Retail Edge 2007!

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The difference *could* be considerable if the CPU is the bottleneck. IOW, if the person already has a good video card and nice amount of RAM but is running on a crappy celery then yes, the core 2 quad would make a hell of a difference.
Most people who already have a decent CPU will only be looking at a 5-10% performance gain (mostly due to the larger L2 cache) when the video card is taken out of the equation. The more that games go multi-threaded though, the better the performance leap will be.

Of course if you're an eye-candy whore (like me) even a small FPS increase is precious...mmmmmm, yes, precious.

I was speaking towards the difference in the intel board vs the Gigabyte board.

Just to be clear, for my comparison inquiry between the gigabyte and intel boards, (for the sake of comparing) both would have good graphics cards (not comparing a gigabyte board with a good gpu and the integrated on intel)

And like I said, if its a significant increase in performance, then by all means its worth getting a good mobo.

If its negligible gain, I'll stick to the intel board. I'm looking to play games with high settings, and all round performance outside of gaming. :)
I can't believe there's that much difference, assuming a quad core proc and a higher end video card...
so i got my q6700 and in the intel motherboard onboard sound is defective and also the motherboard has a nice high pitch whine to it... i'm going to rma this board and sell it but i want to purchase something else in the $150 range. i want something reliable with good performance. what suggestions do you guys have :)
vosko make sure you use that CD that the MoBo comes with - cuz the sound doesnt work and i couldnt find a driver anywhere - but obviously it is on that CD. But yea im still waitin for a response cuz i got a defective MoBo too. They confirmed it was broke about a week and 2 days ago... yet they're "out of stock" (???) and im still waitin for a call for them to tell me its in so they can send me one. (what a crock of crap)
Got my bundle in two days ago. Remarkable the improved performance from the Q6700 over my old e6300....I went from bogged down to 12 fps in supreme commander to 30+ all the time, even on huge maps with 4+ AIs. However, now the game is crashing when RAM usage gets over 2GB :( (there's a fix on the GPG forums, but hasn't worked for me yet)

I'm still using the old mobo from last year, the 965 based one. I see no reason to swap in another intel board that won't overclock. When I go to upgrade, it will be for a nicer board with OC potential, hopefully with a heatpipe.
Please don't talk about the bundles for sale on this thread.

Wouldn't want it to get locked up/removed due to Intel becoming angered by the violation of terms.


Good Point.... ;)

How is everyone's OCing going? I dropped mine in and immediately upped the FSB to 333. Works like a dream.
vosko make sure you use that CD that the MoBo comes with - cuz the sound doesnt work and i couldnt find a driver anywhere - but obviously it is on that CD. But yea im still waitin for a response cuz i got a defective MoBo too. They confirmed it was broke about a week and 2 days ago... yet they're "out of stock" (???) and im still waitin for a call for them to tell me its in so they can send me one. (what a crock of crap)

yeah i used the cd. i'm getting crackling and distortion. my old 965 motherboard has a bad sound card too. F IT might as well get a better motherboard and overclock it a little.
i have a home theatre system for my tv high def etc. i just want normal 2.1 sound to work. i mainly do video editing on this computer....
if you have a home theatre why not use optical (if your set is new enough)

office depot had optical 3ft cables for 9 bucks!
I'm still using the old mobo from last year, the 965 based one. I see no reason to swap in another intel board that won't overclock. When I go to upgrade, it will be for a nicer board with OC potential, hopefully with a heatpipe.

The 965 can use the Quad Core? Sweet if it can, I can pop that bad boy in tonight.
Yeah, I put it in Tuesday. No probalos so far, runs like a champ! I swear I picked up 5-6 FPS average in crysis, which is strange because previously I'd thought I was GPU limited only.

TMclaugh - what mobo are you using for OC? What about HSF? This stuff may be on my after christmas purchasing list.
The 965 can use the Quad Core? Sweet if it can, I can pop that bad boy in tonight.

Well, I just got done installing the Q6700 onto my 966P-DS3.
I shot straight for 3.33Ghz @ 1.365v (best guesstimate at upper range with conservative voltage). It booted into Windows and ran some light programs okay but failed Prime95 v25.4 pretty quickly.

Now I'm going for a baseline test at stock speeds and voltage with Prime95. However, I've found that I am using NOISY thermal compound. After about 20-30 mins of testing, a distinctive noise begins from right around the CPU. A high pitched whine/gurgle would be the best way to describe it. My temps get up to 58ºC (jumping around from 56 to 58) but are already at those temps for at least 5 mins before this noise starts. It's not loud at all (I have excellent hearing) and no computational or temperature side effects are occurring (no errors with Prime95 and temps still hovering around 58ºC). My Zaleman CNPS7700-CU 120mm and thermal compound are definitely doing a great job temperature wise, with speedfan reporting idle speeds of 30ºC. Also, when I stop Prime95 the temps drop 10ºC in the first 4 seconds and another 10ºC after about 15 seconds total (then slowly goes down to idle temps).
I'll keep everyone updated on the noisy curing process of my thermal compound as well as temps and OC results. All of you BB employees can guess what compound I'm using. If the noise doesn't subside I'll have to move to AS or something similar.
Man, I can't believe that Dynex thermal compound would have any kind of downside! That's so out of character for that brand.
TMclaugh - what mobo are you using for OC? What about HSF? This stuff may be on my after christmas purchasing list.

