Retail Edge 2007!

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In regards to SetFSB, that clock generator won't allow me to 'get fsb' which results in a 'pll id error'

Can you give a little more detail.

Greatly appreciated!
I have to give props to Intel. I ordered my Q6600 bundle on the 5th and it came today on standard shipping.

Good news for anyone else getting the Q6600, mine was g0. I've got it running at 3150MHz for now but shes got plenty left in her.
Just a update o my system.

Q6700 - Tuniq Tower
Abit IP35 Pro
Seagate 7200.11 (32mb) 500gb
ATI 3870
Truepower 650 W
G.Skill 800 2x2 (4 GB)

I have my Q6700 @ 3.2 on (S.V.)

:) Very happy keepig it their.

I only have measured load temps.
35 - CPU

59 - Core 1
59 - Core 2
59 - Core 3
50 - Core 4
In regards to SetFSB, that clock generator won't allow me to 'get fsb' which results in a 'pll id error'

Can you give a little more detail.

Greatly appreciated!

if after using the SLG505YC256BT clock generator code you still get the error,

you need to DL this file - giveio.sys - Why it's not included in the package, I have no idea
if after using the SLG505YC256BT clock generator code you still get the error,

you need to DL this file - giveio.sys - Why it's not included in the package, I have no idea

I downloaded the file, and put it in my setfsb folder, but I am getting the same error messages. Are you using vista? What version of setfsb are you using?
I downloaded the file, and put it in my setfsb folder, but I am getting the same error messages. Are you using vista? What version of setfsb are you using?

I used his technique (steps of ten) with CV174CPAG and it worked perfectly. I'll download the giveio.sys file and see.

[Edit] Didn't work (not putting it into System32 folder, don't care enough)
same thing happened when someone plugged in their microphone

I found cinnaminbuns post and it looks like the exact same problem. I have an Antec Sonatta II case, had everything running and loaded and patched. Tested a few games and they worked fine. Went to plug in my headset and noting was there, check the cable and it was disconnected. Powered off, and plugged that funky HDA cable into the Hi def audio plug. Switched it on and just a green light on the MB. Pulled everything apart and reinstalled, to no use.

I guess ill be talking with Intel for an rma. I may order a new MB from Newegg, and toss the Intel on Ebay.
Hey pmshop, have you had any issues with your intel mobo as per cinnaminbuns and The Mangler?

I have yet to build my rig, (busy with final exams) but I hope I don't encounter any problems.

Maybe it could be due to UPS's wonderful shipping of the bundles... I remember reading a post where the driver just dropped it on someones porch... We all work in retail, and when digging through skid of printers/computers or something, no one treats the boxes as if they are fragile as you can well imagine, so when intel's warehouse workers were scrambling to get our bundles shipped out, and with UPS handling them theres bound to be some sensitive circuitry that may have gone bad. I wasn't that impressed with how my bundle was packed, things were sitting too loosely which doesn't help either.

Just a thought, as I hope this isn't the case.
ver 2.0

still the pll error?

Vista Ultimate OS

I am using clock gen cv183apag now and its working....
Did a run with prime 95 and got errors after 1 min @333fsb, 415mhz ram at 4-4-4-12
Now I'm currently running for 10 min @ 333fsb(3ghz), 415mhz ram 5-5-5-18

There is no way to set the fsb on the intel motherboard under 333mhz, so when you start to overclock it ramps the ram speed up too, So I think I was getting ram errors in my first run.
Temps are

Vcore: 1.275

Been running for 45min. no errors, Max temp went to 62C, I'm running a Gemini 2 with 1 120mm fan. Can't wait to get another 120mm fan on there and see where my temps go...
Hey pmshop, have you had any issues with your intel mobo as per cinnaminbuns and The Mangler?

I have yet to build my rig, (busy with final exams) but I hope I don't encounter any problems.

no, haven't seen that but there is one thing different
I have the X-FI sound card and have never used audio pin out headers for front panel.

When I get the Gigabyte (or maybe ASUS now still doing research on that) I might just connect them and see. You know what I think it might be? Possibility that the pin outs and documentation don't match. b 4 they made a modular plug for USB headers, I had an MSI that fried on me when I pluged in the port. Turns out it was a known issue of MB documentation not actually matching the board.
I am using clock gen cv183apag now and its working....
Did a run with prime 95 and got errors after 1 min @333fsb, 415mhz ram at 4-4-4-12
Now I'm currently running for 10 min @ 333fsb(3ghz), 415mhz ram 5-5-5-18

3 things
Use the setting I posted above for PLL
also, I can't make it to 333 at all, only 300, even 310 is unstable for me.

and finally, did you roll your RAM back to manual 667 if you have 800?

Remember, you'll be OC the RAM too with setFSB.
I couldn't even get to 300 b 4 I rolled back my RAM

if you already have 667, you're stuck

I just read your latency settings, even though it can be selected, the board only supports cas 5 's. you set it to 4's and you're asking for headaches. Just like the Manual RAM settings say it supports DDR2 1066 and higher in BIOS but it only supports 800
3 things
Use the setting I posted above for PLL
also, I can't make it to 333 at all, only 300, even 310 is unstable for me.

and finally, did you roll your RAM back to manual 667 if you have 800?

