eVGA ACS³ Arrives:

i do not see it as doing much if anything, perhaps the sinks on the backside of the card might do something, but other then that i think its all for show
about 2 years ago i herd that a new type of aloy was desiged to accept heat disapation better perhaps it is that aloy?
looks nice.. wanna trade? :D That way you can sli ur bfg 7800's lol :D
I think it looks pretty sweet - and its really thin - might be good for portable PC's - I wonder how it will perform.

I hope we see some good 'head to head' action between the BFG, MSI and EVGA cards.

I'm expecting EVGA not to OC' at all, it was supposed to be hard ware overclocked to 490? or something?
It certainly has curb appeal. I am trying to resist but two of these in sli would be mind blowing and look great in my black Lian li.
Judging by the fan, it looks like they put a big plate of metal over a stock sink.
Well, if it reduces the core temp and memory temps as they claim. And, if it looks good, then eVGA has a winner. It will be interesting to see how well their claims stack up against reality. If they can deliver a reliable 490/1300 out of the box, then it will truly represent a good value.
madcow235 said:
Looks like a fancy shroud on the stock cooler

It is but the stock cooler is now copper and the ram has better cooling. I think its a winner if it holds stock temps at the higher clock speed.
it looks to me that the ramsinks are bolted onto the rear of the shroud and not one piece that goes through to make contact with the ram. If thats the case I hardly consider that better cooling I consider that inefficient and stupid.
That Blue thermal pad looks pretty weak...
I doubt that cooler will make a huge impact.

The looks are awesome though, very sleek!

I will just hold back my main opinion till Kyle does the review.
(might I add, looks like you have never done a hard days work with those hands of yours :p, no cuts or calluses :D )
madcow235 said:
it looks to me that the ramsinks are bolted onto the rear of the shroud and not one piece that goes through to make contact with the ram. If thats the case I hardly consider that better cooling I consider that inefficient and stupid.

The heatsinks are in fact in direct contact with the memory. Look at the picture on the sharky link
yeah, it does seem a little sketchy at this point as to it's performance. Gonna give the benefit of the doubt until we get some [H]ard data
Its simply a reference cooler made out of copper with a fancy marketing face plate. Nothing new really. I think its funny as hell that you can actually still the outline of the actual reference cooler on the outside casing.

It'll performan better, but I really dont think its going to be worth its added cost.
nice looking card. i don't recall if the bfg card has memory heatsinks on the back, but i can see that the ones on the back of this card would be useful, also note the gapping to allow heat to get out of the "cage" around it.

looks like a decent card, really though if it has the same clockspeeds i doubt the ubercool looking cooler will make a performance difference.

i'd like to see the result of this though as i'm trying to decide if i want to invest in 7800's or ATi's new offering

although, note that the excessive cooling may allow higher speeds without having to take up an extra slot
Yeah it looks pretty nice, but honestly I'd much rather get a silencer for my 7800 when it's out, OC to 490 and be happy with it. Aftermarket coolers still work the best IMHO.
it does look awesome, but that's one hell of a cooler (or cover) for the extra price..let's hope it performs as good
I noticed on the back of the card that there are some spaces cut out above what look like MOSFETs... if the purpose of the shroud is to act as a heat dissipation surface, why not use thermal pads and have them be in contact with the shroud too?
Let me guess.... you bought this?? Or did eVGA actually send you a review sample??

he bought it, they offered not to charge him and he declined :p

kyle </3's evga
Well - from what I saw on the schematic, it uses those memory sinks all over for the ram, and with that cover over them, the front side ones get air forced by them, which might work pretty well... I guess... sinks seem to work pretty darn well on gddr3... just enough, but not too much metal around those chips seems to work better for OCing then smothering them with a large sink. (thinking of those one piece sinks for the gpu and memory)
Hypothetical: If you currently had a 7800gtx that seems to clock fairly comfortably to ~515/1330 and could exchange straight across for this version. Would you? Is the expectation that it will be able to normally clock that high?
the sinks on the back should help some.

It's not revolutionary or patent worthy IMO but it looks like it could get the job done.
well obviously that heatsink will do great things for the temperature... it's black. we all know that black absorbs heat! :rolleyes:
stryder2720 said:
Sooo you wanna give it away at the [H] workshop?
That would be :cool:

Maybe he will beat it with a big hammer and throw us the pieces!! :D

jacuzz1 said:
The heatsinks are in fact in direct contact with the memory. Look at the picture on the sharky link

Actually there is a thermal pad there as well, can't tell how thin though till I tear it open.
DryFire said:
the sinks on the back should help some.

It's not revolutionary or patent worthy IMO but it looks like it could get the job done.

May, 1999 baby.



QwertyJuan said:
Maybe he will beat it with a big hammer and throw us the pieces!! :D


Hehe, made me laugh. I doubt I will be done with it by then. ;)
Wish Gainward was still distributing in the US. I liked their non reference 6800 coolers....a little loud and not the prettiest(well except for the blood red :D ) but effective. This one looks good but doesn't look real effective.
Kyle my ears hurt at the thought of that card. I'm very much a silent nut; I'm one of those people who finds full power panaflo L1A's a bit on the loud side.

However cooling the back isn't a new idea by a long shot, isn't that why Slot processors came into this world? Seems like thermodynamics 101 to me.

Air's a pretty crappy heat transfer meduim as compared to Al or water. If I'm not mistaken the whole core dissapates heat in all directions without bias (or do they sheild the underside?), so even though silicon is not a great for heat transfer it will eventually make it to the other side and there are metal parts on the back (like capacitors).

Touch the back of just about any card with the ram chips on one side and notice how hot it is (I'd say the gpu but usually that's covered.

A simple thing that could make even a normal cooler perform a little better is replacing the plastic back plate with a metal covered in a thermal gel (like in the Scythe Silent Box seen here) and maybe making it like a small heatsink.
I think the top advantage here is the shroud fan combo. The blower when coupled with the shroud would in theory increase the cfm and static pressure of that airflow over most of the card. Proper venting at just the right locations is key though. The thermal pad on the other hand has me a bit worried, I can think of many other methods of doing the same thing but better.
HeavyH20: said:
Well, if it reduces the core temp and memory temps as they claim. And, if it looks good, then eVGA has a winner. It will be interesting to see how well their claims stack up against reality. If they can deliver a reliable 490/1300 out of the box, then it will truly represent a good value.
If eVGA was releasing a 500MHz+ 7800GTX and backed it with a lifetime warranty like I have with my BFG 7800GTX OC, then I'd be impressed. As it stands now, XFX already beat eVGA by releasing a 490/1300 card that doesn't use a fancy expensive heatsink with their Extreme Edition 7800 GTX.. EVGA is not truly bringing anything new to the table. We'll see how high the card can OC to determine if the new cooler design has any merits.
Am I the only one that HATES when manufacturers plaster their name/insignia all over the damn product? :rolleyes:

I swear....baby jesus cries....