Revolution Controller!

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Um Zelda Is the Best game and Idea for a Game ever Made or Invented. I cant even think of a game that even comes close. I am not a fan Boy, I own every system since Super Nintendo. Including Sega CD, Dreamcast, sega CD, 32X, and every Nintendo system. as well as Both Sonys. IU enjoy all of them. I have over 500 games and do think Zelda is the best Franchise of games ever invented.
Phan Boy

So, hes actually someone that LIKES the controller and Nintendo, while all of you are bashing it. I, personally, like the idea as its different, which is DEFINITELY what this gaming era needs. Its very tiring playing the same games over and over with the same style input devices (keyboard/mouse, analong controller). How about some change? Im sorry, but some of you people need to stop being so damn lazy.
i'll get it. it will be cheap and it is something different for a change. it will be a nice distraction from my PC, which has 90% of the best games anyway.

there is no need to get a 360 or ps3 for 3 or 4 good games.
I mean if you guys say this Controller is Bad. Id love to hear what you day about the PS3. The whole unit looks like a Deluxe fat Mans george foreman grill. with the Optional Remote controll.

Revolution will be one HOT system.

For the Person who said NO More Black?


Seems like its Still in. I plan on buying the Black.
Isn't anyone else somewhat interested in the "bug catching" demo? That's pretty cool, being able to wave the controller like a butterfly net, or a sword, etc. The only people who would really be into that is young kids, but it's interesting nonetheless.

I think this could very well be Nintendo's last gamble. If this fails they're screwed.
Sure Nintendo has some Gimick Games. But il tell ya what. I sure wich I bought that DS instread of that PSP. PSP is dull with no games.

So we are yet to see. Still wiating for the 29th for madden on psp.
I think I've cracked the code with regards to the controller. Ultimately, is IS a traditional controller, but in a non-traditional layout.

What's on an N64 controller? A D-pad and a shoulder button on the left, an analog stick and a trigger in the middle, and 7 buttons on the right. Each game required only two of the three sections to play.

Look at the revolution. In one hand, you've got the analog stick and two triggers. In the other, you've got two buttons OR a D-pad (true, there doesn't really seem to be a good way to use both.). Add in the position tracking, and it's basically another analog stick, too. Two analog sticks, four buttons... It's basically a PSX/2 controller without shoulder buttons. It can definitely work.

When I first saw it, I was rather shocked, too. I, too, was filled with images of the end of Nintendo consoles, and as such, the end of Mario, Metroid, and Zelda (as Nintendo fervently states that if they're not making hardware, they're not making anything). Now I see that this is just a harkening back to old-school gaming with a lot of new-school elements.

Is this the next big thing? Perhaps. Personally, I do really want to try one out now. Even if it's not the greatest, it IS going to be the cheapest, and once this thing gets into a few houses, it's gonna take off.
I dont see how being able to play Mario 64 and then the 1st Zelda, The jaws on regular Nintendo. Then 007 on N64, then the New Zelda. Is a Bad thing.

Seems well worth it to me.

How muhc do you gusy think it will cost. I dont see them making it to expensive. As price is the kew in the war with the 360 and Ps3 both being near $400-$500.
Scotch77 said:
Has NIntendo Eveery made a Bad Controller? No
Our NIntendos Controllers always better than others? Yes

Pure opinion....not a stich of fact in that statement. Controllers are subjective to the user.
Tiny said:
Pure opinion....not a stich of fact in that statement. Controllers are subjective to the user.

Its all fact sorry but you cant say any controller is better than the n64 or the gamecube.

if so you are dumb.
Well it depends on how functional it is, but to be honest, after reading about the new controller was the first time i've ever considered buying the Revolution. Either way i'll definately have a 360 ;)
For everyone under 14, who cannot get a job, the parents are the source of income, and due to the physical movement involved w/ the controller, and the fact that it will be easier for the "oldies" to understand, the Rev. will be most supported by the parents. It will make the kids happy and get the kids to be less lazy. Plus the parents will actually have a chance to beat their kids at something. Everyone wins. As a result, the kids in this age group will find this the easiest console to beg for.

