Thermaltake Gallery

The new soprano dx:



Side Off:

Top mounted ports(2xUSB,2xAudio,1xE-Sata):

Front Panel (Damn i love the paint):

Behind the front panel:

14cm front intake fan (with hard drive cage removed):

Removable HDD cage:

Tool-less backpanel:

Tool-less drive mounts:

Unfortunately I don't have anything to put in it at the current moment, but the plan is for a Core2Duo E6600 based system.
Heres my humble Set up... (I need a damn window! Anyone here has one???) Plus i wanna ask.. are those acoustipack (sound damperner) pads really that effective? or should i not bother with them?



ive got a few questions

which case is better, i like the look of both the Tsunami and the Saprano DX (really close to the same thing) and same price @ newegg but obviously ill do some real price checking closer to purchase date.

the DX has a larger front fan, but no side fan unless i add one.

im also pretty sure the tsunami is aluminum while the saprano DX is steel.

steel should be more sturdy and maybe slitly less prone to vibrations. i would assume. but aluminum would be lighter and easier to move around.

other than that i dont really know what the diffrence is besides the saprano having a piano black finish vs black aluminum.

also a few other things, will a 8800gtx/r600 monster size vidcard fit in the case with the HD bay in, or will it only fit with the bay removed (not a huge issue atm i have a 8800GTS) but i want a somewhat future proof case. incase i want to get one of those larger video cards. if they only fit with the HD bay removed its not a huge issue because i can just move the hd's to the 5.25 bay's, (would probly make the inside of the case look cleaner up there also.) but i would like to know either way in advanced so i can plan out my build a little better.

and my final question.
will the support brace that goes across upper section of the case get in the way of the Tuniq tower heatsinks, if it fits ill get one of those if not ill get the smaller freezer7 pro.

i think thats all the issues i have with getting one of the cases if someone has one or both of them and wants give me some input would be much appreciated.

the case i currently have is an old antec lanboy case which i think is about the same except it has 1 80mm rear and 1 80mm front fan. and frankly im getting tired of looking at it. moving upto 120/140's would improve temps and reduce the noise in this jetbike i have next to me.

what i plan on putting in the case is to me would be considerd a budget build but with high performance in mind.

stuff im getting.
Tuniq tower, or Freezer 7 pro
e4300 hoping its stable at 400x8, but 400x9 would be awsome but i wont hold my breath lol
MSI P6N SLI Platinum 650i
G.SKILL 2GB (2 x 1GB) DDR2 800
stuff i have.
8800GTS 320mb
X-Fi Fatality
2x 320GB 16mb cache WD HD's
Antec 500w smart psu. (hopfully its enough until i can afford a 700w+) it ran my 3800+ X2 2gigs system with 5 hd's the 8800 just fine. but i expect this new build to use a bit more power. i wouldnt be suprised if it limits my OC.)
I feel the Soprano dx is better because it features all the things the tsunami has plus new stuff. The DX has the new tool-less drive mounts that dont use rails. e-sata connector.Bigger intake fan, and a few other little things.

The DX is steel (the front door is aluminum), even so, it weighs almost nothing.

And 8800's wont fit with the HDD cage in. At least thats what thermaltake says but the picture they provide looks like an 8800 might fit with it in.

As for the heatsink, I dunno.

IMO its a toss up, both great cases. Its all personal preference.
thx that answered most of my questions. Saprano Dx it is..

i think the inside looks alot better without the hd cage in it. think ill just put both my hd's up in the 5.25 slots.
I wonder if the 8800 will fit in my Tsunami. looks like it should if I don't have a hard drive at the same level.
I wonder if the 8800 will fit in my Tsunami. looks like it should if I don't have a hard drive at the same level.

i think the gts would fit barely, the gts just barely fits in my antec lanboy case, the power plug was actually just touching the top of one HD, theres no way the gtx would fit in my lanboy case unless i removed the hd cage. i think the GTX is a full inch longer than the GTS

btw i still would like some input on if the Tuniq tower would fit in the saprano.
An 8800gtx won't fit in a Tsunami, my X1950XTX is very tight as it is. You'll have to leave the HDD cage out to fit an 8800gtx.
aight here is my contribution to the TT gallery, my Xaser III case i have had for maybe 5 years :p (right now i am looking into a new case, possibly the TJ09 or maybe a V2100BP), but anyways enjoy.





