Soldier of Fortune Kickstarter Petition


Dec 29, 2005
All of these kickstarter campaigns inspired me to create a petition and facebook page to hopefully inspire Raven Software to launch their own kickstarter for a new Soldier of Fortune title. I have no idea how effective this will be or even if Raven still own the SoF IP but I thought.. "Hey, why not. It's worth a shot."

Petition can be found here

Facebook page

Your support is appreciated! :D
I think you're wasting your time, as Raven is a shell of what it was when they made SOF and the Jedi Knight games.
Oh man, I loved Soldier of Fortune.

I'd spend hours and hours just spawning civilians and mercilessly slicing their skulls apart with my knife, exposing intestines with shotgun blasts, and removing their appendages with my .44.

However, that is probably best left in the past :p
Oh man, I loved Soldier of Fortune.

I'd spend hours and hours just spawning civilians and mercilessly slicing their skulls apart with my knife, exposing intestines with shotgun blasts, and removing their appendages with my .44.

However, that is probably best left in the past :p
I gotta agree... SoF is a great memory, and it's best left that way. I doubt Raven even owns the IP, given that Activision released Payback, which had nothing to do with Raven.
SoF was good but you have to think about how it would translate in today's world.

Really it brought nothing great to the table except the crazy gore system, and that's not enough to sell a game (maybe a $9.99 special)
People have rose colored glasses when they are thinking about this game. It really wasn't that great and didn't bring anything to the table but over the top gore.
I enjoyed playing SoF on the school's computers over LAN in highschool during class, but I don't know if it would be something that could compare today to the FPS games we already have.
I played through both SoF and SoF II once, and while I enjoyed the games (sort of), once was enough. I am sure one day, though, I will get all nostalgic and fire one of them up again. Maybe.
Raven is owned by Activision and is nothing more than the COD map pack studio now. This will never happen. Raven as they once were are dead and gone forever.
SoF 2 had great multiplayer and the random mission generator killed a lot of time. I would enjoy a correct sequel.
SoF 2 had great multiplayer and the random mission generator killed a lot of time. I would enjoy a correct sequel.
This. I understand writing off the single player as one big gimmick, but SOF2 MP was a hell of a lot of fun. I remember when the demo came out with infiltration on shop... I was hooked immediately.
If Raven was involved,I would want nothing to do with it. I'll never forgive them for what they did to the Wolfenstein franchise. The first two SoF games were great for their time,but they'd have to bring something more than gore to the table now to get my interest.
SoF 2 SP & MP was brilliant, and indicative of the quality FPS shooters we used to get. As others have observed, its a damn shame that Raven is a shadow of its former self.
done and done !! SOFII MP drained my life for about 2 years... Remeber those good old times on Jordan and HK2 all night long.
I loved SoFII MP! I played that game for a really long time. It was always tons of fun. Would be cool if they made a true sequel.
SOF 2 was cursed, I remember specifically on the first level walking the dark night in prague it was playing a satanic chant. I thought I was either high or having a flashback, took my headphones off and didnt hear anything, put the headphons back on and I heard it.....
wasn't there just recently a SoF:payback release not too long ago?

going to be hard to get others on board in mass after that games reception
SoF 1 and 2 were cool, the rest f'n blew, especially the last one, that was really bad.
SoF 2 had great multiplayer and the random mission generator killed a lot of time. I would enjoy a correct sequel.
Ah yes, almost forgotten about the random mission generator thing. Really loved it :cool:

wasn't there just recently a SoF:payback release not too long ago?

going to be hard to get others on board in mass after that games reception
The project got turned into a low budget game so its failure shouldn't be surprising.

Anyway, EA is reviving C&C franchise with Generals 2, despite C&C 4 failure. As long as they believe the interest is still there, it is possible.
wasn't there just recently a SoF:payback release not too long ago?

going to be hard to get others on board in mass after that games reception

I generally disregard that game entirely as it was such a POS abomination not worthy of the SoF name. Payback was not developed by Raven Software but a small Slovakian dev studio called Cauldron.

The petition and kickstarter campaign is targeted at Raven Software, the original devs. I understand Raven Software is a shell of its former self, but this is exactly what these Kickstarter campaigns are intended for.

The monetary support of a kickstarter campaign could enable Raven to enlist people who worked on the previous titles.

Some of the key points I'd like to see in a new SoF title would be:
  • A new and improved GHOUL engine for hit detection & realistic damage modelling
  • Old skool FPS mechanics (no regenerating health), leaning etc
  • Classic run & gun MP like SoF 2
  • Single player campaign with similar story line as previous titles
  • A seeded random map generator with multiple mission types for limitless replayability
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SoF is my best childhood game. i really enjoyed ripping my enemies apart. I played it when I was 12. This game is an epic piece of awesomeness. I remember the final boss had a kind of electric or plasma weapon.I hope they will made a true sequel.
I generally disregard that game entirely as it was such a POS abomination not worthy of the SoF name. Payback was not developed by Raven Software but a small Slovakian dev studio called Cauldron.

The petition and kickstarter campaign is targeted at Raven Software, the original devs. I understand Raven Software is a shell of its former self, but this is exactly what these Kickstarter campaigns are intended for.

The monetary support of a kickstarter campaign could enable Raven to enlist people who worked on the previous titles.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought Raven was now a fully owned subsidiary of Activision?
I have done my part and signed. I think Raven software still has talent. Singularity proved that to me. They just need funding and time. My worry is that since they are owned by Activision that those idiots will step in and control any project we fund.
Dont try. You have done it too, just like everyone has gone in insane killing spree in old GTA's at point or another... :D

6 hours, none stop massacre via machine guns from one misjudge drift turn over a policeman. Then the game crashed... I think something overheated. :(

I still on failure of a quest element in FO/TES just go on a rampage... Head pyramids in the mojave at sunset...
As long as it is fun, I don't care who makes the game. I am not blinded by elitism.
I'd rather have a NOLF 3.

That would be awesome as well. I didn''t get into the NOLF games until years after they came out but I fell in love with them as well. Sadly NOLF 2 had a glitch that I couldn't get progress past.
Now that I started thinking about games I would give kickstarter money to I would support a PC port of Condemned 2 as well as funding Condemned 3 if both were to be done by Monolith.
Since we are on the topic of classics .. How about another "Shogo" by Monolith? And another "Blood"..

Still, this is a SoF campaign.. Give it some love :p