
Eurogamer and GQ are confirming NG+ but after reading the articles I'm not confident in their accuracy.
There is no direct quote from BGS.

Also the GQ article contains a few random, major spoilers
Yes, you can begin playing Starfield again via a New Game Plus mode, which Bethesda has now confirmed is present in Starfield.
Exactly what Starfield's New Game Plus mode will allow is something we'll need to play (and complete) the game to find out - whether it lets you carry over items as well as character upgrades when you replay the game's story, for example.
Starfield delivers BGS’ most immersive role-playing since 2006’s Oblivion. It gives you the flexibility and options to carve out a unique identity, and even adds a unique and exciting twist on New Game+ to incentivise continued and repeat play.
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early impressions from people playing the full game (still under embargo) are very positive...people are reporting very few bugs which would be pretty amazing for a Bethesda title
It’s fallacious to say that a certain game made by a certain developer will be super buggy at launch because every game in the past released by that developer was super buggy at launch. Circumstances change. Bethesda and Microsoft have a lot riding on this, and they know it. There was a massive launch delay and it’s highly likely that Bethesda used that time to work out as many bugs as possible.
It’s fallacious to say that a certain game made by a certain developer will be super buggy at launch because every game in the past released by that developer was super buggy at launch. Circumstances change. Bethesda and Microsoft have a lot riding on this, and they know it. There was a massive launch delay and it’s highly likely that Bethesda used that time to work out as many bugs as possible.

it's not fallacious at all...certain developers have a reputation for releasing buggier games than the norm- Bethesda is near the top of the list...past performance is the best indicator of future performance...Starfield is a major release but so was Fallout 4, Oblivion and Bethesda is working hard to ensure that Starfield is free of bugs but they didn't do the same for Fallout 76 or Skyrim?
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Eurogamer and GQ are confirming NG+ but after reading the articles I'm not confident in their accuracy.

Yes, you can begin playing Starfield again via a New Game Plus mode, which Bethesda has now confirmed is present in Starfield

sounds pretty official to me ;)
I always stick to 1st person mode in Bethesda titles but I'm thinking about changing it up a bit with Starfield and using 1st person for combat and trying out 3rd person for exploration
it's not fallacious at all...certain developers have a reputation for releasing buggier games than the norm- Bethesda is near the top of the list...past performance is the best indicator of future performance...Starfield is a major release but so was Fallout 4, Oblivion and Bethesda is working hard to ensure that Starfield is free of bugs but they didn't do the same for Fallout 76 or Skyrim?
Agreed it is entirely reasonable to be cautious and skeptical, while still hoping for the best
Tragic end for Tyronefield.

Pete Hines Q&A (summary at the bottom)


  • Mod Support?
Oh mods question? Yeah, we're doing it. Like we said we are. There's going to be mods, we're going to release the CK, if you've played Skyrim or Fallout 4 it's going to work like that. It's post launch. We have NO OTHER INFORMATION. We have a launch to get through.
  • We have mission boards and like, you know, this planet is looking to delivery a bunch of these resources right, and that's like "go build an outpost on this planet and mine this resource, and have ships carry it" sometimes it's like "hey we have 2 people here that need to get to the Mars Mining Colony" and it was one of these moments where I accepted it, and I'm playing a little bit and then I put it down and went on a trip. I came back, was doing more quests and there was these 2 people like "Who the HELL are these two. Like WHY ARE YOU ON MY SHIP?" I was like oh my god, I was supposed to be taking them to Mars and totally forgot. I better hurry up or I'm about to fail this quest.
  • Boost Packing. Pick Boost Packing. Like all skills, until you learn it you CANNOT use it.
  • You can remove bounties. Because there are so many factions, you can go to different places and tick some of them off. Like the Crimson fleet is hellbent on killing you, or you pissed off the Freestar Collective, you know you can always undo and find ways to roll back decisions you made. But just like, try. See what you have fun doing and do it.
  • The beginning of the Vanguard, before you even join he'll tell you like go downstairs, go to this thing and you'll go through this museum exhibit that does an awesome job explaining what happened. Why aren't we on earth, what happened to earth. Who are these religious nutjobs, what's the UC. Like okay I'm caught up to speed now on like what's going on in this world.

