My [H] apreciation thread


Nov 30, 2004
I was just thinking about it today, and I wanted to personally thank the [H]ardforum owners and moderators/admins for both donating their time and effort into this. Some people may bitch about the changes the site is going through, but they fail to realize that this is a free service. Anyway, I may not like some of the new changes, but it's the same old [H] community with a different look. Thanks Kyle, Steve, Lethal, Rich, and all the mods for everything you do. I wouldn't be able to get through work without it :D.

eh kyle should post a paypal link and then everyone can thank him / them better.
you could always pony up the 5 bucks and show your support that way. plus you get access to general mayhem!
You post this shit again and you are getting the ass-boot.

Hehe, just kidding. Thanks bro.
Thanks isnt' just money :p

I really love this site, and I agree w/ the OP, even if you don't like everything that gets changed (actually I do like the changes, most of the time), its still the great ol' [H]. This place has brought a great bit of entertainment and excitement to my life. It may have possibly saved my life, quite literally. I enjoy every minute of the debate and the camaraderie.

This place Fuckin' ROCKS, thanks Kyle, Steve, Cliff, MD, Lethal, IceCzar, Morley, And all the other people who keep this place kickin' who's names i can't recall.
Agreed. Not only for the website and forums, but for all the things they do for the community as a whole. Thanks! I've seen alot of things change because of Kyle's voice. We should all be thankful he uses his powers for good instead of evil :D

Oh yeah, and thanks for only banning my smartass for a month instead of perm! Very glad to be back.
Agree! much appreciated, the forum, what i have learned, "most" of the great people ;)

Cant complain anyways, it is a free service :D
I have to agree. I don't know what I would do with out the [H] forums. Its one of the best and most professional hardware forums along with everything else. There really isn't a better resource on how to build and maintain a computer than here.

Thanks Kyle, and all the moderators too!
Absolutely - Although the [H]ardOCP staff now officially hates me, I still love them and their site. Keep up the awesome work guys. I really like the new redesign as well.
spydermonkey said:
I was just thinking about it today, and I wanted to personally thank the [H]ardforum owners and moderators/admins for both donating their time and effort into this. Some people may bitch about the changes the site is going through, but they fail to realize that this is a free service. Anyway, I may not like some of the new changes, but it's the same old [H] community with a different look. Thanks Kyle, Steve, Lethal, Rich, and all the mods for everything you do. I wouldn't be able to get through work without it :D.

you got something brown on your nose bud :)

I agree, I have encountered some really helpful people here as well as moderators who have taken time to answer alot of my really stupid questions. I like how the forum is classy and does not allow disrespectful uses of cuirsing and vulgraity. Its just a very well rounded site, with a great community. Keep up the great work guys.

Aww damn it, now i have something brown on my nose :eek:
MrGuvernment said:
Cant complain anyways, it is a free service :D
That is beyond true. Kyle started this out of his own pocket for fun. It just happened to blow up into a full-fledged business. I'm sure he had a day job when the [H] started and probably intended on keeping it.

What irks me are the people that get all pissy and think that Kyle owes them something. No... We ALL owe Kyle for all the contributions to the community he has made. He's the first to call bullshit on something and doesn't hold his punches.

He got his ass kicked over the whole Infinium Labs thing and still came up on top. And he did that for us and the world, so we wouldn't get ripped off. Nobody seems to remember that the Infinium lawsuits cost him a ton of cash. Who really benefitted from that? US!

That's why I'm a GenMay subscriber and I try to click on ads from the [H] before I buy something.
Damn.. The line to kiss ass is getting longer everyday.... But HEY NO CUTTING.. :D
yeh thnx people @ hard ive learnt a lot....

no. 1032849347389 in queue
I didn't really start this thread to "kiss ass," just to give respect where respect is due. I really enjoy the use of the forums, and at the moment, I'm pretty strapped for cash for a donation. Depending on how much I get payed next month, I may get a subscription in order to continue looking at the "post your wife/girlfriend's pic" thread :p . Living month to month sucks balls.
The [H] is cool and all, but so many members here don't just kiss ass, they suck it!. Just look at this thread:

I'd bet at least 80% of Genmay subscribers are chronic suckers of ass, making the [H]ardforum the most ass sucking forum out there.

BTW, many thanks to Kyle & the gang for all the advice, interesting reviews, and community support throughout the years. :)