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Offtopic but related,

Anyone know where to buy black IDE/Floppy flat/ribbon cables?
I can't find them anywhere. I've checked, svc, jabtech, newegg, sidewinder, xoxide, frozencpu, directron, and crazypc. I've also checked any place that turned up on google for "black flat/ribbon cable".

Any ideas?
v3rt1g0 said:
Offtopic but related,

Anyone know where to buy black IDE/Floppy flat/ribbon cables?
I can't find them anywhere. I've checked, svc, jabtech, newegg, sidewinder, xoxide, frozencpu, directron, and crazypc. I've also checked any place that turned up on google for "black flat/ribbon cable".

Any ideas?

there are asus black ide cables. you could probably buy some from someone that's not using theirs.
maxxo said:
there are asus black ide cables. you could probably buy some from someone that's not using theirs.

Yeah, I haven't really seen any black ribbon cables for SALE....just when they've come with my mobo's in the'll probly have to get them privately.
cornelious0_0 said:
OMG....what have I been doing not spamming in here for the last 12 days.....I didn't realise how long she'd gone without a post.

I'll finally have some new pics in a couple months for you guys, but for now let me explain what's "going down" with my Lian-Li that will effect the wiring.

1) Every square inch of the inside and outside of the case is being powder coated black
2) Since you can't normally get straight behind the motherboard plate on this case, I'm cutting a hole in the metal panel behind the powersupply...allowing me to route cables STRAIGHT behind there, and out of sight.
3) Every single wire in the case I will be sleeving black, with black heatshrink, so even the wires that I DO have to bring into view, you won't really see....cus they'll all blend into the case.

I know it might be hard to picture for some ppl, but for those of you who now have the mental image of my "Pitch Black" Lian-Li in your heads.....I know.....I'm excited too. :p
and while you're at it, get a black pcb motherboard and paint your cd drives black and all

and also black pcb add-on cards... if you cant get something in black, cover it neatly with electrical tape which is what i did... kinda nice
v3rt1g0 said:
Offtopic but related,

Anyone know where to buy black IDE/Floppy flat/ribbon cables?
I can't find them anywhere. I've checked, svc, jabtech, newegg, sidewinder, xoxide, frozencpu, directron, and crazypc. I've also checked any place that turned up on google for "black flat/ribbon cable".

Any ideas?
ive seen ones with asus tabs on it... i dont know if non-asus ones exist

but this is a modding forum... spray paint it, color it with a sharpie, do whatever as long as its original ;)
v3rt1g0 said:
Offtopic but related,

Anyone know where to buy black IDE/Floppy flat/ribbon cables?
I can't find them anywhere. I've checked, svc, jabtech, newegg, sidewinder, xoxide, frozencpu, directron, and crazypc. I've also checked any place that turned up on google for "black flat/ribbon cable".

Any ideas?

i have a couple. if u want to buy them from me PM me. i dont think u are going to find black ribbon cables. there kind of out of style
wayne said:
and while you're at it, get a black pcb motherboard and paint your cd drives black and all

and also black pcb add-on cards... if you cant get something in black, cover it neatly with electrical tape which is what i did... kinda nice

I DO have a black PCB motherboard.....and except for my video card, my "addins" are all black too. I've got a Lian-Li with those stealth drive everything in front is already all need to paint them to try and match the cases stock finish.

Once its all done the only things (inside or out) that won't be black will be my video card, memory, thumbscrews (silver), pci slot fillers (stock silver), mesh fan grills (silver).....I can hardly wait. :)
i want to get my case anadized soon. how much did the powdercoat put u back? i mite do that also
You guys are gonna hate me for this, but it's not gonna cost me a cent.....just the gas to make a 2 hour drive to drop off the case. I'm getting hooked up with a guy my friend knows who's doing it.....for free. :D

Oh, update time.....I've just finalised the deal, and I'll have my hands on my Prometia Mach1 in just over a I'll have to buy the Lian-Li body kit for it (cus i want the body kit powder coated too) before I get the paint job done.....but now it'll look that much nicer. :D
cornelious0_0 said:
You guys are gonna hate me for this, but it's not gonna cost me a cent.....just the gas to make a 2 hour drive to drop off the case. I'm getting hooked up with a guy my friend knows who's doing it.....for free. :D

:p ;)
v3rt1g0 said:
Offtopic but related,

Anyone know where to buy black IDE/Floppy flat/ribbon cables?
I can't find them anywhere. I've checked, svc, jabtech, newegg, sidewinder, xoxide, frozencpu, directron, and crazypc. I've also checked any place that turned up on google for "black flat/ribbon cable".

