Team 2405 appreciation thread! Pics, a poll, and comments about our baby!

Do you have a 2405?

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I GOT ANOTHER DEAD PIXEL!!! #@%$@%^@#$%#!%@$^@$^ :mad:

I just cropped up while trying to load HL2. Is this the way to enjoy your new LCD screen???! FFS! You worry more on Dead Pixels than anything else! I donno why it cropped up, but I KNOW for sure it wasn't there when I first loaded Dead Pixel Buddy!!! Sigh... I am calling DELL UK first thing tomorrow!
Well, I broke down and joined the 2405fpw club...

Got it last week and have been loving it. No backlight problems or dead pixels!
mine arrived today, no problems at all with it either. At first it felt like pressure on my eyes staring at it, but after adjusting the color settings and brightness I have gotten used to it and its not bothering me anymore. I think I am extra sensative to screens anywayz, anything less than 85hz on a crt fucks me up in the head :)

I am very happy so far with this screen and would recommend it to others.
Is it possible a pixel that's alive can go dead? I have 0 dead pixels atm but I was curious , can an LCD just burn out a pixel at any given point in time?
I think if it doesnt develop any withiin 2-3 months it should be OK, just my 2c.
Anyone upgrade from a 2005 to a 2405? I've had a 2005 for about 6 months, but of course, a bigger monitor would be nice. If I've been happy with the 2005, should I be happy with the 2405 as well?
MJGunn said:
Anyone upgrade from a 2005 to a 2405? I've had a 2005 for about 6 months, but of course, a bigger monitor would be nice. If I've been happy with the 2005, should I be happy with the 2405 as well?

I think this picture will solve your problem........join the dark side..........

I have the same keyboard, it must be a sign :eek:

I was reading the threads on here, seeing everyone complain about their 2405, and was starting to think maybe not. Then I remembered how it was exactly the same before I ordered the 2005, people on here are just tough to please :D
"UM YEAH, I JUST GOT MY 2405FPW AND ITS TILTED BY 1 DEGREE!" Dell: "Okay.." whiner: " AND I WANT A NEW ONE!" Dell: "That is new?" whiner: " HELLO IT'S NOT PERFECT, I WANT IT PERFECT!" Dell: "Alright, hang on *takes the 2405 package and sidekicks it into the fedex truck* Okay it's on the way thanks for calling Dell support! "IF THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS IM GONNA LOWBALL ANOTHER SALES REP" Dell: "you from Hardocp?" *hangs up*
RailGunRiz said:
"UM YEAH, I JUST GOT MY 2405FPW AND ITS TILTED BY 1 DEGREE!" Dell: "Okay.." whiner: " AND I WANT A NEW ONE!" Dell: "That is new?" whiner: " HELLO IT'S NOT PERFECT, I WANT IT PERFECT!" Dell: "Alright, hang on *takes the 2405 package and sidekicks it into the fedex truck* Okay it's on the way thanks for calling Dell support! "IF THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS IM GONNA LOWBALL ANOTHER SALES REP" Dell: "you from Hardocp?" *hangs up*
Ya dam skippy I am....!! hahahaha

Got mine yesterday,and so did a good freind we both open them at the same time(I have him on speaker phone)..all I can hear is..WOW this puppy is big..nice,let me move some stuff and make some space,dam this is one heck of a monitor,..Hold on while I install I'm love this..WOOT!!..All I can say..Another satisfied DELL customer :D
IM all but sold on buying one but I have a few questions. Hope you guys can help.

What do games look like that do not support widescreen?

How do high level games play on non SLI machines, Ie fear and such. I am in the process of building a new machine. Waiting till next week to make final choice on video card. But other wise it will be an AMD 3800 x2 2 Gigs of ram and more then likely the Fatality1 mother board..
Arialis said:
IM all but sold on buying one but I have a few questions. Hope you guys can help.

What do games look like that do not support widescreen?

How do high level games play on non SLI machines, Ie fear and such. I am in the process of building a new machine. Waiting till next week to make final choice on video card. But other wise it will be an AMD 3800 x2 2 Gigs of ram and more then likely the Fatality1 mother board..

All but sold??

