The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Official Thread

whats with the lame armor... you start the game with the coolest looking armor then they dress u up like a damn clown or jester actually.

seems like there would be some badass armor in this game :(

Can't argue with that. Armor needs a come-to-Jesus epiphany. I found a cool looking Halberdier's armor but it wasn't justifiable to wear since the Griffin set exceeded it stat wise by a mile.

Maybe some of the free DLC will be armor. We don't have School of the Wolf in the game, just Cat, Bear, Griffin. Maybe some badass looking armor will come along with Wolf if they add that.

Edit: strong evidence that upgraded Wolf school gear is coming. Data miners have unearthed advanced Wolf gear in the game code (diagrams, swords, etc) but they're placeholders for future DLC it seems, since adding them through the console just yields blanks. Can't wait. Geralt is, after all, from the Wolf school and his starting armor set is actually Wolf gear.
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finally finished it.. put about 120 hours in but i didn't bother exploring Skellige.. i was burned out after spending countless hours in Velen/Novigrad going from one ? spot to another
i finished all the side quests tho
i guess i'm sort of satisfied with ending i got...
probably gonna go for second run once all 16 of free dlc is out
now i'm off to check out other 35 possible ending on youtube :D
Wolf gear Armor! Woo!! I still have his starting armor. I also have the griffin set and feline set in full. I start getting the Ursine stuff late, so not so much of that. But.... man am I being over burdened. I at max, and virtually anythng of weight I pick up knocks me over the line. Sigh....

I should sell some of the food I got, even though it won't get rid of 160 weight, it'll bring it down a bit.
Just use the mod...I did. I don't care whether or not it's "cheating", having to run and find a merchant every 10 minute is not fun.

No stash = using mod.
Can't argue with that. Armor needs a come-to-Jesus epiphany. I found a cool looking Halberdier's armor but it wasn't justifiable to wear since the Griffin set exceeded it stat wise by a mile.

Maybe some of the free DLC will be armor. We don't have School of the Wolf in the game, just Cat, Bear, Griffin. Maybe some badass looking armor will come along with Wolf if they add that.

Edit: strong evidence that upgraded Wolf school gear is coming. Data miners have unearthed advanced Wolf gear in the game code (diagrams, swords, etc) but they're placeholders for future DLC it seems, since adding them through the console just yields blanks. Can't wait. Geralt is, after all, from the Wolf school and his starting armor set is actually Wolf gear.

Actually a lot of the armor is based on real armor and decorations of armor.

It's a common misconception that armor (especially plate) was just polished mirror finished silver.

A lot of armor was painted on , had cloth covering, or even was a different base colour (IE Black, blue, etc).

The popular image of armor was actually more of a chore to keep clean, it took a lot of work/time to keep a mirror finish rather then just throwing on a coat of paint or covering it with cloth.

Sadly a lot of 18/19th century museums mistakenly "polished" off the original finish of armors and a lot of it was lost.

There are still surviving examples in some museums, IE:

I do get what you are saying though, more "sleek" looking armor, I am stuck wearing a stripped purplse/blue breastplate that isn't really my style.

I was hoping it hat the original armor you get might end up becoming i"amazing" if you hung on to it and found more upgrades but i never found any past the first upgrade.
This is bananas:

Considering your average novel is about 80,000 to 100,000 words, the 450,000 words in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt script should give you some idea of its length and scope.

Side handled the voice casting and recording for The Witcher 3, under lead voice director Kate Saxon. The company claims the 50 hours of main storyline for The Witcher 3 required 950 speaking roles, taking more than two and a half years to record. The voice recording began at the end of 2012 and was finished earlier this year.

Borys Pugacz-Muraszkiewicz, who was a senior writer for The Witcher 3, acknowledged the skills required to achieve an effective performance, calling the game's vocal directors "masters of the human psyche and heart with a keen ear for language in its many regional and social variations."

A tad more than the 3 total voice actors used in Skyrim.
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I hope the bug has a retroactive XP fix. The main story velen quests are only lvl 6 and have several tied in side quests so it's easy to hit lvl 11. I'm not seeing anything 'greyed out' though.
Just use the mod...I did. I don't care whether or not it's "cheating", having to run and find a merchant every 10 minute is not fun.

