Newegg is making me nervous...

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MrSlacker said:
its the same company. there was a discussion about it a while ago. i ordered from both and invoices look IDENTICAL. i use ZZF all the time. the only thing i like about newegg is selection. i usually find everything on newegg and then go to ZZF to check prices. never had a single problem with any of them.

Stuff from Chiefvalue is still cheaper than New Egg whether they are the same company or not. The issue was price not whether they were the same company or not.
The only thing I have ordered so far from Chief Value is that 100 spindle of CD-R's they had on sale for $11.95. Went off without a hitch. And yeah, everything was EXACTLY the same as Newegg, except the logo ;)
I'm scared ;)
I bought most of my parts from and i did a search for " packaging" and some people have told me alot of their products got messed up during shipping.
Then i read this thread.. Thats no cool how the AMD boxes fall apart easy.

Does anybody know what does for their packaging? Like do they put foam peanuts, bubble wrap in the boxes? It would make sense to bubble wrap each product box. I'm scared..
I've also never had a problem with newegg. I find that most of the things I read on the forums (here and elsewhere) are heavily dramatized. I just order from who I trust and it works out. If I have a problem then I get it taken care of.
Newegg has always been great, along with other popular places such as SVC and Directron.

I work part time at a computer retailer. MIR SUCK TEH ASS!! Seriously MIR are the worst. You wait and wait and wait and MAYBE you'll get your rebate check. Personally if its not at a good price before MIR I don't buy it from them. Because when I get screwed by the rebate provider, at least I got it for a good starting price. If I actually get the rebate its a bonus.
dissonance said:
I've also never had a problem with newegg. I find that most of the things I read on the forums (here and elsewhere) are heavily dramatized. I just order from who I trust and it works out. If I have a problem then I get it taken care of.

Yes I agree. The fact is that newegg has something like 95% or better customer ratings shows that there will always be some (of the 5 %) that didn't enjoy their experience... whatever that may be.

I work at a hotel, and for our property to have a 80% positive experience or above is a great thing. You can't please everyone and that is a fact. So for the egg to have 95 or better is a great feat for their company.

Just my thoughts.

I know we are messing with the [H]'s best buddy when we make threads like this... but damn. We all know prices rise all the time when new stuff comes out but tehEGG used to be the king of price and service. No more.

Hardware enthusists like us are a good barometer of what trends are to come and what is popular & whats not. And if threads and complaints like this one are all around, perhaps newegg should make some cuts and get back to the basics that put them pretty much on top. ...Cause we all know what happened to Humpty Dumpty.
The weird thing about newegg is they have some items at the best prices on froogle and pricewatch but other items that are like 8 pages back. It seems to me they try and jack up the high price items by ALOT but things under $100 go untouched. Its frustrating to see such a great store go downhill, it really has gone downhill in the past year or so.
hey look another newegg pissing contest people should just create your own subforum.....
Erasmus354 said:
hey look another newegg pissing contest people should just create your own subforum.....

It wasn't created to be one...I have no problems with their pricing or service...that's why, as I said in the initial post, I order 90% of my hardware through them. The concern I had when creating this thread was the rising trend of their MIR's and the fact they are listed price wise AFTER rebates. So you see something for $150 and it's placed in that price bracket on the page, but the out of pocket price is actually $190 when you look closely. Also my worry is, that soon, MIR's will be the only way you can get a decent deal...especially when 60%+ of the hot deals they're offering involve a rebate...I know some of them are instant ones, but that is beside the point. How often in the past have you seen MIR's on Newegg? Not very's a disturbing trend.

And as I said before, REBATES are the devil.
Well I was hoping more people that use newegg might voice their opinions hopes of maybe getting voices heard by the right sources. So please post your views if you have's probably futile, but it never hurts to try. Newegg has built it's rep on great service ans great prices...I just saddens me to see them resorting to this type of business to make more money.

I just checked their hot deals and there is rebate after rebate after rebate... :(
I noticed that Canadian e-tailer NCIX is starting to do the exact same thing. Just started like last week =/
I've noticed there has been alot of instant rebates along with mail in rebates...whats the point..why not just do the whole thing as instant rebate? Why is it that we have to mail some crap just to get a little bit cheaper price? Hell if the prices were cheap as hell at store X and Way high at store Y would'nt the demand for the cheaper products make up for the price drop?

