Retail Edge 2007!

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I have a code for the bundle i wont be using because I got tired on waiting for verification :rolleyes:

someone PM me if you're interested
Don't hawk your bundles here. First of all it's illegal as a breach of contract, it can get you fired, and Intel reps DO patrol this forum. After all they cited [h] in their trainings!

At the very least, post them in the right place, FS/FT
my verification took about a week, just got the email the other day verifying.

I'm 300 points shy of the 12k mark. I can purchase the Q6600 bundle atm, but i'd really like to get the Q6700 if I can.
You can't. You verified when you had the chips for the Q6600, you;re stuck. Might as well order.
That's not true ^^

I sent in verification with 9,000 some odd points and then when December hit I got over 12,000 and after a week of phone calls and emails they cancelled the q6600 code and sent me a q6700 link via email. Just had to call Intel and ordered on the phone, shipped last Friday (the same day I ordered)!

Patience is the key, the reps said they receive over 1,000 emails a day some days so that's why responses aren't as instant as we would like...

Anyone know where to sell the DG33TL for a good price? :)
I sent my verification fax and info a little over a week ago and still nothing. Only 300 points short of the Q6700 since i found out about this in December. I just want my Q6600... :eek:
Faxed my verification 10 days ago, got verified today.

Ordered my 6700 bundle with next day air for a total of like $279.xx

wooooooooooo. So i got my replacement board today! Plugged it all in ... loaded the bad-boy... and it worked like a charm. My windows experience rating even went up an extra 0.3 points with this new mobo (i dont know why). SWEETNESS THOOO
wooooooooooo. So i got my replacement board today! Plugged it all in ... loaded the bad-boy... and it worked like a charm. My windows experience rating even went up an extra 0.3 points with this new mobo (i dont know why). SWEETNESS THOOO

maybe it has the new BIOS on the board?
wooooooooooo. So i got my replacement board today! Plugged it all in ... loaded the bad-boy... and it worked like a charm. My windows experience rating even went up an extra 0.3 points with this new mobo (i dont know why). SWEETNESS THOOO
Congrats, man!
hey , does anyone know if retail edge has a contact tel# , cause i have been sending emails and just get generic responses that dont even answer questions. my situation is that i attended a live event and did not receive the chips and was not verified even thought i was.
What memory is everyone using?
I heard this Motherboard is like last years, only takes 1.8V or 1.9V memory. All the good memory I looked @ runs @ higher Voltage..
Any help appreciated..
I'm basing my memory purchase off of the intel website memory compatbility page for this motherboard. Of course, when i just tried to get to the link, it shows a different motherboards compatibility. strange.

EDIT: found it.

i've no problem with those specs. 'good memory' with tighter timings isnt supported anyhow.

I think I read a comparison that said that tighter timings just dont benefit the end user with the Core architecture et al as much as they used to with the netburst architecture / inferior architectures of the past. Nice to hear, as it helps the wallet out.
I saw that.. There isnt a single reputable vendor there..
I dont believe that all of you bought memory from that link..

I'm basing my memory purchase off of the intel website memory compatbility page for this motherboard. Of course, when i just tried to get to the link, it shows a different motherboards compatibility. strange.

EDIT: found it.

i've no problem with those specs. 'good memory' with tighter timings isnt supported anyhow.

I think I read a comparison that said that tighter timings just dont benefit the end user with the Core architecture et al as much as they used to with the netburst architecture / inferior architectures of the past. Nice to hear, as it helps the wallet out.

i'm not buying it based on the manufacturer.

I'm buying Mushkin based on the timings / voltage, that's all.

Reliable ram is a good thing ;)
i got the 4gb of Patriot Ram that was on sale at Fry's for $90 with no rebate crap. They are 5-5-5-12 timings and work amazing.... so i dont think thats that bad
all crucial memory works in last years bundle and this one.

i have 12 gigs laying around right now.....:)

need a board, building one system with the intel board, and my gaming system needs a board, help me choose, k!!!!!

i want to go intel chipset, but i might suffer with a 680i. i am a hardcore gamer but am not interested in sli believe it or not.

read the latest maximum pc and understand me, thanks all!
I got my 12k + points and registered, I got confirmed just 4 business days later, ordered the Q6700 Bundle and it shipped the same day. I got it 2 days later on ground shipping because of how ground is now expedited because of the holiday season. Awesome indeed,

Now can anyone tell me if this intel board is any good at overclocking, I've never used an intel mobo and remember people telling me that all of their overclocking settings were locked out of the bios. Has anyone built their system with this bundle yet and if so have you been able to overclock?

Has there been any discussion here of the kinda BS they pulled with advertising Windows Vista Home Premium with the bundle and then sending

OEM vs Retail (the latter was pictured, OEM was never mentioned)

32bit vs 64bit or both (Again, nothing was mentioned of sending only one kind, doesnt retail come with both?)

I'm kinda irked by that, I was expecting 64 bit to use. Last year they sent out 32 and 64 bit
Has there been any discussion here of the kinda BS they pulled with advertising Windows Vista Home Premium with the bundle and then sending

OEM vs Retail (the latter was pictured, OEM was never mentioned)

32bit vs 64bit or both (Again, nothing was mentioned of sending only one kind, doesnt retail come with both?)