No stash = using mod.

I get that, but Iunno, I only really want mods that adds things that seem cool to me, rather than change the game to make things easier, and it's sort of like that with a mod like that, to me.
There is some issue with male NPC faces... it looks like only very few models were used, or the land was inhabited by clone army... a lot of NPCs look exactly the same, and it seems that good Nilfgaard captain from first location can be a trader, village leader, priest or a bandit at same time :) Same is with kids - that girl that Ciri saves must have several siblings throught the land.

Also I tried fighting on keyboard and on pad, and pad is more fluent... feels much easier to dodge or to attack, than using WSAD.

BTW.... if you like Witcher games and novels, try reading Narrenturm trilogy by Sapkowski (if it has been translated into English). Less fantasy and based in XV century Poland/Czech, but as good as Witcher.
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One of the few games in the past 10 years that I can sit down and play for a few hours and not get bored. I only stop because I feel like a lazy shit for playing for so long haha.

I like that the side quests make you actually feel like a monster hunter and most if not all have their own cut scenes.

I hate when side quests in games are like "go kill 10 enemies." It's just boring and lazy.

Game is beautiful and runs better than I was expecting on my 780. Everything on Ultra @ 1080P except foliage draw distance and hairworks off.

I'm currently a level 20 and have 1 day and around 12 hours into the game and am not bored and play nearly every day. According to some people I am "flying" through the game. haha
I get that, but Iunno, I only really want mods that adds things that seem cool to me, rather than change the game to make things easier, and it's sort of like that with a mod like that, to me.

I only have limited amounts of time to play the game, so anything that can help lessen the time without completely breaking the game works for me.
3 days 18 hrs played so far -.- jesus christ, what a timesink

I've been putting in around 5 hours a day for about 9 days now... and I still haven't found Ciri yet.

I keep getting sidetracked with other stuff that leads into other stuff and "oh look a quest icon out here in the middle of nowhere!" and then that takes me further and further away.

Its both fun and frustrating at the same time. :p
BTW.... if you like Witcher games and novels, try reading Narrenturm trilogy by Sapkowski (if it has been translated into English). Less fantasy and based in XV century Poland/Czech, but as good as Witcher.

unfortunately only polish & german editions....

How is the witcher games treating Sapkowski ? Has he become popular like GRR Martin of game of thrones after HBO? Do people complain that he is a slow writer :) j/k
I get that, but Iunno, I only really want mods that adds things that seem cool to me, rather than change the game to make things easier, and it's sort of like that with a mod like that, to me.

agreed...if I use a mod it'll only be to make the graphics better...I'll never use anything that changes gameplay
Dunno if I'd say that exactly. Changes in gameplay can be okay, as long as it isn't something to make it easier. New monsters would be cool, better combat would be great. As I mentioned before, when you have high Sign Intensity, a battle could literally be you standing still and casting Igni, until they die from burning.

And I might do this, after I beat the game on Death March, but use mods that make Yrden wider. It seems so small to me. I see lots of things that might make the game funner or at least more sensible. I just wouldn't use it on my first run through, for sure. I do tend to play games vanilla a lot.

A mod I really want right now though, is to make Quen more obvious, I've died quite a few times, because Quen disappears and I didn't know and got oneshotted by an enemy or stun locked to death.
I've been putting in around 5 hours a day for about 9 days now... and I still haven't found Ciri yet.

I keep getting sidetracked with other stuff that leads into other stuff and "oh look a quest icon out here in the middle of nowhere!" and then that takes me further and further away.

Its both fun and frustrating at the same time. :p

90 hours in, i chased ciri to skellige, finished the main quest there, i dont think youll find her until the very end. still got 90% of question marks and contracts to do in skellige before moving on with the main quest. no idea how much longer that will take
I get that, but Iunno, I only really want mods that adds things that seem cool to me, rather than change the game to make things easier, and it's sort of like that with a mod like that, to me.

how does that make the game easier?
how does that make the game easier?

You can't as easily run away from fights, for one. Not that it's super hard to do so.

