Retail Edge 2007!

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Your in a good spot chin...Sorry my human optical interface device purchase pissed you off...I am 2 xited about this years bundle and a couple pages ago we were posting our plans for this years bundle....Just got the new MON and wanted to share. Sorry to piss in your cheerios.

:rolleyes: I don't even want to bother with this.

But yeah This bundle is shaping up to be quite amazing. I remember back in May, when I learned about it I didn't know what to expect. Glad I held off on the new rig. :D
Q6700 for me.

Intel should reward the top earner from each chain......

(I am #1 with BB. w/ 24,450 chips.....) :D
I am at 10,400points what are the chances i get to 12k? i have done all the challenges , i dont know how to get the bonus ones i have not tried anything special(i have 1400), any codes floating around out there for more points?
Articles + chalanges = 1250
4 logins per month (one per day) = 400
2 tool kits per month = 200
total possible points (w/o any live events) over remaining 2 months = 3700
Live events are 500 per event.
You can have 12,250 by the end of next month.
Q6700 for me.

Intel should reward the top earner from each chain......

(I am #1 with BB. w/ 24,450 chips.....) :D
I'm glad you posted. How the F did you get so many chips? Did you fly across the country to get to live events?
There were none in my area/// :-(
But I guess it doesn't matter, as I have 16650 pts...
Q6700 for me.

Intel should reward the top earner from each chain......

(I am #1 with BB. w/ 24,450 chips.....) :D

I agree, I'm the top earner for Office Max 22,950. I have an event for Monday night football this Monday for 1000 points more.

And I bet the reps have no idea about the 25k+ getting a special bundle. They are just part time help with a real job, typically non techie.
Dude, all your gonna get is the Q6600. Is it really worth it? Also that motherboard is not a performer. I have done the past two Challenges, and said you are better off buying a "real" motherboard. Then again, I am a serious OC'er.:D
Above 12k gets the Q6700. :D

And indeed the mobo is not a major performer, but even if you do just get the q6600 youre saving a bundle.
Oh, I did not know that! >12K gets you the Q6700? Not bad at all. Then again, as an Intel Rep. I get ANY of the Extreme Edition Proessors for $495. :D
I have seen that on the live events page the price of the bundles are listed as $199 and $239
Quote from live event at Harkins Northfield Theatres description:
In 2007 we will have two bundle offerings: Premium Quad Core Bundle Intel® Core™ 2 Quad Desktop Processor Q6700 (2.66GHz, 8MB Cache, 1066MHz FSB) Intel® Desktop Board DG33TL Media Series Microsoft® Windows® Vista™ Home Premium Edition Price: $239 Standard Quad Core Bundle Intel® Core™ 2 Quad Desktop Processor Q6600 (2.4GHz, 8MB cache, 1066MHz FSB) Intel® Desktop Board DG33TL Media Series Microsoft® Windows® Vista™ Home Premium Edition Price: $199
Any ideas how fast the premium bundles will go im worried that if i apply november 5th at like 12pm EST i wont get one(which i do plan on doing btw)
So what is everyone going to do with your bundles?

Ditch the Motherboard? new motherboard?

I was thinking about keeping the MB and get a Thermaltake LanBox

and some: OCZ RAM 8500 5-5-5 SPD RAM (since that what the Motherboard calls for 5-5-5, or 6-6-6 SPD only RAM )

But That board you really can't OC that much, who knows.
So what is everyone going to do with your bundles?

Ditch the Motherboard? new motherboard?

I was thinking about keeping the MB and get a Thermaltake LanBox

and some: OCZ RAM 8500 5-5-5 SPD RAM (since that what the Motherboard calls for 5-5-5, or 6-6-6 SPD only RAM )

But That board you really can't OC that much, who knows.

The problem is, Intel doesn't get it with these bundles. We usually just want the processor or CPU + Vista for some people. The company is not known for good enthusiasts boards and seems to have nothing but problems with RAM issues. I remember last year's bundle, an insane amount of people complained about the board's RAM computability.
anybody have an idea why they can't give us ultimate? seems kinda cheap if you ask me.
anybody have an idea why they can't give us ultimate? seems kinda cheap if you ask me.

The processors in this year's bundles are worth a fair bit more than the processor that was in last year's bundle. Last year, E6300 was going for around $180, that with MB and Ultimate came to $220. This year Q6600 is going for around $280, with MB and Premium also is going for $220. Then there is the Q6700 which is going for around $500 which you get for a measly $30 more.
Rep said it was Microsoft's decision..
And my MS rep said it was Intel's decision to cut costs and introduce a new technology/chipset.

Does seem kinda weird considering the new "gamer's corner" of the retail edge website.
Thought it seems largely to have been a forum for advertisers...

And I still don't know why I learn more about intel products here on [H] than I do there. Especially sooner...
I look at it this way, it's less than a tank of gas to get the higher package with a better resale value come next year. In this case might as well spend it.
so the the question is:

Q6700 or Q6600?

Q6700 worth it over the Q6600?
For $30, you get a higher multiplier (easier OCing) and guaranteed G0 stepping. Shoot, i would have paid the extra for a guaranteed G0 Q6600, but I'll take the extra mhz...
45mm debuts with Q9350 @ $266 @ q9450 @ $316 in early 2008, most likely jan.
with that prices how much do you guys think the q6600 will be worth then ? $200 ?
45mm debuts with Q9350 @ $266 @ q9450 @ $316 in early 2008, most likely jan.
with that prices how much do you guys think the q6600 will be worth then ? $200 ?

Could be less, maybe not at first since it will most likely sell out quickly (think 8800GT). Still, the chips we are getting are insanely fast. To be honest, I recommend people to usually skip a generation or else you are spending a lot for a little return.

45mm debuts with Q9350 @ $266 @ q9450 @ $316 in early 2008, most likely jan.
with that prices how much do you guys think the q6600 will be worth then ? $200 ?
Does anyone have any codes they can PM me? I mean the codes you can enter on the Retail Edge site where it says "Got Code?". They used to be universal codes the past few years, but I don't work for a retailer anymore. My friend is doing the program for me but he doesn't get codes :(
Does anyone have any codes they can PM me? I mean the codes you can enter on the Retail Edge site where it says "Got Code?". They used to be universal codes the past few years, but I don't work for a retailer anymore. My friend is doing the program for me but he doesn't get codes :(
What are you doing now? Hope your still in the field budd...We shall inherit the earth!
Now I work for AT&T Mobility, but I own a semi-successful PC business. I do repairs as well as custom builds.
Now I work for AT&T Mobility, but I own a semi-successful PC business. I do repairs as well as custom builds.
Great! Glad to hear...I still work for the man and do my side jobs but when I move down south I'm opening a shop...That 'shop' might be a mobile operations unit 'van' sitting outside of Geek
Great! Glad to hear...I still work for the man and do my side jobs but when I move down south I'm opening a shop...That 'shop' might be a mobile operations unit 'van' outside of Geek

I just lol'd at that :D
Great! Glad to hear...I still work for the man and do my side jobs but when I move down south I'm opening a shop...That 'shop' might be a mobile operations unit 'van' sitting outside of Geek
Classic. Lol.
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