Search results

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    Cleaning Aluminum Cases??

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    Power Buttons??

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    Windows XP will not boot???

    Last night I installed some new software and when I tried to restart my computer after the install windows XP home would not load. Instead I got a black screen with white text reading... "....A problem has occurred...Windows was not properly shut down.... Start Windows in Safe Mode...
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    36" LCD HDTV with 1080P res only $1700!

    I'm not sure if this is a good brand or not, but looking at the specs of this TV this seems like a great deal. Any comments? Thx
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    Half Life 2 $35!!!!

    Hello everybody, I was searching for the best deal on Half Life 2 and I found a version of it on newegg for $35 But newegg is also selling a version for $50 and I was wondering what the difference between the...
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    Unlocking 6800 pipes?

    I was wondering if I unluck the extra 4 pipes on my brothers BFG 6800 and they don't work that won't mess up the card right??? I mean i can always go back to running it with 12 pipes. Just wondering, thanks.
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    XFX 6800 nu for $270 good deal or not???

    I think i found a good deal on a 6800 nu on newegg. XFX 6800 nu Tell me what you guys think its a good deal and if it is the BEST card for the money. Thanks
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    New MX1000 doesn't like firefox :( ?!?!?!?!

    I just got the new MX1000 and it is really nice. The only problem is that the forward and backward buttons don't work in firefox. They work in internet explorer, but i'll never go back to IE. Has anyone else had this problem and if so have you been able to fix it?? Thanks
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    Best video card for $250.

    I was thinking either getting the 256 version of the 9800 pro or getting a Nvidia 6600 . What do you guys think. Thanks
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    Going to buy dad a camera, but which one!?!?!?!?

    Ok my dad really likes photography and he bought himself a really nice camera a while back, but sadly it got lost/stolen, but thats a different story. I want to buy him a new camera so he can get back into it. Now I'm not sure what to get. First I don't know if I should go for a digital SLR...
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    Going to buy dad a camera, but which one!?!?!?!?

    Ok my dad really likes photography and he bought himself a really nice camera a while back, but sadly it got lost/stolen, but thats a different story. I want to buy him a new camera so he can get back into it. Now I'm not sure what to get. First I don't know if I should go for a digital SLR...
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    XP 3000+ to fold 24/7 ... need advice.

    Hey guys, I can pick up an Athlon XP 3000+ and MSI motherboard for about $100 (which i think is a good deal considering the board is a good one). My question is can I set it up to fold 24/7 without the need to configure a whole cpu. In other words obviously I need ram, but can i set it up to...
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    New swiftech kits.

    Hey guys, I saw this on the front page of [H]ard, you guys might want to check it out. It looks like the new swiftech kits come with their new pump. I wonder if that will hurt the performance considering the pump is much weaker than their older one. I was thinking of buying a swiftech kit...
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    Passive/Covection Res and Rads

    Ok I am wanting to water cool my PC for Christmas and I would like to overclock it some, but the main purpose is to get rid of as many fans (ie noise) as possible. I have stumbled upon a few fanless solutions. Innovatek passive radiators...
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    Strange noises...

    Whenever I scroll down a website or move a window around or do other various things were I get strange noise. It sounds like a harsh hiss as long as I am scrolling. I have updated video and audio drivers with no luck (check sig for specs). I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem.
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    Installed cat 4.7 drivers and my games wont run!!!

    As soon as I installed the new catalyst 4.7 drivers all of my games quit working. When I try and open doom 3 it does the system check, and it said my video card and its drivers dont support the necessary requirments and it lists a whole bunch of stuff. Does anyone know what the problem may...
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    Doom 3 crashes to desktop,.....could be overheating vid card?!?!?

    Ok I am running the system that is in the sig (except that nothing is overclocked). I have been trying to play Doom 3 and have tried on every setting that my system can handle, but even on the lowest settings it still crashes to the desktop. At first I thought it was overheating vid card so I...
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    Another DIY vs Koolance Thread...

    Ok here is my situation.... I have a coolermaster ATC case with two 80mm fans in front vertically mounted as intakes. Now if I went the DIY route the only radiator that would fit in that space would be a Black Ice Extreme Micro II. Would those to 80mm intake fans (about 32 cfm each) be...
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    Passive water cooling!

    I plan on building a large resevoir out of Aluminum (1/8" thick) to be the basis of a water cooling setup. I was wondering how many gallons of water will this thing need to hold in order for it to be effective, and dissipate heat faster than the computer can dish out. I realize that the...
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    Strange sounds ????

