Starcraft II

I tried a SCV rush in my first 1v1 game and got wtfpwned by a bronze player :D
So I've been trying out a new build, fairly effective.

3 rax+ reactors 1 factory+lab :D

~15 marines ~3 siege tanks, followed by SCV's to build a bunker. Constantly reinforcing, one base. Keeping the energy on CC for scans.
So I've been trying out a new build, fairly effective.

3 rax+ reactors 1 factory+lab :D

~15 marines ~3 siege tanks, followed by SCV's to build a bunker. Constantly reinforcing, one base. Keeping the energy on CC for scans.

Easily countered by a terran also scanning with seigh tanks. That fails, they could make you waste your scans (they will figure out what you're doing) then hit you with a real cloaked force. This also leaves your base vunerable so they could fly troops there. Of course not everyone will do this.

Against zerg, I guess they could fly too, but far more annoying until they gett brood lords.

Against protoss some HTs will make short work out of most of that.

Just letting you know what to expect.
Easily countered by a terran also scanning with seigh tanks. That fails, they could make you waste your scans (they will figure out what you're doing) then hit you with a real cloaked force. This also leaves your base vunerable so they could fly troops there. Of course not everyone will do this.

Against zerg, I guess they could fly too, but far more annoying until they gett brood lords.

Against protoss some HTs will make short work out of most of that.

Just letting you know what to expect.

This is a one base rush build, by the time I get to their base they don't have anything in large enough numbers that can stop the siege ball (Unless they are just massing siege tanks, in which case I'll contain em and get banshees ). I should say 3x rax with react is overkill. After little experimenting, 2x is more than enough.
This is a one base rush build, by the time I get to their base they don't have anything in large enough numbers that can stop the siege ball (Unless they are just massing siege tanks, in which case I'll contain em and get banshees ). I should say 3x rax with react is overkill. After little experimenting, 2x is more than enough.

What is the actual build order? It sounds a lot like TLO's rax-fac-rax build but sounds more all-inish because you don't use energy for mules putting you behind economically.

Counter to this is a simple 1-1-1 build. You wall-in, bunker, 2-3 tanks, pop a banshee, and follow up with a viking for vision which is something your build lacks. Once you push that banshee would destroy your mineral line or use the banshee and come from behind to destroy the tanks while marines get annihilated by tanks.

On a different note is it just me or are there more cheesers in the early mornings and more skilled players at night?

Played 5 matches this morning and saw 4 cheese builds. Went 3-2 against all that but went 0-6 last night, my mediocre macro really shines against skilled players.
Played a game against a mid level Diamond Terran on Xel'Naga Caverns last night. I didn't play particularly well as Protoss but I out-expanded the Terran and scouted him well enough to know exactly what he was building and when he was going to attack me. After I killed off most of his banshees and about the time he was completely out of minerals he pushed out of his base with about a dozen tanks and 4 thors and ran into my 5 immortals, 1 colossi, 2 dozen chargelots and 2 dozen stalkers and got obliterated.

Then the QQ came. He complained that Protoss units are overpowered. It was awesome. I've never had a Terran complain that one of the other races is OP with the exception of when I've pulled off a void ray rush.

Not my best game, but not bad either. I could have improved a lot I think with Macro and Micro (especially blink stalkers against Banshees). If you guys want to watch it and give me any tips that'd be awesome.
lol. I guess it's a good idea bringing all banshees in a base full of stalkers and an observer twice.

I know. I laughed at that when I watched the replay. I can imagine the thought process:

"Hmmmm, he has detection and a bunch of stalkers with blink and just killed a few of my banshees. I know! I just need more banshees." is down, that means I can't play online or offline. If I sign in as a guest I can't continue my progress from my account in the campaign. Seriously Blizzard?

