Post the ugliest retail case.

Heh, back when ATX wasn't even developed and mobo designs were more propietary than chili recipes. Riser cards were pretty common amongst OEMs... Those Packard Bells were always pretty ugly regardless tho, I remember the mice they came with, it had like ridges on the buttons or something didn't they? Always a dozen of them at Sears, needless to say none ever worked either. :p
Impulse said:
Heh, back when ATX wasn't even developed and mobo designs were more propietary than chili recipes. Riser cards were pretty common amongst OEMs... Those Packard Bells were always pretty ugly regardless tho, I remember the mice they came with, it had like ridges on the buttons or something didn't they? Always a dozen of them at Sears, needless to say none ever worked either. :p
At the time, I don't remember thinking the packard bells looked any worse than many of the other computers. We had one, lasted forever, other than a bad fan... got rid of it maybe 5 years ago just because it was too slow (pentium 75 that was pretty damn old at that point)
3WAYsplit said:
Packard Bell Computer


I remeber having one of those only slower and trying to get a cable modem but it was too slow them my stepdad bought a $3000 Dell. I got one of those monitors at an auction it work work on my PC but one my Dads 400mhz spped machine it works fine so when ever I brin gmy PC to his hous eI have to steal his monitor.
Ety said:
3WAYsplit said:
Packard Bell Computer


I remeber having one of those only slower and trying to get a cable modem but it was too slow them my stepdad bought a $3000 Dell. I got one of those monitors at an auction it work work on my PC but one my Dads 400mhz spped machine it works fine so when ever I brin gmy PC to his hous eI have to steal his monitor.
mix some english in there so we can understand you
DRJ1014 said:
is that safe?
Just as safe as any other aluminium case, provided it doesn't touch some of the components (which would cause a shortcircuit) and is grounded.
hi ho hi ho its off to work we go

:D sorry also couldnt help with a reply
There's something intriguing about dwarf pirates tho... Shiver me timbets!~
just wanted to mix in a big fat THANKS to all of you - i almost peed in my pants for the last 20 minutes reading and seeing this stuff. OMG - best thread ever!
that 2nd case.. omg lol why are there 4 cd rom drive faceplates? pfff dumbass designers..
elite.mafia said:
that 2nd case.. omg lol why are there 4 cd rom drive faceplates? pfff dumbass designers..
actually... thats not a terrible idea
imagine how many of those bays you use, then imagine the empty ones looking like real cd/dvd rw drives :eek:
when someone looks theyll just asume you must be a software pirate with your multiple rw drives :D
(wouldnt do it personally... but I could see some people wanting more realistic looking ones:D )
There should be a collective beating of the people that designed some of these cases :)
MWWInc said:
No, it's a Lian-Li PC-V2000 where everything goes in upside-down. They have a mid-tower version (PC-V1000) too if you don't need something so huge. But yes, they look a lot like the G5 enclosure.

yeah i currently have a v2000...


but hey, you can even fit a dog !!

Apologenetic said:
Step aside ladies this thing is a nightmare. Not only is it one of the worst eyesores of a case ever but I know from personal experience, the drive cages on this thing rival fort knox. If you can manage to get the thing open then don't even think about installing new hardware. The drive cages consume the whole inside with a mess of tangled sheet metal.

OH GOD, brings back all the horrors of working on those piles of crap when I worked at Best Buy. Beleive it or not though, HP Had a design that was actually WORSE than that case when it came to drive cages. It was like a generation older than that and it had this tab you had to hold while pushing the ENTIRETY of the drive cages forward. I almost broke my hand trying to pry the bastard. At least Dell has a lick of sense and makes their PCs easy as "Dell" to work on. I replaced a motherboard and video card in a Dimension system the other day and didn't even need my screwdriver!
: / my chihuaha owns your dog :D
but i wont post pics cus thats hijacking. hes a fat bizaaatch
tsunami's window is a flowerish design... and its a copy of the wavemaster..
elite.mafia said:
tsunami's window is a flowerish design... and its a copy of the wavemaster..
True, the window does suck. Thats why I'm modding mine into a rectangle ;). The only part that may have been copied is the front door, everything else is original and works great. I own the case and love it :cool:
dude that case is more of a gaming case (not that any gamer would want to use it) and a cd server would have a lot more than 4 burners/ drives...
Given's games stupid protection schemes lately my lazy side would almost be tempted to have that many drives just to avoid CD switching... :p I still keep two on mostly due to this really, no other particular reason.
Hey I own that purple thing, and it's pretty cool. It opens by snapping the four black things in the corner inward which is fun. So I'm gunna mod it so that you can turn the circle in the middle and have it move all those slides at once. I'll let you know how it goes :p
Apologenetic said:
Hey I own that purple thing, and it's pretty cool. It opens by snapping the four black things in the corner inward which is fun. So I'm gunna mod it so that you can turn the circle in the middle and have it move all those slides at once. I'll let you know how it goes :p

Which one?
sorry, the original poster stopped hosting his pic

I'm going to make the black red and the purple silver