Of course it all depends on implementation as well. if the new controller scheme doesn't work absolutely flawlessly, then, I am afraid it will be a flop. Trying to get this to actually work will keep the engineers busy well into 2006.
Scotch77 said:
Its all fact sorry but you cant say any controller is better than the n64 or the gamecube.

if so you are dumb.

It is subjective. A person with large hands will probably prefer the original X-BOX controller over the GC one, while a person with small hands might prefer the GC one. Now please quit making such silly statements.
Scotch77 said:
Its all fact sorry but you cant say any controller is better than the n64 or the gamecube.

if so you are dumb.

You have to be kidding me. :rolleyes:

Just by one person...ONE PERSON...saying they didn't care for ANY particular controller means that your statement is NOT fact.

IT IS SUBJECTIVE. Can you grasp that? Can you?

What KillerMonkey said true. I loved the original Xbox controller cause my hands are huge. My cousin loves the GC controller and I hate it, his hands are small. SUBJECTIVE.
I think it's great Nintendo is trying new innovative things, but on first glance I would have to say the ergonomics of that controller are just not good enough to be comfortable during long gaming sessions, Especially people with large hands. That's why we have gone from the old square nintendo controller to the newest controllers that fit the form of your hands, have buttons and analog sticks at the most comfortable points for your fingers/thumbs. Just hope Nintendo isn't taking a step backward with this. I think they should have made a standard ergonomic controller and added this new one as an extra.
What the fuck is this? It looks like the controller my professors use to change the over head projector.
nintendo is trying to break the mold from the traditional looking and controller, and until we actually have our hands on this thing, we should just keep the bashing to a minimum, its not like other companies like microsoft decides to just basically copy a whole controller from the sega dreamcast and make it twice the size before hearing the cries of the ppl regarding its fuglyness. I myself think its a pretty cool idea and cant wait to try out this little beast and regarding the price i think its gonna range at the 300 dollar level. 100 less than the other companies and hopefully squaresoft can release some final fantasy's for this system
this has serious potential to change the way we interact with games. since its not finalized, commenting on the current design would be a waste of time. definitely has me wanting to play once its finalized, though, and this is coming from a pc/ps2 guy.

animosity said:
... I hate you guys.. with your hands. I hope one day you are jumping around with your revolution controllers and you fall on it and die.
this may sound crass, but were you born with functional legs? i've seen people who have incredibly good coordination with their feet. no shit, that is tough to do, but if you're driven, you'll find a way to play. if you don't, however... how do you play games now?
I think it's pretty damn cool. Let's see how it works first hand.
as i posted in the other thread, it is very likely there will be an attachment so you can plug in your traditional gamecube and n64 controllers. also they stated there would be traditional controller shells you could plug this guy into. so dont throw a hissy bitch fit
Nintendo is doing a great job of cementing their position gaming history. Literally. If ideas like this are all they have left, they will be history soon.

Controllers are two handed because it gives you the leverage needed to do multiple things at once. This is a two handed controller that breaks that link, so each piece is held separately, taking away the leverage and manual dexterity people are used to having. Just watch, when real people get their hands on this, they will be very tempted to set down one of the two pieces, and hold the other in both hands. You seriously can't expect people to relearn how to hold and use a game controller. Current generation controllers have evolved to what they are now becuase of millions of hours of player testing and usage of the last 20 years.

Nintendo not only dug their own grave with this, they just pissed in the hole too.
Tiny said:
You have to be kidding me. :rolleyes:

Just by one person...ONE PERSON...saying they didn't care for ANY particular controller means that your statement is NOT fact.

IT IS SUBJECTIVE. Can you grasp that? Can you?

