Revolution Controller!

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Tiny said:
That is because half the gamers weren't even born yet. That elitest mentality is bunk too. Why do you have to have played some antiquated system to enjoy games today. Stop with the "I remember when...." crap.

Because the games today are nothing compared to the games of old.

Games lack the innovation due to big business squashing upstart developers, swelling budgets, and the whole mainstream-ness of gaming. Just look at the titles that have been coming out recently and the games announced for the next gen systems - mostly sequels. And if they're not sequels, they're copycat versions of other popular games.

You can't really appreciate it without having grown up with it. Yeah you can immerse yourself in older games now, and that might give you that kind of insight, but how many people are really the kind of gamers that would go that far?

Just my two cents.

Nintendo HQ, Sept 16, 2005 -- Reggie Fils-Aime, executive vice president of sales and marketing for Nintendo of America, announces unanimous support for the Nintendo Revolution controller by the American Rotator Cuff Surgeon Society. Reggie Fils-Aime says, "couch potato gamers no longer have to be envious of athletes with rotator cuff injury. Our studies have shown that doing repeated Hadokens will induce the same rotator cuff injury from throwing 90 mph fast balls."
K10 said:

Nintendo HQ, Sept 16, 2005 -- Reggie Fils-Aime, executive vice president of sales and marketing for Nintendo of America, announces unanimous support for the Nintendo Revolution controller by the American Rotator Cuff Surgeon Society. Reggie Fils-Aime says, "couch potato gamers no longer have to be envious of athletes with rotator cuff injury. Our studies have shown that doing repeated Hadokens will induce the same rotator cuff injury from throwing 90 mph fast balls."

LOLs!!! the funny thing is.. i've had rotator cuff surgery too... and it was botched.. i gotta get another surgery. now that i think about it.. i can hurt myself on this thing
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