Man, answers aside, once you go 24" - you aint ever going back to anything 4" or more less in size.

Games look goooood. HL2 has a widescreen mode and I can run at native 1920x1200 with some AA with my 3200+ xp and 1gb ddr400 ram and 6800ultra.

Games that dont have WS support look a little stretched, but it's perfectly fine since I think WS is the way of the future.
Even if it doesnt support widescreen playing with black bars on the side is still not bad at all. I play BF2 at 1600x1200 and I absolutely love it. Then again it is a 21" 4:3 monitor so why shouldnt I love it. Widescreen games are awesome to the limit though.
Got my replacement. No dead pixels and even backlighting (dark gray all around). So, I'm pretty happy now (for me, that is).
RailGunRiz said:
"UM YEAH, I JUST GOT MY 2405FPW AND ITS TILTED BY 1 DEGREE!" Dell: "Okay.." whiner: " AND I WANT A NEW ONE!" Dell: "That is new?" whiner: " HELLO IT'S NOT PERFECT, I WANT IT PERFECT!" Dell: "Alright, hang on *takes the 2405 package and sidekicks it into the fedex truck* Okay it's on the way thanks for calling Dell support! "IF THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS IM GONNA LOWBALL ANOTHER SALES REP" Dell: "you from Hardocp?" *hangs up*

When I called Dell Rep and told them I was from hardocp they immedately hung up on me after saying "o no not another lowbaLLER!" RailGunz got it right people on here low ball WAY TOO MUCH

RailGunz for pres

Brando for VP
Got my 2405 today. It's flawless ... and gorgeous~! And sooo bright, I think I'm going to go blind :) Now I have to pawn off these two Viewsonic VP201s' (found out they're 6-bit panels just last week and just about cried).
rolo said:
Got my 2405 today. It's flawless ... and gorgeous~! And sooo bright, I think I'm going to go blind :) Now I have to pawn off these two Viewsonic VP201s' (found out they're 6-bit panels just last week and just about cried).
The VP201s are 8-bit panels, seeing as they use the same LM201U04 panel as the 2001FP and which are specced by LG-Philips as 8-bit.
Okay, so I'm in another forum, and some guy there tells me that the monitor I got is likely a "refurb". I call up Dell Canada and ask and she says "no, its new" but then goes into an explaination that at Dell a refurb doesn't mean that someone has had it before me, but that someone ordered one then cancelled the order. Sounds unlikely. Apparently, in Canada, they don't have to identify used replacements as "refurbished". So, how do we know what we got?
hagbard said:
Okay, so I'm in another forum, and some guy there tells me that the monitor I got is likely a "refurb". I call up Dell Canada and ask and she says "no, its new" but then goes into an explaination that at Dell a refurb doesn't mean that someone has had it before me, but that someone ordered one then cancelled the order. Sounds unlikely. Apparently, in Canada, they don't have to identify used replacements as "refurbished". So, how do we know what we got?

You will get a nice sticker in bold lettering saying "Refurb" on it as required by U.S trade law
My 2405 arrived yesterday, and I must say I am quite impressed with that display. I have followed this forum for a while ... enough to get a taste of the wide range of opinions on this particular model, and I was a bit worried that it might not meet with my approval. My fears proved to be unncessary, however ... the Dell kicks ass.

I noticed no lag, no buzzing, no dead pixels and no backlight bleeding after 7 hours of continuous use. In fact, I was quite suprised to see how black the blacks really looked. I had the analog dell branded 17" sony trinitron CRT next to the Dell, and I have to say the CRT looked like crap. It seemed fuzzy and blurry, compared to the LCD, which was sharp. Text look amazing ... for productivity related tasks, this monitor is a very, very good choice. At 1920x1600, not only do you enjoy increased desktop real-estate, but you also enjoy these gains at no loss of comfort. Text and windows are clear, and large, so that you need not squint to see ... a very comfortable panel indeed, though it's brightness is something to get used to at first.

My next quick test was DVD playback. I put in "Rescue Me", the TV series. Now, admittedly, "Rescue Me" does not come with particularly high image quality ... unlike most other DVDs, it looks a bit grainy on my 50" plasma, and so it also looked grainy on the 2405. Overall, the quality of DVD playback was not great ... I would not recommend this display if your main use is DVD playback. I am yet to try other titles to eliminate DVD encoding as the factor, but early tests are not promising.

