Revolution Controller!

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I dont know if this has been posted, but heres the video of the announcement, and a video, demo of it, I admit, on first look i was like, WTF!!)_@(@(@@

But watching this, it intriuges me.
There is a reason why Microsoft and Sony just name their consoles with the same name. Ever since the Playstation up to the PS3 what have they offered different other than graphics and better sound for *games*?(DVD viewing and photo viewing are just extra crap that do nothing when it comes to games)

Xbox to Xbox 360 = only better graphics and sound. Whoopee

Nintendo does something to actually progress gaming, offers something interesting and different other than a Halo 12/ Final Fantasy 278 but some people hate it already without even using it. If you don't like an attempt to make a change for the better maybe there is a spot left for you in communist China.

I'm not a !!!!!! of either side, hell I preordered a Xbox 360 but it seems these companies are just regurgitating the same crap all over again. Just add a bigger number after your console and games and make things look a little prettier and BAM new console!
retardedchicken said:
you can add expansions to it, lots of possibilities as to what they can have for an expansion to it.

Just wait till they make games that require only the GB DS-XX to play with via the new link cable, and all players will need to have one for multiplayer. Hey they've done it before.

Also how many games really come out for specialty controllers from 3rd parties to make it worthwhile? Thankfully Sony got their head out of their ass and doing more than 2 ports. Stupid multi-tap greed....
Yes, one of the specific expansions to the controller allows the one handed controller to like snap into another part, and form normal like controller for other types of games, or older ones apparently. At the end of the keynote speach, they mention that.
DarkSeraphim said:
Sorry, but anything more than a flick of the wrist will be impossible to program for. Do you realize how difficult it would be to make a game recognize, register, and execute a 3D motion while taking into account the different players that will be using the device

The simple solution: scaling and/or calibrating. It should be fairly easy to program.

As for the controller, it seems promising: FPS and RTS should see a boost in control. I hope that there is a button you can press on the controller to scale down (or up) sensitivity for precision shots or clicks, and another to turn the controller's sensors off during gameplay. This controller also might resolve the slow turning problem in games like Halo or Metroid Prime, and make many different genres of games more engaging. Oh yeah....and First Person Hack and Slash? FPHS? You saw this acronym here first =P

As for the people turning this forum post into a OMFG nintendo sucks OUT OF BUISNESS!!11! or Nintendo winz0rz!, consider this:You should not care if this new controller is the death of Nintendo's console making days, or if it reaps Nintendo huge benefits. As long as this controller comes out, it's a win-win for all us consumers. Scenario 1: Nintendo goes out of the console business and continues to make great software, and Sony/MS buys the controller's design to improve theirs or Scenario 2: Nintendo becomes hugely successful and has many fun games utilizing this new controller. MS and Sony eventually copy the design and also release fun games using the same mechanisms. Everyone wins.
s2kpacifist said:
As for the people turning this forum post into a OMFG nintendo sucks OUT OF BUISNESS!!11! or Nintendo winz0rz!, consider this:You should not care if this new controller is the death of Nintendo's console making days, or if it reaps Nintendo huge benefits. As long as this controller comes out, it's a win-win for all us consumers. Scenario 1: Nintendo goes out of the console business and continues to make great software, and Sony/MS buys the controller's design to improve theirs or Scenario 2: Nintendo becomes hugely successful and has many fun games utilizing this new controller. MS and Sony eventually copy the design and also release fun games using the same mechanisms. Everyone wins.

I like this guy's positive attitude.
DarkSeraphim said:
Greatest control device yet? How can people criticize the pessimists for being quick to judge and completely overlook statements like that?

Sorry, but anything more than a flick of the wrist will be impossible to program for. Do you realize how difficult it would be to make a game recognize, register, and execute a 3D motion while taking into account the different players that will be using the device (In the case of your boomerang example, a young child will have a small-arc due to their shorter arms, where an older person will have a larger arc due to their longer arms. The same applies with the sword, boomerang, and bomb examples. They might be able to make the system work for a few simple tech demos that will be only used by a handful of people, but making that system work flawlessly for millions of consumers is going to be an impossible task that most developers simply aren't going to bother with.

