"XBox 360 banned? Too bad, go buy a new console or go away" says Microsoft


Sep 21, 2008

I have no sympathy for the jackasses who thought they could get away with modding/stealing content on their Xbox and get away with it. Piss off hackers and thieves, we don't want you on our gaming community. QQ more. Most of these assholes were probably the immature dipshits and jerks that ruin online gaming anyway with their language and lack of proper conduct.


Good riddance, go pick up Wii and play with yourself.
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Ah, the irony is thick here! :rolleyes:

Nice way to twist and bend my my words for your own amusement. What words come to your mind when you think criminals, child rapists and murderers? Yeah, I bet you don't think "Such poor, misunderstood, mistreated and misguided children of God"
this thread is going places. But I do agree that I have no sympathy. They know the risks.
Nice way to twist and bend my my words for your own amusement.
He didn't twist any of your statements. Ellipses, in case you didn't know, indicate that a portion of what you said was omitted for one reason or another.
Ah, the irony is thick here! :rolleyes:

Sorry but I agree with the op. There's a difference between responding in kind and being a stupid asshole for no reason whatsoever. Not only that, but his language was tame compared to what gets said on xbox live. I'm not seeing the problem here. You really consider "piss" bad language?
Not only that, but his language was tame compared to what gets said on xbox live.
By whom the OP assumes are only those with modded consoles. Is there some well-established link between console modding and the propensity to use obscenities that I don't know about?
By whom the OP assumes are only those with modded consoles. Is there some well-established link between console modding and the propensity to use obscenities that I don't know about?

Well I can pretty much gaurentee their not virgin catholic school boy clean.
Why even play Xbox Live in the first place?

Because I find it more enjoyable to play those games online then I do on PC anymore. Not to mention, theres just more people on Live vs PC. And no, I don't play Counter Suck, so it doesn't count for me.
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if I was a pirate I would have expected to get banned sooner or later and already been prepared to just play my 360 offline
Why even play Xbox Live in the first place?

Because they do stuff like this. They have a good setup as far as things like messaging and finding friends in other games. They also seem to do good against people who have tampered with the game.

Take COD5. Cheaters have already hacked the game to gain a very unfair advantage on the pc. You don't really need to worry about that on live.
Because they do stuff like this. They have a good setup as far as things like messaging and finding friends in other games. They also seem to do good against people who have tampered with the game.

Take COD5. Cheaters have already hacked the game to gain a very unfair advantage on the pc. You don't really need to worry about that on live.

Not to mention, you don't have to worry about game server hosts/admins with ego problems and a itchy ban/kick finger.
So guilt is assumed now? I mean Microsoft has never made any mistakes before. All those people must have been breaking the law.
Nice way to twist and bend my my words for your own amusement. What words come to your mind when you think criminals, child rapists and murderers? Yeah, I bet you don't think "Such poor, misunderstood, mistreated and misguided children of God"

Criminal, child raper, murderer....
piracy =/= stealing

piracy = copyright infringement

get it right bros

and please stop equating pirating games with rape and murder.
Not everyone that mods infringes. Theres a lot of programs and software you can run on the xbox. Like media players and all that. Homebrew stuff. This ban is about piracy but its also about locking down the platform.

I have no sympathy for the jackasses who thought they could get away with modding/stealing content on their Xbox and get away with it. Piss off hackers and thieves, we don't want you on our gaming community. QQ more. Most of these assholes were probably the immature dipshits and jerks that ruin online gaming anyway with their language and lack of proper conduct.


Good riddance, go pick up Wii and play with yourself.

"I have no sympathy for the jackasses"......."Piss off".........."QQ more"......"these assholes"......... "immature dipshits"......."............"go pick up Wii and play with yourself".

jerks that ruin online gaming anyway with their language and lack of proper conduct".

Looks like someone needs to start practicing what they preach.
Nice way to twist and bend my my words for your own amusement. What words come to your mind when you think criminals, child rapists and murderers? Yeah, I bet you don't think "Such poor, misunderstood, mistreated and misguided children of God"

If you want your ideas treated with respect, try not talking like a 3rd grader. That was basically his point.
what? are we supposed to feel sorry for people that are outright stealing? Bastards got exactly what they deserved
piracy =/= stealing

piracy = copyright infringement

get it right bros

and please stop equating pirating games with rape and murder.


You're thinking of:
I already have the DVD, why can't I rip it?

Piracy on the xbox is stealing...
It's something you have never owned, in any way, shape, or form.

If you were [oha] enough to momd it for 'backups,' then you were one of the few lucky people who managed to move your xbox 90degrees over while it was running.