If you log into your account like you regularly do, it should pop up with the option to "play offline." Very counter-intuitive. I'm bandwidth sensitive right now, so I've been forcing the play offline mode by disconnecting internet when logging onto SC2.
This is a one base rush build, by the time I get to their base they don't have anything in large enough numbers that can stop the siege ball (Unless they are just massing siege tanks, in which case I'll contain em and get banshees ). I should say 3x rax with react is overkill. After little experimenting, 2x is more than enough.
So your opponents don't scout? Really what I'm seeing is this:
3 seige tanks (450 crystals + 300 gas)
15 marines (750 crystals) (++ probably should have stim or they're worthless)
2 racks w/ reacts (400 crystals)
1 fac (150 crystals + 100 gas)

That is 1350 crystals and 800 gas. This also doens't count SCV costs and any upgrades (no seige mode). If you're playing against someone also going out of one base they should have similair (~2000) worth of resources. Even if that was mass mm with stim you should be overrun.

Not saying I don't believe you, just saying you're putting a lot on the line as all it would take is a quick 2x reper to cripple your econ and you're not getting your rush.
When do you Protoss players typically expand? How soon do you start upgrading armor/attack/shields? Do you typically go for unit specific upgrades (charge, thermal lance, storm) if you have to choose between those and forge upgrades? I nearly always go for unit specific upgrades first. Zealots without charge are just about useless to me after the very early game.

Also as far as builds go I've been pushing a variation of this build most games:
1. Build up to 9 food on probes
2. Pylon on 9
3. When pylon hits 95 of 200 HP start 10th probe
4. When pylon hits 135 of 200 HP chrono 10th probe and queue the 11th
5. Gateway asap

from there you either double gate or throw gas down (if you expect a fast reaper rush or something) and then start building zealots/sentries/stalkers. By timing my probe product as I outlined above I can get my 10th probe to pop right as my pylon finishes and then the 11th builds fully chrono boosted the whole time. When 11 pops I usually have about 100 to 115 minerals and can send a probe up to build my first gate. It seems to work really well against anyone trying to cheese you with 6 pool or proxy gate/canon bs.
I typically expand around 40 food, but I'm wondering if that is too late or too early when going on a 3 gate or 2 gate robo build.

If you're not fast expanding you should just play according to your opponent. The general rule of thumb about an expansion is that it's an investment. It won't give returns for a few minutes and during that few minutes your army stagnates.

If your opponent doesn't expand and keeps making an army you should do likewise unless you're confident about your ability to defend. If your opponent expands you should feel comfortable doing the same since it's not like he can pump an army while making a 400 mineral building and all the workers to saturate it.

This is also why forge FE is very popular against zerg if zerg does a FE build (which is of course very common).
So your opponents don't scout? Really what I'm seeing is this:
3 seige tanks (450 crystals + 300 gas)
15 marines (750 crystals) (++ probably should have stim or they're worthless)
2 racks w/ reacts (400 crystals)
1 fac (150 crystals + 100 gas)

That is 1350 crystals and 800 gas. This also doens't count SCV costs and any upgrades (no seige mode). If you're playing against someone also going out of one base they should have similair (~2000) worth of resources. Even if that was mass mm with stim you should be overrun.

Not saying I don't believe you, just saying you're putting a lot on the line as all it would take is a quick 2x reper to cripple your econ and you're not getting your rush.

Its fun to experiment. Fast marauder rush tends to get old.
Plus its not like I'm playing vs diamon/plat players right now :p I threw most of my placement matches.
If you're not fast expanding you should just play according to your opponent. The general rule of thumb about an expansion is that it's an investment. It won't give returns for a few minutes and during that few minutes your army stagnates.

If your opponent doesn't expand and keeps making an army you should do likewise unless you're confident about your ability to defend. If your opponent expands you should feel comfortable doing the same since it's not like he can pump an army while making a 400 mineral building and all the workers to saturate it.

