as a whole. I don't even read the AMD section all that often; because it has more posters, the amount of crap is even greater over there.

It would be neat to have a section anyone could read, but one could only post to if they passed some sort of test. I think that would dramatically increase the quality of discussion.

There is a lot of "static" in certain sub-forums.
But I think [H]ard is a little bit better moderated than other sites I have visited.
Some places it's an all out war, whit no real debate/arguments or info...just a lot af name calling/bashing...

Even if I prefer Intel (due to their chipsets) I have no problems giving the preformance "crown" to AMD.
Anything else would be stupid.
But it looks like Intels new line might change this.

Terra - And I guess some people don't like things that change...
visaris said:
Yeah, that is true. I have more of a problem with specific people rather than either side as a whole. I don't even read the AMD section all that often; because it has more posters, the amount of crap is even greater over there.

It would be neat to have a section anyone could read, but one could only post to if they passed some sort of test. I think that would dramatically increase the quality of discussion.

I must agree here. I am bias, but atleast have a section in which you must prove you have a 4 year college degree. That would cut down on the "let me speculate some facts and link to a blog because i have no understanding of what empirical evidence is. Also, I never took a basic college english class at the local community college and therefore do not know how to find non-bias material in which to form a logical, concise, and on topic response to my oppenent."

Something has to be done.

Oh, and btw......I will be purchasing conroe because it will best suit my own, personal needs, and no amount of name calling, blog linking, or other crap that comes out of some of these posters will change that. Remember, buy what you want. It is your computer, your money. Everyone else can go to hell.
Warmonkey said:
I must agree here. I am bias, but atleast have a section in which you must prove you have a 4 year college degree. That would cut down on the "let me speculate some facts and link to a blog because i have no understanding of what empirical evidence is. Also, I never took a basic college english class at the local community college and therefore do not know how to find non-bias material in which to form a logical, concise, and on topic response to my oppenent."

Something has to be done.

Oh, and btw......I will be purchasing conroe because it will best suit my own, personal needs, and no amount of name calling, blog linking, or other crap that comes out of some of these posters will change that. Remember, buy what you want. It is your computer, your money. Everyone else can go to hell.

A test would suffice, a requirement of a 4 year degree is a bit much. I personally know many 15 year olds that can put people twice their age away with computer knowledge.

I feel if you have something factual to say then say it. Personal experience, reputable references, PROOF in general. Discussions should taken as such, just intellectual talk, not name calling, biased answers, etc.

I admit I am biased in a sense, sort of a "the grapes are sour" sort of guy. From the story the fox and the grapes. :) However I am openminded if you support your statements with facts and evidence. No one here should just settle with what they have heard, it should be a self deliberation between what is said to be true and peoples opinions.

Remember guys this IS a forum, its true purpose is to discuss topics, not to say "I'm right and your wrong, and my buddies 5ghz intel will pwn your noob amd!!11!!" or vice versa. Please pardon my brief Leet speak, sometimes it just gets the best of me :D
essi1553 said:
A test would suffice, a requirement of a 4 year degree is a bit much. I personally know many 15 year olds that can put people twice their age away with computer knowledge.

I feel if you have something factual to say then say it. Personal experience, reputable references, PROOF in general. Discussions should taken as such, just intellectual talk, not name calling, biased answers, etc.

I admit I am biased in a sense, sort of a "the grapes are sour" sort of guy. From the story the fox and the grapes. :) However I am openminded if you support your statements with facts and evidence. No one here should just settle with what they have heard, it should be a self deliberation between what is said to be true and peoples opinions.

Remember guys this IS a forum, its true purpose is to discuss topics, not to say "I'm right and your wrong, and my buddies 5ghz intel will pwn your noob amd!!11!!" or vice versa. Please pardon my brief Leet speak, sometimes it just gets the best of me :D
I second the notion that asking for a 4 year college degree is a tad on the high requirements side.If you can be deemed as having an ability to make factual arguments backed up unbiased evidence to support your arguments then you can and should be allowed to post.
ToastMaster said:
Hmm. Wow.
thats my thought, but coldpower27 & essi1553 both hold valid points
so one company will be better then the other big whoop if your happy with ur rig so be it
doesnt really matter who is a better company juss aslong as they both put out decent products. hell, Intel my have the proformance crown when Conroe is realeased then agian AMD my still have the crown when AM2 is realeased only time can tell
Fort_Major said:
Ehhh I'm a fan of Intel, albeit that I've been using AMD for 4+ years but Intel's lines seem to be extremely short lived at the moment. Maybe AMD is doing the same thing and news and media are not talking about them as much, but Intel does seem to be going through lines like they are going out of style.


Average framerate: 165.19 fps

System Setup:
CPU: Intel 2.13Ghz ES "Conroe" @ 2.76Ghz (8x345)
Motherboard: Intel D975XBX "Bad Axe"
Memory: 2x512MB Mushkin PC2-4200 @ 3-2-2-4 (1:1)
Graphics: X1900XTX Crossfire @ 760/846 (watercooling)
Sound: Creative Labs X-Fi Fatality (Entertainment Mode w/Crystalizer enabled)
PSU: PCP&C Turbo-Cool 1kW (SLI-ready)
OS: Windows XP Pro SP2

Benchmark: Half Life 2: Lost Cost
Resolution: 1600x1200, Full Screen (4:3)
AA/Anisotropic Filtering: 4x, 8x
Model/Texture/Shader/Shodow: High, High, High, High
Water Detail: Reflect All
Color Correction: Disabled
High Dynamic Range: Full
Vertical Sync: Disabled
Sound Quality: 2-speaker, High, Captions off

I have to admit, I can't see how your benchmark post has anything to do with Fort_Major's post in any way. Did you intend to quote someone else or am I missing something?

