Team 2405 appreciation thread! Pics, a poll, and comments about our baby!

Do you have a 2405?

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Hehe wow, this thread makes me want one of those beasts. I already have a 2001fp and it is more monitor than I can use.... so, convince me, why do I want a 24" widescreen LCD?

BTW - I don't game on the computer, I don't watch movies on the comp (other than bittorent pr0n), so, really, should I be wanting one of these?
NulloModo said:
Hehe wow, this thread makes me want one of those beasts. I already have a 2001fp and it is more monitor than I can use.... so, convince me, why do I want a 24" widescreen LCD?

BTW - I don't game on the computer, I don't watch movies on the comp (other than bittorent pr0n), so, really, should I be wanting one of these?

pr0n on 24 inches widescreen!! WOOT WOOT!!!! :D
Why 24Inch widescreen?

Let's list!

1.) Movies:
Combine this screen with a kickass speaker system and sit far away get a real experience out of that.

2.) Games: get an edge by seeing more then the avg. player does. (widescreen grants more viewing area, obviously.)

3.) Space saver / benevolent: if you have owned a CRT before and used that, this will blow it away because of the amount of space it saves and it wont hurt your eyes as much.

4.) Functionality: so many damn ports on this :)

any more?
All my friends who came by my apartment commented on my 2405:

- Sick!!
- Crazy mofo!
- You're a baller!
- Ridiculously nice!
- Unbelievable that you have something like this in your room!
- The only thing better is the Apple 30", but this is way better for the pocketbook!
- Soooo large.... sooo much real estate!
- Not fair!

And that's just a partial list. :)
Pinipig523 said:
All my friends who came by my apartment commented on my 2405:

- Sick!!
- Crazy mofo!
- You're a baller!
- Ridiculously nice!
- Unbelievable that you have something like this in your room!
- The only thing better is the Apple 30", but this is way better for the pocketbook!
- Soooo large.... sooo much real estate!
- Not fair!

And that's just a partial list. :)

Or like my friend from Georgia who came over last night for a LAN party said after pulling out his dell 1905 and seeing my 24005, "I fucking hate you...."

:D :D :D
Haha, well done. I did the same thing a few months ago. ;) Join the 2405FPW club. :cool:
Well i originally ordered this thing slightly over a week ago from the site for 1399$ +tax... I since then canceled and ordered over the phone and managed to get a 15% off to bring it to 1387 shipped... but after that 1day sale i placed an order online, and many phone calls later I was able to finally get it for $989 Canadian ($1137 with taxes shipped) !

Lot of bouncing around from number to number and talking to different reps but some nice savings. Should be here in approx 8-10 buisness days they said, we'll see about that

Looking forward to getting this thing up and running.
Just got mine!! Jesus this thing is big,

best of all...that's right..


(pics when I get my router)
RailGunRiz said:
Just got mine!! Jesus this thing is big,

best of all...that's right..


(pics when I get my router)

The force is strong with this one.........
I almost bought one, but was then scammed... so now if I go buy one from Dell I would have spent $2100 on it... I'm so tempted just out of spite. m**********r.
Just got mine to replace a 191t god its like having two 19" monitors in one big monitor :) best purchase ever!!!
I'm replacing a Samsung 191t and a Samsung 910t.

Just curious .. what's the lead time for these things usually? Mine was ordered on 9/9, with an estimated ship date of the 21st, and it's still "In Production" as of now :(
I got my 2405 yesterday. To say the least, it's very overwhelming. Even the wife let out a "holy shit, that's big!". No dead pixels, no blacklight bleed. Looks wonderful with World of Warcraft - decent with movies. Pics will come a bit later today.
I'm curious - how many of you are upgrading to this who already have a 20" LCD?

I already have a Dell 2001FP, and it is way more monitor than I can use, the thing looks huge in front of me, and I imagine one of these would be scary huge. Are most of you going to this screen from smaller ones, say, 17 - 19" range or CRTS? Would it be a worthwhile upgrade for someone who already has 1600x1200 on LCD?
NulloModo said:
I'm curious - how many of you are upgrading to this who already have a 20" LCD?

I already have a Dell 2001FP, and it is way more monitor than I can use, the thing looks huge in front of me, and I imagine one of these would be scary huge. Are most of you going to this screen from smaller ones, say, 17 - 19" range or CRTS? Would it be a worthwhile upgrade for someone who already has 1600x1200 on LCD?