This is also why forge FE is very popular against zerg if zerg does a FE build (which is of course very common).

dudes, i got fookered last night with a partner, we were playing Terran/Protoss with me as Protoss and my friend as Terran, we were also going up against a P/T team

the other team's T player was useless, the other guy, the Protoss player, he built void rays, and me and my friend didn't build much of any anti-air, and we built a sizeable force and went to crush his base, but uhh, like the void rays, they killed our command centers and then came back to his base and killed our units cause we had no anti-air

I should uninstall for being that bad :/

we woulda won if either of us had built some air units, like i shoulda built some Phoenixes and we woulda won, i had a couple immortals, zealots, and colosses.

Hey, you can't say I don't live up to my name :p
Ah, thanks.

What is forge FE then? Some sort of new fast expand tactic or something?

sounds like you build a forge to upgrade your units to make them more powerful for your rush, you'd use Chronoboost on the Forge to speed up the research while your units are on the way to the enemy base.
Has anyone got 100% of the achievements for the campaign? I've earned everything that's listed, but on the main home screen, it still says I'm at 99%.
Has anyone got 100% of the achievements for the campaign? I've earned everything that's listed, but on the main home screen, it still says I'm at 99%.

there's a hidden achievement. I have all the campaign achievements and it totals to 1590/1600. No one knows where the last 10 comes from last time I checked. I think there's a thread on some forum somewhere where people are trying to find it.
I played a 2V2 practice game last night (I'm trying to use up all my practice leagues up before going against the big dogs) against some shit talker named Xeno.

I was Terran and my random partner was Zerg. He made a lot of Hydras and I made a good amount of Vikings. He told me to go so I did. I sent my vikings in to take out the other guys mineral supply and he was going to wyrm tunnel in. Well he doesn't and I lose all my forces. I try to rebuild my forces and my ally just kept building Hydras. Guess he didn't know that Hydras suck now without support unlike SC1. Well long story short, we lost. He was taken out first and I was next. Xeno kept trying to talk shit but we are playing practice league so it's kinda like saying your a bad ass at winning against computer on very easy. Hope to find him again with a better partner next time.
Ah, thanks.

What is forge FE then? Some sort of new fast expand tactic or something?

AFAIK, a forge FE is done on a map with a relatively easily defendable natural expansion, like lost temple. Build a forge and a gateway on the choke at the natural, make cannons and a few zealots to protect you while you get your natural up and running.
Yay! Stopped my losing streak at 5 today! Really should have won both matches this morning but my macro still isn't all that great so when it slipped horribly it led to my loss in a TvT fight. I was trying something new beyond the normal Viking/Tank boring bullshit and because I was so focused on other things I blew it.

Won the TvP match pretty convincingly though especially since I made damn sure I was paying more attention to my macro. Wish I had time to play more though. Only being able to play a game or two a day doesn't allow me to really improve anything quickly.

Same happened to me a day before, now I have 20 games I'm ranked like 40 in bronze. It kills you when you lose more than one game in a row.
Generals are often accused of fighting against the last war instead of the current war, and that seems to be where I went wrong. I changed my strategy every time to better defend against the rush I experienced prior. This is NOT good. Get a plan and stick with it. At least before you know what the other guy is up to.

My 5 loses in a row were 6-7 minute games (one is from battle net dropping me). Although the last one went for an hour an 1/2 because I'm a jerk and took a floating base and filled (I do mean filled) it with turrets even though I knew that the game was already lost. Turns out cloaked Banshees + me being a jerk and picking off units, forced him to mine nearly 8 other bases before he won. He kept telling me to quit hah, and there was limited resources left.

Seems that most of the time the game is either decided in the first 5 minutes, or when trying to protect / destroy the first expand.

Still love it though.
Same happened to me a day before, now I have 20 games I'm ranked like 40 in bronze. It kills you when you lose more than one game in a row.
Generals are often accused of fighting against the last war instead of the current war, and that seems to be where I went wrong. I changed my strategy every time to better defend against the rush I experienced prior. This is NOT good. Get a plan and stick with it. At least before you know what the other guy is up to.

