Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

UncleDavid218 said:

2 Dell 2007WFPs and my new Dell E1505

2GHz Core 2 Duo T7200
1GB DDR533
ATI X1400
15.4" SXGA+ with TrueLife
8x CD/DVD Burner
What desk is that? I saw it somewhere before but forgot the website. I like the way it looks and it has a nice wide keyboard tray.
My newish setup, loving my new dell 2407! My setup may not be that flashy but i love it...


Getting some new z-5500 5.1's and razer tarantula keyboard soon too
I posted this in the workstation thread but I suppose it fits here too as I have LCD's:

We currently live in a shitty rented flat in North London and there is not a lot of space for my workstation setup so I have had to make do with a corner of the kitchen a cheap folding table from Ikea.

Here it is (excuse the washing on the radiator)

The little monitor up on the right is connected to the technomate and one of the news channels is usually running on that. The little monitor under the 2005FPW is for controling winamp. I need to find a better skin for winamp which can be full screen on the smaller screen as at the moment the buttons are too small.

Here it all is in football mode:


I don't usually have all three on when I am watching the footy (all Prem games live ;)) but I wanted to show off. You will have to forgive the wires but it's the best I can do in this place at the moment. The dream is to move to a house and get my own office/study but as the wife is now pregnant with our first that will never happen :(

funstuie said:
I don't usually have all three on when I am watching the footy (all Prem games live ;)) but I wanted to show off. You will have to forgive the wires but it's the best I can do in this place at the moment. The dream is to move to a house and get my own office/study but as the wife is now pregnant with our first that will never happen :(


Hey were'd you get the small monitors and are they all hooked up thru vga?
ill triple that rquest and have you got a picture of where that projector is facing seeing as u've done such a good job on the rest the projector must be great
The Dell and the little monitor are running on DVi and VGA from the Radeon x600 and the little one on the right is connected through composite.

All the monitors are connected to the Technomate 1500 Ci + (which is a silver box on the right of the dest under the little monitor on the wall). The technomate is a satelite receiver which picks up 20 different satelites using a motorised setup. I get all the premiership football games live through ART sports. The monitors are connected to the Technomate through Scart and composite.

I don't have a projector so I am not too sure what you are on about?
for some reason i really want one of those 7" wide screens and a Nano ITX mobo. could make something intetesting like your personal little center for email, adresses and stuff. do they make those monitors with touch screen?
Here's some pics of my LCD's...

I actually have more...Here's a pic of my setup before my addition of the Dell 2407WFP Rev. A03 :

And, after the Dell 2407:

boomheadshot45 said:
Kickass setup but with that awsome of a setup, why do you only have 1 gb of ram?
my next PCI-e rig will have 2gb of DDR-2. I just cant justify spending more $$ on a dead end AGP platform is the only reason.

Already posted this on DFI-Street, but here I have my old 19" LCD connected to my laptop so I can watch movies in bed :)

Not bad for a monitor that was just sitting on my floor collecting dust!

I'm only 17 so don't be hatin! lol I paid for it all myself...
junior LCDs?

black IS the new BLACK






Canon SD700 IS taking the photo (800IS not released here yet)
A small projector I made with an Iiyama E380-S LCD monitor :D




The picture is much brighter than the photo, my camera cant do it justice.
Chernobyl1 said:
A small projector I made with an Iiyama E380-S LCD monitor :D




The picture is much brighter than the photo, my camera cant do it justice.

Do you have more info on this build? Maybe a thread of it's own? I'd be very interested in checking it out.
Deusfaux said:

Cool gadgets, all black does look really good, but FIVE pics of the same thing? Cmon that really isn't necessary
Sorry...horrible pic but my 2 samsungs 225 & 215, dell 9400 17" lappie cener & 2001 & 2007wfp dells total=100" of LCD goodness


Cool gadgets, all black does look really good, but FIVE pics of the same thing? Cmon that really isn't necessary

I think he was just trying to cover all bases. he is posting in a very picky forum remember.
KompressorV12 said:
would have been easier for him to just answer you "yes" jeeez

in his earlier posts he showed he had two 300wfp.. pretty sweet

do you still have both of them or did you get rid of one? looks like you centered up one to the keyboard, earlier there was the break between the 2 LCDs centered in front of your keyboard?
Deusfaux said:
junior LCDs?

black IS the new BLACK

Why apple didn't make the new Docks in Black and White is beyond me. It's just stupid.

Same thing if you get a Black MacBook and have to have a white power cable. I mean, c'mon.
EternalOrgasm said:
Sorry...horrible pic but my 2 samsungs 225 & 215, dell 9400 17" lappie cener & 2001 & 2007wfp dells total=100" of LCD goodness

nice man...lookin goo
JacobC1983 said:
would have been easier for him to just answer you "yes" jeeez

in his earlier posts he showed he had two 300wfp.. pretty sweet

do you still have both of them or did you get rid of one? looks like you centered up one to the keyboard, earlier there was the break between the 2 LCDs centered in front of your keyboard?

he's not even the one who asked me, wtf is his problem.

i just shuffled things around on my desk
UncleDavid218 said:

2 Dell 2007WFPs and my new Dell E1505

2GHz Core 2 Duo T7200
1GB DDR533
ATI X1400
15.4" SXGA+ with TrueLife
8x CD/DVD Burner

can you post the link to the wallpaper? thanks
Deusfaux said:
junior LCDs?

black IS the new BLACK[/ig]





Canon SD700 IS taking the photo (800IS not released here yet)[/QUOTE]

Is that an Alberta licence in your wallet?