Remember, you'll be OC the RAM too with setFSB.
I couldn't even get to 300 b 4 I rolled back my RAM

if you already have 667, you're stuck

I just read your latency settings, even though it can be selected, the board only supports cas 5 's. you set it to 4's and you're asking for headaches. Just like the Manual RAM settings say it supports DDR2 1066 and higher in BIOS but it only supports 800

I'm running the q6600 (G0 stepping) with the dg33tl intel mb with the latest firmware.
I'm cooling with a geminii 2 cooler with 1 120mm fan.

I didn't want to try 300 or 310 fsb because I was afraid there was no pci/pci-E lock. I went strait to 333 because this board is rated for that speed, and the processor should be able to handle it. This is just mainly for testing purposes. If my temps drop below 60c once I get a second fan, I'm going to do this mod:

Then I should be able to set my ram to 333mhz in the bios, and have no problems.
where did ya find the retail edge email address? cant see it anywhere. must be blind :(
I'm running the q6600 (G0 stepping) with the dg33tl intel mb with the latest firmware.
I'm cooling with a geminii 2 cooler with 1 120mm fan.

I didn't want to try 300 or 310 fsb because I was afraid there was no pci/pci-E lock. I went strait to 333 because this board is rated for that speed, and the processor should be able to handle it. This is just mainly for testing purposes. If my temps drop below 60c once I get a second fan, I'm going to do this mod:

Then I should be able to set my ram to 333mhz in the bios, and have no problems.
Not a bad idea. I would be FAR to scared to do such a modification to my proc, but PlEASE let us know how it goes. And post pictures!
To answer your question the email address is [email protected]
Has anyone else had an issue similar to mine?
-I had over 12K chips, but was somehow instantly verified earlier this year. Once The time i could order came around, i was only able to purchase the q6600. I emailed the support email address and they never responded... I ended up talking to a few different people and after requesting to speak to the CEO, they transfered me to some guy who ordered the q6700 for me and had it overnight shipped for free :D
Well, if you are having a prob similar to this, i may have some contact info that could help you out in getting your order placed quicker...

've only got 11,300 .... just need the extra 700.

Oh, and i'm waiting to get employment verified status... where does it show us on the site that we are verified or pending or whatever?
2 faxes and two more emails later, I'm still waiting for verification, though I am getting verified for the Q6700. It has only been a week or so, but was hoping I could get it done quickly. Hoping it will come through before X-mas.
2 faxes and two more emails later, I'm still waiting for verification, though I am getting verified for the Q6700. It has only been a week or so, but was hoping I could get it done quickly. Hoping it will come through before X-mas.

Weak, I sent in my info two days ago and still no e-mail confirmation. Quadruple weak. D:
well its been over 2 weeks now since i got my bundle... still no board yet since it died on me and i had to send it in for a replacement... intel is pretty slow.

Has anyone else been having problems with their DG33TL board? I saw on NewEgg its been getting TERRIBLE and i mean TERRRRIBBBLEEE reviews. The problem I had where i plugged in a microphone and my computer restarted and wouldnt turn back on.... same thing happened to a guy I work with... only his was his USB... he plugged in a USB thumbdrive and his restarted twice. I dont understand whats up with this board. Also i understand that even with the drivers on the CD they give you and multiple updates,. you still have to get new BIOS and the whole sha-bang. Quite a hassle.
I called Intel today, spent 5 minutes getting redirected to technical support. The phone number is 916-377-7000. Called and spent 30 minutes on hold, a man answered and we went through there process of checking out the board. Initially they gave me a case number, and gave name, address, email, and phone to at least 2 people.

I told them it was DOA, it wasnt but I thought maybe this would speed things up. I was wrong. He asked about the power supply, memory type and manufacturer. Then we went through these steps.

1) turn on the board, with everything connected, in case, get a green light.
2) take out the memory, turn on the board, everything else connected, in case,
get a green light.
3) asked if I tryed removing the battery, and waiting at least an hour. Itold him yes,
and i did try this, and much more over the last few days.
4) had me remove the hard drives, take the motherboard out of the case, put on a non
conductive surface, install one stick of memory, plug in the power supply connectors,
turn on the board, not in the case, get a green light.
5) Get about 3 or 4 different part numbers. Had to go get a magnidying glass for the
"AA" number on the board.

He then said they need to replace the board, and started a RMA. He retook all my personal info, told me id get an email, and will get a package in the mail to send back the board. After they check it out, will send me either the repaired board or a new one.

Total time on phone 1 hour and 10 minutes. I did get someone I think was in this country and spoke English. Pitiful and painfully slow.

I just got the email verification or the RMA.

Going to Newegg to find a new MB, after I look at what will work well with the Q6700 and Crucial Ballistix.