My 5 loses in a row were 6-7 minute games (one is from battle net dropping me). Although the last one went for an hour an 1/2 because I'm a jerk and took a floating base and filled (I do mean filled) it with turrets even though I knew that the game was already lost. Turns out cloaked Banshees + me being a jerk and picking off units, forced him to mine nearly 8 other bases before he won. He kept telling me to quit hah, and there was limited resources left.

Seems that most of the time the game is either decided in the first 5 minutes, or when trying to protect / destroy the first expand.

Still love it though.

As it turns out I got a chance to actually play quite a bit tonight. Amazing how a solid build and a few good games improves macro nearly instantly. My macro is still pretty damn bad but it's better then it was.

I used a build that I got from a guy who beat me this morning. After watching the replay his macro was just worlds better then mine. So I stole his build. :) After 2-3 games versus the computer to get the BO memorized I jumped into the ladder.

Drum roll please!

5-0 FTMFW! Wonderful build. Good transitions and definitely not all in. Beat T, Z, and P tonight. My last game was a great 40 minute match on Metalopolis vs Protoss.

Back to the game I go!
Its fun to experiment. Fast marauder rush tends to get old.
Plus its not like I'm playing vs diamon/plat players right now :p I threw most of my placement matches.

I can't remember the last time somone got a good reaper rush on me. My general strat is to have my second raxs building before the first is done. Then get a reactor/lab on each. 3x stim marines make very short work out of 2 reapers.
Ugh, my 4v4 team just got shafted. We're 31-0 right now, the #1 platinum team in the world @ 781 points... and we missed the diamond promotion checkpoint because we haven't lost. Our MMR is so screwed up it gave our opponents (-0) for losing to us in the last game.
Just my two cents...... I really have not been a big strategy game fan, a few here and there, Warcarft III and I actually liked the Lord of the Rings strategy game (can't remember the name off hand), so I bought SCII, mainly because I have alot of friends playing it.

So far, i'm really liking it, it has kinda an 'old school' feel to it that I like. I wasn't crazy about the $60.00 price tag though....

Hope this helps anyone who may be trying to decide whether or not to buy the game...


LotR The Battle for Middle-earth (2004)
LotR The Battle for Middle-earth II, The Rise of the Witch-King (2006)
both where great games, I spent dozens of hours playing them on lan parties with friends. I still recommend them for any lan game. the first one was the only game that stopped our CS and COD addiction.

i'm a Red Alert fan, 3 and Uprising was fun. the soviet army dreadnought is my all time favorite unit. but I just stopped playing it and was waiting for any good RTS.

I’ll eventually get SC2 but it’s too expensive right now and I don’t really like playing online (yes I always loose) and prefer campaign and skirmish with bots.
Ugh, my 4v4 team just got shafted. We're 31-0 right now, the #1 platinum team in the world @ 781 points... and we missed the diamond promotion checkpoint because we haven't lost. Our MMR is so screwed up it gave our opponents (-0) for losing to us in the last game.

I lost a 3v3 team against a gold arranged team and gained +0 points. Arranged teams kill all the fun and apparently promotions. ;)

Thinking about it... Since I got into diamond, all I get are matches against arranged teams.
Awww I got placed in gold 1v1 :eek:

Playing as Random my last placement match Gold ranked guy asked me what race I was... lolez

If I didn't throw that stupid SCV rush I'd prolly be in plat :eek:
I said this in the other thread, but someone needs to release a mod that turns zerglings into kittens. Speed kitten rush anyone?
Wth... I just replayed Normal from start to finish and I didn't get "hurry up it's raid night", even though my cumulative mission time is less than 6 hours...
bummer, I did it Thursday and it worked fine for me. Did you pause at all while in game? (not in between missions). I've heard that pausing the game effects it if your in a mission.
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[;1036060430 said:
bummer, I did it Thursday and it worked fine for me. Did you pause at all while in game? (not in between missions). I've heard that pausing the game effects it if your in a mission.

Uh yeah I did. That's pretty annoying if I'm not allowed to pause :S