Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

got a new desk, the 19" dell and finally got OS-X x-86 to run nicely (10.4.6)
here are some pics





Sceptre 20.1" Widescreen 1680x1050
Dell 19" 1280x1024
I noticed a lot of you guys have lights facing the walls behind your monitors. Does that help cause less eye-strain? :confused: My eyes get pretty tired at the computer so I was wondering what might be the best setup as far as lighting goes.. Thanks! :)
codeoverride80 said:
I noticed a lot of you guys have lights facing the walls behind your monitors. Does that help cause less eye-strain? :confused: My eyes get pretty tired at the computer so I was wondering what might be the best setup as far as lighting goes.. Thanks! :)

I do that with a desk lamp because it lights up the area around me but It doesn't make it too bright. It probably helps with the eye strain.
Deusfaux said:
i think some of the original splooge must have got on her, cuz she reproduced an offspring that grew up to be just as brilliant:

i think its time you dropped that CRT clunker and picked up something with a little more desktop space ;)


k seriously this isnt to brag, its just you gotta show your buds, right?

that's 5120x1600

at first the computer didnt like it, but upon reboot and checking off "extend my desktop" it works like pie

what the hell am i supposed to do with all this space?

i suppose this is the ultimate in multitasking now

sorry about the camera work it was done as fast as possible

hope this inspires you to pick up a widescreen - even a FPW2007 would be a good choice

it supports just over 1500 icons

now what I see (please tell me if i left any private info not blocked out. thanx:

Original size desktop

All that money to blow but yet can't afford a desk with enough mouse space or a decent chair :p
Ockie said:
All that money to blow but yet can't afford a desk with enough mouse space or a decent chair :p

yes apparently there's just too much money in my hands I cant move the keyboard over a couple inches when the drawer is out. :rolleyes:

re: chair. looks like shit, feels great. new one some day. priorities man, priorities.
Deusfaux said:
yes apparently there's just too much money in my hands I cant move the keyboard over a couple inches when the drawer is out. :rolleyes:

Even if you did move it out a little it still looks like you don't have enough room to mouse on, the whole desk just does not look comfortable.. but that's just me, I like having my gaming mouse/kb on top of the desk with lots of room to move and no jiggly keyboard tray..
stopmenow said:
pics? pics? ;)

I have a particle board desk that was damaged by a flood in my house, it is so not picture worthy. I'm going to order a new desk from office max soon so I'll definately post it up when it's ready :D
Sucka said:
hehe...oh trust me, mine can look like that at times ;)

Love this desk, i definetly need all the realestate.
Sorry to bring up an old post but what desk is that?
Apologies for the crappy webcam pics.


Setup is a Viewsonic 19" VX924 and a 17" Samsung 1701MP (with TV tuner and N64 hooked up).

Here's my new 2007WFP. Despite all the negatives a lot of people are spouting, it's a beautiful display.
Smititty said:

Here's my new 2007WFP. Despite all the negatives a lot of people are spouting, it's a beautiful display.
is that computer on the bottom from if so..i had one just like it from them....their pretty sorry.....
antok86 said:
is that computer on the bottom from if so..i had one just like it from them....their pretty sorry.....

Nope it was a comp. i put together for the family. They no longer need it because they have laptops now. I got the case on Newegg.

The case on top is my g/f's busted PC. I think it just needs a new PSU so hopefully it'll be outa here within the next couple weeks.

The sonata is my main rig. Socket A FTMFW!
hey antok86
I have question
how many"fulltillt" or "pokerstars" windows u can open in the same time on this 2007?

And for ppl who play poker online,anybody knows how many windows i can open in the same time on 2007,2407 and 3007?
altre said:
hey antok86
I have question
how many"fulltillt" or "pokerstars" windows u can open in the same time on this 2007?

And for ppl who play poker online,anybody knows how many windows i can open in the same time on 2007,2407 and 3007?

On my 2007WFP you can "comfortably" fit 4 tables on the screen at once.

On a side note: that window open in my other picture was a 265 person tournament that I eventually won.

The computer on the left is on a rotating arm so I can just swing it 90 degrees to get access to the side door or the cables in behind. Best thing I ever did :p

Samsung 215TW 21" widescreen LCD @ 1680x1050
ScaryFast said:

The computer on the left is on a rotating arm so I can just swing it 90 degrees to get access to the side door or the cables in behind. Best thing I ever did :p

Samsung 215TW 21" widescreen LCD @ 1680x1050

Guess I'll be the first to note that you've very prominently displayed your tissue box. ;)
Ludic said:
Guess I'll be the first to note that you've very prominently displayed your tissue box. ;)

well, the desk is called the Jerker (by Ikea). I happen to have kleenex boxes all over. one there, one by my bed, one by my washing machine, one to the left of my desk. sinus issues you see.
Ludic said:
Guess I'll be the first to note that you've very prominently displayed your tissue box. ;)

for a second there I thought he had a battlefield 2 themed tissue box, i was like woah where'd he get that lol

the upside down speakers are a nice touch too lol
Here's my setup after a few attempts at expansive wireless desk surface zen.

The only thing missing from my desk in these pics is my usual glass of water and sometimes a Red Bull sitting there. Aside from that I really do keep it this clean when I'm not shuffling through papers for work.

Now I need a new desk and I'm set. I want something equally basic just newer. If I could get the exact same desk, that would be ideal.

I work full-time at this desk, and also spend a great deal of leisure time gaming.


damn i use that same exact monitor for my 360.

im sure your just as happy with it as I am.

nice speakers and setup BTW,
Ballpoint, the 3007 is a large monitor, why would you need to elevate the height w/ that stand? How can you view the top w/o tilting your head all the way up?
Cesium, you have a great setup, but dude, please clean up the wires on the floor to complete the look man.

Cleaned my desk up recently :) 2005 portrait, 2405 landscape, XPS M140 (14.1") laptop, and a 26" Samsung 720p HD LCD in the background.

And that dual 3007 setup is absolutely amazing...
stopmenow said:
monitor maker/model?
nice cat!

That's Sherman, a British Shorthair
oh :p
a westinghouse lvm-37w3

and the wires, well, i think it's pretty much impossible
but once school is over, i'm gonna give the room a good overhaul

and here's my old monitor plus sherman :D
HappyHopping, at the height shown, my eyes are just above the halfway point of the display. I sit pretty high up in my chair and without the extra stand the 3007 is just too low.