Starcraft II

Your shift key is stuck?

When you hold shift and click it basically queues commands and add units/buildings to your control group.
Your shift key is stuck?

When you hold shift and click it basically queues commands and add units/buildings to your control group.

Thanks! I'll check it out, I saved the game when it started happening. I had tried mashing the keyboard to no effect.

edit: That was it. I don't believe my shift key was stuck though, as I checked the usual suspects. Thanks again!
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Anyone having issues with the game recognizing video cards? Mine says it doesn't recognize my GTX 460.-
can someone tell me how to capture the screen in sc2, when i it 'print screen" and paste in paint it just give me black picture

Random question, but does anyone know if it's possible to open campaign maps in the editor? I was cruising through Liquipedia and they have these excellent overhead pictures of each campaign map and am wondering how they did that.
Random question, but does anyone know if it's possible to open campaign maps in the editor? I was cruising through Liquipedia and they have these excellent overhead pictures of each campaign map and am wondering how they did that.

map editor -> open -> campaign tab
Played the campaign, that was tremendous. The Protoss cutscene gave me a chill, like seeing Fellowship of the Ring in 2001.

I think they did what they could with the story. I was going to say the Zerg had to be hostile and anti-terrain, so nothing to criticize, but they have even opened things up some (bloodlust on Overmind that he broke, Kerrigan?). The Protoss were going to against or with Raynor. With? Same old. Against? Different missions. And he ended up with his foes.

For All In, it really helped when I lifted off the Orbital Command, moved the rax, built another one, landed the other for gas and mules/SCVs. The idle SCVs can also build (but group build finishes quickly), and double saturation is quick. It could even be tripled, one mule gathers 300 minerals on a 400 mineral building. I picked nydus worms but I didn't think I would need to raid so far into zerg areas. I thought it would be a surround scenario, and huge like SC1 and the Overmind. It was more like the really narrow zerg final mission map. It could also help to abuse the Hercules picking up near death units for micro, while being impervious itself 99% of the time with 3 armor and 500 HP. I also needed to use PDD more.

I was not very impressed with the flame turrets. Did anyone choose the mind control tower?

The Protoss final stand should have chrono-boost and sentries, for crying out loud. And reavers (yes I know the colossus is in the same mold), though it would be a bit of work, and scouts like the tal'darim.
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A friend went with destroying the Nydus Canal and he had the mind control tower. Said he just mind controlled a ton of the elite Mutalisks and Broodlords which made the mission a complete joke. I still love my Psi Disrupter and wouldn't have it any other way. I totally underutilized the Perdition Turrets too, it was either them or the Planetary Fortress so I chose the lesser of the two evils.
This is a completely retarded question, but I don't know where else to ask...

randomly all my units get junked together and when i click on a barracks or anything else that is also added to my group, so i can't build anything. then trails are put where i click and it infuriates me further. i took this pic after rageclicking. anyone able to tell me how to undo this? i tilted hard and it totally ruined the mission for me.

Are you running SC2 inside steam? I have that problem and all I have to do is open and close the steam overlay once to stop it.
Said he just mind controlled a ton of the elite Mutalisks and Broodlords which made the mission a complete joke.

I did the same thing :D IIRC, the mind controlled units dont count towards your supply count.
Anyone here an achievements junkie?

I'm trying to do all the hard ones right now and some of them seem downright impossible. I think I have about 7 or 8 left. Just did one now where you get to play as Zeratul. The achievement requires that you play the mission on hard without suffering any life damage.

I've successfully run through it twice, but it doesn't give me the achievement. At the ending screen, it actually shows that I have zero Zeratul damage.

Any ideas?
Anyone here an achievements junkie?

I'm trying to do all the hard ones right now and some of them seem downright impossible. I think I have about 7 or 8 left. Just did one now where you get to play as Zeratul. The achievement requires that you play the mission on hard without suffering any life damage.

I've successfully run through it twice, but it doesn't give me the achievement. At the ending screen, it actually shows that I have zero Zeratul damage.

Any ideas?

As far as achievement junkies, I have 3760 right now - should be 3840 but 4 of my metas are bugged (it's a known issue to blizzard but they haven't fixed it yet...).

