Retail Edge 2007!

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**IMPORTANT NOTE** to all you 13744XXXs out there,,, (im also a 13744XXX), you should have mostly all gone "backordered" now. I contacted Intel and this is actually a GOOD thing. When you were pending,,, it meant that they received your order but did absolutely nothing to fullfill it. Now that you are backordered, it is saying "yes we got your order and we have now reviewed it and attempted to ship, but were out of stock." That means that we (the 13744XXXs) are next in line to get ours shipped to us! The 13743XXXs or 13734XXXs followed this exact same pattern.

Besides... logically... going from pending to backordered cant be a bad thing... cuz if they're out of stock for us 13744s.... then EVERYONE should be showing "backordered" but that is not the case. So rest assured - we are next!
**IMPORTANT NOTE** to all you 13744XXXs out there,,, (im also a 13744XXX), you should have mostly all gone "backordered" now. I contacted Intel and this is actually a GOOD thing. When you were pending,,, it meant that they received your order but did absolutely nothing to fullfill it. Now that you are backordered, it is saying "yes we got your order and we have now reviewed it and attempted to ship, but were out of stock." That means that we (the 13744XXXs) are next in line to get ours shipped to us! The 13743XXXs or 13734XXXs followed this exact same pattern.

Besides... logically... going from pending to backordered cant be a bad thing... cuz if they're out of stock for us 13744s.... then EVERYONE should be showing "backordered" but that is not the case. So rest assured - we are next!

UPDATE : I have received also email about backorder but same day on the shop intel site they update my account with :

Pending Shipments

The items listed below have been submitted to our warehouse and should be shipping soon. Check this page again later for shipment details.

Shipment number : 436XXX

My order number starts with 13744XXX and I've placed an order on Wednesday Nov 7...

Is this mean they going to ship it in a day or two or it's going to be more than that anybody?
WOOT! Q6700 bundle shipped today.

Still up for grabs to highest offer!

I don't know if this has been covered here yet or not. But you're not allowed to sell your bundle, at least for 1 year. You agree to this when you purchase the bundle. Fine print. If you do, try not to sell it on a public forum. ;)

The whole purpose of the Retailedge and bundle program is to get this technology in the hand of the people who will be selling it. NOT so you can make a profit.
Yeah Lord Farfig is right.

Do that on your own time, so it doesnt get this thread closed when Intel starts snooping.
Yeah Lord Farfig is right.

Do that on your own time, so it doesnt get this thread closed when Intel starts snooping.
Lets keep all offers of selling to either the fs/ft forum, or limit them here to LAST YEAR's bundle. Which can be sold legally.
**IMPORTANT NOTE** to all you 13744XXXs out there,,, (im also a 13744XXX), you should have mostly all gone "backordered" now. I contacted Intel and this is actually a GOOD thing. When you were pending,,, it meant that they received your order but did absolutely nothing to fullfill it. Now that you are backordered, it is saying "yes we got your order and we have now reviewed it and attempted to ship, but were out of stock." That means that we (the 13744XXXs) are next in line to get ours shipped to us! The 13743XXXs or 13734XXXs followed this exact same pattern.

Besides... logically... going from pending to backordered cant be a bad thing... cuz if they're out of stock for us 13744s.... then EVERYONE should be showing "backordered" but that is not the case. So rest assured - we are next!

Good to know. Thanks pal. :)
yeah the fraud people are doing on these forums is very unfortunate. i remember the days i was that poor too, but not anymore.....:)

mine is on backorder too, hope to get it soon. i ordered on the 8th.
only thing that sucks is that... yes we are next to get it shipped and some of the first 13744XXXs already have theirs shipped... but for the rest of us who just barely missed it cuz we were a little farther down in the 13744XXX list, we now have freakin like 4 days before anything is gunna change cuz of the thanksgiving weekend! I just pray (although it would suck for the workers) that they are opened tomorrow, the day after thanksgiving, so they can ship a few more woo.

BTW ...
Mine should be here Monday, it was in town yesterday morning, but guess it didn't make the delivery truck.

Anyone hear from Intel on what they are saying about not shipping the 64bit version, and chaning their site after we ordered? I know the site said both because earlier in this thread I looked it up when people were talking about it, and I wanted to make sure if I ordered 4GB ram I could use it all. Thats almost a dirty little trick to change the site and not ship it w/out saying why or sending out an email.
If I was a betting man Id say the next shipment will go out Tuesday, possibly Monday night. Im probably in the next shipment as well so I know how you guys feel. I cant wait to play with one of these chips, any word yet on what stepping it is?
If I was a betting man Id say the next shipment will go out Tuesday, possibly Monday night. Im probably in the next shipment as well so I know how you guys feel. I cant wait to play with one of these chips, any word yet on what stepping it is?