There are some great looking cases here. I have a Tsunami, but I haven't gotten around to dressing up the case yet (the fact that I got the thing to work in the first place was an accomplishment in itself.) This thread has given me some good ideas.
My Tsunami - all the fans are soft mounted, I modded my Zalman 9500 with a 120mm Yate Loon fan. The case is VERY quiet now.

I'd have night pics, but my camera ran out of battery before I turned the flash off :p



hey fellaz

im diggin all of your setups ^_^

well i thought i would post my rig

Intel Core 2 Duo E6300
2.5TB S-ata
550W Antec Truepowertrio
Thermaltake Jr
Asus P5L
DVD burner
4DDR2 Ram 667MHZ

heres some pics


OK everyone.. Since my last post here in the Thermaltake Gallery, I had to migrate over to a Lian Li case because I am now Vapochillin'.. We'll, I hated to let my Thermaltake Shark case go to waste so I built my wife a new computer. Since I "hacked and chopped" my beloved Shark Case, I had to do some overhauls to make the case visually appealing for my wife.. (see my "old" setup here: )

Here are the basics of what I did..

1. Purchased some "scrap" aluminum from Performance-PC's and fabricated a new floor the the Shark Case. I also fabricated a side wall for the support bars that keep the removable motherboard tray in place.

2. Drilled out the rivets for the 3 1/2 inch floppy bay and completely removed it.

3. Drilled out the rivets for the hard drive rack and completely removed that as well.

4. Completely dremel'd out the front 120mm fan area. I trimmed this area out with some black trim molding (purchased at my local Pep Boys Auto Store). I purchased (4) 4" bolts to fabricate a new "stand-off" mount for the front 120mm fan.

5. With the help of a jig-saw, I completely cut the top of the case out to fit a 3 x 120mm radiator grill. I purchased some "modders mesh" as this layer was cut to fit between the actual case and the radiator grill. This helps the overall effeciency of the case as everyone knows that heat rises.

Here are the fruits of my efforts..




That Coolermaster Gemini 2 with those (2) 78cfm 120mm really helps cool the entire motherboard area (CPU, PWMs, RAM, NB)..



Here are her specs on her "new" Thermaltake Shark case setup:

Intel E6420 (4mb L2 cache) - Stock speed is 2.13ghz. It's overclocked 24/7 to 3.4ghz.
EVGA 650i Ultra motherboard
GSkill DDR2-800 (2gb's)
(2) Thermaltake 120mm fans at 78cfm. (2) Aerocool 120mm fans at 90cfm.
Coolermaster Gemini 2 CPU/System cooler
200gb Maxtor Sata HDD (hey, it was a spare drive laying around which means its perfect for my
Coolermaster 850 watt PSU

Running 3dmark06 yielded a 10,660 score which is not too shabby for my wife's computer. Here is a little screen shot from CPU-Z..

yo... check out the upgrade...

The Scythe CPU Cooler and Gigabyte VGA Cooler r on there way so when I get them up I will post better in depth Pics...
my thermaltake armor build.

pretty stock at this point. has blue cathodes (obviously). got some blue sata cables. short ones. thats why the drives are mounted on the bottom (also so the x-fi front panel ribbon wouldnt block any airflow). Also, i bought the case before the 25cm doors were avaiilable (thats an addon) so i used my old clear side panel on the back side which makes the cathodes reflect onto the wall.

Could anyone tell i like the silver and blue theme (and warcraft)?

havent figured else what i need to do to this thing. its terribly beautiful as is.
Extremely old case but i <3 it and ill be modding it soon

Oh the potential.. Look at all of those unused 5 1/4" bays. A cordless drill + a little dremel work + pop a few rivets + a brand new powder coat finish = an old case that has been turned into a BRAND NEW FLAVOR!
cpu--------------intel 6750
ram-------------OCZ 2gig
video-----------7800gtx (upgrading when 9800gtx comes out):p
sound----------Audigy 4
psu-------------THERMALTAKE tough power 750watt
hd--------------WD raptor

extras additions..
DELL 24inch widescreen
WATERCOOLED-cosair nautilas 500
THERMALTAKE ram heat sinks

mousepad, the most pro thing i have, its a the cover off an old diary, the mouse pad of pro-gamers.

this is my pc, what start as a "i need a pc for work", is now a hobby and very painful for my wallet, when i take a look, the pain

there u go guys enjoy, i now have fans in it...there you go citizen86...

