World of Warships Enters Open Beta!

I had two irritating games last night.

One, a BB with full health just trotted around and never fired a shot. When everyone else was dead, we tried to get him to get in the fight but he told everyone to fuck off. He just sat there and let his ship slowly get destroyed by enemy fire. It was not AFK. The guy was a total asshole.

The second one we had won, but our last guy left moved out of the cap area for no reason at all. We tried to get him back in but, again, we were basically told to STFU. We lost by 2 points.

Do you remember the first guys name? There was a guy last season in Nagato that kept doing that, never worked with the team and purposely did stupid shit like that.

Yeah, I meant since there are fewer ships in ranked, and most of them are dd's, it leaves you with very limited amounts of targets. Plus with the lowest detection in ranked, fubuki usually has to be the cap guy.

Now that I'm 15 I will be trying the Fubuki agian, at least until I Get the Amagi. I find as a DD it's a lot harder to control the matches, or swing them one way or the other. Even on losses I'd be scoring fairly high, but loss non the less.
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Slayer6 did it in tirpitz a couple of times in games with me. Just sailed full speed right into the enemy team.
Do you remember the first guys name? There was a guy last season in Nagato that kept doing that, never worked with the team and purposely did stupid shit like that.

Now that I'm 15 I will be trying the Fubuki agian, at least until I Get the Amagi. I find as a DD it's a lot harder to control the matches, or swing them one way or the other. Even on losses I'd be scoring fairly high, but loss non the less.

No, I don't remember his name, but I did BOT him :)
Does the blacklist block people from being in a game with you, or just block their chat?
The blacklist is for when you queue up, you do not get that person in your game.
You add him into your contact list. Once he is in there, right click on his name and select blacklist.
Right click, add chibster to blacklist, done!


That's awesome. I'm sure my wife wouldn't freak if one day she came home to that as a centerpiece on the coffee table.
I think it would crush your coffee table. it's only 2250lbs...:)

God damn, the farragut has fast firing guns, but those shots enter orbit and come back down 2-3 matches later. I was just sitting in port and started getting hit notifications :)

No but seriously, I'd fire a few salvos, and think I've missed, and while navigating around enemy fire get hit notifications. So odd. lol

Finally got 30 destroyers. that was a task.. the cruisers and planes were much easier imo.
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they need to have something to mark someone AFK.. man thats annoying when you only have 1 or 2 BB and they never move
X2 commander xp weekend, so it'll be a good chance to get my blyska captain up to better speed. Be good to play some random battles too, my performance in ranked has been dismal. Up to 11, with a 63% WR, but it's not due to my play. I think my problem is in ranked I'm too aggressive and too conservative, at the same time. Not even sure how that's a thing, but that seems to be it.
i was playing down the BB tree at first but i got the atlanta and i really like it so far, learned quick not to rush in with it after playing a BB lol

but sticking close to BB and picking off all the little boats and planes is fun, BB seem to appreciate it lol
i was playing down the BB tree at first but i got the atlanta and i really like it so far, learned quick not to rush in with it after playing a BB lol

but sticking close to BB and picking off all the little boats and planes is fun, BB seem to appreciate it lol

Proper team play? Who wouldn't enjoy someone doing that? lol
pft, who cares for team play, go in YOLO, usually up the middle in twin brothers is the best idea.

Even better if it's done in a CV or BB!

With the 30% discount this weekend on Upgrade Modules, maybe I'll finally fill up all the slots on the Arkansas.
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i was playing down the BB tree at first but i got the atlanta and i really like it so far, learned quick not to rush in with it after playing a BB lol

but sticking close to BB and picking off all the little boats and planes is fun, BB seem to appreciate it lol

Hang in there for the captain skill advanced fire training. That 20% makes the Atlanta brutal.

I sure the BBs love you. Perfect vs DDs and AA :). I almost want to buy one now lol. I have to save for summer toys.
Even better if it's done in a CV or BB!

With the 30% discount this weekend on Upgrade Modules, maybe I'll finally fill up all the slots on the Arkansas.

I told business6 we should go up there in the Fuso and Warspite, he didn't share my enthusiasm about running over DDs!
i was playing down the BB tree at first but i got the atlanta and i really like it so far, learned quick not to rush in with it after playing a BB lol

but sticking close to BB and picking off all the little boats and planes is fun, BB seem to appreciate it lol

If you like cruiser play, go down the German tree. The low to mid tiers are decent (except the Yorck), but the high tiers are absolutely amazing. Hipper, Roon and Hindenburg are absolutely amazing ships. The guns are something else, I can citadel anything with them, including the Yamato.
If you like cruiser play, go down the German tree. The low to mid tiers are decent (except the Yorck), but the high tiers are absolutely amazing. Hipper, Roon and Hindenburg are absolutely amazing ships. The guns are something else, I can citadel anything with them, including the Yamato.

