Starcraft II

Finally got the Aces High achievement today ... surprisingly I also got the hurry, its raid night achievement. My computer almost went out the window, on a prior attempt, as the artifact was destroyed at 99.9% charged.

I was really surprised I got it [Hurry its raid night] as I even did 1 of the prophecy missions, to max out my zerg and protoss research, before heading to char.
Just started playing multiplayer tonight, and man did I get my ass kicked... in practice league. The upside is that I started to adjust my strategy and came back swinging the fat one.
Finally got around to getting the Lost Viking 500k points achievement. It's technically the last achievement I can get for the single player campaign, though I'm still stuck at 99% completion for some reason. Many others have the same experience so I'm not gonna lose sleep over that.

I finally ended up using the purple plasma beam instead of the spread one because I realized that 2 drones is more than enough to take out most of the regular enemies. And the plasma beam just eats through bosses. Losing a few points overall doesn't compare to beating a boss/miniboss 3 times faster than usual.
I finally ended up using the purple plasma beam instead of the spread one because I realized that 2 drones is more than enough to take out most of the regular enemies. And the plasma beam just eats through bosses. Losing a few points overall doesn't compare to beating a boss/miniboss 3 times faster than usual.

Huh? Are we talking about the same game?
Finally got around to getting the Lost Viking 500k points achievement. It's technically the last achievement I can get for the single player campaign, though I'm still stuck at 99% completion for some reason. Many others have the same experience so I'm not gonna lose sleep over that.

I finally ended up using the purple plasma beam instead of the spread one because I realized that 2 drones is more than enough to take out most of the regular enemies. And the plasma beam just eats through bosses. Losing a few points overall doesn't compare to beating a boss/miniboss 3 times faster than usual.

If you get all the achievements you're at 1590/1600. No one knows where the last 10 comes from AFAIK.

Personally 3 of my meta achievements are bugged so I'm stuck at 1530/1600 until blizzard fixes it.
Is being a complete piece of shit right now for anyone else? I've been getting dropped a lot and in every game I've played so far either I or someone else have been getting disconnected from
Is being a complete piece of shit right now for anyone else? I've been getting dropped a lot and in every game I've played so far either I or someone else have been getting disconnected from

Yup... but I managed to sneak in one game, and... it was the perfect game! This just happened:


/retire... J/K
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but: what kind of system do I need to run the game at Ultra? Right now my specs are:

CPU: Q6600
Video card: 8800GT 512MB
RAM: 4GB DDR2-800

I tried doing it in Ultra on that set up in the Piercing the Shroud mission, and FRAPS tells me the frame rate is essentially single-digits in the big room with the exploding barrels with shooting going on. Is that about right, and would going to, say, a Radeon 4870 help?
Well. I'm putting this game down for a while. I can't stand the current match making system for random teams and its just not fun anymore...

Will still play 1v1 once in a blue moon, but team games (what I find most fun) have become a chore with all the arranged teams. Stupid Blizzard.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but: what kind of system do I need to run the game at Ultra? Right now my specs are:

CPU: Q6600
Video card: 8800GT 512MB
RAM: 4GB DDR2-800

I tried doing it in Ultra on that set up in the Piercing the Shroud mission, and FRAPS tells me the frame rate is essentially single-digits in the big room with the exploding barrels with shooting going on. Is that about right, and would going to, say, a Radeon 4870 help?

A 4870 would help, but I'm not sure if you'd get completely smooth performance on ultra. FWIW, high settings doesn't look that much worse than ultra and should run very smoothly on a 8800 GT.

Well. I'm putting this game down for a while. I can't stand the current match making system for random teams and its just not fun anymore...

Will still play 1v1 once in a blue moon, but team games (what I find most fun) have become a chore with all the arranged teams. Stupid Blizzard.
Just find some friends to play with. You can also queue as "RT" with 3 people in 4v4 and 2 people in 3v3... (it uses your RT rating). I'm not 100% sure why blizzard combined RT and AT. They were distinct in WC3 and should have remained that way. I thought they were combined in beta because of a smaller player pool.
yeah it is very fun
to have played only diamond and plat teams
and they all cheeze

since the game released 3 weeks ago, I have not played a gold, silver, bronze yet
I have only gotten matched up against diamond and plat

going 50% overall
I wish I had the time to play like some of you. My macro would actually improve faster and I'd think about more things and different possibilities then I do. Every game I play and lose to something stupid that could have been easily avoided makes the light bulb get a little bit brighter but because on average I only get to play a game or two a day it's hard. :(

Go go 4 game losing streak!
I wish I had the time to play like some of you. My macro would actually improve faster and I'd think about more things and different possibilities then I do. Every game I play and lose to something stupid that could have been easily avoided makes the light bulb get a little bit brighter but because on average I only get to play a game or two a day it's hard. :(

Go go 4 game losing streak!

I know exactly how you feel. It doesn't help that this is my first try in the RTS realm. :eek:
you guys have nothing to be ashamed of...

i get owned by the computer on medium.


haven't even bothered trying to play a real, live person yet. i'd only embarass myself!
I know exactly how you feel. It doesn't help that this is my first try in the RTS realm. :eek:

Same here. Never really played any RTS online before. Was too busy with my FPS games. ;)

you guys have nothing to be ashamed of...

i get owned by the computer on medium.


haven't even bothered trying to play a real, live person yet. i'd only embarass myself!