I'm kinda irked by that, I was expecting 64 bit to use. Last year they sent out 32 and 64 bit

I noticed on the disk that it says windows anytime upgrade, can anyone confirm or deny that this will allow you to upgrade to ultimate 64bit if you want?

I'm curious about this 2, also If anyone can look up to my last post and answer that as well I'd really appreciate it. ;)
anytime upgrade means yes you can upgrade to something like Ultimate (you'd have to pay for it of course).
anytime upgrade means yes you can upgrade to something like Ultimate (you'd have to pay for it of course).

But can you upgrade to ultimate 64bit though? that's what the question really is here from the posts before. A user is bothered that this years bundle only included 32 bit, last year had 32 and 64 bit.
But can you upgrade to ultimate 64bit though? that's what the question really is here from the posts before. A user is bothered that this years bundle only included 32 bit, last year had 32 and 64 bit.
It's a two-step process. First you have to contact Microsoft and order teh 64-bit disk and install it (~$10).
Second you go to BestBuy or whatever and buy the $160 Anytime Upgrade pack and upgrade away.
i got the altnernate media disc direct from microsoft for 10 dollars. well worth it to get 64bit..
Has there been any discussion here of the kinda BS they pulled with advertising Windows Vista Home Premium with the bundle and then sending

OEM vs Retail (the latter was pictured, OEM was never mentioned)

32bit vs 64bit or both (Again, nothing was mentioned of sending only one kind, doesnt retail come with both?)

I'm kinda irked by that, I was expecting 64 bit to use. Last year they sent out 32 and 64 bit

I send them a e-mail about that, The site said 32 and 64bit versions when I ordered, then changed when they shipped them. I called Shop Intel and the lady said it did say that, but they were told to remove the 64bit line since 'Microsoft would not give them any 64bit disks.'

Retail Edge responded like 2~3 weeks later with

Thank you for contacting the Intel(R) Retail Edge Program team.

The 64-bit version of Microsoft* Windows Vista* Home Premium was not included as part of the 2007 Purchase Program bundle. Previously, in 2006, both versions were offered however this was not the case in 2007.
What memory is everyone using?
I heard this Motherboard is like last years, only takes 1.8V or 1.9V memory. All the good memory I looked @ runs @ higher Voltage..
Any help appreciated..

So what happens when you run lower timing and higher voltage? Will this lousy intel mobo not utilize lower timings? If the ram is specified at say 2.1V then does it not run stable? (This probably isn't the case as many of you are running good ram) I'm just a little confused now because I didn't think this was an issue.
So what happens when you run lower timing and higher voltage? Will this lousy intel mobo not utilize lower timings? If the ram is specified at say 2.1V then does it not run stable? (This probably isn't the case as many of you are running good ram) I'm just a little confused now because I didn't think this was an issue.

Yikes!! It sounds like this motherboard is crap for overclocking. I wanted to purchase some really good overclockable ram and I also wanted to OC the bus. Anybody have experience overclocking this setup yet????

Yikes!! It sounds like this motherboard is crap for overclocking. I wanted to purchase some really good overclockable ram and I also wanted to OC the bus. Anybody have experience overclocking this setup yet????

None of the intel retail edge boards have ever been overclockers.
So did anyone get the front panel items to work properly? Is it a BIOS update and did it also affect the USB ports?
All I needed was the CPU. Anybody want another motherboard our Vista?

If so, just PM me.
Anyone have a promo code to spare? I need 500 points to qualify for the bundle. Time is running out!

So did anyone get the front panel items to work properly? Is it a BIOS update and did it also affect the USB ports?

Now that i got my replacement board things are working AWESOME. I play every game alive on max settings NO problem (except for sh*tty Crysis which makes me mad and is short and kinda boring and impossible without god mode cuz of the lag and bad framerate) My front USB ports are working... SORTA. The original problem i was having where my board fried when i plugged in a microphone... well im too scared to try it out again so i dont know if that problem is fixed with the new board. 2nd the USB problem... my USB ports work fine...... except i was playing Guitar Hero 3 for PC using a USB-xbox360 guitar..... it worked flawlessly for 2 days. Then i unplugged the guitar from the front USB and got a BSOD.... after restart computer wouldnt show anything on my monitor. Restarted one more time and it worked. FREAKY STUFF
Well, I purchased the Q6700 and have it running at 4.1Ghz on a 680i board. This baby halls the bacon!
Does anyone have extra points? I am just 500 shy to get the bundle, and there are only a couple days left in the promotion. I've done every single article and challenge, and there are no more login or toolbox download points to receive.

Please PM me if you can help. Thanks!
and a merry ho ho to all

Got my Gigabyte MB and Crucial 1066 RAM and ready to rock
gonna use the P33 MB for an entertainment PC for the bedroom

Bites that I'm 5 hours away from home visiting family
Can't build the system ;)
Hope everyone had a good Christmas... Now to do some more research...

What kind of power supply is sufficient to run the Q6700 with Ati 3870 all stock no overclocking? I was thinking 500 or 550W. As per the Antec Sonata Plus 550.

Also, I'm still wondering about the ram. I read somewhere on an OCZ forum that if you have lower voltage (1.8V in this case for the DG33TL) and the ram is rated higher voltage [I think] it will run at a lower speed (ie. 800 will only run at 667)

And since the intel board supports only 5-5-5 timings, what happens with lower timing ram? I'm just looking to get me some good ram that will work at the proper spec so I'm not wasting money on good ram that this board won't fully utilize.
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