Any ideas?

I have a black ABIT floppy ribbon cable.
cheezies said:
I have a black ABIT floppy ribbon cable.

Hehe, if nobody else snatches it up I might have to buy it off you. I made my own rounded cables by cutting/bunching up/taping up my ribbon cables in black electrical tape, they look nice IMO and flex a LOT easier then store bought roundies. However, with the (rather creative) way I've got my floppy cable routed it's actually nicer having it flat. Even though I can barely see it, it's gonna stick out like a swore thumb with the rest of the interior painted black.

PM me if you've got a price for it and we can get rolling if it's not taken. :p
Guys, that electrical tape sleeving will not please you in a couple months. Not only will the heat in the box cause it to start unraveling, when it does you are left with nasty sticky residue on your wires. The nylon sleeving is much better, although it does come with a higher cost than electrical tape. You can get a kit at just about any auto parts store that has sleeving and some split loom covering for about $12.00. They come in a bunch of colors, including silver and gold if that's what you like. There is more than enough in the package to do at least 1 system, probably 2 depending on how much wire your covering. I've yet to do mine, I have all I need to build a system except processor and ram - I'll post some pics when it's done tho.
cornelious0_0 said:
Hehe, if nobody else snatches it up I might have to buy it off you. I made my own rounded cables by cutting/bunching up/taping up my ribbon cables in black electrical tape, they look nice IMO and flex a LOT easier then store bought roundies. However, with the (rather creative) way I've got my floppy cable routed it's actually nicer having it flat. Even though I can barely see it, it's gonna stick out like a swore thumb with the rest of the interior painted black.

PM me if you've got a price for it and we can get rolling if it's not taken. :p
not to take away anyones chance for business, but if i were you, i would just paint my own ribbons, its not that hard... if you're worried about paint drying hard and cracking, then use a sharpie marker... otherwise, just buy it from him :D
yay for me?

yay for you.
one thing. take out the hard drive cage at the bottom and move your hard drive up to the other 3.5
wayne said:
not to take away anyones chance for business, but if i were you, i would just paint my own ribbons, its not that hard... if you're worried about paint drying hard and cracking, then use a sharpie marker... otherwise, just buy it from him :D

True, i guess I could just sharpie the one that I've already got. :)

HRslammR, there're still a few things I'd do with your wiring.....mostly just cleaning up the mess up top though. ;) Oh, and why not tuck that 4pin mobo cable underneath the motherboard itself, and just bring it straight up from under teh board to plug it in? At least that way you wouldn't have it dangling there next to the exhaust fan on the back panel.
DRJ1014 said:
yay for you.
one thing. take out the hard drive cage at the bottom and move your hard drive up to the other 3.5

i would try that, i did at first, but that just mucks the whole thing up though. unless i remove the floppy covers, i have to basically have the harddrive hanging halfway out. and that just puts more "into the thick of things" so that's pretty much the only way i can hide the harddrive.

cornelious0_0 said:
HRslammR, there're still a few things I'd do with your wiring.....mostly just cleaning up the mess up top though. Oh, and why not tuck that 4pin mobo cable underneath the motherboard itself, and just bring it straight up from under teh board to plug it in? At least that way you wouldn't have it dangling there next to the exhaust fan on the back panel.

i don't have any holes in the middle of the motherboard for me to do that :( the only other possibility i can think of, is to take away all that slack, and route it so goes right beside the heatsink. then just attempt to clean up all that muck of wires. as such, the harddrive is being powered by the Power line that's currently also running the cd-rom! so other than putting the drive in the bottom row and running the video card and cd-rom on one line there's not a whole lot else i could do, short of further tidying. but thanks for the suggestions though
What I meant was to tuck all that slack between the motherboard and the motherboard that the slack isn't up along the side of the case like that, cus it looks a little sloppy.
Sorry for the poor quality, but this is as I'm building the computer, so when it's done it'll be better quality. I'm using this mostly for help than rating.