    Everytime I scroll through a window be it internet explorer or any kind of window, or a move a window around I get this wierd sound from my speakers, headphones or whatever. I have all windows sounds turned off, and the sounds that do come out are not loud, but are annoying. It sounds like a...
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    Farming for noobs???

    I thinking of setting up a farm this summer to fold with. I think that I can get my hands on a bunch of pentium 3 computers from the highschool in my town. They are getting rid of them so they should be really cheap. I was wondering what all I would need to farm them, and how exactly to do...
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    Just installed the console?!?!?

    I downloaded the "graphical version" and I started folding away. Then I read the hardocp set up for the console version and I have decided to use it that way I can take advantage of sse. Now how do I set the console to run in the background or system try...somewhere out of sight???? Any way...
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    Wireless Headphones???

    Ok I was thinking of buying some wireless headphones and was wondering how their quality rates compared to wired ones. I realize that not having an amp will hamper their quality, but I am not a true audiophile but would like some decent headphones and the less wires the better!! Any...
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    CRT Projectors???

    I was thinking of using a projection crt display for my computer and hometheater set up. I have found some that are relatively cheap on ebay. Are these good deals, and do these projectors really deliver that great of a picture. The ones that I have found online are REALLY expensive, but...
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    Windows stablility question!?!?!?

    Well two days ago I was browsing the net or doing something when a window popped up on my screen. I cant remember it exactly but it said something like windows has found an error that could lead to stability issues.... please insert your windows cd to correct this. Or something to that...
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    YS Tech TMD Fan??

    I have an SLK 900A and I was wondering if I would experience a performance boost (in cooling of course) if I were to use a YS Tech TMD Fan. Right now I have a good 'ol coolermaster led fan. Its 80mm and blows about 34 cfm, and very quiet. The reason I ask is because the 80 mm coolermaster has a...
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    Athlon XP 2700 Overclocks?

    I have overclocked my 2700 to 2.345 Ghz. I increased the frontside bus to 180. It does get pretty hot when priming, but it is stable. Had to increase the vcore too. Just wanted to know what other people have overclocked to! PS I am using a coolermaster led fan (about 34cfm) with a...
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    How do you clean your lcd monitor?

    I have a Samsung 191T and I was wondering how to clean the screen. Would a moist paper towel be ok, or should I get something 'special' to clean it? Thx
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    SLK 900A Temps??

    Ok I recently installed a SLK 900A heatsink to cool my XP 2700. Now I haven't installed a tornado on it, just an Antec Fan rated at 33 cfm that I bought from best buy. My computer runs fairly quiet with just a soft hum from the 5 80 mm fans, and a 120 mm fan that is inside the case blowing cool...
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    Cleaning Aluminum Cases??

    I have a CoolerMaster Al case and it looks totally sweet. But after handling it there are some very faint finger prints, and oily residue. What would be the best way of cleaning my case without causing any damage or leaving any residue behind? Thx
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    Comp Locks up...could be the Audigy 2!!!

    I recently noticed a very odd problem with my rig (the one listed in my sig). Whenever I try listening to music and use MSN IM my comp seems to randomly Lock up, and very short (maybe half second) clip of whatever was playing (ie music) loops through my speakers. Now I have never had this...
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    Power Buttons??

    I am using an old Sony Viao case to build a new system. The only problem is that the power button is not standard so the PWR, RESET, PWRLED, HDLED ect... won't connect to my new board. The bottom line is that I need to find a set of power and reset buttons and the leads for the LEDs that...
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    Power Buttons??

    I am using an old Sony Viao case to build a new system. The only problem is that the power button is not standard so the PWR, RESET, PWRLED, HDLED ect... won't connect to my new board. The bottom line is that I need to find a set of power and reset buttons and the leads for the LEDs that...
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    Ramsinks from EBAY!!

    I was wondering if anyone has purchased these ramsinks off ebay and has any idea of the performance that they deliver. Here is the link! If i don't get those I will probably buy ramsinks from SVC. I was thinking about the OCZ copper BGA Ramsinks. They have thin fins and I would think that...
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    Audigy 2 crackling?

    I have noticed the same crackling in games too. It is annoying. I also get wierd noises that come from my speakers when I scroll down pages, or open windows. Those are not noises that I have set windows to play, and they are annoying. Not too loud but with my logitecs turned up they are quite...
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    120mm fan adaptor for SLK 900A

    I am planning on making an adaptor for my SLK 900A so that I can attach a 120mm fan that pushes as much cfm as a tornado but is a lot quiter. The adaptor I am planning on making out of wood (balsa if possible). Are there any problems with making it out of wood? The plan is to make a funnel...