I know im antsy as all hell.

Ive got an AMD 3700+ 1gig ram, and a 6800gt I still game on...

Ive got all my parts on order or here so I can upgrade... im so excited 3 years without a new pc!
im hoping and praying that since the first set of orders that shipped out went out pretty fast, im hoping we had some of the newer ones made with the G0 stepping. If not... i wouldn't doubt if the reason Intel made this deal so cheap was cuz we are all getting the B3 or whatever the stepping is thats before G0 (i forgot the name) and also gave us a cheap junky MoBo, and a non-retail version of Vista. But still we can only hope!!!! Also - the stuff we're getting in the q6600 or q6700 bundles, is all that hardware (mobo and CPU) compatible with Vista x64? And the new 8800GTs anyone know if theres x64 drivers for those?

p.s. this is the first computer i've EVER owned... and ive had the 'family computer' goin on for like 5 years now with 512 ram maxed, graphics card maxed GeForce 5500 OC AGP 4x LoL, every PCI type of Add-on you can imagine, and a freakin 15 inch Monitor.... and after i get my intel parts in... its gunna be the q6600 quad, 8GB Ram if i go x64 or 4GB if i go x32 (cuz of the RAM limit), 22 inch Samsung LCD, 8800GT, and Custom Case wooo im excited
I know im antsy as all hell.

Ive got an AMD 3700+ 1gig ram, and a 6800gt I still game on...

Ive got all my parts on order or here so I can upgrade... im so excited 3 years without a new pc!

Yeah bro... I upgraded from a P4... so i'm pretty excite :D
I got the back-ordered email too....

However, as someone posted already, my page just changed to

Pending Shipment

Good thing I suppose?

Order is 13743xxx

PS: If I'm buildilng this computer for gaming but am NOT planning to overclock, is it okay to stick with that supplied motherboard?
PPS: can someone explain how getting vista64 works? I read some posts in this thread but im still not sure.
you can stick with the motherboard, that's what im going to do, its not horrible or nothin... the main (and in my opinion HUGE) disadvantage is the fact that theres hardly no expandability in terms of extra periferals cuz theres only ONE freakin PCI slot. I'll prolly use that PCI slot for a wireless card cuz my modem is else-where. So then i cant add a HDTV Tuner card or a PCI 5.1 Surround Sound Card or like alot of other things.... which kinda sucks. The 8GB max RAM is nice tho in terms of longevity... - just my 2 cents
and also gave us a cheap junky MoBo, and a non-retail version of Vista. But still we can only hope!!!! Also - the stuff we're getting in the q6600 or q6700 bundles, is all that hardware (mobo and CPU) compatible with Vista x64? And the new 8800GTs anyone know if theres x64 drivers for those?

The mobo is actually pretty decent. Skimped on PCI slots, but has a lot of nice features (on-board dvi and optical audio). The OS will be a OEM copy, as last year, but probably a copy of both 64 and 32 bit.

As for 64 bit compatibility, all the included hardware is compatible, and I am writing this from a Vista64 rig, per my signature. Same with the 8800gt
anybody know if you can use a serial from 64 bit for 32 bit. i have vista ultimate 64 from last year and HATE IT, i want to go back to 32 bit.

the motherboard is not bad at all, just make sure your add in cards are pci express, except for 1.....:)

still waiting on mine!
I ordered the faster one today. It says 4-6 weeks.

My current system is an AMD 2700, 1 gig, ATI RADEON 9550 AGP.

How much faster will the new one be with an 8800gx and 2gig ddr2?
(i mean this in a nice way) thats like comparing the speeds of a guy running with no legs and Jackie Joyner Cursee or however you spell her last name. But your rig is pretty close to mine. ive got AMD 2400, 1gb RAM, and junk for graphics card - and im gunna be upgrading to the new quad core with 4gb of ram and 8800GT or GTX but its gunna be like night and day incase you're wondering.
The OS will be a OEM copy, as last year, but probably a copy of both 64 and 32 bit.
Apparently you haven't read the thread much as there is no 64-bit DVD and as of now there is no legal way to get it unless you go out and but a retail copy of Vista and then go to a web page and order the disk.
Since there's no way for us to get the 64bit disc, there's no point of upgrading the memory to 4GB. I almost went out to get another 2GB...
FYI the 32-bit key will work for installing 64-bit Vista.
From Microsoft's web page to order the 64-bit media:
Please enter the 25-character product key that came with your purchase for validation. You may include the dashes when entering the Product Key, but the dashes are not necessary. You’ll find the product key on a yellow sticker on the back of your DVD media holder. Please keep this product key! You will need it to install and activate Windows Vista when you receive your alternate media. comes up with an error something akin to "offer not valid"...and now time to head into my bestbuy for black friday....see everyone in 16 hours..

