Inputting already tuned HDTV signal?


May 30, 2005
I have a cable box in my room thats capable of tuning HDTV signals for free so I want to take advantage of this. Right now im inputting Svideo into my Leadtek card but I really want better quality and HDTV. So is there a card or somehow to input a Component signal or even DVI? My budget is like $150 for the card give or take.
You would need to multiply your budget by 20x or more before you could find a card that will accept component for input. I have never even bothered to look for a solution for DVI.
well thats not cool... I don't understand why its easier to input an untuned hdtv signal and then make it viewable than to input a decoded picture.

Does it mean anything that my Cable box has a Firewire output? If i could find software that would decode firewire, I've done some extensive searching so I don't think it exists. I'd need drivers too...
HDTV is too complicated for me
firewire is your best bet,
i hear the component capture cards are about $3000. Slightly over your budget.
I went to my cable provider today looking for the rare Firewire box and they didnt have one so I got a HDTV box, to test out some fun things like gutting a dvi-VGA connector to get unprotected channels in hdtv. Well anyway I tried S-Video and it seems I have a clearer picture on the strangely available HD channels. Dscaler says its just 480p though and not 720p :(
My question to you is then where does the video get resampled? Its definitely not in dscaler since all i have is it set to deinterlace, so the cable box isn't locking me out of these hd channels but instead is putting them out over svideo?
Dscaler removes the interlacing from the video turning it from 480i to 480p. Those HD channels are being turned from either 1080i or 720p (much better) to 480p.
What kind of monitor are you going to be watching this on as I am assuming you will not be watching it on an HDTV. It may not be worth the effort if it is a sub-par display not capable of displaying the HD resolution.
Well you were right about it not being 480p. It was 720P scaled to 480i but it was a digital local channel, something none of my other local channels are, so the picture was remarkably better.
My monitor can display 720p just fine it can't display 1080i without scaling though.