Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

rayman2k2 said:
Rash, I didn't know UMPC's were out.
They got released officially here in the UK on 1st June, i preordered mine from
Rash said:
Ok i got 2 new LCD additions to my rig: The new Sony Ericsson M600i and the new Samsung Q1 Ultra Mobile PC, I tell you both items are the bollocks!:D

Great setup! But where are you cables? :p
How's the Q1?
slaWter said:
Great setup! But where are you cables? :p
How's the Q1?
I hacked the walls to hide the wires and then got a sparky to sort it properly lol.

The Q1 is an excellent device, its a real snappy device for the spec. Great for divx movies also. just testing games now like max payne 2 which runs liks butter, i just need to invest in a micro bluetooth kb and mouse for those fps games!
Rash, you're set-up is very nice. I like that clean, simplified elegant look you got going. Do you game on that dinovo keyboard? Comfortable?

Also, I remember you having an xbox 360, what happened to it?
richatarded, what keyboard is that? it looks cool, and a lot like the razer tarantula(if that's released yet)
btf1980 said:
Rash, you're set-up is very nice. I like that clean, simplified elegant look you got going. Do you game on that dinovo keyboard? Comfortable?

Also, I remember you having an xbox 360, what happened to it?
Gaming feels very comfortable, good rane on it aswell.

I sold the 360 as i only liked 2 games which i played to death, and after the e3 showing i dont think there is much going for it, so i sold it on ebay and put the money towards the q1
ok so here's my setup jsut got the desk. love it.w as 300 bucks. lol


the larger samsung screens abotu 3 eyars old it hinks omeone is coming to buy it from me tongiht i hope! then im goign to jsut use the 17 inch for the next few years as it works fine.

Plus i think this weekend i may buy a 27 inch lcd for my living room. since ill show you in a few. I need some seriouse work ont he video side of my home theatre :(

but i have one uber movie/game collection ;) wootage!
the 360 shelfs has double in games. guess i need to update that photo. lol


Rash said:
The Q1 is an excellent device, its a real snappy device for the spec. Great for divx movies also. just testing games now like max payne 2 which runs liks butter...

more importantly, how do you like the m600? like wowow i know it just dropped this week! good job man, if were to EVER leave series 40 i would get that one right there. or the n80... hahah

but yea, my pickings are getting slim to get top of the line series40 and then i noticed that pretty m600 came out i was like..... uhm :confused:
Sailor_Moon said:

After seeing the above pic and

Dynafrom said:
Nice keyboard sailor.

that comment right after it...........

Well, I laughed for 5 minutes straight.........

Ok so it is 2:08am and I'm a little slap-happy. But still, that is damn funny......
el rolio said:
more importantly, how do you like the m600? like wowow i know it just dropped this week! good job man, if were to EVER leave series 40 i would get that one right there. or the n80... hahah

but yea, my pickings are getting slim to get top of the line series40 and then i noticed that pretty m600 came out i was like..... uhm :confused:
I wondered when someone would notice, quite rar here in the uk atm!, awesome phone, had it over a week now, slim, light, excellent screen, snappy, keyboard actually works very well, the op/gui feels really natural. Best phone i have had
paradoxblue said:
ok so here's my setup jsut got the desk. love it.w as 300 bucks. lol

Is that computer about to fall off the edge of the desk? I mean, you can get rid of the flower to make room for the computer.
Hey everyone,

I'm liking the Hardforums, some fun and useful information. Well here's my setup, nothing special. Got the desk for about $10 :). Hopefully upgrading to the Dell 2405fpw or 2407fpw pretty soon. Thanks!


I just took a new picture of my work area. The first in two years. Here it is. And don't buy cheap 12ms LCDs like the Samsung 740b, it sucks compared to the 16ms Samsung 204T right next to it.

Staples said:
I just took a new picture of my work area. The first in two years. Here it is. And don't buy cheap 12ms LCDs like the Samsung 740b, it sucks compared to the 16ms Samsung 204T right next to it.


dang, don't know how you don't get scared your system box won't accidently get knocked and fall to the ground. that picture just looks dangerous.
Staples said:
I just took a new picture of my work area. The first in two years. Here it is. And don't buy cheap 12ms LCDs like the Samsung 740b, it sucks compared to the 16ms Samsung 204T right next to it.

why would a 12 ms LCD not as good as a 16 ms? Shouldn't the 12 ms be faster?

and how do you fit your feet w/ that black box getting in the way?
frankyk said:
dang, don't know how you don't get scared your system box won't accidently get knocked and fall to the ground. that picture just looks dangerous.
I guess it could happen but it has been there for many years and I have not ever accidently hit it. Plus, these Lian Li cases are very wide and heavy so it is unlikely that it would tilt over without a significant nudge.