  • Can NPCs pilot your ships?
I don't thhhhink so. I know I should know the answer to that but I've never NOT wanted to fly my own ship, so it never occurred to me to try.

  • Can you kill Important NPCs on purpose or accidentally?
I can't answer that one because I haven't tried. I'm pretty sure . . .? <Confused noises>

  • Can you loot spacesuits off NPCs?
Uhh spacesuits? Yeah, you can get spacesuits off of folks. Packs. Helmets. Weapons.

  • Fly freely between planets in a system?
I don't know, I have not tested because it's not my thing. How much flying in realtime you can do in between thing because it's not like really my thing. I tend to jump yeah, every planet, every moon you see you can jump to.
  • There are times where I'm like, "dude I'm iron man". I'm flying around in a pack shooting rockets and it like, I'm a badass.
  • I can't even talk about the combat and how I play without giving you spoilers. You need to try some of the main quest and you're gonna like, uh oh now I get it. Now I get why I have to do this and why it's a big deal.

  • Spacewalking in the game?
<INHALES DEEP> I don't know . . I mean it's not a thing I've ever . . done? It's not a uh, float around and jump around to fix a satellite. I know I have been jettisoned in a ship into outerspace, it was actually comical. A ship landed on a surface and I went to go in the ship and enter the inside of the ship itself, and they just took off with me in the cargo hold and the door's closing. Eventually I fell out of the ship from some crazy height and died
  • There's a lot of emergent stuff in space. You're used to being in Skyrim and walking around, and like, you know a bandit jumps you and there's little combat situations - we have to do that in outer space as well. You can't tell people be in a spaceship and be a spaceship captain and not find things in space. So there's different ships you'll come across. Some of them are flying around, some of them are derelict, some of them are exploded. There are star stations, but like the ability to like, I came across this thing and they wanted my help but what planet was that. "Oh sorry, we can't help." We can't tell you what planet that was but what we CAN tell you is everybody gets a chance at that, at some point as you're exploring. It's less about where and more about when we put that in front of you.
  • I have to go do things around the house, but I will leave a ship just sitting there in outer space so I can listen to the music because it's unbelievable how good it is and how it amplifies the emotion and the tone of the game as it progresses.
  • It pulls you in in a way, that truthfully, I find that's magical. (not info but an interesting anecdote)
  • There are companions who will think less of you when picking locks.
  • You have to spend a lot of time being a pilot to be a better pilot.
  • So you can't just see a Class C ship and go "oh I'm going to capture that and fly it around." Well, not if you don't have the piloting skills to pilot a Class C ship. You're not going anywhere. You have to spend time and getting to be good and piloting ships if you wanna fly higher class ships.
  • You don't have to engage in ship combat if you don't want to. Just grav jump to another system if you don't want to deal with that combat, we want players to feel comfortable to do whatever they want in this game.
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I always stick to 1st person mode in Bethesda titles but I'm thinking about changing it up a bit with Starfield and using 1st person for combat and trying out 3rd person for exploration
I've always played with a mixture of 1st person and 3rd person. Keeps things interesting.
I always stick to 1st person mode in Bethesda titles but I'm thinking about changing it up a bit with Starfield and using 1st person for combat and trying out 3rd person for exploration

I'm thinking I'll do the same...I usually end up going full time 3rd person but I'll see how it goes.
AMD claims there’s nothing stopping Starfield from adding Nvidia DLSS

AMD gaming chief Frank Azor admits that — in general — when AMD pays publishers to bundle their games with a new graphics card, AMD does expect them to prioritize AMD features in return...“Money absolutely exchanges hands,” he says. “When we do bundles, we ask them: ‘Are you willing to prioritize FSR?’

But Azor says that — in general — it’s a request rather than a demand. “If they ask us for DLSS support, we always tell them yes”...
AMD claims there’s nothing stopping Starfield from adding Nvidia DLSS

AMD gaming chief Frank Azor is trying to thread a needle...he seemingly wants to say that AMD did not actually make Starfield, quite possibly the year’s biggest PC game, exclusively support AMD’s FSR upscaling technology at the expense of competitors like Nvidia DLSS

But he clearly can’t...Azor says he can’t say what the contract includes...instead, he repeatedly lands on this: “If they want to do DLSS, they have AMD’s full support”...he says there’s nothing blocking Bethesda from adding it to the game...