The GPU, obviously, isn't in there yet but the power cables will be easy to hide. I'm looking more for ideas on how to hide the floppy's IDE, the digital audio wire (which is actually not connected, but you can see it coming off the bottom of the picture), the orange SATA cable, and anything else.

Yes, criticism is greatly encouraged. =0)
I feel for ya dude on that wiring. I'm running an Enermax PSU with that irritating-as-hell silver braiding on the ATX cable.....and it's such a pain. I finally DID find a way to get it out of sight, but that stuff's fricken hard to bend/work with, so I think it should mostly just be ignored. ;) :p
I would post mine that i just cleaned up last week but i lost the usb cable for my cam so i cant.
cornelious0_0 said:
I feel for ya dude on that wiring. I'm running an Enermax PSU with that irritating-as-hell silver braiding on the ATX cable.....and it's such a pain. I finally DID find a way to get it out of sight, but that stuff's fricken hard to bend/work with, so I think it should mostly just be ignored. ;) :p

Hahaha, yeah I just gave up on that. At least it looks decent if it's showing.
HRslammR said:
yay for me?


haha thats what ALL lian li owners do. its hilarious. we just hide the wires behind the 3.5"/harddrive cage lol! when i had my two PC-65's you could take off the left side panel and a closet of wires would fly out, you could hardly close it :D
Dillusion said:
haha thats what ALL lian li owners do. its hilarious. we just hide the wires behind the 3.5"/harddrive cage lol! when i had my two PC-65's you could take off the left side panel and a closet of wires would fly out, you could hardly close it :D

hahaha, yeah, same here. I'm thinking of cutting a 60mm hole on the top right side (right beside the PSU) to let cables through the back.
Do you know how hard it is to make the cabling look good when you have: watercooling, a 6-port baybus, a collection of fans and lights... :)



nice job y2k, can u give some more close ups... zoom in on some wires and stuff.
elite.mafia said:
nice job y2k, can u give some more close ups... zoom in on some wires and stuff.
Perhaps later on this week I can. I need to pull the system out to refill/change the fluid and blow out the dust.
good, but all those wires on the right side need to be hidden a bit... try and make them go behind the drive cages. But if you're satisfied, leave it :eek:
DRJ1014 said:
where did you get that case padding? i have been looking everywhere.
I bought it at CompUSA (when I worked there). Think the retail price was $14.99.
haha thats what ALL lian li owners do. its hilarious. we just hide the wires behind the 3.5"/harddrive cage lol! when i had my two PC-65's you could take off the left side panel and a closet of wires would fly out, you could hardly close it

You shouldn't speak for all of us that way, I've done a fair bit more work then that to my Lian-Li.....and so far it's the nicest looking one I've seen on here, I just ain't got no camera. :(

I'm thinking of cutting a 60mm hole on the top right side (right beside the PSU) to let cables through the back.

I'm not going to limit it to a 60mm hole, but yeah.....I've had that same thing planned for quite some time now. I've got my wires laid out quite a bit different from what I've seen in most Li-Li's around here, so I'll have to try and grab a friends digicam to show you guys.....maybe give some of you some ideas.
cornelious0_0 said:
I just ain't got no camera. :(

So you really do have a camera eh? (double negative = positive ;) ) Just scared to show us the pics I guess :D
yeah i had trouble thinking of what to do with them. the exhaust fans run behind the beam and are zip tied to it, but the PCI fan and HSF got me stumped. any suggestions?

this is what it looked like before. decent improvement I think.

Y2K SE said:
Do you know how hard it is to make the cabling look good when you have: watercooling, a 6-port baybus, a collection of fans and lights... :)

Looks really good. It's worth it when you look back eh?