[21CW]killerofall;1031702642 said:
FYI the 32-bit key will work for installing 64-bit Vista.
From Microsoft's web page to order the 64-bit media:
No, I know that that error comes up, but the text says that the CD Key will work with the 64-bit media. They will not give you a separate key for the 64-bit media therefor the 32-bit key must work on the 64-bit media. See my logic?
Welp, it's been two days. Great bundle. Crap just flys open. Do delay opening apps, windows, etc.

Board, No over clocking but runs smooth. Audio is awesome (optically out connected to Logitech 5500's)

My only concern is the bridges. I am in a shuttle (yeah small, low air flow) I run 160F - 190F on the bridges and memory controller. 200F seems to be the breaking point / warning software kicks in so I am barely below.

I hit the 190F under 100% load when I was running the 3dmark demo.

My buddy who has a much larger lian-li case with better flow runs about the same 160-170F during idle, I don't know about his load.
I hit the 190F under 100% load when I was running the 3dmark demo.

My buddy who has a much larger lian-li case with better flow runs about the same 160-170F during idle, I don't know about his load.

On the old motherboard from last years bundle (DG965WH) I'm running 170F on the bridges

Looks like we might need additional fans for this MoBo.

Oh wait, I'm getting the Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3R :D
Welp, it's been two days. Great bundle. Crap just flys open. Do delay opening apps, windows, etc.

Board, No over clocking but runs smooth. Audio is awesome (optically out connected to Logitech 5500's)

My only concern is the bridges. I am in a shuttle (yeah small, low air flow) I run 160F - 190F on the bridges and memory controller. 200F seems to be the breaking point / warning software kicks in so I am barely below.

I hit the 190F under 100% load when I was running the 3dmark demo.

My buddy who has a much larger lian-li case with better flow runs about the same 160-170F during idle, I don't know about his load.
Try overclocking with SetFSB.
the MB were getting is not supported by set FSB

Plus, I wouldn't recommend it
I tried set FSB - junk to me, but that's just my opinion.
You sure? The link I posted, the guy got it working by manually selecting a clock generator.
I'm a 13744XXX.

Not shipped yet, but it changed from pending to backordered. So far from what I've heard is that the initial pending is a bad thing because it means they have done nothing to your order. The backordered means you're up next and the final pending is good because it means they'll be shipping soon. :)
So what happened.

When I signed up and bought this.

I printed it out, the thing said vista 32 bit and 64 bit, and they are only sending the 32 bit?

Does that seem strange to everyone it doesn't say which version it is.
So what happened.

When I signed up and bought this.

I printed it out, the thing said vista 32 bit and 64 bit, and they are only sending the 32 bit?

Does that seem strange to everyone it doesn't say which version it is.

I don't ever remember seeing anywhere that said 64bit included throughout the whole process... ordered on the 8th, got back-order e-mail same day, then changed to pending same day & hasn't changed since then...

BTW, anyone know if memory price is gonna keep dropping or rebound??
the 13744XXXs are up next. My friend just got his, he was the order just before, the 13743XXX and his just came in. When it tells you, "order has been received and is pending etc etc" then that simply means, "yes, you ordered something and here is your order number." Once they've gotten to your batch of orders, it will either be sent... or if it was out of stock you will receive a "backorder" email. Estimated wait time for pending is 4 to 6 weeks. Wait time for Backorder is 1 to 2 weeks. once you get the next step (which the 13744XXXs will have soon), where it says "items received by warehouse etc etc pending shipment" then you will be getting yours within a few days.

I'd say cuz of the thanksgiving weekend we will probably see the 13744XXXs shipments being fullfilled between tuesday and wednesday of this week.

On a good note, the friend of mine who got his - says his shipped 10:00 pm the night he got the "order shipped" notification, and was at his doorstep at 10:00 am the next morning (he chose standard shipping... but lives in Missouri and the warehouse is in Illinois) - but still - its good to know intel isnt being lazy about this retail edge stuff. Compared to some companies like "Order DirecTV and get a free DVD player!" and then you dont get your DVD player for 4 to 6 months later
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