even Better Dell Business 25% off 7800gtx 463!!

I get hit with tax from the SB section to the tune of $33.37 so this goes over my original order for the $491 price. Thanks though.
hmmmm so tempting... if I had a PCIe mobo... it would be in cart and on the way

I guess, I'll just wait a few more months.... until I go my major overhaul :(

damn I want it!
Also dell business charges tax to me so its the same price as dell home. Although they have it in stock so i might have to try this out.
just ordered my BF's. suuuuuuuuuuuweeeeeeeeeeettttt coupon. THANKS!!!

The Dell Home came up $25 more.
You people are making it so hard to resist! I had just convinced myself $510 is just too much for a vid card. Now it's down to $480...
comes to $482.00 for me after taxes.

if i had a pci-e board i'd have taken this.
haha. i want to work for a business that would need this gfx card for it's everyday use
tempting, especially since all I would need is a PCI-E capable motherboard.

I had placed an order a few days ago for the $65 off - 10%. Deciding that $30 or more off was worth pursuing, I called customer service and asked if I could have them credit the difference to my account. They said they couldn't adjust my existing order, so I'd have to cancel and reorder. So I cancelled the first card, and asked if they could assist me with purchasing using the "hook up" coupon for 20% off accessories. They said they couldn't do that, so I hung up.

I then called back the sales line and explained that I wanted to get the card, but that I'd left my July catalog at home, and I was hoping they could help me get the card for the $65 and then use the 20% coupon. The lady said without my catalog, she couldn't help me, and that was that. SO... I went ahead and placed the new order through the web, and saved about $30 on my order. And if it's true Small Business has them in stock, I'll probably get the card just as fast as if I'd kept my Home order.

Thanks to all for the posts!!!
eh, going to have to cancel now, reorder, demand they ship it to me immediatly, and maybe my epp will get me no tax :)

Offices are closed now, try tommorow
whiteboy said:
eh, going to have to cancel now, reorder, demand they ship it to me immediatly, and maybe my epp will get me no tax :)

Offices are closed now, try tommorow
if u used EPP u dont get the 25%. i already tried that. my UPS discount isnt worth as much as i thought.
lemmy said:
yeah can you just make up a company name?
Maybe use "self employed"??? Don't know if it'll work, but seems like a loophole maybe...
i bought my 700m from dell buisness. sent right my college mailbox. of course im self employed lol
I seem to remember ordering from Small Business in the past without having to give a company name. Now that it's mandatory, I gave them the name my Dad's packages go to... since that's where I'm having the card shipped. I'm sure you can put just about anything in there and be fine, since they want your business and they aren't giving you a tax writeoff or anything. Nothing illegal about ordering from Dell Small Business.
whats u guy's ship date? i thought these were in stock but my ship date says 7/27. what gives?
Well I put NA with no / just to be clever. Either way my estimated shipping date is the 27th which is fine since I am still waiting for a a couple of places to get my other parts in so I can get them. I figured I might as well go for it since it is going to save me a more money than I initially planned. Thanks for the heads up.
I have:
Estimated Ship Date: 7/26/2005
on mine.

I'm not really in any hurry though :rolleyes: stupid forums with their stupid deals. :D
Wish I had a PCI-E mobo right now... it'd still be $463 for me... w00t no sales tax :)
l337zax said:
Wish I had a PCI-E mobo right now... it'd still be $463 for me... w00t no sales tax :)
*mumblin under my breath*

that dang sales tax brought mine to 500.23
If they made this card in AGP and was this price.. I'd be all over it right now...
Yeah for me after taxes was 499.xx. It be great if I lived somewhere other than California, but unfortunately I don't. Either way I still am going to save about $90 from where I initially was going to purchase it from(with discount too). I just hope Dell can come through.