Games looked great! Playing Rome: Total War in 1920x1600 with every graphical option turned on is simply amazing. The video cutscenes looked a bit blurry, but they looked blurry on my CRT. The game map, and the battles however ... wow ... a new level of gameplay is to be had. Now I'm more inclined to buy Barbarian Invasions expansion. I didn't notice any problems of ghosting or tearing while playing. And I haven't done any tweaking with the Nvidia drivers.

I also tried Pro Cycling Manager, a cycling simulator by Cyanide . It looked equally amazing. This game supports 1600x1200 max, so the game looked stretched a bit, but that was barely noticeable. Superb image quality and smooth framerates, but that's more due to the 9800GTX SLI >8)

So, in short, I love it. There is still more playing around to be done, like playing a racing game or a shooter, and use of tools like Photoshop, but early impressions urge me to keep this display, and purchase a second lcd for additional real-estate. Too bad I have to disable SLI and reboot the machine to enjoy dual-display support ... hopefully future drivers will resolve this annoyance?

Oh, and I was using DVI connections.

If you want to check for buzzing, put your ear against the back of the display. Both of the ones I had buzz, but not loudly enough to hear from where I'm sitting.
I see. Well, if I couldn't hear it as I was using it, no point checking for it as it is not bothering me ;)

FInally joining the club and ordered this afternoon. With the PC program from my company I got it for 735 so not to bad .. Should be here like next friday I think.
IceWind said:

This pic makes the difference between the two look much smaller than it actually is (to me at least). Got mine today, its massive compared to my 2005 :eek:

Seem to have gotten a perfect one, no dead pixels, no backlight problems, and only a very very low buzzing when holding my ear up against it. Like it so far, still tinkering with the colors though, they don't seem quite as good as my 2005.
I didn't particularly care for the colors myself ... it tended to be "reddish", or warm. I changed the "Color Settings" in the OSD to "User Presetset" at the default 50 accross the 3 colors ... that was more to my personal liking.

I'm looking to buy one when I get back to the real world (back from this deployment)
Being that my paycheck is like $1200/month.
I was just wondering if there were any problems with gaming on them?
(Also I'll me moding the hell out of it, building speakers onto it. It's going to be going on all the rest of my deployments as my movie system and stero system).
As far as image quality... Would you say that it's worth it? (cringes and waits for the screaming to subside).
Also, do you think the rest of the system will handle it?
Shuttle SN25P (nForce 4 Ultra)
AMD 64 4000+ (OC to 2.7Ghz)
1 gb Kingston HyperX ULL Ram (2-2-2-5)
Dual Hitachi 250 GB SATA II drives
BFG Gforce 7800 OTC

Where is the best, Cheapest place to get one
I got my 2405fpw in yesterday and it is perfect! No hum and no dead pixels. I am real happy with this monitor. I play grand prix legends and it even looks great at 1680x1050. Videos look fine too. I guess they could be a little better but I have a NEC 2141sb on another computer in my son's room and a 65" HDTV so who cares. It is good enough for the kids to look at while sitting on the couch in this room. I am redoing this room and will post a pic when all is done.
i know ive never seen a 2405fpw, but i dont think id like it as much as my 2005fpw, 24 inches from 1-2 feet away is just too big. i already look around my monitor much less another 4 inches. thats just me though.
RailGunRiz said:
I just noticed it works better at higher resolutions lol
Duh!!! :p LCD's are meant to run at their native resolution (= highest resolution supported). ;)
Well, I've adjusted to the motion blur stuff after a few weeks, and I'm keeping them.

My dorm room:



...and now...

2x 2405FPW, Samsung 910t, Dell 1900fp/Samsung 191t with a Windows XP box and a Mac G5
CuPoJava said:
Well, I've adjusted to the motion blur stuff after a few weeks, and I'm keeping them.

My dorm room:



...and now...

2x 2405FPW, Samsung 910t, Dell 1900fp/Samsung 191t with a Windows XP box and a Mac G5

What keyboard are you using and does it come in black?