Starcraft II

Honestly, I have no idea. It wasn't very many games in beta - I had a friend drop TWO divisions within 10-15 games (platinum to silver).

I haven't had any personal experience with it other than that... and I've seen threads on various forums where people have gone on 15+ game losing streaks and haven't been demoted.

Well guess that means I just start playing and hope I somehow win 1 of every 5 games. That way I'm not just getting destroyed every match. ;)

I didn't get to play this morning since I was too busy watching some replays of TvEverything thanks to Debo posting a stream-a-thon replay pack. Debo is a Diamond #1 with 648 points and he streamed for like 12 hours straight the other day. Posted all the replays over at
Can you elaborate on this please?

I dunno, there were the 3-4 protoss chrystal missions (in the lab) and that one secret mission from destroying the sci lab on the korhal broadcast mission).

I am guessing he means the Char missions (last missions).

Good luck...
lost 6 straight yesterday

played against all diamond/ plat teams

under gold
blizzard like to hold us down
hold us down
record 50% now
How else would BNet know to advance you forward? After a certain amount of wins it will put you put against better teams to find out if you are worthy or a better league or not, makes sense to me.
My gameplay has improved over the past week, so I don't feel like I'm being completely owned anymore. I've been playing with two friends the past few days, and we had a good run going until late last night.
One guy plays Protoss, and he typically sends a Drone to an enemy base at the start of the match, warps a Pylon and a few Photons in, then my friend and I send in a handful of Reavers to destroy the workers and buildings to quickly dispatch of one opponent. However, after doing that a few times last night, it seemed everyone expected/encountered that before, so we had to fight it out for the long haul.
One guy took out the Photons right away, then immediately zergling rushed our Protoss base and called him a noob, which was pretty funny, because my friend was so pissed off for getting wiped out so quickly.
We had one stellar match that lasted I believe 58 minutes, where each side brought the other close to annihilation but couldn't finish it off before help arrived. I thought we were done when they brought out their huge fleet of Void Rays, Stalkers and Hydralisks, but I had about 15 Battlecruisers and a handful of Marines backed up by loads of Vikings, Marines and Carriers. Best match so far, and our opponents seemed pretty cool too.
I'm sure I sound like a n00b, but I'm having a blast with this game.
KingSmooth - Those long games where there is constant aggression right from the start are usually the most fun. Love those. You should post the replay or something, always fun to watch.
I'm working on beating the campaign again so I can have more portraits for multiplayer. I've been reading strategies and playing the practice matches and I'm starting to win almost every match.
Yea, had one of those games. Best game I ever had was in 2v2, where the opponent almost wiped out my teammate, then I went and almost wiped out their teammate, and then I wiped out his economy and he killed most of my necessary buildings for higher tier units (I was zerg) and then we were stalled. I countered him with zerglings killing any expo I could find, while my teammate went straight to Thors when he rebuilt himself, and the balance of the game kept changing (we killed their army, they killed our army) until at some point the other teammate that I nearly wiped out suddenly showed up with like 40 hydras.

Man, that was one game that I'll likely never forget.
Thinking of starting a for fun [H]ardOCP SC2 tournament, is anybody interested?

I will set up a thing on binary beast today or tomorrow. Thinking about a BO3 1v1 tournament. If its successful, We can do 2v2 etc later on as well.
Thinking of starting a for fun [H]ardOCP SC2 tournament, is anybody interested?

I will set up a thing on binary beast today or tomorrow. Thinking about a BO3 1v1 tournament. If its successful, We can do 2v2 etc later on as well.

I would play! I assume it would be on a weekend or what?
I would play! I assume it would be on a weekend or what?

Well I was thinking of giving people some time to get their games in because not everyone will have time on a weekend, or weekday.. so its a bit more relaxed unless everyone finishes their matches asap then we can move on to the next bracket etc.
Can you elaborate on this please?