You don't do that on a PC, and you certainly don't do that on a xbox. Especially with a disc inside.

At any rate, the newer revisions have made that claim moot.
If you want your ideas treated with respect, try not talking like a 3rd grader. That was basically his point.

His point was to slander (Libel but a forum is more "talk" anyway) the OP by using a quote and modifying it in my opinion,

The OP is well within grounds to say what he did. How many times do we hear about "Backups" when in reality 90 percent of mods are used for piracy. I have NEVER met a person who was truly backing up their own legally purchased games.
I think MS should be allowed to ban XboX machines that have been modded because it serves as a deterrent to pirates from enjoying the full features of their XboX. Maybe I read the article too quickly, but it seems they will still be able to play pirated games, just not go on XboX Live.

Okay, so they will probably loss current customers who got burnt because they modified their own console or purchased a pre-modified one. The way I see it is that MS is losing money on most of them anyway. Consoles are sold at less than the cost to manufacture, the money comes from game sales. However, if people pirate games, then the developers make less money which in turn means they want to pay MS less licensing fees which directly affects MS's bottom line.

As MS stated, the modders can always buy another XboX. Or they could decide to move onto the PS3, who knows, who cares? Companies have the right to protect their intellectual properties from infringement 'cause the spent tens of millions to develop the games. Pirating in effect steals revenues from the developers' bottom lines so in essence pirating is both infringement and stealing and could probably be tried in court under separate cases.

I'm not someone who sits high and might on their high horse, 'cause I admit that I have downloaded cracked games in the past. However, I do buy my games legally now.

Now if game publishers can stop using that invasive DRM called Starforce...
"I have no sympathy for the jackasses"......."Piss off".........."QQ more"......"these assholes"......... "immature dipshits"......."............"go pick up Wii and play with yourself".

jerks that ruin online gaming anyway with their language and lack of proper conduct".

Looks like someone needs to start practicing what they preach.

Im sorry is this Xbox live? :rolleyes:

Oh BTW enjoy purchasing your new xbox.
I think MS should be allowed to ban XboX machines that have been modded because it serves as a deterrent to pirates from enjoying the full features of their XboX. Maybe I read the article too quickly, but it seems they will still be able to play pirated games, just not go on XboX Live.

Okay, so they will probably loss current customers who got burnt because they modified their own console or purchased a pre-modified one. The way I see it is that MS is losing money on most of them anyway. Consoles are sold at less than the cost to manufacture, the money comes from game sales. However, if people pirate games, then the developers make less money which in turn means they want to pay MS less licensing fees which directly affects MS's bottom line.

As MS stated, the modders can always buy another XboX. Or they could decide to move onto the PS3, who knows, who cares? Companies have the right to protect their intellectual properties from infringement 'cause the spent tens of millions to develop the games. Pirating in effect steals revenues from the developers' bottom lines so in essence pirating is both infringement and stealing and could probably be tried in court under separate cases.

I'm not someone who sits high and might on their high horse, 'cause I admit that I have downloaded cracked games in the past. However, I do buy my games legally now.

Now if game publishers can stop using that invasive DRM called Starforce...

Good time to point out again folks that NEVER just walk in and buy a used game console. ALWAYS inspect it and look for evidence of tampering.

There is going to be ALOT of Xboxes hitting the market soon classifieds are already showing more of them than usual for sale. Most pirates could care less that they are selling an xbox that will never be able to play Xbox live and of course will never warn you.
Nice way to twist and bend my my words for your own amusement. What words come to your mind when you think criminals, child rapists and murderers? Yeah, I bet you don't think "Such poor, misunderstood, mistreated and misguided children of God"

You don't know what irony means, do you?
You don't know what irony means, do you?

Matters not as that person slandered the OP by changing a quote, BIG nono.

Its somewhat ok to do a funny spelling check or whatnot but the change had an intention of discrediting the OP which is slander in my opinion.

You're thinking of:
I already have the DVD, why can't I rip it?

Piracy on the xbox is stealing...
It's something you have never owned, in any way, shape, or form.

If you were [oha] enough to momd it for 'backups,' then you were one of the few lucky people who managed to move your xbox 90degrees over while it was running.

You don't do that on a PC, and you certainly don't do that on a xbox. Especially with a disc inside.

At any rate, the newer revisions have made that claim moot.


"The actus reus of theft is usually defined as an unauthorised taking, keeping or using of another's property which must be accompanied by a mens rea of dishonesty and/or the intent to permanently deprive the owner or the person with rightful possession of that property or its use."

How do you deprive someone of an infinite resource?