Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

Happy Hopping said:
Kam03, what's that white box next to the windows, is it an air filter?

You wall mount the LCD TV, does it hold, it looks very heavy.

- The white tower is an air conditioner, heater, de-humidifier all in one unit.

- The wall mount takes upto 60kg and the lcd is about 30kg so no problem holding the lcd. The wall mount can also tilt.

sanj101 said:
Sky is like british version of HBO or Tivo, over 900 channels and digital radio.

- Yes, Sky is the british version of HBO, Tivo etc.
Can I get the brand name and model of that air conditioner? Does it c/w wheels at the bottom? And is it oil heater or electric heater? And when you turn on the air conditioner, does it requires a hose to loop the air to a window?
my first LCD, moved from my old HP CRT (on the right...kind of) love it!



EDIT: a little blurry, sry abt that not too steady a hand
stephen2002 said:
Because it's one that comes with windows, so uncool ;)
Are you referring to me? If so, that's untrue. It is from deviant art.

Regarding the speakers, I like them and they sound good to me, though I haven't heard them side-by-side with the ones by Klipsch.
Cross-posted in many different threads and forums.

Updated LCD/Workstation/Headphones/Speaker pictures now that I'm pretty much settled into my dorm room. Enjoy.





LCD: 2007WFP Rev. A02

Speaker setup: Computer/Toshiba SD-1600 --> LaFayette Stereo-108 --> Audiosource AMP Three --> Insigna NS-B2111

Headphones: Sony MDR-V700DJ, Beyerdynamic DT770/80, two pairs not worth mentioning

The LaFayette is being replaced by an Adcom GTP-500 II which should be here by Friday.
PC's are finally up and running after a couple weeks of random DOA parts and software/driver conflicts.


I got in on the deal when newegg was having the 204B's for like 270 each. By the way, the monitors are sweet. The colors do fade weird if you look from crazy angles but in practical terms it doesnt matter. I have an fw900 for anything where color rep is an issue.

BTW, the three on the bottom are for my workstation, and the one on top is for my jukebox/tv/aim gmail skype etc. Works out pretty sweet when you link them with synergy.
This is my setup, excuse the messy room.

Sharp LC-37D90U & Dell 2405FPW LCD's.
I'm using a DVI connection from the XPS laptop to the Sharp display with a native 1920 by 1080p res. Using the two available HDMI ports for the DVD player which upconverts to the LCD's native res & the comcast HDTV DVR box.

I want to replace the comcast cable box with the new HD TIVO unit w/ cable card functionality.


biofeed said:
This is my setup, excuse the messy room.

Sharp LC-37D90U & Dell 2405FPW LCD's.
I'm using a DVI connection from the XPS laptop to the Sharp display with a native 1920 by 1080p res. Using the two available HDMI ports for the DVD player which upconverts to the LCD's native res & the comcast HDTV DVR box.

I want to replace the comcast cable box with the new HD TIVO unit w/ cable card functionality.
sick setup. welcome to [H]
biofeed said:
This is my setup, excuse the messy room.

Sharp LC-37D90U & Dell 2405FPW LCD's.
I'm using a DVI connection from the XPS laptop to the Sharp display with a native 1920 by 1080p res. Using the two available HDMI ports for the DVD player which upconverts to the LCD's native res & the comcast HDTV DVR box.

I want to replace the comcast cable box with the new HD TIVO unit w/ cable card functionality. 004.jpg
Very nice, love the setup :). And if you think that's messy, you should see my desk :p. I won't post a pic since I've probably got a few sensitive documents in the pile.
I got my 2405FPW Replaced because of a broken power button (I think its my fault :D )
and I got my self a cool Century CD Cd Organizer . . .


and its a bit out of topic I got myself some new network equipment. . . (pic is about a few weeks old.)

just got it 2 days ago to replace my 17" CRT. 22" ViewSonic vx2235wm. but after looking through this thread it feels very small =(





bish101 said:
what im currently running


wow whats that man? that looks nice.
its a westinghouse 37 w1 got it as an open box for cheap, it plays most games fine. only issuse is in BF2 a little ghosting but only if im moveing around super fast. the other is a dell 24" i used to think it was huge, now its just a tiny little thing.
biofeed said:
This is my setup, excuse the messy room.

Sharp LC-37D90U & Dell 2405FPW LCD's.
I'm using a DVI connection from the XPS laptop to the Sharp display with a native 1920 by 1080p res. Using the two available HDMI ports for the DVD player which upconverts to the LCD's native res & the comcast HDTV DVR box.

I want to replace the comcast cable box with the new HD TIVO unit w/ cable card functionality.


i must have that wallpaper!
bish101 said:
its a westinghouse 37 w1 got it as an open box for cheap, it plays most games fine. only issuse is in BF2 a little ghosting but only if im moveing around super fast. the other is a dell 24" i used to think it was huge, now its just a tiny little thing.

Really huh? I also think my dell 24'' is huge. :D
lol thats awsome. i had my 52" set up once but never could get it to look very good. the newer sets look great tho. my brother in law has a 50 sony lcd tv and he will play WoW on it some times looks awsome sitting on the couch. hardest part is getting a good keyboard mouse platform.
Hupo said:
wires and dust = Ewwww

not just that, but beige keyboard, mouse, case and cloth mouse pad, this guy needs one of those make-over shows to stop by and hook him up with some nice wares and a bottle of windex lol ;)
Not my first dual set up by it is my first widescreen set up and man am I happy with it! No dead pixels and no banding or backlight issues at all. Seem perfect. Camera sucks so the quality isn't that great but they look GREAT. The system on the right is having HD issues so I didn't turn it on...

2 New 2407s Just out of the box..

2407 Side By Side Set Up

Just Turned On

Left to Right: Sony SDM-M1 18", Dell E193FP 19", Dual Dell 2407 24" Rev. A03 and there is another 17" not shown (on my sons computer)

Dual 2407s all set up
bobwrong beautiful setup man the dell 2407 really has style in its look and it matches your metallic desk simply beautiful!