What KillerMonkey said true. I loved the original Xbox controller cause my hands are huge. My cousin loves the GC controller and I hate it, his hands are small. SUBJECTIVE.

I have giant guerilla hands, and I must say...the most comfortable controller I've ever used is the DualShock for PS1/2. I've never found a controller that fit the hands more comfortably.
dss64662 said:
this may sound crass, but were you born with functional legs? i've seen people who have incredibly good coordination with their feet. no shit, that is tough to do, but if you're driven, you'll find a way to play. if you don't, however... how do you play games now?
Yes I have legs... Anyway, I can manage a controller, i've always found a way to adapt to the button configurations, but it's physically impossible for me to hold both at the same time. And it bugs the shit out of me because I know this will be THE one thing (besides juggling) that I am not able to adapt to.
If you can't see my hands good enough, I'll find another.
Okay, I suppose it's possible that I have a longer memory span than most posters here, but you guys must have already forgot about Katrina.

The Revolution can use the Gamecube controller. Developers are not required to use this new controller. It's just the new controller for the system.

Also, has anyone said conclusively that this controller is the controller that will be boxed with the system? Or that it is the only controller that will be boxed with the system?
[Fate]Doom said:

Dude I got a power glove, a virtual boy, and a super scope. With the exception of the power glove, some of my favorite games use those. I'm not saying those games were good games for their time, just that I enjoyed plaing them.

Try Battle Clash or Metal Combat for SNES, or Red Alert for Virtual Boy. They were awesome games as far as playability and level of enjoyment are concerned. Easy games by today's standards, but hours of fun.
You seriously can't expect people to relearn how to hold and use a game controller.

Well, controllers are significantly different from the mouse/keyboard layout, yet most of us could use them interchangeably (depending on the game) just fine. Don't be too quick to assume the difficulty of learning a new way to play. Some might struggle, some might not. Most of us will be somewhere in between and will catch on eventually.

Two of my friends hated the mouse/keyboard setup for FPS games because they liked the fact that you're physically holding one unit, and that it would be easier to control everything with this all-in-one controller. Obviously they never played FPS on the PC very much. When one of my friends got a new rig, he played FPS games for a while (like Call of Duty and Doom III) and concluded that the mouse/keyboard was far superior to controllers. My point? He gave a "different" layout a chance it see if it was really good for what it was designed to do and ended up agreeing, instead of continuing his assumptions.
So far I think that controller looks whack. But I'm going to withhold any additional criticisms until I've tried it out.
Wow, lots of hate since I started this thread last night! Unfortunately, most of it seems directed at other posters who are just trying to get their opinion out - we must not fight amongst ourselves! I am glad to see that many people are willing to give it a chance, though. Having calmed down a little and thought things over, I am really excited about the potential this controller presents and many of my concerns are quieted by the fact that developers can always fall back on the trusty old GC controller if they want to. In addition, there are bound to be numerous other "attachments" that work with this thing, besides the analog stick, and I can't wait to see what people come up with. In that respect, this is different from the DS because while it does innovate, it doesn't force that innovation upon developers or gamers. It just gives them both a really cool option. At least someone is trying to improve things other than graphics.

Yes, I am a fan boy: Long Live Nintendo.
name said:
Wow, lots of hate since I started this thread last night! Unfortunately, most of it seems directed at other posters who are just trying to get their opinion out - we must not fight amongst ourselves! I am glad to see that many people are willing to give it a chance, though. Having calmed down a little and thought things over, I am really excited about the potential this controller presents and many of my concerns are quieted by the fact that developers can always fall back on the trusty old GC controller if they want to. In addition, there are bound to be numerous other "attachments" that work with this thing, besides the analog stick, and I can't wait to see what people come up with. In that respect, this is different from the DS because while it does innovate, it doesn't force that innovation upon developers or gamers. It just gives them both a really cool option. Long live Nintendo (at least they are trying to improve something besides graphics.)

Yes, I am a fan boy.