Add me to your msn if u have any questions or just wanna chat "[email protected]"
gottistar, I don't think I see any fans in the back of your case. Not much airflow or something? :(
A few of my Kandalf

The Eye


Who made it?


Zalman fan controller with PSU Watt useage (ZM-MFC2)


I have a second I cage in the post ;)


The rest of my stuff

Freezer 7 Pro


2GB G.Skill DDR 800



2 x WesternDigital 250GB Raid Edition Hard Drives (RAID 1)


120mm Thermaltake UV reactive fan


Sapphire X1900XT 512MB


Asus P5WDH - Deluxe (with the Mybook green LED refecting in the Heatsink)


Western Digital Mybook


Saitek Eclipse Keyboard


Razer Copperhead Mouse with eXactMat


All together =

Real nice setup Jay, I'm jealous. BTW, we use the exact same SATA cables :eek:

2 questions, what monitors are those, and how do you like your keyboard/mouse setup? I'm thinking of getting a more gaming keyboard/mouse setup, since I'm using an old Dell keyboard and minimalist but decent Microsoft laser mouse.
both keyboard and mouse are very good, mouse took a bit of getting used to in CS:S though.

the large monitor is a ASUS 22" MW221U and the other is an NEC 15" MultiSync 1550X.
Real nice setup Jay, I'm jealous. BTW, we use the exact same SATA cables :eek:

2 questions, what monitors are those, and how do you like your keyboard/mouse setup? I'm thinking of getting a more gaming keyboard/mouse setup, since I'm using an old Dell keyboard and minimalist but decent Microsoft laser mouse.

Whatever you do, please don't get a razer mouse. Oh and yes Jay, really nice setup. I need to find some piece of metal to cover up my drive/hdd bays so that I can hide cables easier. The way it is now is really messy.
gottistar, I don't think I see any fans in the back of your case. Not much airflow or something? :(

hey citizen86, the reason i have no fans is because the side is off 24/7, fans are over rated ,noisey and in most cases do jack shit unless installed proply, the cpu is water-cooled it does have 1 big silent fan on top of the HD.s which sit on the botten right of the case, im gonna post some clearer pictures once i get my sony cyber shot charger back, mental note: never lend ur digi cam plus charger to ur wife on a sking trip :p

lol, some of u guys have fans coz they look pretty.... i remember the days when i started modding, my pc used to sound like an apache , you would be suprised how good airflow can be providing you set ur rig up proply, 1 fan max, but like i said my side is off nearly always..
Air flow is better under pressure, if you have a proper equal flow then it will cool better than having the side pannel off. As you said fans do nothing if not set up right but I would rather have the side on and a couple of 120mm fans moving any hot air out of the case stopping any stagnation of hot air in case.

what does the fan on the hard drives do?
Air flow is better under pressure, if you have a proper equal flow then it will cool better than having the side pannel off. As you said fans do nothing if not set up right but I would rather have the side on and a couple of 120mm fans moving any hot air out of the case stopping any stagnation of hot air in case.

what does the fan on the hard drives do?

i have a fan behind the HDs that pushes cold air threw, to cool them...make a big difference...i used "speedfan" to bench mark it, the HDs dropped by a modest 9 degrees :p
3 HDs stacked together get pretty warm..
i have a fan behind the HDs that pushes cold air threw, to cool them...make a big difference...i used "speedfan" to bench mark it, the HDs dropped by a modest 9 degrees :p
3 HDs stacked together get pretty warm..

yea tell me about it, ive got 5 hard drives on top of each other and the fan in front of them does a hell of a good job cooling them to prevent data loss and overheating
Whatever you do, please don't get a razer mouse. Oh and yes Jay, really nice setup. I need to find some piece of metal to cover up my drive/hdd bays so that I can hide cables easier. The way it is now is really messy.

I'm not making fun of you, but it's rather ridiculous when someone on a message board comes out of nowhere with a comment like "whatever you do, do not buy this piece of hardware" like your life depends on it........ but then gives absolutely no reason why.

Directly to the point: Why the hell shouldn't I buy a razer mouse?