For that achievement... I got it on brutal on my first try. Maybe try doing it on brutal and see if it works. Of course, make sure you're connected to for achievements to work.
As far as achievement junkies, I have 3760 right now - should be 3840 but 4 of my metas are bugged (it's a known issue to blizzard but they haven't fixed it yet...).

For that achievement... I got it on brutal on my first try. Maybe try doing it on brutal and see if it works. Of course, make sure you're connected to for achievements to work.

3760?! Ok, you get the junkie award. I've only got 1340.

As for that achievement, you can achieve hard achievements working on brutal?
As for that achievement, you can achieve hard achievements working on brutal?

Yep, you can get any achievement of a lower difficulty, including meta-achievements like the Liberty Completionist ones. I only played a handful of Hard mode missions for their achievements, but got the Completionist one because I've done all 29 on Brutal.

I'm sitting around the mid-high 1700s last I checked. I was a junkie for the campaign achivements. I've done 5 of the challenge missions (4 gold rank) but gave up from there lol.
2v2 > 3v3 & 4v4... Even though most games are still AT's. The less players, the higher the chance of winning solo.
Yep, you can get any achievement of a lower difficulty, including meta-achievements like the Liberty Completionist ones. I only played a handful of Hard mode missions for their achievements, but got the Completionist one because I've done all 29 on Brutal.

I'm sitting around the mid-high 1700s last I checked. I was a junkie for the campaign achivements. I've done 5 of the challenge missions (4 gold rank) but gave up from there lol.

Thanks. I just ran that one through on Brutal and got the achievement unlocked.


Anyone have problems with a fuzzy/distorted mouse cursor in windows upon exiting Starcraft? This a known problem?
Thanks. I just ran that one through on Brutal and got the achievement unlocked.


Anyone have problems with a fuzzy/distorted mouse cursor in windows upon exiting Starcraft? This a known problem?

I think that's a ATI problem... My cursor sometimes goes funky for a few minutes then fixes itself for no reason.
It is so satisfying to win 2v1 after your ally leaves the game as soon as he sees a proxy rush...

P + Z vs Z = Z wins :D
Are you running SC2 inside steam? I have that problem and all I have to do is open and close the steam overlay once to stop it.

Bingo. I thought once I had hit shift+(number) to get my groups but I was in the middle of a conversation with another Steam user in the middle of my game. I about lost my mind when the macro command stuff came up and started adding units and structures to my queue. It seems like if you have a unit selected and hit shift+tab (default Steam overlay command) then it sticks to the unit when you hit esc to go back in game. I still do it from time to time and it equally infuriates me when I do it. :mad:

And about that cursor thing, that happens to me in game too. It turns the cursor into a weird dual column of small lines for about 2 minutes then for no reason it goes back to the green cursor. I have a 5850, so I blame this on AMD. Nonetheless, I still love the game and play through the pain.
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I love zerglings. Some protoss player tried to cannon rush me and i just said F you, and went past him while the photons were slappin me zergs. THEN BAM I was at his base eatin his skrilla. KERRIGAN I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUU!
This is a completely retarded question, but I don't know where else to ask...

randomly all my units get junked together and when i click on a barracks or anything else that is also added to my group, so i can't build anything. then trails are put where i click and it infuriates me further. i took this pic after rageclicking. anyone able to tell me how to undo this? i tilted hard and it totally ruined the mission for me.

Rageclicking in the campaign :D
wow man, i played one 4v4 last night and it took One Hour and 35minutes to complete. I won and it was intense it mostly was crazy because two of my team mates quit or disconnected early game. So it was 2 v 4. lol me and my team mate took over our teammates bases that quit, i was macroing like hell my base terran and zerg base, makin crazy defenses, and mass units. lol took a couple massive battles then we finally took them out 1 by 1. lol. It was fun but dang was it a longgg match.
wow man, i played one 4v4 last night and it took One Hour and 35minutes to complete. I won and it was intense it mostly was crazy because two of my team mates quit or disconnected early game. So it was 2 v 4. lol me and my team mate took over our teammates bases that quit, i was macroing like hell my base terran and zerg base, makin crazy defenses, and mass units. lol took a couple massive battles then we finally took them out 1 by 1. lol. It was fun but dang was it a longgg match.

was this custom or bronze league?
Have a question about graphics settings. Anyone know what's required to enable high or ultra shaders? Are those DX10/11 settings? Believe a buddy of mine on WinXP 32-bit and a 8800GTS is locked down to the "medium" shader setting.
Terrorize the Terra-tron.