Yeah I can't believe all the hate either,(well I guess I can). At first I think alot of people want to just dog nintendo because they dont' seem to understand what they are up to lately. But I'm happy that nintendo has the drive to actually try new things. I mean yeah they have had a bunch of failures, but shit man atleast THEY TRY. I swear sony and m$ are just shoveling out the same shit different day. Yeah its faster and newer, but honestly its not any different when you really think about it, from any games from yester year. I think Nintendo has more respect for the gaming community than many people think. I mean they atleast think we are capable of digesting something that is new and innovative. Most companies think they have to dumb everything down to the lowest common denom. I can't wait until metroid comes out with the dual fisted approach. I mean it would be alot more fun with this kind of setup, atleast thats what I'm hoping.
All I have to say about this is, Nintendo comes out with something different, possibly quite innovative and we get the typical response.

I can't help but think, that analogously this is why much of America is driving Japanese cars nowadays. Even if the controller is a failure, it still rings true. Have fun with the GMs and the Fords you unimaginative dullards and 5 year old f@nboys. "Dis will never werks, because teh Sohnee sez so." It's frustrating to have so many uninformed toolbags on these forums.
It looks sort of iMac-y.

I wonder why they went with a regular D-pad instead of an analog stick, I mean, unless I'm playing a fighting game, I hate using the D-pad.

I guess this will be a wait and see thing... Nintendo hasn't made a controller I have liked since the Super Nintendo one (my god was the N64 controller an abomination). There system sales also keep slipping, so unless this really does catch on, this probably will be the last home system from Nintendo.

Then again, that isn't really a bad thing, they still have the majority of the portable market, so they can concentrate there, and be a software company like Sega for home systems.... mmmmm, Zelda on the PS3.....
Typical response to critisism is "you just don't understand".

Regardless of whether it turns out good or bad everyone is going to try it now....
I think people are really discoruaged and bashing the controller because they haven't seen how it works. Just only what it looks like.

You have to see how the controller works to appreciate it. It has tilt, motion, position, gyro sensors and all that junk. It's basically a 3D Mouse.

Personally, I like the idea. It adds another element to gaming, and makes it easier for people to game. It simplifies the controls, to what you would do in real life. Swing a sword, you swing the controller. Use it like a real gun with the B being the trigger. Play drums use it like a drum stick. Tennis? swing it... Baseball? Swing it also.
Tiny said:
Typical response to critisism is "you just don't understand".


Really? That's the typical response to it?

Thank you for adding to my point. Criticism is only as useful when it's of the informed type.
This controller brings up as many or more questions than it answered, and I refuse to doom it based on appearance and some exaggerated video like some idiots in here. Ever heard of the phrase "I don't know?" Say it or shut up because you simply have no idea until it comes out.
Some of you seem incapable of reading articles. Or heck, even just reading.
You look at the remote and say "WTF", just like I did. But all you have to do is READ. And you discover. And my response? Yes, some of you obviously "don't understand". Why is it that even 3rd party developers (squarsoft, ubisoft, ea, yadda yadda) are incredibly excited, you say? Because they've never seen a remote before? No, because this remote does much more than the batarang can ever hope to.

You must then continue to understand a few things:
1) the rumble motor is not just a rumble motor, it provides you with force FEEDBACK
2) the controller has an expansion port... for such uses as:
a) the bundled ANALOG STICK with 2 shoulder buttons
b) as detailed by nintendo execs, it can be placed inside the shell of a "standard controller", making it more, well, standard. but on top of being a standard controller in terms of layout, it also still retains the functionality of the 3d movement and gyro
c) limitless possibilities can be explored with expansion, however unlikely
d) this could very well be more accurate than a keyboard/mouse, since many of you like FPS games, because you actually aim with your hand phyisically, and fire with the trigger key on the remote. hell, even Rockstar (who make unoriginal M-rated games geared for E-rated consumers) could figure out something to do with that. imagine, beating a whore with a golf club... almost for real! forget lightsaber fights, we're beating whores, here!
e) this is not just a glorified lightgun, it has full movement sensors in full 3d, including the distance from the TV, the angle, the tilt, even the speed of movement
f) the system has 4 gamecube controller ports.
g) more detail pertaining to game styles:

