Your Fallout 3 Impressions

I beat the game about 2-3 days after release on the 360 (did maybe half of the side quests). Overall it's superb. The storyline and setting just draws you in and doesn't let go. I also have a PS3 copy that I'll be going through next (just for comparison sake). Definitely tied for my favorite game of the year along with MGS4.
I finished the main story of the game as one with a very high karma. It isn;t hard at all. My Charisma was 1.

Now I'm replaying it as a total evil character. I blew up megaton, and now on a killing spree.

What I did find most fulfilling as an evil character is doing Agatha's Song quest. Her reward is giving you a radio freq of her playing the violin. I did the quest for her and had her play her new violin.

As she was playing, I went behind her, pulled out my combat shotgun, and blew her head off. Now, I keep the radio station to her frequency, and it the most beautiful, yet haunting music to go on a killing spree. It really sets the mood for my character.
Got my Replicated Mans Plasma Rifle... this thing rocks.
Jesus christ has anyone been to vault 106 yet?


I just went in and my vision went all purple and trippy and then I saw dad. Then I was all wtfhax and started chasing after him then the purple went away and he was gone. Then an 'insane survivor' popped out of nowhere and stabbed me in the face. It scared the crap out of me so after decapitating him I proceeded to exit game because I was freaked out.
Jesus christ has anyone been to vault 106 yet?


I just went in and my vision went all purple and trippy and then I saw dad. Then I was all wtfhax and started chasing after him then the purple went away and he was gone. Then an 'insane survivor' popped out of nowhere and stabbed me in the face. It scared the crap out of me so after decapitating him I proceeded to exit game because I was freaked out.

I checked out all of the other vaults but exited them pretty quickly because most of them freaked me out, a dark, rusty vault with bones outside and blood everywhere, usually means bad news.
All of them are creepy? Darn. I didn't even have the sound on but being alone in a cramped space with a possible threat was completely freaking me out. I was hoping I could find some place similiar to Vault City in Fallout 2. I don't like this game anymore guys, roflmao. God, especially when I was exploring and then for some reason I started taking a crazy amount of damage so I turned around and a Deathclaw was killing me. Those damn things run FAST.
I went into one, can't remember which. It was dark, dank, and had mirelurks. I was like "fuck this" and left. I hate fighting those things.
I just want to avoid dark and scary places. I do not like ghouls especially in those damned metro stations. One of the reasons why I stopped playing Oblivion. I buy a house suspiciously cheap and after waking up, a ghost pops out and attacks me.
I just want to avoid dark and scary places. I do not like ghouls especially in those damned metro stations. One of the reasons why I stopped playing Oblivion. I buy a house suspiciously cheap and after waking up, a ghost pops out and attacks me.

your going to hate the main story line then, you have to travel through miles of subways in the city and vault 87 is dark and scary and filled with bad guys!
I know, I'm a complete pussy I can't help it. But replacing the ghouls with carebears might make things worse.
Has anyone gotten the power armor training without doing much, if any, of the main quest ?
Has anyone gotten the power armor training without doing much, if any, of the main quest ?

I have done all the main quests except for the final one,

You don't need to do anything for power armor training, just reach the citadel and speak to paladin gunny.
Where can you get a sniper rifle,

I'm almost done with he game and never found one?
There's a guy called Arkansas (I believe) in Minefield which has a sniper rifle. I found it early in the game because going there is a Moira-quest. Can't miss him, his high up in the skeleton remains of a three story building, taking pot-shots at you.

However, he seems to be involved in some other quest, so if you go there early you'll have to decide if you want his gun more than you want that later quest.
Tenpenny has one, and there's an old missile silo occupied by Talon mercs that has one too.
Hmn... how do you guys get so many 1 shot kills?

I got energy weapons to 100 and small guns to 100 using the androids plasma rifle, have bunch of +luck stuff and perks for damage...

It takes 2 criticals to the head to take down a super muttie, about full clip to take down the master.

Are you all playing on easy or something?

Playing on Hard and Sniper rifle is pretty much useless honestly. Underpowered.
I play on hard and generally use the chinese assault rifle as my main weapon.

If I get lucky it takes two headshots to take someone down like a talon merc(small guns is around 50 or so, lv 9 or 10 ).

I killed the guy in minefield and I had no idea he was involved in a quest. I wondered why he was named.

You can shoot his arm to make him drop his gun and get it.

I'm about 6 hours ahead of that and no way am I going back for that.

Sniper rifles, I've found about 3 of them, mainly from random people out and about. A raider, talon merc, etc.

You have to just explore if you want to find good weapons or rare ones, don't simply make a straight line from a quest objective to another or just fast travel to it, you'll miss a lot of hidden places or people.

For example, from Afreau follow the river south on the left side of the bank (if you're facing south that is) and you'll eventually come across a few small shacks and dock with three or so raiders there that havea nice stockpile with a combat shotgun, ammo, grenades, etc.
i found teh sneak critical to the head with the Lincols repeat is the best way to take things down..

the Yao (sp?) Gui used to be a bear to take down (pun intended)..

but with the sneak ciritical to the head its a 2 shot kill.. This is on the very hard difficulty.

i went through the yao gui cave no problem with this method..
Sneak critical does rule. I'm raising Sneak skill right now because of it :D
Has anyone figured out or confirmed if the game uses "leveled" enemies like in Oblivion? So far a lot, if not all the enemies tend to drop the same weapons. It's not that bad the first time through... at least for a while. I remember playing Oblivion, getting far, running around the wilderness and suddenly these bandits had glass armor. I thought that was pretty lame... I was hoping Fallout 3 didn't share the same stupidity.
the mobs stay the same level.. i'm level 19 now and the raiders are super easy.. Super Mutants are easy the Super Super Mutants are still tough..

the feral ghouls are 1 shot kills the feral feral ghouls (next level) are 2 or 3 shot and the quantum glowing gouls are tough..

i think they did mobs and just have several levels of mobs.. but the Super mutants are still found around the easy / early sites (like big town).
Well, I just encountered a serious issue.