They'll probably add it, just later.

It doesn't matter- going by the topic I just posted in the AMD forum it appears that FSR3 is probably shit anyways.
not necessarily...Callisto Protocol and Jedi: Survivor are AMD sponsored games which haven't received DLSS support months after release

Yes but they're not Starfield. You would think if FSR3 was any good they'd be shouting it from the mountaintops that Starfield supports it.

I guess we'll find out next week.
I used to love 3rd person.

Initially, these single player open world RPGs from Bethesda were mostly designed for 1st person, and were always slightly clunky in the 3rd. Now that Bethesda has improved its 3rd person mode, I’ve fully switched over to the 1st. LOL.

That said, I’m still looking forward to seeing what improvements they’ve made to 3rd person, because they have made minor improvements with each new game.
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How in the hell can this game not support DLSS?
It's simple. When AMD pays you money you don't put tech that only works on AMD competitor's cards in your game.
aka Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
I pledge to follow the main quest immediately and to finish it without distraction - something I have not done since Fallout 3.

Confession: I never finished Skyrim or Fallout 4’s main quest, even though I spent hundreds of hours playing those games.

If Starfield’s main quest tells me to head North… or to visit some other planet and then head North… then I pledge to do exactly that.

And this time I mean it.
I'm sure it is more complicated. Advertise FSR - get $10,000. Make a game FSR only - get $1,000,000. If you want to add DLSS we won't stop you, so the choice is yours!
Idk. The "AMD pays devs to not include DLSS" story is still pretty weak and is almost pure speculation.
Idk. The "AMD pays devs to not include DLSS" story is still pretty weak and is almost pure speculation.
It feels like more than speculation based on this Verge Interview with AMD Frank Azor. Based on the carefully chosen verbiage (that Azor admits he's having to choose carefully), seems like it may be a timed FSR-only agreement. But I won't shit on AMD for this - this is longstanding industry practice - and Nvidia is just as guilty of this type of thing if not moreso.

He [Frank Azor] admits that — in general — when AMD pays publishers to bundle their games with a new graphics card, AMD does expect them to prioritize AMD features in return. “Money absolutely exchanges hands,” he says. “When we do bundles, we ask them: ‘Are you willing to prioritize FSR?’”

Not end of the world. Not everyone will need DLSS in Starfield, there'll be a thirdparty shim for anyone that does, and the AMD solution is worth evaluating.
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the lack of DLSS wouldn't be so bad if not for the fact that a lot of big recent releases with ray-tracing have been sponsored by AMD- Callisto Protocol, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Starfield...the eye candy really could have been turned up to 11 if not for the AMD sponsorship...AMD cards can't handle RT as well as Nvidia so we're left with RT-lite
the lack of DLSS wouldn't be so bad if not for the fact that a lot of big recent releases with ray-tracing have been sponsored by AMD- Callisto Protocol, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Starfield...the eye candy really could have been turned up to 11 if not for the AMD sponsorship...AMD cards can't handle RT as well as Nvidia so we're left with RT-lite
This is a good point. For many GPUs, DLSS is the only way for the RT-enable button to not just be a "slideshow mode" toggle.

Well, no FSR3 support for Starfield is pretty much confirmed which is...astounding to me considering it's an AMD sponsored title and they are releasing both at the same time. Seems like a huge marketing fail. I could have sworn I read that AMD sent over a team of developers to work specifically with Bethesda getting FSR working properly.
AMD must have paid devs to not include it...oh wait.
I pledge to follow the main quest immediately and to finish it without distraction - something I have not done since Fallout 3.

Confession: I never finished Skyrim or Fallout 4’s main quest, even though I spent hundreds of hours playing those games.

If Starfield’s main quest tells me to head North… or to visit some other planet and then head North… then I pledge to do exactly that.

And this time I mean it.
I still have yet to finish Skyrim. It took me more than 5 years to beat Oblivion for the first time. 12 years on I still haven't beaten Skyrim.