Happy Hopping said:
why would a 12 ms LCD not as good as a 16 ms? Shouldn't the 12 ms be faster?

and how do you fit your feet w/ that black box getting in the way?
I am not sure if the problem is an inherent problem because corners were cut to bring it down to 12ms (I imagine it is) but the color reproduction is terrible and so are the black levels. I have two of these cheap ones so it isn't just a case of maybe I have lemon. My mom has a different 12ms monitor and it also is not that great. I would not recommend anything lower than 16ms from my experience.

The black box is the subwoofer and I have at least 3 feet of space between it and the file cabinet. As long as I don't decede to move from side to side, I will be fine.
Croak said:
Westinghouse LVM37-W1, 1920x1080, and my old Dell 2005FPW sitting unhooked for bonus LCD points.

Please to excuse the wires. In case you were interested, the top right is a cable TV input (HBO Hi Def/Spider Man 2) in a PiP window.
How clear is the picture on that, and is the resolution an actual widescreen resolution? I keep running into Plasma TV's that run at 1024x768, but are widescreen 0_o

I also have a quick question to all with triple screen setups; what type of video card configuration do you use? Can you put something like two 7800's (not in SLI), and have one drive the first two while the other drives the third? Can you get 3D acceleration across all 3?


In case anyone is wondering if this monitor scales and how it looks. This one is a shot with the front end of a game running at it's defualt 800x600 with Nvidias centered timings on.
jddesigned, my congradulations to you. That is the most wondermus setup I've seen yet. Beautiful.
Staples said:
I just took a new picture of my work area. The first in two years. Here it is. And don't buy cheap 12ms LCDs like the Samsung 740b, it sucks compared to the 16ms Samsung 204T right next to it.

the samsung 740B is an 8ms monitor, but in this case the response time doesn't have much to do with the picture quality.
The 740B uses a TN panel(fast, cheap, low contrast ratio and small viewing angles).
The 204T has an SPVA panel.......
The 740B is quite a good monitor(in its class) but using it next to an SPVA can really make it look ridiculous :D
jddesigned said:

:eek: :eek: So the whole world can see when your pullin your pud? :eek: :eek:

Nice view but way too exposed and bright.. I mean it can be bright and sunny out but my room is dark and cozy for gaming, I'd go blind if I had all that sun coming into my room lol
nice setup, that's one sexy monitor..
Is that a mobile phone in front of your printer? :)
Bone said:
the samsung 740B is an 8ms monitor, but in this case the response time doesn't have much to do with the picture quality.
The 740B uses a TN panel(fast, cheap, low contrast ratio and small viewing angles).
The 204T has an SPVA panel.......
The 740B is quite a good monitor(in its class) but using it next to an SPVA can really make it look ridiculous :D
Thanks for sharing some insight to the problem.
Techx said:
:eek: :eek: So the whole world can see when your pullin your pud? :eek: :eek:

Nice view but way too exposed and bright.. I mean it can be bright and sunny out but my room is dark and cozy for gaming, I'd go blind if I had all that sun coming into my room lol

LOL, yes it sucks having to close the blinds every time I need a private moment :p

Anyways to tell ya the truth I had a CRT in here up until a couple of months ago and glare is a third of what it used to be. I can easily do my design work now during the day without having to sit 2 inches from the screen and gaming is fantastic. I just turn my gamma up in my Nvidia control panel for games to about 1.45 and it's like playing at night.

Anyways thank you for the very nice comments everyone.
jddesigned, is that a house or an apartment? If it is an apartment, how much a month do you pay? Where do you live? That is one ridiculously awesome setup, I wouldn't even need a "private" moment with a view like that. Got any more pictures of the view?
dotCapone said:
jddesigned, is that a house or an apartment? If it is an apartment, how much a month do you pay? Where do you live? That is one ridiculously awesome setup, I wouldn't even need a "private" moment with a view like that. Got any more pictures of the view?

Hey it's a condo/apartment on the 5th floor. I'm glad to say after years of saving I don't have to make payments any longer :p Anyways I live in Vancouver BC and if you've never been here it true what they say there's beautiful views where ever you look. I'll look into getting some pics of the view for ya.

Anyways here's a shot of my old kick ass crt! *Sniff* I sure do miss the ole girl......... lol

kelim said:
I worked my ass off for what you see here. Not bad for a 16 year-old, eh?

I agree, good job man. I'm sure at this rate you'll own a lot more than a monitor in 10 years too.