In a nutshell? I had just completed a portion of the main questline that brought me to the BoS Citadel. I finally got the training for Power Armor, gained a couple levels and gotten myself some nice loot to go back to my little Megaton shack. So, I quicksave and exited, then came home just a few moments ago and decided to play a bit more. Quicksave...gone. Autosave...gone. The game just decided to brilliantly delete them. Wow. And I thought Morrowind's savegame corruption was bad (thanks cliff racer animations!)

Here's a tip for you guys, on the house: back up your quicksaves. Do it constantly. Set up Cobian or what have you and have it back those up every five fucking minutes. Save in new slots constantly and hope that Failout 3 doesn't decide to up and delete them at its leisure.

Oh, and for whatever it's worth, FO3 does back up your quicksaves and autosaves. But there's a catch: they're worthless!
I finally broke down and got this game. Im having a hard time making myself play this. I have only just made it to megaton and Im loosing interest fast. This has got to pick up or I wont be able to beat this one.
Man, I just totally botched the Mister Crowley questline.



I was trying to get the keys from each dude using my speech, and it worked on Ted, so I went to Tennpenny and that douchebag gave me a hard time, he offered me 300 caps to go kill crowley or something. So I talked to crowley and tried to get him to bride me or whatever, so he could live and I could tell tennpenny he was dead. But he didn't want that, so he attacked me, and now he's dead. And I'm stuck with a dead tennpenny and like 2 keys. Fuck.
Finally beat the game and its missions in 32hrs. Overall not very impressed. In as few words as possible here is why. Weapons, animations, sounds, missions.
Well, I just encountered a serious issue.

In a nutshell? I had just completed a portion of the main questline that brought me to the BoS Citadel. I finally got the training for Power Armor, gained a couple levels and gotten myself some nice loot to go back to my little Megaton shack. So, I quicksave and exited, then came home just a few moments ago and decided to play a bit more. Quicksave...gone. Autosave...gone. The game just decided to brilliantly delete them. Wow. And I thought Morrowind's savegame corruption was bad (thanks cliff racer animations!)

Here's a tip for you guys, on the house: back up your quicksaves. Do it constantly. Set up Cobian or what have you and have it back those up every five fucking minutes. Save in new slots constantly and hope that Failout 3 doesn't decide to up and delete them at its leisure.

Oh, and for whatever it's worth, FO3 does back up your quicksaves and autosaves. But there's a catch: they're worthless!

My suggestion would be taking a look at the Live login... I know that if you sign in as someone else or something gets changed in that regard, that it will appear like there are no save games. If you have someone else that also has an account, even a non-online one, take a look at that, and see who is signed on when you start the game. If that's not it, I dunno.
How do I get Arkansas to stop shooting at me to get his quest? Also, is there a way of making your slave not attack everything that moves?
My suggestion would be taking a look at the Live login... I know that if you sign in as someone else or something gets changed in that regard, that it will appear like there are no save games.
It actually deleted the files (*.fos) themselves. I ran a search on the drive, to see if perhaps they'd been somehow moved, but they're totally gone. I haven't enabled Live, since I'm not interested in the achievements or anything.

Now, the quicksave I can understand. If I exited the game too quickly after quicksaving, I could see it being corrupted (which is why there should be a "Quicksave complete" indicator, so I know it's safe to exit the game, not just a meaningless "Quicksaving.." indicator), but why are my saves gone? Why was the autosave deleted?

Like I said, the engine does back up saves, and from the timestamps, my backups aren't much older than the original saves would have been, but they're also non-functional. FO3 can read them, but it simply crashes whenever you attempt to load them, so I'm assuming they've been corrupted as well, or due to some glitch in the system, the backup files aren't actually created in such a way as to be worth anything.

Just...sloppy. I'm not going to even bother to load an older save and get back to where I was. I'm done with this one.
Just...sloppy. I'm not going to even bother to load an older save and get back to where I was. I'm done with this one.

Ah okay... so it was just your most recent saves? But not all of them are gone? That's crazy... sorry to hear. I think I'm going to go and backup my saves now....
Am I the only one who just lost all will to replay this game after experiencing that crappy ending?

I hate Bethesda so much right now... :mad:
After a couple of hours playing Fallout 3, I find myself agreeing with those who predicted it would be Oblivion with guns. FO3 mirrors Oblivion in virtually every aspect: combat, quests, interaction with characters, same voices, etc. Playing FO3 after Oblivion gives me the same "been there, done that" feeling I got when playing Titan's Quest after Diablo 2. I'll finish FO3, but would have to say it's a bit of a disappointment.
Am I the only one who just lost all will to replay this game after experiencing that crappy ending?

I hate Bethesda so much right now... :mad:


My ending got bugged down few times... the idiot robot got stuck on a building post few times... lol
Am I the only one who just lost all will to replay this game after experiencing that crappy ending?

I hate Bethesda so much right now... :mad:

Yup, i'm fighting the urge to uninstall it im so pissed. I just wanted to keep playing!
Unless Fallout 1 & 2 were similar to this, this has got to be one of the most retarded decisions ever. I don't freaking care about spoilers, if the game simply ends at the end of the main quest they should've warned us about it!