And... ah hell I'm wasting my time. Some people are closed-minded around here, and it shows. For your visceral enjoyment (a lot of you who flock like sheep to one or more of the other consoles clearly require it), here's a video of "possibilities". After my initial "WTF WERE THEY THINKING OMGZZZ!" reaction, seeing this video in motion made me truly open my eyes to possibilities:
And if that doesn't open your eyes, then you have some issues my friend. Or you are a blatant !!!!!!.

To top it all off, read IGN's initial hands-on and even EGM ('s initial reponses on the tech demos report that it's quite natural. And to the lazy ones who fear they may actually have to include activity in their days, keep in mind that you can rest the thing on your lap for most of its applications, and still be a lazy fuck. Good day.

Edit: hell, watch Iwata's entire speech, it presents how neat their thinking is, and how right they are about the saturating video game market that only appeals to young adult males. Then look at the success of Nintendogs for DS, a system which clearly outsells in hardware and software, the PSP which is technically more capable than the DS... Why was it such a success? Iwata deals with that in the speech. Interesting stuff. I've somewhat restored my faith in a company which makes the best games, but doesn't always attract the mainstream gamer. Though, after reading this thread, maybe it's good that they don't.
Oh, you got me on my spelling. Super. Care to disect my grammer now?
steviep said:
Some of you seem incapable of reading articles. Or heck, even just reading.
You look at the remote and say "WTF", just like I did. But all you have to do is READ. And you discover. And my response? Yes, some of you obviously "don't understand". Why is it that even 3rd party developers (squarsoft, ubisoft, ea, yadda yadda) are incredibly excited, you say? Because they've never seen a remote before? No, because this remote does much more than the batarang can ever hope to.

You must then continue to understand a few things:
1) the rumble motor is not just a rumble motor, it provides you with force FEEDBACK
2) the controller has an expansion port... for such uses as:
a) the bundled ANALOG STICK with 2 shoulder buttons
b) as detailed by nintendo execs, it can be placed inside the shell of a "standard controller", making it more, well, standard. but on top of being a standard controller in terms of layout, it also still retains the functionality of the 3d movement and gyro
c) limitless possibilities can be explored with expansion, however unlikely
d) this could very well be more accurate than a keyboard/mouse, since many of you like FPS games, because you actually aim with your hand phyisically, and fire with the trigger key on the remote. hell, even Rockstar (who make unoriginal M-rated games geared for E-rated consumers) could figure out something to do with that. imagine, beating a whore with a golf club... almost for real! forget lightsaber fights, we're beating whores, here!
e) this is not just a glorified lightgun, it has full movement sensors in full 3d, including the distance from the TV, the angle, the tilt, even the speed of movement
f) the system has 4 gamecube controller ports.
g) more detail pertaining to game styles:

And... ah hell I'm wasting my time. Some people are closed-minded around here, and it shows. For your visceral enjoyment (a lot of you who flock like sheep to one or more of the other consoles clearly are), here's a video of "possibilities". After my initial "WTF WERE THEY THINKING OMGZZZ!" reaction, seeing this video in motion made me truly open my eyes to possibilities:
And if that doesn't open your eyes, then you have some issues my friend. Or you are a blatant !!!!!!.

To top it all off, read IGN's initial hands-on and even EGM ('s initial reponses on the tech demos to see that it's quite natural. And to the lazy ones who fear they may actually have to include activity in their days, keep in mind that you can rest the thing on your lap for most of its applications, and still be a lazy fuck. Good day.

Those of you mindlessly bashing the controller. READ THIS.
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