Team 2405 appreciation thread! Pics, a poll, and comments about our baby!

Do you have a 2405?

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heck somany pics of the scrrens but none showing hidef matrial!

so heres one :)

Here is the first one with a 19" LCD from Belinea/Maxdata, this is the one with broken DVI:


That's a picture with the replacement LCD from Dell, they send me on Friday (god, i was happy, good fit with my new X800XL 256MB PCIe)


Now i am fucking around with my Gigabyte X800XL 256MB PCIe passively cooled,
it gets really hot (in a case with good air flow) and i certainly will send this beast back. I have to run a 80mm fan on 5V on top of it.
i bought this monster when it 1st came out, after awhile the novelty wears off and u get used to it...almost like u always need sumthin bigger
bench261 said:
i bought this monster when it 1st came out, after awhile the novelty wears off and u get used to it...almost like u always need sumthin bigger

Until you use a 17" or a 19" lcd, and then you realize that you cant live with anything but the a 24"-er. At that time, it dawns on you that the 2405 is enormous for the task it was built for; programs, nearfield gaming, multitasking, surfing, etc...

You dont use the 2405 as your living room TV - this isnt its main purpose.

Once you get back to basics, the 24" is indeed a HUGE screen.
bench261 said:
i bought this monster when it 1st came out, after awhile the novelty wears off and u get used to it...almost like u always need sumthin bigger
Exactly. But I do have a 15" DELL flat sitting right next to my 2405, so I get reminded of how big it really is when I look at them both. I am going to get another one though. :D

hehehe, its too much for my eyes to handle!
The Left is the replacement one, the right is the 1st one.
Pity both are defective to me, each has stuffed up pixels, the replacement has worse backlight leakage on the bottom right. Will go for another spin to get a perfect one.
lil^mac said:

hehehe, its too much for my eyes to handle!
The Left is the replacement one, the right is the 1st one.
Pity both are defective to me, each has stuffed up pixels, the replacement has worse backlight leakage on the bottom right. Will go for another spin to get a perfect one.

I hope your chair has wheels.

AFK guys...
*squeek squeek squeek- Checks email- squeek squeek squeek.*
K, back.
I think that my screen "sags" slightly to the right? (On the button side). Does anyone else have this?
Earthworm48 said:
I think that my screen "sags" slightly to the right? (On the button side). Does anyone else have this?

My first one sagged to the left a bit, but my new one doesn't. Just twist it until it stays put
Hello, I am new to this forum and just purchases the Dell 24 in. widescreen. Damn, it looks really good. But I want to make sure that I use it to it's potential. Are you guys using the dvi cable it came with or did you purchase a double link cable? Are there any settings I have to change to make the picture look better (even if it already looks good)? Actually when I watch a movie in full screen using Windows Media Player, it still seems a little blurry? Have you guys seen that? Please help.

angel100 said:
Are you guys using the dvi cable it came with or did you purchase a double link cable?
A single link cable fully supports up to 1600x1200 - anything over that requires reduced blanking or lower refresh rate (=lower quality).

If your graphics card supports dual link you should get a dual link cable.
Although I don't know whether the 2405 supports dual link or not. In theory it should but judging by the included single link cable it doesn't.
The 2405 has one single DVI port, so that would mean it does not support Dual-Link, I assume.
velusip said:
I hope your chair has wheels.

AFK guys...
*squeek squeek squeek- Checks email- squeek squeek squeek.*
K, back.

ROFL! :D I do find myself squinting at the display more now than with my 19" Samsung CRT. I guess I haven't found the 'sweet spot' for viewing distance. I'm moving next week and thinking about one of those super sweet pivoting arms. mmmm
I have a BFG 6800GT OC Pci-express will the 2405FPW work with it?
just to throw in my opinion :)
UK street fighter here, got mine today, am now totally in favour of celebacy or turning plain gay. who needs women when.....ARRGGHHHHH 24"!!!!

quality wise its so much better than the CRT's i was using. i can now see the screen. a new concept to me. should do a test for backlight and dead pixels but havent noticed anything dodgy yet from general use.

Was very much on the fench for ages as it is a chunk of cash (especially in good old UK!!! lets hear it for getting ripped off!yayyyyyyyyyyy......) but all in am well chuffed i went for it.
hell of an upgrade

Signing in... Just ordered my 2405FPW! *glee* - will update with pics soon! Should get mine on monday since I'm in TX! WHOOOOOOOOOOOO.... Sure feels good.
I have all but decided to get a 2405, but the one thing in the back of my mind that is bugging me is the fact that it does not support HDCP.. I know HD content is still at least a year or so away (for me), but it just makes me sad to think that I might not be able to watch something on the 24" LCD because it isn't F$cking "secure" enough to watch some HD content on.. :(
Lord Twilight said:
I have all but decided to get a 2405, but the one thing in the back of my mind that is bugging me is the fact that it does not support HDCP.. I know HD content is still at least a year or so away (for me), but it just makes me sad to think that I might not be able to watch something on the 24" LCD because it isn't F$cking "secure" enough to watch some HD content on.. :(

I don't think that will be an issue. HDCP actually being required is a long ways off, IHMO. And besides - if that happens, I'm sure that there will be some sort of adapter to deal with that issue.
I bought two of these LCD monitors, glad I did. I've had O dead pixels and had no noise from either of them. Yet have got a new PSP much smaller and one lazy pixel!

I bought them for photography use and small game use. For Photoshop they are great, on the one LCD I've put in a TV digital pci card with Freeview TV channels.


Ohhh thats a nice wallpaper, wered you get that? Im ship historian in my spare time thats a nice one of the Queen Elizabeth II.
Thank you IceWind, the picture is of the Queen Mary 2 Cunard leaving Southampton in April.

On my other 2405 this is a picture of the Queen Elizabeth 2 waiting to leave Southampton.

That's what I like doing with my 2405's digital photo's.


Queen Mary 2


Queen Elizabeth 2

Will be taking more photos soon!! :cool: :cool:
Hi Ya'll.
Saying a big "WASSUP" all the way from London, UK.
Here are some pics of my setup, I hope you like.



Nice setup morpheus. Where did you get that wallpaper, it's very nice, I want it!! :D
Yes, but the pics they have on the site are worth it or if you used edonkey you can find a rar containing every pic on the site ;)
I've been checking out this thread all damn day. My eyes cannot get over the beauty of the 2405. I've been reading reviews all day about this monitor and 99.5% of them are very positive (though a few concerns were shared about backlight bleeding and dead pixels).

I have an X800 Pro...I would imagine this card will be compatible with this monitor for the optimal resolution (1920x1200)?

Btw, nice pics you guys. Thanks for posting them. You've all have pretty much convinced me on what I need to do...

What a pleasant surprise! Mine went in transit to the carrier on Thursday, so I expected it Monday, with two day shipping. But what a surprise when I got home from work Friday and there it was.

It's so big...

I did a Dell chat to ask about the cost of upgrading to 2nd day, and they upgraded it for free. Yay :)