I never thought I'd get this achievement or the point related one. But after figuring out that pressing the space repeatedly yields a much faster rate of fire than simply holding it down, it was a piece of cake. Don't know how they can make a simple shooter lag so much though. There seems to be a quarter second delay between my action on the keyboard and the screen's reaction.
Terrorize the Terra-tron.

I never thought I'd get this achievement or the point related one. But after figuring out that pressing the space repeatedly yields a much faster rate of fire than simply holding it down, it was a piece of cake. Don't know how they can make a simple shooter lag so much though. There seems to be a quarter second delay between my action on the keyboard and the screen's reaction.

Yea on my first try I got like 17k, 2nd try was 350k, 3rd try I got 500k with 6 lives and 20 bombs to spare.

What helped me was realizing WASD worked for movement as well. For whatever reason I'm much more proficient with left hand WASD than right hand arrow keys.
I think it look like 20 games before I realized that slamming the spacebar sped up the shooting speed lol. When I figured that out, I got the 250k achievement, and then got to around to 450k on another try. Gave up in frustration. After putting it off for a while, decided to go back and try again with the plasma beam instead. Got the 500k achievement in one attempt with it.
what the hell are u guys talking about is that some achievement from the campaign?
the mini game in the campaign yes. When you're in the cantina on the space ship there's and arcade game you can play in there.
Wish my only time to really play SC2 wasn't early in the morning before I head to work. The afternoon/evening is usually players who don't do the cheese all-ins. The morning is nothing but cheese builds and with any cheese builds sometimes you just can't win.

I was sick yesterday (stupid co-worker infected half the office instead of going home) and played 15 games while at home (did great except against Z :( ). I didn't see a single cheese build. This morning I played 5 games. 4 of the 5 games used cheese builds. Lost 3 of them. One was a double gas steal by P on Steppes of War into mass VR. Probably could have won it but I built banshees by accident instead of Vikings because my normal TvP build uses Banshees. :(

Then there was the 6 pool on metalopolis where we were next to each other and then same thing except P went hidden fast DT tech with warp prism drop.

My two wins were one guy was lagging so he dropped instead of trying to play and the other was a TvT where the guy tried to mass marine rush off 3 rax into a 5 rax build. Two bunkers at my choke and a hellion drop into his mineral line put an end to his plans.

Still the overall quality of player in the morning always seems lower then afternoon/evening. Anybody else notice this or am I just unlucky in the early hours of the morning? I hate having to adjust my play based on time of the day. Beating back cheese builds won't help me much if I can't actually use solid BO's because I'm constantly doing a 9rax wall off to stop a 6 pool or all-in marine rush.
Yea on my first try I got like 17k, 2nd try was 350k, 3rd try I got 500k with 6 lives and 20 bombs to spare.

What helped me was realizing WASD worked for movement as well. For whatever reason I'm much more proficient with left hand WASD than right hand arrow keys.


Why didn't I think try try WASD!

What did you do after you hit 500k? Just quit? 6 lives and 20 bombs probably could have taken you to a million. :)

I think it look like 20 games before I realized that slamming the spacebar sped up the shooting speed lol. When I figured that out, I got the 250k achievement, and then got to around to 450k on another try. Gave up in frustration. After putting it off for a while, decided to go back and try again with the plasma beam instead. Got the 500k achievement in one attempt with it.

If I recall, the score achievement was 125k, which I never thought I would get when I would hold the spacebar down.

Oh, and, I finally beat the game on hard while only using the screen clearing machine once (when it was at about 98.2%). It was probably the most amount of time I've spent trying to get an achievement. I think I tried 4 different builds and had over 20 saved games. Planetary fortress would probably have helped as I used multiple bases to act as block-off points and double as supply depots.
I beat the campaign is their anyway to go back in and play the arcade or must I make a new campaign save?
I beat the campaign is their anyway to go back in and play the arcade or must I make a new campaign save?

Go to load games. Click the campaign tab. Scroll down about 20 save games. This should load one of your saved games while you're still on the ship. If it doesn't, scroll down and load an older game. Just did this yesterday so it's still fresh in my mind.