Edit: Actually...... that..... is somethign I'd love to see as a mod. Have enemies actually chase you farther than 100 steps from their spawn era. It'd be awesome to cause battles between different monsters. I've only really seen it once, when I was lvl 6 trying to and failing to fight a lvl 12 bear. There was a pack of lvl 5 wolves nearby that I managed to get to fight the bear. Sadly there were still one or 3 that still tried to fight me as it's buddies were getting thrashed by the bear. So the bear only gut hurt a little bit. And I couldn't do enough damage to really kill him quick enough to be worth it.
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new Nvidia 353.06 drivers improves Kepler performance in Witcher 3

"following end user reports of lower-than-expected performance in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt when using GeForce GTX 600 and 700 Series Kepler GPUs, we have identified and fixed three bugs that were limiting performance not only in The Witcher 3, but also Far Cry 4 and Project Cars...with the new GeForce Game Ready drivers installed, frame rates are increased in each title, improving and optimizing your experience"
new Nvidia 353.06 drivers improves Kepler performance in Witcher 3

"following end user reports of lower-than-expected performance in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt when using GeForce GTX 600 and 700 Series Kepler GPUs, we have identified and fixed three bugs that were limiting performance not only in The Witcher 3, but also Far Cry 4 and Project Cars...with the new GeForce Game Ready drivers installed, frame rates are increased in each title, improving and optimizing your experience"

All the "it's just an evil plot to force upgrades" conspiracy theorists will not be pleased.
1.05 patch tomorrow
I really relaly do not want a larger UI, everything is already fine for PC as far as size goes.
Several quest-related bugs in this game it where I was supposed to talk to a girl about Ciri didn't trigger after I talked to her, and now I can't talk to her again even though it's telling me I'm supposed to. Other ones, you read the note you're supposed to read and the quest never progresses. Kind of a bummer.

Also, man, the random blacksmith lady at the Baron's place fucking facerolled me in Gwent. She busted out like 4-5 10-strength "legendary" cards and several 4-6 strengths that auto-summoned the rest from her deck. No chance...
Dude, Gwent games are cheats. Wait til you play the high end guys, they have crazy stuff, but pretty much all the times I've played them, I never get the cards I really want, not even one.

As for the UI.... I actually hate the inventory UI. It's not very good. For one, you should never do a tetris style with weight values. Horrible idea. It shuold be a list, and it should be better categorized. Not that a new UI will necessarily be better or worst... but I hope it isn't worst, or if it is, it's changeable.

When I say high end guys, btw.... I meant the Gewnt quest with the "high rollers" tourney.

Another mod, I really want. Ability to just kill people... like those fucking kids.
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Just have to travel around and win a bunch of unique cards and buy others from vendors so you have a good deck. Smashed everyone in the tourney fairly easily. Not even a challenge anymore with my Northern deck. Hopefully there are harder opponents on Skellige.
That's bullshit still no bug fix for the Enlist a bodyguard for Haltori smith guy from the Swords and Dumplings side quest. The bodyguard disappears completely outside the bar after the cutscene. Day or night regardless it's bugged and I'm on the quest of finding the Sunstone so way ahead of it.

Also found a subtitle spelling mistake, another bug is if you ride Roach very quickly down the hills on the way to meet Ermion in the place where Lugo's is, the horse flips upside down on its front legs but you stay on Roach.

Another odd bug I found out is if I'm on the map and put a waypoint to a Fast Travel sign and ESC back to the game, I suddenly disappear and reappear at that Fast Travel way point. Sometimes it happens sometimes it doesn't.

So far put about 70+ hours aiming for a good ending and currently at level 33.
lol at the humor

saw that today, pretty sure that's from Witcher 2 cause i think those 2 dwarfs are dead b4 Witcher 3 starts, not Zoltan the other 2, that and the graphics. but that really is some funny shit specially the look of the dwarf siting to the left of Zoltan that WTF look haha

oh on a side note, any one having any money problems? the kind of having way to much and nothing to spend it on lol, I am close to 35k and i Just got passed with Kaer Morhen (dont think its a spoiler saying we go there, its on the main map from the very start) think thats the end of Act 2 ? dont really have anything to buy, i Did not use any cheat thats just from vendering most of what I pick up
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Sort of.... I can buy runes if I wanted to, but I don't really want to until I get THE weapons and THE armor.