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  1. M

    BFGTech BFGR1000WPSU Review @ [H]

    With our fancy scopes we use in industry we can find transients easily. The USB scope they are using for testing doesn't look that robust as far transient capture, axis labeling, and all that fun stuff go. That IMO is the limiting factor in this review, all of it basically comes from the scope...
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    [H]review(2x7800GTX) = "Must Have Hardware"....?

    Who cares if its not what YOU expected pure brute force speed wise. It brings TR AA and the ability to run 1600x1200 easily with maxed settings in almost every game. If you are worried about your budget then how many of the items that you have are considered "must have hardware?"
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    eVGA ACS³ Arrives:

    it looks to me that the ramsinks are bolted onto the rear of the shroud and not one piece that goes through to make contact with the ram. If thats the case I hardly consider that better cooling I consider that inefficient and stupid.
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    eVGA ACS³ Arrives:

    Looks like a fancy shroud on the stock cooler
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    i want my AGP :(

    I can understand alot of people are pissed because they have to buy new rigs to get the best stuff. Also I would be pissed if i bought into S754 to find out later it had no plans for PCI-E support. But the way I look at it is S754 was never made for the highend market it was there for entry...
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    Masta Blasta

    I fail to see how a 240v fan is dangerous since thats the Mains line in europe. I see it actually being very practical because you can keep cooling the computer even after its shut down, i never understood why the fans dont spin for another minute or so since power is still going through the...
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    Was socket A the best ever?

    Socket A was a good kid. Going to really miss it since it was my first comp and it was so cheap at the time. I love my 1700+ that would hit 2.5ghz on water man that thing is still awesome, although its only running at 2.3ghz now. What a beautiful socket it was.
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    even Better Dell Business 25% off 7800gtx 463!!

    Also dell business charges tax to me so its the same price as dell home. Although they have it in stock so i might have to try this out.
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    even Better Dell Business 25% off 7800gtx 463!!

    How is it dell business has them in stock but dell home doesnt
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    Blazin Hot! BFG GeForce 7800 GTX $491 at Dell

    Anyone find it odd that we are using a Notebook coupon to get these?
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    Blazin Hot! BFG GeForce 7800 GTX $491 at Dell

    I read on Ocforums a person had theirs shipped, and they ordered on friday, anyone else getting shipped cards since I am dying to get my card.
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    AMD Or Intel, Which To Go With?

    For best all around performance get the x2. For best raw gaming power get the fx57, although the difference is minimal at higher resolutions. For the best way to heat your room get the intels.
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    Taking a desktop on a plane

    Ugh I really dont want my computer to be diffused :(. How much do you think shipping would cost?
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    Anyone else order something from ZipZoomFly today? Get an auto email?

    its horrendous because it isnt the 9.whatever newegg has... In reality though thats an awesome resellerrating
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    Taking a desktop on a plane

    I would love to get a laptop but I really dont have the funds to get a I9300 or anything that good so I can play games. I can definitely get the system under 50lbs since right now my lian li weighs maybe 25lbs fully loaded, and thats going on the very heavy side. I built this computer without...
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    Taking a desktop on a plane

    I'm going to be a college student soon and my college is like 13hr drive from where I live so I'm going to be flying to and from school. When I'm going home for longer vacations, like christmas and summer vacation, I'd like to be able to bring my desktop home. I'm contemplating getting a hard...
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    Newegg is making me nervous...

    The weird thing about newegg is they have some items at the best prices on froogle and pricewatch but other items that are like 8 pages back. It seems to me they try and jack up the high price items by ALOT but things under $100 go untouched. Its frustrating to see such a great store go...
  18. M

    The upgrade argument is dead for nvidia SLI, and here is why...

    Why would Nvidia sink money into producing N4x Chips when they cost more to produce, will get less profit, and are lower performance. I really don't see any reason for them to produce them once they get the g7x series out the door. You can probably get the reserves, just like there are ti4xxx...
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    Shuttle SN25P System for college

    I'm looking at basically the same system for college but I'm wondering how loud these shuttles are. In pc-magazine, read it in the doctors office, I read it was extremely loud and that is a huge turn off for me. So does anyone have experience with these? Are they really really loud?
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    Inputting already tuned HDTV signal?

    Well you were right about it not being 480p. It was 720P scaled to 480i but it was a digital local channel, something none of my other local channels are, so the picture was remarkably better. My monitor can display 720p just fine it can't display 1080i without scaling though.
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    Inputting already tuned HDTV signal?

    My question to you is then where does the video get resampled? Its definitely not in dscaler since all i have is it set to deinterlace, so the cable box isn't locking me out of these hd channels but instead is putting them out over svideo?
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    Inputting already tuned HDTV signal?

    My butchered dvi-vga cable sadly didn't work. Its really too bad it didnt work :(
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    Inputting already tuned HDTV signal?

    I went to my cable provider today looking for the rare Firewire box and they didnt have one so I got a HDTV box, to test out some fun things like gutting a dvi-VGA connector to get unprotected channels in hdtv. Well anyway I tried S-Video and it seems I have a clearer picture on the strangely...
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    Inputting already tuned HDTV signal?

    well thats not cool... I don't understand why its easier to input an untuned hdtv signal and then make it viewable than to input a decoded picture. Does it mean anything that my Cable box has a Firewire output? If i could find software that would decode firewire, I've done some extensive...
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    Inputting already tuned HDTV signal?

    I have a cable box in my room thats capable of tuning HDTV signals for free so I want to take advantage of this. Right now im inputting Svideo into my Leadtek card but I really want better quality and HDTV. So is there a card or somehow to input a Component signal or even DVI? My budget is...
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    G70 imminent?

    I doubt this will be a paper launch since ATI really needs to get a strong lead int he market. At this point their real flagship is the highly impracticle SLI setup, I have yet to see a large OEM offering sli. The g70 will be oem friendly and therefore great for making money for nvidia.