You have to complete both missions at each of the 3 choices to get Kerrigan. There are a maximum of 26 "canon" missions in a playthrough, but you have to go back into the archives to do the opposite choice missions afterwards.
Blizzard thinks it's funny to put me up against Platinum and Diamond players with me being a lowly Bronze. This is ridiculous, and it's crushing my spirits.
My gameplay has improved over the past week, so I don't feel like I'm being completely owned anymore. I've been playing with two friends the past few days, and we had a good run going until late last night.
One guy plays Protoss, and he typically sends a Drone to an enemy base at the start of the match, warps a Pylon and a few Photons in, then my friend and I send in a handful of Reavers to destroy the workers and buildings to quickly dispatch of one opponent. However, after doing that a few times last night, it seemed everyone expected/encountered that before, so we had to fight it out for the long haul.
One guy took out the Photons right away, then immediately zergling rushed our Protoss base and called him a noob, which was pretty funny, because my friend was so pissed off for getting wiped out so quickly.
We had one stellar match that lasted I believe 58 minutes, where each side brought the other close to annihilation but couldn't finish it off before help arrived. I thought we were done when they brought out their huge fleet of Void Rays, Stalkers and Hydralisks, but I had about 15 Battlecruisers and a handful of Marines backed up by loads of Vikings, Marines and Carriers. Best match so far, and our opponents seemed pretty cool too.
I'm sure I sound like a n00b, but I'm having a blast with this game.

nice reavers
Yar. I took my placement (just bought SC2) and tried to lose (wanted to throw my placement)... I thought, what the hell, I will try to make roaches as slow as possible and just expand like a mofo.

10 minutes later, I had like 15 roaches and 4 expo, and still no sign of the opponent. Decided to push in to see what would happen -- he had like 5 zealots and 4 stalkers. And then he rage quit when his army got wiped out. :(

So much for throwing my placement.
Yar. I took my placement (just bought SC2) and tried to lose (wanted to throw my placement)... I thought, what the hell, I will try to make roaches as slow as possible and just expand like a mofo.

10 minutes later, I had like 15 roaches and 4 expo, and still no sign of the opponent. Decided to push in to see what would happen -- he had like 5 zealots and 4 stalkers. And then he rage quit when his army got wiped out. :(

So much for throwing my placement.

those are placement / practice matches a lot of people are on your level too
Wow, the best way to get into diamond might be to place into bronze.

One of my 3v3 teams went 3-2 in placement (oh boy), and got placed in bronze. After 16 games, we were 17-4 and got catapulted into gold. We then held the #1 gold spot (top 5 in the world point wise in gold...), and then just now after going 29-10 total (39 games), we got catapulted into Diamond. So we apparently skipped silver and platinum altogether. It takes about 30ish games anyway to get into Diamond, but after making diamond, we kept a lot of our points so we're pretty high still in Diamond even though we just got there (400ish points).
I'm still in bronze 1v1 and I don't know why. Just now I was more in a casual mood (I'll post the replay if wanted) but I'll sum up the game (TvT).

Me: I've never really used a ghost before. . . .
Him: Doesn't get his SCVs going for the first second.
Me: In your base, looking at your stuff, oh, a reactor on a rack.
Me: Ghost done, finally. Oh, so is a whole slew of marines/mauraders.
Me: Send ghost his way, cloak and nuke finish.
Me: Drop nuke on his entrance where he has 16 marines just standing, they never move.
Ghost: Hey, I skipped a few ranks in my career
Him: Do nothing with remaining marines.
Me: Send in my "army" and find just about every building he could've had, take out his academy to be safe.
Him: Wasted all his energy on mules.
Me: Well I guess I could fly banshees in cloaked and kill everything *happens*

It was a game I didn't even try and he was "slightly favored".

EDIT - Checked his stats, overall in league he is 4w/32l (1/4 in 1v1). How is that slightly favored. might be more broken than I thought.
haha, some friend and I just played a 3v3 easy AI coop and all we made was infestors and only made infested terrans. It was pretty fun. 300 infested terrans kill buildings really fast
I gotta vent. Was playing a 2v2 with my brother against a pair of Terran. We were Zerg/Protoss. They made a semi-early push with Marines/Marauders and my brother lost most of his base. I managed to kill off the rest of the attacking army with zerglings.

Later, I harrassed pretty damn successfully with Mutas, and my brother was able to rebuild into robotics. We made a push and completely decimated them. One player left, and then my brother too suddenly left the game. Odd, I thought. The last player wasn't leaving, but that's fine. He had no remaining forces, and likely a Command Center floating somewhere on the map. I decide to finish off the last couple buildings and take my win. Suddenly, the game instantly closes and my computer restarts. Courtesy of Windows Update, my brother and I were owned, simultaneously, after a stellar comeback. :(
I gotta vent. Was playing a 2v2 with my brother against a pair of Terran. We were Zerg/Protoss. They made a semi-early push with Marines/Marauders and my brother lost most of his base. I managed to kill off the rest of the attacking army with zerglings.