$150 and 10,000 sold = $1.5 Million
$200 and 4,000 sold = $800,000
I made my first order with ZZF, but I don't think I'm going back to them unless I have to.

Ordered Corsair DDR2 5400UL 2x512 Kit. They shipped it in a padded envelope. I paid $280 (overpriced I know, I'll get to that later) and they couldn't even put it in a box. Don't know if they even work yet since I just ordered my video card a couple days ago (went back to Newegg) and it won't be here till tomorrow.

EDIT: To make things worse, the padded envelope was 3x the size of the blister pack, so it was probably thrashing around. I wasn't home to accept the package or else I would have refused it on the spot. Instead it went to the leasing office where they signed for it.

As for their pricing, if it's in stock elsewhere there prices are decent, but if it's a popular product that everyone else is out of, they'll jack up the price for a nice gouge. Case in point, Newegg sells this ram for about $245. When I checked ZZF initially, so did they. I should have ordered it right away, but didn't and once Newegg and a few other e-tailers were sold out, ZZF's price went from $245 to $280 *ouch* (and right now it's at $310). I noticed the same thing with their pricing for the Asus P5WD2 and Asus's X800XL Extreme.

Sure, the free 2-day is nice, but since they take 2 days to actually ship it out and don't bother to protect it for transit, it kills the deal.
I just did some checking and so far this year I've ordered $6,500 worth of stuff from newegg...I know that's probably small potatos to them and they have much, much bigger customers and it doesn't matter whether I take my business elsewhere or not...but I feel like I'm losing my "Go To" place for my business and it sucks. :(
MrSlacker said:
its the same company. there was a discussion about it a while ago. i ordered from both and invoices look IDENTICAL. i use ZZF all the time. the only thing i like about newegg is selection. i usually find everything on newegg and then go to ZZF to check prices. never had a single problem with any of them.

It may be the same company, but the prices are lower at Chiefvalue. We are talking about price aren't we.
I think the problem with ZZF and their lack of shippng out the items in a timely manner is they dont have the item in stock even though they say they do. They have to wait untill they get it ( usually a couple of days after the item is ordered ) to actually ship it. They had all my information on file and it should not take them 2 days just to process my order.
What good is it to advertise 2nd day shipping if it takes a week to get it. I ordered the item thinking i woud have it in 2 days,not 5.
Originally Posted by Romir
I called them up and was told the item was backordered and that there is an expected shipment tommorow. ZZF's not fully real time inventory has finally bitten me.

I didn't quite get an answer why or how my order is listed as packed and has a shipping label without the product.

So if your BFG 7800 hasn't shipped yet, they're expecting them in on Friday. We'll see...
I've used Newegg alot in the past, but since they moved a damn factory into NJ (fast shipping, but 6% sales tax). Well, 6% tax on $2000 or $2500 for a new computer = alot...

I'm going to try and get stuff from ZZF and other sites Froggle finds me, provided ResellerRatings gives them a thumbs up.
CMAN said:
It may be the same company, but the prices are lower at Chiefvalue. We are talking about price aren't we.

Not specifically...I'll buy something from Newegg even if it's a bit more than the competition just because they're someone I know I can trust and won't get screwed by...and the prices were always competetive. The reason I started this thread is the fact that it seems all of their kickass (better than usual) prices are trending toward the way of rebate only.

If you go check out their deals page, 28 out of 48 items on "sale" have a looks like an Office Depot or CompUSA flyer :(
diablo111 said:
It wasn't created to be one...I have no problems with their pricing or service...that's why, as I said in the initial post, I order 90% of my hardware through them. The concern I had when creating this thread was the rising trend of their MIR's and the fact they are listed price wise AFTER rebates. So you see something for $150 and it's placed in that price bracket on the page, but the out of pocket price is actually $190 when you look closely. Also my worry is, that soon, MIR's will be the only way you can get a decent deal...especially when 60%+ of the hot deals they're offering involve a rebate...I know some of them are instant ones, but that is beside the point. How often in the past have you seen MIR's on Newegg? Not very's a disturbing trend.

And as I said before, REBATES are the devil.

Souds like price is the issue here........................
CMAN said:
Souds like price is the issue here........................

True, but more specifically, "Out of Pocket Price".......

Mod Edit - If you don't like a vendor's policies, the best thing to do is (1) contact them directly and let them know, and (2) vote with your pocketbook and let them know about that one, too. Thanks - B.B.S.
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