Also, how will you be moving your character around while doing all these complex actions with specific motions (IE, how will you be moving link around while moving the sword in a duel at the same time?).

This is the perfect example of an idea that sounds brilliant on paper, yet will be nigh on impossible to execute in true applications.

OMG, do you know anything about game design, because I do, I have written several games using the Win32 and DirectDraw/Direct3D (DirectGraphics) API's. The system itself will handle detection of the movement of the controller, the application is blind to that, all the application gets is a vector representing the direction the thing is pointing and a relative coordinate in 3D space. Its really not that difficult. The sensor in the revolution and the software to process what it sees is complicated, but the game developers have nothing to do with that.

As for the last part about moving around... YOU USE THE ANALOG STICK LIKE ALWAYS, are you blind or just dumb?
Funny that you should call me dumb, since you're the one who is completely missing the point.

The console won't be able to tell the difference between the movement of a child and the movement of an adult either. Calibration is a possibility, but you will have to calibrate for each movement in every game for every player that decides to use it.

The rest of your post doesn't really warrant a response. It's obvious where your loyalties lie.
DarkSeraphim said:
Funny that you should call me dumb, since you're the one who is completely missing the point.

The console won't be able to tell the difference between the movement of a child and the movement of an adult either. Calibration is a possibility, but you will have to calibrate for each movement in every game for every player that decides to use it.

The rest of your post doesn't really warrant a response. It's obvious where your loyalties lie.

i really don't think nintendo engineers are stupid enough to not consider this in the concept phase of the project... you're not giving engineers enough credit man.. they aren't stupid.. they're trained to figure out any possible situation that can fuck up their design.. something tells me the problem you're "foreseeing" isn't gonna be a problem... I mean shit.. isn't nintedos goal is to get everyone to play no matter how old you are???

why wouldn't they consider that peopel of all sizes woudl play the thing...

i don't know.. as an Engineering student.. i'm just offended that you think engineers are that dumb.. lol honestly
S1nF1xx said:
It's interesting watching all the console fanb0ys get all pissed at each other everytime something is released about a new console. :rolleyes:

Do any of you own stock in Sony MS or Nintendo? If not, mabe you should calm down and have a civil debate about these features instead of calling each other names and call each other's opinions stupid.

I own stock in one of them. Guess which one! Guess!


Oh and I love how some people are bashing the bashers for saying that it sucks and "you haven't used it do you know you hate it" the same time gushing over the same "controller"....that they haven't used yet themselves.

Mark my words (and feel free to throw them back in my face if it should warrent it...which it won't)...the controller that was shown last night....will take its rightful place along side the Virtuaboy.
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
i really don't think nintendo engineers are stupid enough to not consider this in the concept phase of the project... you're not giving engineers enough credit man.. they aren't stupid.. they're trained to figure out any possible situation that can fuck up their design.. something tells me the problem you're "foreseeing" isn't gonna be a problem... I mean shit.. isn't nintedos goal is to get everyone to play no matter how old you are???

why wouldn't they consider that peopel of all sizes woudl play the thing...

i don't know.. as an Engineering student.. i'm just offended that you think engineers are that dumb.. lol honestly

Those same engineers allowed the Virtual Boy to come into existence.

'nuff said.
DarkSeraphim said:
Those same engineers allowed the Virtual Boy to come into existence.

'nuff said.

in terms of hardware that thing worked great dude.. it just didn't catch on.. and the software wasn't great..

but the hardware engineering was on point..
DarkSeraphim said:
Those same engineers allowed the Virtual Boy to come into existence.

'nuff said.