Second of all, I love the way you like to post links to benches of over-clocked hardware no one can buy in multi-thousand dollar setups with dual water-cooled, over-clocked graphics cards. And you post as if this means something to the people here on the forum.

I fail to see what your post has to do with except freecableguy's e-penis. Yes, freecableguy has a bigger e-penis than I do. Now, did you have some [other] point which may actually be applicable to most people?
OC_LeGeND said:
thats my thought, but coldpower27 & essi1553 both hold valid points
so one company will be better then the other big whoop if your happy with ur rig so be it
doesnt really matter who is a better company juss aslong as they both put out decent products. hell, Intel my have the proformance crown when Conroe is realeased then agian AMD my still have the crown when AM2 is realeased only time can tell

Well, after all, T2600 is really at overclocking stage. Not all the T2600 can reach 3G and not all the user will modify their AOpen motherboard for extra voltage. However, Conroe and Merom for Intel are stronger than Yonah under same speed. The price for those CPU are much lower also. Not only that, according other online review websites, AM2 platform is only equal or a little more performance gain from the one currently available on the market. But, who knows!!!
visaris said:

I have to admit, I can't see how your benchmark post has anything to do with Fort_Major's post in any way. Did you intend to quote someone else or am I missing something?

Second of all, I love the way you like to post links to benches of over-clocked hardware no one can buy in multi-thousand dollar setups with dual water-cooled, over-clocked graphics cards. And you post as if this means something to the people here on the forum.

I fail to see what your post has to do with except freecableguy's e-penis. Yes, freecableguy has a bigger e-penis than I do. Now, did you have some [other] point which may actually be applicable to most people?

I posted just what I want to, to who I wanted to, if you ask me correctly, I'll tell you why.

Second, I posted overclocked info because this is [H] and last time I checked, most folks here overclock.

Lastly you only fail to see becuase you have you head burried in the sand trying to pretend you're in an alternate reality. You have the same problem as many of the Green arrow folks, the E Penis thing is cool when it's AMD but a problem if it's Intel. Again, if that bothers you so much, please kindly return to the AMD side and it would leave things a little more peaceful on this side of the forum. That way you don't have to read things that upset up.
Two things to prepare before you jump to conroe are....

1. PSU get a good single rail ones
2. A good DDR2 ram ppreferably DDR1000.

Then you covered the base.... :)

I asked:
Now, did you have some [other] point which may actually be applicable to most people?
And you gave a nice long complicated post... with no other point. A simple "No." would have sufficed.


You have the same problem as many of the Green arrow folks, the E Penis thing is cool when it's AMD but a problem if it's Intel.
That's not it at all. I love a nice e-penis now and then. I don't care whether it's a green or blue penis either. I love all the cocks just the same.

Well, that's not entirely true. I'll tell you what kind of cock I don't like. I don't like cocks on viagra, and I don't like them just after they've been inflated with a massive penis pump. It's only a matter of time until that massive erection fails or burns up or simply breaks. That cock isn't so [H]ard then is it? That's just not what I'm in to.

You can go on all day about how this is the [H]ardforums and for overclockers, but that is not the case. This forum is for anything [H]ard. I'm into [H]ard stability: performace at stock.
Donnie27 said:
You "fial" to understand Intel can "comppete" with AMD from a whole system stand point, WOW!

I'm shocked you're still posting, missed out on knowing anything about the 2.4C, you think Intel routes the System BUS through the FSB, you're convinced Intel is having problems with 65nm and only you think Conroe will not be available until Nov, no, it is you who is " dillusional".


Apparently I need to explain FSB, and memory bandwidth again....

System clock != Memory bandwidth!

The "Memory Bandwidth" is funneled through the FSB.... I never said anything about System clock. As far as Intel's 65nm yeilds, well google is your friend. As far as availability for Conroe goes. Intel has already said August, not July, but August. Which based on past experience (Yonah anyone? Or maybe the EE? Dothan ring a bell? Oh yeah lets not forget all the paper chipsets.) It will be available sometime between october or november....

Its called logic....
This thread is now also bokmarked, for when Conroes hit the street. :D

Terra - It's alway nice to hit people with their own words, when they speak with absolute certainty...

From: (PA pwns)
Thanks for the links Don. and I would like to apologize to the green team for saying that the AMD 64 is unstable. The fact is @ above 2.6 ghz there does seem to be a problem.

To me its the worse type of problem. As posted by another poster, both AMD and Intel. If you push to hard problems do occur. But this is differant than that . This problem allows the cpu to appear to run ok . But if pushed hard it miscalculates. This is a harmful situation in the server area .

Just because AMD says only 3000 cpu's involved means nothing. They themselves just discovered this heavey load problem @ higher GHz loads.

It remains to be seen how serious or not this problem is . The problem has been confirmed by AMD so no FUD here.

Now as for the stupidest thing I have ever read in this forum.

4 year degree required to post.

1) It is the acadimic community that Create wars. NOT THE MASSES.

2) Look at the world leadership and corportate leadership. Greed / power hungry/ Godless/ Bias as demonstrated by that acadimics should post only statement./ It is the acadimic community that got us to where were at. Thats is not a good place to be.

3) the common man seems to have a lot better common sense than the Acadimic community. which is motivated by Greed and power. Were as the common man is motivated simply by lifes simple pleasures.

The common man seems to become more self aware. As time passes . As common sense grows and is nirtured(spelling) in the common man . It is the common man how will attain nirvana before the acadimic society . When that time comes soon I pray . Acadimics will lose their hold over common man and and we will no longer do their bidding . We will no longer march off to war because some asshole says to. We will no longer put up with their lust for power and greed. It is infact the acadimic community the spreads fud inorder to control the hearts and minds of the common man. This time is coming to an end and for me that time cann't arrive soon enough.
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