I'm probably going to stop laddering for 2-3 days and only play the computer in order to get my macro a little more situated. Insane AI is at least good for that. ;)
Actually 8800gt might be fine, what really kills performance in this game is CPU

SOMEONE please tell me why starcraft only uses 2 cores? stupid as ef

Well I have a roommate running a 8800 GT and a Athlon II X2 and it runs on high very well. My laptop has a C2D and a 9800M GS (a gimped 8800 GT) and it runs on high very well. High isn't that much worse than ultra TBH, just keep that in mind.
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Intel, your profile gives me a slight boner. What rank are you in 4v4 overall?
Well I have a roommate running a 8800 GT and a Athlon II X2 and it runs on high very well. My laptop has a C2D and a 9800M GS (a gimped 8800 GT) and it runs on high very well. High isn't that much worse than ultra TBH, just keep that in mind.

IMO, the largest difference is between low and medium, after fiddling around in the map editor (which allows instantanious gfx settings changes).
Intel, your profile gives me a slight boner. What rank are you in 4v4 overall?

The 4v4 is sort of misleading. It's really easy to fall into the 5-0 placement in 4v4 and never play another game... change one player and you gotta do placement again etc. I only have 2 teams I care about in 4v4. My diamond team is 26-5 and I have another team that's 31-0... stuck in platinum.
to the kerrigan portrait it says finish all 29 missions yet the single player says 25/26 completed yet i look through my data base of missions and ive completed them all but still says 25/26?
You are probably missing the secret mission, won't say how in case you want to figure it out yourself, but easy to search for. That would make it 26/26. To get 29 you need to do the other choice in the 3 choice missions, those won't show on the counter though but it counts to the achievement if you do it from the archive.
I wish I had the time to play like some of you. My macro would actually improve faster and I'd think about more things and different possibilities then I do. Every game I play and lose to something stupid that could have been easily avoided makes the light bulb get a little bit brighter but because on average I only get to play a game or two a day it's hard. :(

Go go 4 game losing streak!

I know exactly how you feel. It doesn't help that this is my first try in the RTS realm. :eek:
you guys have nothing to be ashamed of...

i get owned by the computer on medium.


haven't even bothered trying to play a real, live person yet. i'd only embarass myself!

I'm probably at the same level with you guys, playing the game every few days for no more than an hour at a time... I suck to say the least :D

If you like, you can add me to your list, and maybe one day we can suck together vs. medium computer or what have you :p
Character name: northrop
Character code: 622
The fucking toss cannon rush is the cheapest thing ever. It's bullshit.

Yeah, I'm well aware of how to stop a cannon rush. I'm talking about a very specific spot one cliff level below your base (still close enough to hit your vespene and worker line) in a certain map, where if you're Zerg you have to to pull off at least 4 drones from your mineral line as soon as you see the probe.
I wish I could play more as well as I am terrible but I enjoy it.

There are certain cheese ball moves that if they dont beat you with the move you sacrifice so much and are so behind that you are dead.

One is sending a probe to harrass your workers if you are terran. Stopping the Cannon rush is impossible if it is the first thing they do, they do not even need gas to do it. If you pull your workers to stop it then your economy is gone and you will just get rushed and killed.

I have noticed that I am getting better though the more I play. I like the match making system as it placed me in the Silver league for 3v3 and I feel like I get matched up with players who are equal to me and I avoid the really good players which can turn me off to the game. Still get owned sometimes though.

The hardest thing for me is once I lauch an attack I have a hard time remembering to continue building and expanding at my base(s) while the attack is going on. What happens is my attack fails I then fail behind even though I have plenty of money it still takes time to pump out units of any kind.
i have trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time, so you can imagine how god awful my macro/micro is!
I wish I could play more as well as I am terrible but I enjoy it.

There are certain cheese ball moves that if they dont beat you with the move you sacrifice so much and are so behind that you are dead.

One is sending a probe to harrass your workers if you are terran. Stopping the Cannon rush is impossible if it is the first thing they do, they do not even need gas to do it. If you pull your workers to stop it then your economy is gone and you will just get rushed and killed.

I have noticed that I am getting better though the more I play. I like the match making system as it placed me in the Silver league for 3v3 and I feel like I get matched up with players who are equal to me and I avoid the really good players which can turn me off to the game. Still get owned sometimes though.

The hardest thing for me is once I lauch an attack I have a hard time remembering to continue building and expanding at my base(s) while the attack is going on. What happens is my attack fails I then fail behind even though I have plenty of money it still takes time to pump out units of any kind.

Actually I like it when a Protoss cannon rushes me. It's a free win especially if they continue to try to plant more pylons and cannons. I generally only have to pull about 6 SCV's off to kill the pylon and cannons and marines aren't far behind. So in the end I get a huge economic advantage. I'm behind where I would be normally but the Protoss player is even further behind.

Saw a neat drop build vs Zerg that's a little different then other drops that I'm going to try out. First time I've seen the drop used this way so interested to try it. This drop would definitely make Idra rage. ;) Speaking of his rage the Silver vs Idra games on Husky's youtube site is awesome. :D
This is a completely retarded question, but I don't know where else to ask...

randomly all my units get junked together and when i click on a barracks or anything else that is also added to my group, so i can't build anything. then trails are put where i click and it infuriates me further. i took this pic after rageclicking. anyone able to tell me how to undo this? i tilted hard and it totally ruined the mission for me.