Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

AlphexHunter said:
bobwrong beautiful setup man the dell 2407 really has style in its look and it matches your metallic desk simply beautiful!

Thanks so much. I'm SOOOO excited to finally have widescreen I was surprised to see how well it matched my desks! :D :D
Check out a program called UltraMon--I consider it a must-have for any multi-screen setup. It lets you set defaults for which screen any program starts in, lets you set different wallpapers for each screen, lets you move windows from one screen to another with one button-click, etc. Check it out.
I think (if you enable all the options) the newer nvidia drivers duplicate alot of the functions of ultramon making it unnessesary for the most part with nvidia cards. It could also potentially cause problems/performance issues if the same functions are enabled on both the nvidia drivers and ultramon.

I used to use ultramon but the nvidia drivers do everything I needed of it if you dig into the applets and familiarize yourself. This includes custom resolutions/timings, adding a toolbutton next to the min/max buttons on your windows for quick screen-swapping, program controls, etc.. etc..
SysteX said:
Check out a program called UltraMon--I consider it a must-have for any multi-screen setup. It lets you set defaults for which screen any program starts in, lets you set different wallpapers for each screen, lets you move windows from one screen to another with one button-click, etc. Check it out.

I've looked into it and I'm afraid it would conflict with some of my Vid Card drivers...the only thing it does that I would like is a second toolbar on my secondary display...

I think (if you enable all the options) the newer nvidia drivers duplicate alot of the functions of ultramon making it unnessesary for the most part with nvidia cards. It could also potentially cause problems/performance issues if the same functions are enabled on both the nvidia drivers and ultramon.

This is correct, in the picture I had I just put the same wally on both screens...not sure here is another one:

I found that wall after checking some screenshots in this it
bobwrong said:
I've looked into it and I'm afraid it would conflict with some of my Vid Card drivers...the only thing it does that I would like is a second toolbar on my secondary display...
I just switched to a 6800GT with the 91.47 Forceware drivers and Ultramon works fine without causing any driver conflicts.
Zero82z said:
I just switched to a 6800GT with the 91.47 Forceware drivers and Ultramon works fine without causing any driver conflicts.

I just installed it with a driver update to 91.47 and you are correct! works great and I get that damn toolbar I wanted. Thanks!!
I think I started a trend with that "Look left" wall paper on the right most monitor. :D
yeah I think you mean the second taskbar option on the secondary monitor (not toolbar). Thats cool. I don't think nvidia drivers do that yet (as far as I know), but they do cover most of the other important ultramon functions. I use my LCD as my taskmanager and my crt as my non-reading oriented display device for games and videos, etc so I don't really want a taskbar on that display. I make the CRT my primary display, then unlock the taskbar and drag it over to the bottom of my LCD screen and lock it back into place.
hahah I SO NEED THOSE WALLPAPERS can someone paste links to the LOOK LEFT <-- and LOOK RIGHT ---> wallpaper please?!?! :)
That would be fun to do.. but i thought about it for a second and realized i'd need

. . . .Look &#8600;

Look Left &#8594; Look Here &#8592; Look Right
elvn said:
yeah I think you mean the second taskbar option on the secondary monitor (not toolbar). Thats cool. I don't think nvidia drivers do that yet (as far as I know), but they do cover most of the other important ultramon functions.
nVidia has a Span mode in their latest drivers that does something similar, but I haven't tried it so I don't know if it works like Ultramon where you can have it show only the windows on one monitor in the taskbar on that monitor. I still prefer Ultramon in terms of flexibility, but nVidia really did a great job with multi-monitor support in the new control panel. Shame that everything else about the new control panel sucks, but I guess that's what RivaTuner is for ;).
I like Ultramon's features better than the new nVidia control panel's features, though I do give props to nVidia for adding the new stuff for free to people w/o Ultramon.

Though Ultramon does have a problem with me: whenever I open Winamp, it shows up on the second monitor's taskbar, no matter what window it is in. Other people have had this problem, and there seems to not be any way to fix it.

...oh well, still good program. Makes working with 2x 2007WFPs much easier.
elvn said:
yeah I think you mean the second taskbar option on the secondary monitor (not toolbar). Thats cool. I don't think nvidia drivers do that yet (as far as I know), but they do cover most of the other important ultramon functions. I use my LCD as my taskmanager and my crt as my non-reading oriented display device for games and videos, etc so I don't really want a taskbar on that display. I make the CRT my primary display, then unlock the taskbar and drag it over to the bottom of my LCD screen and lock it back into place.

That's what I've always done before too but I really wanted a second independent taskbar and you are correct in that nvidia doesn't do it YET....when they do I will be a happy less program to run eh?
Zero82z said:
nVidia has a Span mode in their latest drivers that does something similar, but I haven't tried it so I don't know if it works like Ultramon where you can have it show only the windows on one monitor in the taskbar on that monitor. I still prefer Ultramon in terms of flexibility, but nVidia really did a great job with multi-monitor support in the new control panel. Shame that everything else about the new control panel sucks, but I guess that's what RivaTuner is for ;).

The "span" feature just makes your computer think that you have 1 really wide display (or 1 really tall display) so you only get one taskbar...not that great a feature IMHO...but I'm sure somebody uses it for something!
bobwrong said:
The "span" feature just makes your computer think that you have 1 really wide display (or 1 really tall display) so you only get one taskbar...not that great a feature IMHO...but I'm sure somebody uses it for something!
I suspected as much. The individual taskbars for each monitor is one of the things I love about Ultramon.
This is my setup, the pair of Dell 2007WFP displays arrived last week. The desktop image is a panoramic photo I took on Maui at Sunset a couple years ago.

Hupo said:
What kind of laptop did you buy? (man im nosy)

LOL, that's not for me. I'm researching options for my brother-in-law, he needs an entry level laptop in the sub-$800 range. What you see in the picture is a printout of the spec sheet for the Dell B130. Pentium M 735 (1.7GHz), 1GB RAM, 40GB HDD, DVD burner, and an extra battery for $743. I think he would be better off with the Core Duo based E1505, but with similar specs that one comes out at $853.
JethroXP said:
LOL, that's not for me. I'm researching options for my brother-in-law, he needs an entry level laptop in the sub-$800 range. What you see in the picture is a printout of the spec sheet for the Dell B130. Pentium M 735 (1.7GHz), 1GB RAM, 40GB HDD, DVD burner, and an extra battery for $743. I think he would be better off with the Core Duo based E1505, but with similar specs that one comes out at $853.
It's probably worth the extra cost to get a Core Duo.
I have that same WalMart desk!! I love it!!

Looks like you might have the same chair too!! HAHA
robbiekhan....what are those random cables hanging on the wall in the 2nd pic? they look like usb and firewire....what are they for?
Many thanks!

alkaline said:
robbiekhan....what are those random cables hanging on the wall in the 2nd pic? they look like usb and firewire....what are they for?

Firewire for the dv camcorder, USB lead for the printer and a USB snakelight, because it's a novelty ^_^
BrinNutz said:
I have that same WalMart desk!! I love it!!

Looks like you might have the same chair too!! HAHA funny. Yep, got them from, effective,and relatively durable, although my desk suffered a bit when I had a 21' CRT on it....
Sweet man...Never seen anyone with just about the same setup..Even the 20.1 is on the same side as mine..LOL