They did chop down the Yorck's turret turn time by 20seconds ish. Makes a huge diff.
If you like cruiser play, go down the German tree. The low to mid tiers are decent (except the Yorck), but the high tiers are absolutely amazing. Hipper, Roon and Hindenburg are absolutely amazing ships. The guns are something else, I can citadel anything with them, including the Yamato.

i really want to like the hipper but quite frankly it's a piece of junk.. yes it has the ability to citadel stuff, to bad it also has the ability to be citadel'd by everything else in the game.. your only hope in the hipper is the enemy team is retarded and and ignores you (never happens). best game though, i had 3 kills 148 hits and 4 citadel's and still came up -56k silver after repairs and ammo for the game since i survived with 358 hp.. not going to pay for premium just to use a ship..

roon i can't say much about because every roon i came up against i was in my yorck and i usually killed them in 3-4 volleys..

hindenburg is a beast though.

welp made another attempt after burning 6m silver and 20k free XP in hopes that maybe the hipper isn't a total piece of crap if you throw as much money into it as possible.. yeah no it's still a piece of crap, i'd rather be in a pensacola then this thing.. sold and moving on to something else..
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Anyone else find a free Emden Cruiser in their port this evening? It's a Premium (ahem) T2 German Cruiser.

You think the St Louis lobs shells? This thing doesn't use shells. It lobs explosive-tipped Lawn Darts straight up into the sky!

It is fun though :)
I also finally got my Mogami tonight. Had to get the 15k gun upgrade quick because I was being out-ranged and toasted quick.

Guns are fun as hell, but she sure don't like her Belly rubbed, does she?
Anyone else find a free Emden Cruiser in their port this evening? It's a Premium (ahem) T2 German Cruiser.

You think the St Louis lobs shells? This thing doesn't use shells. It lobs explosive-tipped Lawn Darts straight up into the sky!

It is fun though :)

hehe, there was mission to get it :)

I have the mogami researched, but I just spent some money on the independance, so I'll have to save a bit to get it.
Anyone else find a free Emden Cruiser in their port this evening? It's a Premium (ahem) T2 German Cruiser.

You think the St Louis lobs shells? This thing doesn't use shells. It lobs explosive-tipped Lawn Darts straight up into the sky!

It is fun though :)

yeah got my emden the first day they did the mission, was easy as balls.. the missions for the APR ships on the other hand are painfully long. since i'm doing the IJN cruiser line now the missions should be a bit easier with the fury taco.. trying to do the missions with T7/8 ships is hard.
I got the free emdem a while ago, played a game in it, then sold it for the port slot. Had I paid closer attention to the mission (win a co-op battle in it, then your next random game gets X3 captain XP in any ship, not necessarily the emdem), I would have kept it for a little while anyway.

The arp missions are a grind though, I think I'm around 80 fires set out of 300 for the myoko, and maybe 15 planes out of the 150 for the kongo.
I got from Rank 18 to 14 this morning. A lot of meh games, didn't do good or bad. Only memorable one was in the Bly. Basically took out three DDs and 10k off a NC and Colorado. I like that ship more than the Benson, even if it's T7. The guns are so fun.

I see what you guys mean about idiots (or bots)? The one match I did well in the Murmansk but killed myself to kill off two DDs. It was pretty even after and I was watching a Furu just puts around, no torps, no shots, even though he had fantastic positioning... No one provoked him either...
Been screwing around in my new ARP Kongo and man, this sucker is fun. Your are usually the only BB that angles and you can get to the act if needed.




Was pretty fun game. Nuked the Omaha, and destroyed the New York. Made the Myogi go crying back to momma, and messed up that Kolberg. CVs had a hard on for me the whole match, so I had to go CV hunting (getting 3 fires each time he bought his dive bombers SUCKS). To put it bluntly, I took 25,798 damage from dive bombers in that fight.
Finally got to the CVs and they had another Kongo guarding them. After two salvos, the Kongo decided that maybe his life long dream shouldn't be giving me boardside 8km away. In the end though, the CVs FINALLY got me since I fucked up on my repair in the middle of the three squadrons of bombers coming at me.

Also, my team sucked hard and I got accused of being a tester :eek:
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The broadside thing is funny, I had a (I think) myoko the other day flanked, he apparently thought it would be a good idea to turn and try and torp me, at least I think that is what he was going for. I guess he didn't realize that from like 3km, my blyska would have no problem penning him. 3 citadels and numerous other pens in about 30 seconds in our circle of death, he's dead and I don't take a hit.
I got from Rank 18 to 14 this morning. A lot of meh games, didn't do good or bad. Only memorable one was in the Bly. Basically took out three DDs and 10k off a NC and Colorado. I like that ship more than the Benson, even if it's T7. The guns are so fun.

I see what you guys mean about idiots (or bots)? The one match I did well in the Murmansk but killed myself to kill off two DDs. It was pretty even after and I was watching a Furu just puts around, no torps, no shots, even though he had fantastic positioning... No one provoked him either...

I'm stuck at 13. Seeing increasing evidence of people losing on purpose. Wtf is up with that ?
There are some trolls in ranked, and different times of day (and days of the week), you get different players.