I found cinnaminbuns post and it looks like the exact same problem. I have an Antec Sonatta II case, had everything running and loaded and patched. Tested a few games and they worked fine. Went to plug in my headset and noting was there, check the cable and it was disconnected. Powered off, and plugged that funky HDA cable into the Hi def audio plug. Switched it on and just a green light on the MB. Pulled everything apart and reinstalled, to no use.

I guess ill be talking with Intel for an rma. I may order a new MB from Newegg, and toss the Intel on Ebay.
those STUPID A-HOLES!!!! I was on the phone with them for a total of about 5 hours between 2 days. Finally after saying they will replace the board... they said it was "out of stock" and they'd call me when it was in. Waited a week... NEVER called me... finally i emailed Intel and got a response in 24 hours (thank god) but that REALLLLYYY makes me MAD that its now been 2 weeks and they NEVERRR called me back but they set you (the mangler) up in a matter of an hour or two!!! AHHHH!!!! That makes me so mad! ontop of that i thought RMA was meant so that you didnt have to pay for shipping... but it cost me almost $12 to ship it back to intel. Its now been 5 days since I sent my board to intel... USPS claims my order isnt trackable online... and through intel I cant track my order because when i log in, it only shows my original Intel Retail Edge purchase, not my RMA thingie. AHHHHh so frustrating! I cant stand those idiots from technical support!!!
Also i understand that even with the drivers on the CD they give you and multiple updates,. you still have to get new BIOS and the whole sha-bang. Quite a hassle.

that's normal with all computer components except for the Soundblaster X-FI (Still waiting for an updated driver supporting 6.1 and been a year)

The companies rush the product out the door with "working" drivers. This happened with the last bundle and one before that. Amost any motherboard has updated drivers on the web right out of the box.

And cinn, I know you're frustrated with your situation, but best wishes here on a speedy resolution.

P. S. fellas, this is my final decision on my MB upgrade.
I earned over 13000 chips and they just sent me a link for the q6600 instead of the q6700 does anyone have the link to the q6700 bundle or any contact info for intel so I can get this all corrected and get the better bundle?
Nope they still have q6700 they just sent me the wrong code and I even waited til I had over 12k chips to fax my verification. I hope they fix this issue for me
Guys, if you had less than 12K points when you enrolled in the purchase program, then you were only eligible for the Q6600. Doesn't matter if you waited till you had 12K to fax in your stuff because you had to choose which bundle you were enrolling for.

My best advice is to call Intel and see if they will switch it for you, can't hurt to ask/complain. I can say that I got my Q6700 code yesterday, so they still have them as of that time. Good luck!
Hrmm, well I had to call Intel and request that they send me the correct bundle, i had way over the 12K chips, and they ended up overnighting me the processor and stuff. I would give Intel a call and complain that they are very slow on answering their emails... Thats what i did, and they were very helpful, even sent an Intel rep to my store and gave out free stuff, and apologized for the inconvenience :D yeah!
Right now I'm at 11,100 chips and can't seem to find anything else to do for those last 900 chips. Any suggestions?
those STUPID A-HOLES!!!! I was on the phone with them for a total of about 5 hours between 2 days. Finally after saying they will replace the board... they said it was "out of stock" and they'd call me when it was in. Waited a week... NEVER called me... finally i emailed Intel and got a response in 24 hours (thank god) but that REALLLLYYY makes me MAD that its now been 2 weeks and they NEVERRR called me back but they set you (the mangler) up in a matter of an hour or two!!! AHHHH!!!! That makes me so mad! ontop of that i thought RMA was meant so that you didnt have to pay for shipping... but it cost me almost $12 to ship it back to intel. Its now been 5 days since I sent my board to intel... USPS claims my order isnt trackable online... and through intel I cant track my order because when i log in, it only shows my original Intel Retail Edge purchase, not my RMA thingie. AHHHHh so frustrating! I cant stand those idiots from technical support!!!

Interesting, I had to RMA last years board a little more than 2 weeks ago, I emailed them saying it would not post or anything just died while running and asked how the RMA process goes, they just responded with an RMA# and address, Spent $6 UPS Ground to send it to them, Shipped Monday had my new board Friday, (They shipped back UPS 2nd Day in this huge box).
thank you for the update Fataldave. Yea it was a painful process. either way, i sent them my board finally last thursday with 2nd day air to them.... so im assuming they got it saturday.. Worst case scenario Monday. So therefor hopefully i'll have mine back sometime this week. Did they send you an email after they had shipped yours back out??? Or did you just kinda one day get a package in a huge box?
Sorry if this is reposted somewhere else but what motherboard are people using with the Q6700 besides the intell? Is there a hot list somewhere?

thanks and happy holidays
thank you for the update Fataldave. Yea it was a painful process. either way, i sent them my board finally last thursday with 2nd day air to them.... so im assuming they got it saturday.. Worst case scenario Monday. So therefor hopefully i'll have mine back sometime this week. Did they send you an email after they had shipped yours back out??? Or did you just kinda one day get a package in a huge box?

They sent me an email with a tracking number the day it shipped.
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