The virtual boy was a technological acheivment for its time. Its not the engineers job to market the product, thats what MARKETING is for :rolleyes:
as my intelligent machines professor said..

it's not the hardware that's the problem in todays world.. we got awesome hardware to do just about anything.. it's the software engineering that's the key to making or breaking something.. and that's the case with this controller..
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
in terms of hardware that thing worked great dude.. it just didn't catch on.. and the software wasn't great..

but the hardware engineering was on point..


The Virtual Boy gave almost all of the people who used it motion sickness and headaches. That is a pretty loose definition of the word "worked".
DarkSeraphim said:

The Virtual Boy gave almost all of the people who used it motion sickness and headaches. That is a pretty loose definition of the word "worked".

And controllers at first gave people hand cramps and carpal tunnel, you cant expect the initial offering to be perfect, look at the sharp edged completely un-ergonomic nes controller
DarkSeraphim said:

The Virtual Boy gave almost all of the people who used it motion sickness and headaches. That is a pretty loose definition of the word "worked".

not me, I took it out and played today.
DarkSeraphim said:

The Virtual Boy gave almost all of the people who used it motion sickness and headaches. That is a pretty loose definition of the word "worked".

i hear you on that.. it never made me feel sick.. .. they projected the images correctly.. just.. well.. didn't make peopel very happy...

this is a different situation though.. the controll ain't gonna make you convulse... the engineers have to have figured that problem out.. that's a basic linear controls problem ( the different sized arch problems
AARGH! said:
By just saying it's wrong and not stating why or providing no proof is useless. You are someone who must have never seen the "Argument" sketch by Monty Python. Otherwise you would understand.

Sorry I was on my way out at the time... I thought you knew I meant that many links provided in this thread before your post went against many things you stated.

They arent as stupid as u guys think
CHollman82 said:
And controllers at first gave people hand cramps and carpal tunnel, you cant expect the initial offering to be perfect, look at the sharp edged completely un-ergonomic nes controller

Fair enough.

I'm not saying that the Revolution technology isn't impossible to use. I'm just saying it's impractical for most of the games that Nintendo needs to be selling to get a larger fanbase.

That controller-integration looks interesting, but now you have the problem of developers deciding to use the basic controller functions instead of using the movement technology, which kind of steals the revolutionary aspect of the Revolution.

I'll buy it just so I can play the few Nintendo games I love to play, but I don't see it catching on like the other technologies did (Analog, rumble).
DarkSeraphim said:
Fair enough.

I'm not saying that the Revolution technology isn't impossible to use. I'm just saying it's impractical for most of the games that Nintendo needs to be selling to get a larger fanbase.

That controller-integration looks interesting, but now you have the problem of developers deciding to use the basic controller functions instead of using the movement technology, which kind of steals the revolutionary aspect of the Revolution.

I'll buy it just so I can play the few Nintendo games I love to play, but I don't see it catching on like the other technologies did (Analog, rumble).

here's the thing thouse.. 3rd parties can go right ahead and just developt for the regular controller... nintedo will just make their games with the special features.. that woudl be a worst case situation i think.. and still.. that's not that bad either
Ok, I have an idea. Lets all lay all biases aside for once.

That means forget about the Virtual Boy, the Power Glove, or any other failed innovation you can come up with. I evidently missed the part that says because Nintendo has had a couple of failed "innovations" in the past that any new innovation will fail.

Also, lets be open minded and not decide whether this will suck or not until we have actually played it.

First of all, lets address something. It keeps being reiterated that Nintendo's market share drops each generation. Anybody care to guess why? Did the NES have any competitors? There were some other consoles out there, but the Atari ownership had a death wish; they were really the only real "competion". The SNES had the Genesis to compete with. The N64 had the Dreamcast and the Playstations. The Gamecube has the PS2 and the XBOX to compete with. The market share drops each generation because there are more competitive consoles each generation.

I think we can all agree that Nintendo basically gave Sony the motivation for the Playstation, and lost their developer support on the N64 due to liited cartridge space and licensing issues.

Nintendo did fix things with the Gamecube although, the "limited" disc space is an issue at times.

