
Going off of that note, the one thing that irks me is Bethesda still hasn't learned to incorporate into companion AI is not to walk in front of my character. Several times I've lined up to take a shot and the NPC has walked right in front and gets downed from the shot I take. Many times, especially at higher levels of difficulty, I get downed as well. That shit don't float which is why I cut them loose after their story is done and explore alone.
Do you gain XP from companion kills? Or do you have to do a certain amount of damage first like in FO4?
Going off of that note, the one thing that irks me is Bethesda still hasn't learned to incorporate into companion AI is not to walk in front of my character. Several times I've lined up to take a shot and the NPC has walked right in front and gets downed from the shot I take. Many times, especially at higher levels of difficulty, I get downed as well. That shit don't float which is why I cut them loose after their story is done and explore alone.
The only cool one is the robot that stays by the ship.
Going off of that note, the one thing that irks me is Bethesda still hasn't learned to incorporate into companion AI is not to walk in front of my character. Several times I've lined up to take a shot and the NPC has walked right in front and gets downed from the shot I take. Many times, especially at higher levels of difficulty, I get downed as well. That shit don't float which is why I cut them loose after their story is done and explore alone.

I am doing companions in this game. I've done two of their quest lines. Doing Sam's next. I don't mind them that much, my biggest problem is seemingly the three I did, as well as the whole scanning for contraband feature, contradict or stifle the gameplay a bit. Everything about the game in terms of gameplay and narrative wants you to play as a character on the straight and narrow. That would be fine if the whole game was designed that way. Seems like they had an identity crisis during development. They could have went another way and did something entirely different (Mass Effect style), or went the older Fallout direction. Instead they went in some odd compromise.
I remember using a mod to disable the damage requirement.

What does this mod do?
A minor tweak to a game setting that ensures you receive the XP you rightfully earn. In the base game, when you engage in combat with NPCs, you must deal a certain amount of damage to qualify for XP upon defeating them. The default setting is rather stringent, at 25%. This mod, however, significantly reduces it to less than 1%. This means, in the original game, that even if you throw a grenade and damage several enemies, but some of them receive less than 25% damage due to the explosion radius, and your companions finish off the enemies, you won't receive any XP. This change is ensuring that your efforts are always rewarded and you don't waste valuable resources like grenades. This mod fixes that for you!
I remember using a mod to disable the damage requirement.
This is what I was wanting to know.
That's one of the main reasons I hated using companions in FO4.
When I did use one, it was Codsworth all armored up to be my mule with no weapons, since the enemies target them first and he could make no kills. That way that thieving bastard couldn't steal my XP.

If I do use them in Starfield, this mod will be a definite addition. Thanks for the info.
House Va’ruun finally gets some explanation. Essentially unmentioned in the main game, though I have yet to do two of the faction quest lines. Otherwise I have done something like 90% of the quests.
So basically the first part of the Bounty Hunter expansion is free, but the 2nd quest (and probably future quests) are all paid. Why not just bundle it all into a single paid DLC?

I don't mind it being a paid DLC. But allowing you to start a quest line and then blocking it off behind a paywall is predatory and a shitty business practice. I also think it would be a lame DLC in the first place because it sounds like more mission boards, which the game already gives you an infinite number of. Unless there is a good story to it making it paid or even worth playing at all is questionable. But having it as some lazy thing to include in a seasons pass to go along with the real expansions isn't so bad. The way they are doing it however is wrong.

Sales for this game were not as good as they hoped and the last thing they want to do is have bad press about paywall quest lines.
There is a free suit, weapon skin and outpost building in the creation tab.

Rumor has it it should also allow for much easier 3rd party mods to be installed without ASI loaders or Plugins.txt
I don't mind it being a paid DLC. But allowing you to start a quest line and then blocking it off behind a paywall is predatory and a shitty business practice. I also think it would be a lame DLC in the first place because it sounds like more mission boards, which the game already gives you an infinite number of. Unless there is a good story to it making it paid or even worth playing at all is questionable. But having it as some lazy thing to include in a seasons pass to go along with the real expansions isn't so bad. The way they are doing it however is wrong.

Sales for this game were not as good as they hoped and the last thing they want to do is have bad press about paywall quest lines.
Why, though? People have been complaining about the lack of demos we used to have for 20 years now, saying that "back in my day you could try something out before buying it!", but now this is suddenly "predatory"?
Why, though? People have been complaining about the lack of demos we used to have for 20 years now, saying that "back in my day you could try something out before buying it!", but now this is suddenly "predatory"?

Demos weren't full priced back then, they used to free. If they're locking content in a paid game behind a pay wall it needs to be clear so the player doesn't start using the content before being walled off. Pay per mission in your $70 is probably the next step.
maybe they will make a miraculous turnaround like No Man's Sky...these space exploration games seem to start out in rough shape
Maybe but I don't think Todd Howard gives a **** unlike Sean Murray who obviously cares passionately about bringing NMS to life.
Spoilers, The Vulture mission. Skimming over it, seems like more of the same, with a reskinned sniper rifle and a new outfit. The problem is mission design is not good in this game, and nothing is that memorable. So adding yet another quest that plays like dozens of others isn't worth even $1.

Shattered Space looks interesting and I will play it, but at this point I am so bored. I still have a faction quest left to finish. But the game is so formulaic and so long I can't help but feel the average person will get bored before they finish the main game. The structure is always the same. Sit through lame conversation with lame character. Either sneak (poor stealth gameplay) or shoot (poor shooting gameplay). A whole lot of loading screens between. I have to think the average person will get tired of the main game and have no appetite for any paid DLC. Certainly a case where making the game so big is hurtful. Hard to tell what is a good quest from a lame quest. Late in the game I did some decent quests that give you a free ship. But now I already have more ships. Had I done this quest earlier it would have been nice. Instead, I rolled the dice and started a whole bunch of lame quests without good stories or rewards. And that is the problem with having so much crap in a game.

If this was an 80 hour game with better quest quality, I would be more enthusiastic about paid expansions.
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Todd Howard says the DLC is similar to Far Harbor.

Howard confirms that "the bulk" of the Shattered Space expansion will take place within the new area created for the DLC. He explains that this has allowed Bethesda to take a more traditional approach to its development.

"It allows us to build a landscape like we would traditionally do, and have the city and the quest," he says. "And so, that story takes place there, and the landscape's kind of… content-wise we're looking at kind of like what we did with Far Harbor on Fallout 4, where like, okay, this is a scope that works for our development in doing this kind of annual story expansion type of thing."
That sounds a bit encouraging. If it means less fast travel and loading screens that would be a good thing.

There will be another expansion in 2025. Though it seems like a long way off, so probably late 2025. They are taking a longer development cycle.