Later, I harrassed pretty damn successfully with Mutas, and my brother was able to rebuild into robotics. We made a push and completely decimated them. One player left, and then my brother too suddenly left the game. Odd, I thought. The last player wasn't leaving, but that's fine. He had no remaining forces, and likely a Command Center floating somewhere on the map. I decide to finish off the last couple buildings and take my win. Suddenly, the game instantly closes and my computer restarts. Courtesy of Windows Update, my brother and I were owned, simultaneously, after a stellar comeback. :(

awwww that sucks. Got to set those options man.
haha, some friend and I just played a 3v3 easy AI coop and all we made was infestors and only made infested terrans. It was pretty fun. 300 infested terrans kill buildings really fast

But have you tried building 25 3/3 Ultralisk vs AI? :p

Those things kill buildings REALLY fast. And since they have splash damage, 90 damage to nearby buildings as well. Was funny when I had the highest building razed count in the whole game (3vAI) despite arriving really late to the action. :D

I like building completely pointless attack forces... Just the other day I made like 70 3/3/3 zealots, ad 3/3 hellions, and 60 3/3 queens. Now THAT was fun.
Yes, but all it does is let you play with AA... which I doubt you'd want to try with a 4670.

Maybe try 10.4a? I think a lot of people find that driver to be the most stable. Also worth giving directxwebsetup a try to upgrade your DirectX.

Thanks for the ideas. I actually resolved this by using Medium settings and using the 10.7a drivers.

Interestingly enough a friend of mine that has a 5xxx series card, encountered the same issue on the same mission. :confused: Told him to do what I did and he can play the same mission as well. :eek: ATI issue perhaps?
I gotta vent. Was playing a 2v2 with my brother against a pair of Terran. We were Zerg/Protoss. They made a semi-early push with Marines/Marauders and my brother lost most of his base. I managed to kill off the rest of the attacking army with zerglings.

Later, I harrassed pretty damn successfully with Mutas, and my brother was able to rebuild into robotics. We made a push and completely decimated them. One player left, and then my brother too suddenly left the game. Odd, I thought. The last player wasn't leaving, but that's fine. He had no remaining forces, and likely a Command Center floating somewhere on the map. I decide to finish off the last couple buildings and take my win. Suddenly, the game instantly closes and my computer restarts. Courtesy of Windows Update, my brother and I were owned, simultaneously, after a stellar comeback. :(

microsoft ftw
I gotta vent. Was playing a 2v2 with my brother against a pair of Terran. We were Zerg/Protoss. They made a semi-early push with Marines/Marauders and my brother lost most of his base. I managed to kill off the rest of the attacking army with zerglings.

Later, I harrassed pretty damn successfully with Mutas, and my brother was able to rebuild into robotics. We made a push and completely decimated them. One player left, and then my brother too suddenly left the game. Odd, I thought. The last player wasn't leaving, but that's fine. He had no remaining forces, and likely a Command Center floating somewhere on the map. I decide to finish off the last couple buildings and take my win. Suddenly, the game instantly closes and my computer restarts. Courtesy of Windows Update, my brother and I were owned, simultaneously, after a stellar comeback. :(

That exact same thing happened to me last week. Then totally forgot about it and it happened again this week! :( My buddy that was watching me play got a good laugh out of it though
Yay! Stopped my losing streak at 5 today! Really should have won both matches this morning but my macro still isn't all that great so when it slipped horribly it led to my loss in a TvT fight. I was trying something new beyond the normal Viking/Tank boring bullshit and because I was so focused on other things I blew it.

Won the TvP match pretty convincingly though especially since I made damn sure I was paying more attention to my macro. Wish I had time to play more though. Only being able to play a game or two a day doesn't allow me to really improve anything quickly.
But have you tried building 25 3/3 Ultralisk vs AI? :p

Those things kill buildings REALLY fast. And since they have splash damage, 90 damage to nearby buildings as well. Was funny when I had the highest building razed count in the whole game (3vAI) despite arriving really late to the action. :D

I like building completely pointless attack forces... Just the other day I made like 70 3/3/3 zealots, ad 3/3 hellions, and 60 3/3 queens. Now THAT was fun.

Ultras don't do splash damage to buildings with their ram, except if they attack enemy ground (infantry/vehicles/etc) with their blades. Just tested it in the map editor.
Yay, got promoted to Silver, then promoted to Gold about five games later. I think I'm finally where I should be, however I don't think I'll stop facing Platinum and Diamond players. :/ is down, that means I can't play online or offline. If I sign in as a guest I can't continue my progress from my account in the campaign. Seriously Blizzard?