I have an ASUS Commando, and I'm using the Aquagate S-1 by coolermaster. I'm pretty confident I have 8500 memory but I would have to check. I highly recommend going with the EVGA 680i board instead, because my buddy has better luck overclocking with it. He also has a real water cooling system too. :cool: But I didn't mess with any of the options with the Commando, just the FSB to 333 and the temps seem pretty good.


*EDIT* I'm using AS5
I have a Q6700 @ 2.68 with a thermalright 120 extreme, as5, and scythe 120mm fan, case fans set on medium and it idles around 30C. are those normal temps? I havent upgraded for 6 years. Gotta get back in the game!
Ok, so I verifed when I had enough points for Q6600 but not Q6700. Is there any way around this besides waiting for [email protected] to get back to me? I know one of my friends called intel and eventually got a hold of someone that just overrided it for him and let him purchase the 6700 (he had the same issue I did). Does anyone know a number to call?

How long does it take to get VERIFIED? (Best Buy Employee) I am not planning on FAXING over my paycheck, just submitted online. I hope this won't hinder me.



How long is it taking everyone to get verified through fax/email?

How long does it take to get VERIFIED? (Best Buy Employee) I am not planning on FAXING over my paycheck, just submitted online. I hope this won't hinder me.



took about 3 weeks for me.

How long does it take to get VERIFIED? (Best Buy Employee) I am not planning on FAXING over my paycheck, just submitted online. I hope this won't hinder me.



Faxed mine in the day the site went up, verified in about a day.
someone asked me a tech question a few pages back and I didn't get a chance to respond. I saw it last night but now it's lost in the forum.

and here's my techie question, what are you guys running as a FSB:SDRAM ratio? (Ref. the last tab on CPU-Z)
I hear that can produce a bottleneck
Mine is 2:3 which suggests a bottleneck
This is strange, I just got verified today (15,000 chips) and when I click the buy now link, the only bundle I see and am able to purchase on the site is the Q6600, but not the premium one with the Q6700. :\

Is there a direct link to a separate page for the Q6700 processor (premium) bundle?

verfied today and also shipped today, all within like 2 hours of time since i ordered!!!
I faxed on Tuesday, emailed Wed, still no response as of today so I re-faxed it. I'm a bit impatient... have a week long lan party right after X-mas I wanna have this ready for!
This is strange, I just got verified today (15,000 chips) and when I click the buy now link, the only bundle I see and am able to purchase on the site is the Q6600, but not the premium one with the Q6700. :\

Is there a direct link to a separate page for the Q6700 processor (premium) bundle?

the only option i had today was the q6700 and the q6600 was not available
Has this happened to any of you? My Intel package with the Q6700 was due to arrive today, but I was in class until four and my wife was at work until four. I expected to come home to a note or a box on my door, but there was nothing inside or out when I got home. So.... I hopped back online and checked my tracking number. It said that the package was delivered, and somebody had signed for it with a name I'd never even heard of!!! My first thought was "oh crap." My wife even thought someone might have stolen it. I couldn't believe UPS would give it to anyone other than those who live here or possibly the managers who live above us. I checked with them and they hadn't picked anything up.

Sooooo... I called UPS with the tracking number and they confirmed that it was delivered, but they said it was left at the office. "What office?" I said. These apartments don't have an office. The UPS rep was actually very helpful and friendly, and she sent an urgent message to our local office. About 20 min. later the UPS delivery guy called and apologized profusely. He realized that he had delivered it to the orthodontist's office on the other side of the road. I have no idea how he did that and they're probably not open tomorrow... so, I'll be updating you with my build plans when I pick it up on Monday, I guess. Anyone else have such UPS troubles? :confused:
Has this happened to any of you? My Intel package with the Q6700 was due to arrive today, but I was in class until four and my wife was at work until four. I expected to come home to a note or a box on my door, but there was nothing inside or out when I got home. So.... I hopped back online and checked my tracking number. It said that the package was delivered, and somebody had signed for it with a name I'd never even heard of!!! My first thought was "oh crap." My wife even thought someone might have stolen it. I couldn't believe UPS would give it to anyone other than those who live here or possibly the managers who live above us. I checked with them and they hadn't picked anything up.... Anyone else have such UPS troubles? :confused:

Yes, my driver didn't know how to find my address... see my post
Took 4 weeks to be verified for me.

I received my Q6700 and the DG33TL mother board on Monday. Put it together with some memory and loaded vista. Downloaded all the patches, updates, bios, and installed a few programs (Firefox, AVG, ......).

Turned it off to connect the audio, and now all I get is a green light on the motherboard that just stays on. Reset button on case does nothing now, there are no fans running wither.

No clue at all. Removed the battery for one hour, and retried, but same result.:confused:
Turned it off to connect the audio, and now all I get is a green light on the motherboard that just stays on. Reset button on case does nothing now, there are no fans running wither.:

same thing happened when someone plugged in their microphone
all you OC'rs out there that can't afford another board just yet (like me)

setFSB works with the DG33TL
use SLG505YC256BT clock generator code
turn down your ram speed to 667, and you can bump up to 3Ghz

walk the FSB up in 10's incraments up to 300.7
Mine gets unstable 10 above 300.7

temps under load (rendering movie) MB 144F I/O 177F MCH 183F
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