Steam Sale...Jeebus!!!

What's sad is all the people complaining about the DRM about Crysis and not buying it on the steam forums. If you can revoke it.. I don't see a big problem especially at this price.

They should tie some portion of the game files to steam. It'd be better than DRM, which is just an invasion of privacy. These companies keep seeming to forget that WE own the computer, not them. Dunno. I don't want to have to be tied to an internet connection, but to be honest, I've never known anyone with a gaming PC without one. Maybe that or they charge less for a "Steam-cloud" version, where some verification file is stored in the cloud, and like 5% more for a hard drive copy.
God damn it. I missed the HL: Source deal. Too damn busy time to grab it. Gah!
I can sympathize with those guys. Some of us would just rather not have that software installed on our machines. If I can avoid having SecuROM installed and causing issues with virtual disk software, then all the better.
God damn it. I missed the HL: Source deal. Too damn busy time to grab it. Gah!

Seems like they drop it to ~ $2.50 every now and then, so if you're the patient type you'll have another chance ;) Or maybe Black Mesa will be out by then...
Mass Effect for $5 is a killer deal, right? I mean, as far as how good the game is in relation to the price.

Fuck. my willpower was doing so well, too.
Steam must be getting hit hard. I keep getting "Our servers are busy, try again later" whenever I try to download Mass Effect. :(
Looks like I'm buying Mass Effect... again. Have it for 360 but have zero want to play on that low res slow loading loud ass monstrosity. Thank you Ateam!
Seems like they drop it to ~ $2.50 every now and then, so if you're the patient type you'll have another chance ;) Or maybe Black Mesa will be out by then...
I just wish Steam offered a "hey, you were drunk all day yesterday and you couldn't possibly correctly input your credit card info, so we'll extend the sale for you" type feature. I'm not sure I'm not the only one here who was going to buy something yesterday but was simply too inebriated and useless to pull it off.
I just wish Steam offered a "hey, you were drunk all day yesterday and you couldn't possibly correctly input your credit card info, so we'll extend the sale for you" type feature. I'm not sure I'm not the only one here who was going to buy something yesterday but was simply too inebriated and useless to pull it off.

I have my CC info saved in Steam so I just click few times and purchease is finished :)

I have my CC info saved in Steam so I just click few times and purchease is finished :)

word. :p

This sale has completely raped my bank account. Curse you, you sirens!


Calling out to helpless geeks with your promises of cheap games!
That's a pretty nice sale.

I've been loading up on a couple of titles myself.
I think I'll be picking up Portal and maybe Mass Effect (played the mess out of it on the 360). Picked up Shattered Horizons yesterday after a friend said it was a ton of fun for $5. (I bought the group pack and may have an extra copy for $5 if my friend ends up bailing on me)
all i want is fallout 3 goty. i would get ME but i had it for xbox and it just never appealed to me, like the shooting didn't feel good to me or something
all i want is fallout 3 goty. i would get ME but i had it for xbox and it just never appealed to me, like the shooting didn't feel good to me or something

Felt the same way to me but it's still a great game nonetheless. Also the action in ME2 is supposed to be much better so I'll probably be paying full price for it.
Infernal is $6.69... any thoughts? Is it has horrible as the reviews would suggest?
word. :p

This sale has completely raped my bank account. Curse you, you sirens!


Calling out to helpless geeks with your promises of cheap games!

Awesome post. Never seen video games and greek mythology tangled like that, nice.

I think saving my CC info to Steam is just a dangerous move. I was pretty drunk last night, i think i'd be on the street today if I had the CC number.
still on the fence with mass effect... will i have time to play this...
I forgot to buy Crysis and Shattered Horizons. Curse you procrastination and the fact that the sale was shorter than usual.
I finally bit the bullet and got the Crysis pack. I wasn't a huge fan but for $16, its hard to turn down.
wtf, crysis pack was $20 for me... Anyone want to tell me if Sam & Max Complete is worth the 15? p.s I love this sale, and Dragon Age is fucking awesome, I dont care what anyone says.
Crysis Maximum Edition? I got it for $13.59 american when it was on the 24hr sale.
I just couldn't get into Trine. Spent thirty minutes with it. Got bored right away. Have no desire to return to it. Ten dollars down the drain.