When the PS2 went on sale, why did it do so well? I can think of two reasons: backwards compatibility and integrated DVD playback. The Revolution will have backwards compatibillity with Gamecube, so many Gamecube owners may be enticed to stick with Nintendo.

I think arguing whether the control is good or not is pretty stupid, but you can say whether you think it is a good idea. Anybody who denies the possibility it offers is being relatively close minded. Whether it actually lives up to the potential has a lot to do with how simple it is to operate. Things like initial set up, calibration, susceptibility to interference, etc. What people don't realize is that any problems we can think of after reading an article, looking at a picture, and watching a video has most likely already been thought of and addressed by designers, engineers, testers, and whoever else.

I also don't think it is time to complain about shape, ergonomics, button spacing, etc. It was said that it is not the final design, although it could live on in the current form.

For the purpose of argument, lets say this makes it to market in its current form and that it works flawlessly and precicely. Also, lets say there is actually good fun software to utilize the technology.

There is still a chance this will fail regardless. It is all about the coolness factor. Look at Apple's marketshare in the mp3 player market. They have good players, but are they leaps and bounds better than the competion? Apple succesds with the Ipods because they are seen as cool. This is why the PS2 sold well. It was cool for your friend's to come in and drool over your new DVD/game playing console and to see you picking up hookers on GTA3. At that point the XBOX and Gamecube hit the market. They arguably are better game systems than the PS2, but the PS2 already had widespread adoption and a large existion library of games so people stuck with it.

Suddenly, Halo hits the XBOX and networked multiplayer becomes cool. Halo tournaments and clans start popping up everywhere. Because its cool. If Nintendo wants to sell these they need to market it at the "cool" (aka mainstream) gamers. You all know the people I am talking about. They are the people that swear Halo 2 is the best game ever, and can justify spending $50 on every new iteration of Madden.

No amound of arguing, whining, complaining or praising here will make this sell. When it hits market you can encourage or discourage people from buying it. Regardless if it is not perceived as cool to wave a wand around to play a game, it most likely will not succeed in the mainstream.

Until then quit arguing and shut up. Nobody cares.

Have a nice day.
Uh read the fine print folks:

Nintendo has not yet released official imagery of what the controller shell might look like. However, we've created a mock-up (above) based on what we know of its functionality.

Bop said:
Just found this pic at IGN, at the bottom of the page:

Looks like it hooks up to a new type of wavebird... Dreamcast style... w00t :)
Smiffy said:
Sorry I was on my way out at the time... I thought you knew I meant that many links provided in this thread before your post went against many things you stated.

Really like which ones?
jamesrb said:
................ If Nintendo wants to sell these they need to market it at the "cool" (aka mainstream) gamers...........

You hit the nail on the head man.. with that line alone... anyway the Halo loving madden type are the frat boys here... bleh.. where have all the true gamers gone :(
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
You hit the nail on the head man.. with that line alone... anyway the Halo loving madden type are the frat boys here... bleh.. where have all the true gamers gone :(

We are still here, just diluted since gaming has entered the mainstream. I bet more than half of the people who buy games have never picked up an nes controller or played the original doom... its sad really :(
CHollman82 said:
We are still here, just diluted since gaming has entered the mainstream. I bet more than half of the people who buy games have never picked up an nes controller or played the original doom... its sad really :(

That is because half the gamers weren't even born yet. That elitest mentality is bunk too. Why do you have to have played some antiquated system to enjoy games today. Stop with the "I remember when...." crap.
So? I love 80's music and can't remember ever listening to it before a few years ago (though I was alive then, like 0-8yrs old)
CHollman82 said:
So? I love 80's music and can't remember ever listening to it before a few years ago (though I was alive then, like 0-8yrs old)

What is your point?

Just because you weren't alive when something was invented doesn't mean you can't use it. :rolleyes:
CHollman82 said:

Just because you weren't alive when something was invented doesn't mean you can't use it. :rolleyes:

That isn't even close as to what I was talking about and obviously that is a true statement...thing one was offering anything counter to that.
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