You have much to learn my young padawan.......
Just ordered the 2405 on Dell's last 10 days of deals sale in Canada, hopefully it arrives soon. They said Tuesday (yesterday) originally, then they said Thurs -> Mon :(

I am hoping for no dead pixels. Even though Dell has that return policy I don't want to have to return the monitor 4x to get a perfect one; when you drop $1k+ on a monitor it should be perfect.
I've gone through 2 monitors, 1st one had dead pixel, 2nd one has green defective pixel and worse backlight leakage compared to the 1st. i rang Dell for another one, decided not to hassle them, and its been a week and no monitor. Guess I needa call them again and discuss about it. I'd go through 5 monitors to get the perfect one!
As I promised, pics!

Outta the box:

Checking to see if it works:

Final setup (before work):

Eventually, I will get rid of that CRT - but I still do a little bit of graphics work for web. I previously had a 17" Dell LCD - but gave it to my wife (along with old PC, which still is very viable). I'll need to reload all my stuff - but I love this thing. Can't wait till I get home to mess with this thing some more!.
Ewwww.....I don't miss my beige CRT at all, don't care how good they look screen wise, they look so "ancient" now.
Order Processing: Friday, September 09, 2005
Pre-production: Friday, September 09, 2005
In Production:
Shipping Prep: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Estimated Ship Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Ugh. This is the slowest Dell order I've ever had.
CuPoJava said:
Order Processing: Friday, September 09, 2005
Pre-production: Friday, September 09, 2005
In Production:
Shipping Prep: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Estimated Ship Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Ugh. This is the slowest Dell order I've ever had.

Same thing happend here and I was pissed. Know what I did? Called and complained that it was taking to long and that I needed it sooner to complete projects *blatent lie* What happend? They overnighted the monitor to me free of charge as soon as it was completed from the factory!

Give it a try, Dell will bend over backwards for their customers *most times*
IceWind said:
Same thing happend here and I was pissed. Know what I did? Called and complained that it was taking to long and that I needed it sooner to complete projects *blatent lie* What happend? They overnighted the monitor to me free of charge as soon as it was completed from the factory!

Give it a try, Dell will bend over backwards for their customers *most times*

They already upgraded me to 2nd day. I doubt they'll upgrade it again.

I just hope it ships *before* the 21st.
NulloModo said:
I'm curious - how many of you are upgrading to this who already have a 20" LCD?

I already have a Dell 2001FP, and it is way more monitor than I can use, the thing looks huge in front of me, and I imagine one of these would be scary huge. Are most of you going to this screen from smaller ones, say, 17 - 19" range or CRTS? Would it be a worthwhile upgrade for someone who already has 1600x1200 on LCD?

I upgraded from a 20 inch, but not widescreen.
spotpuff said:

B/c there's no dead pixels or backlight bleed on mine and that's my Revision number, so I figured that if you ask for that number, you'll get the same model I did (with no problems)
RailGunRiz said:
B/c there's no dead pixels or backlight bleed on mine and that's my Revision number, so I figured that if you ask for that number, you'll get the same model I did (with no problems)

I highly doubt revision number has anything to do with the number of dead pixels and possibly backlight bleeding as well, but at any rate I hope my screen has neither defect.
CuPoJava said:
Order Processing: Friday, September 09, 2005
Pre-production: Friday, September 09, 2005
In Production:
Shipping Prep: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Estimated Ship Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Ugh. This is the slowest Dell order I've ever had.

When I ordered my stuff, there was a notification that orders with 2405s had a 2 day delay on it. I acknowledged it - but yet, I still received my stuff in 6 days. (which included the weeked). I can imagine what the anticipation is like for you!
what are you guys using for brightness setting on the monitor. The brightness is so different from my 191t I just dont know what is a good starting point.
You're right the number doesn't have any direct affect, it just means that it's a different version or Also Known As "Updated" meaning problems in the past with the monitor itself have been revised and therefore "fixed".
Well I'll post a set up of mine once I get it it in 2-3 weeks. Hopefully no leakage or Dead Pixles.
CuPoJava said:
Order Processing: Friday, September 09, 2005
Pre-production: Friday, September 09, 2005
In Production:
Shipping Prep: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Estimated Ship Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Ugh. This is the slowest Dell order I've ever had.

I ordered mine on September 8 ... according to this, that means that mine won't be shipped until the 20th. Oi!

It's hard to be patient waiting for a new toy ... :p
