Nintendo DS or Sony PSP?

Tigerblade said:
How the hell can you slay the psp hardware wise and then back the DS..... :rolleyes: Then say played gta thru 4 years ago, but Mario DS is the roxx0000rs *wank*

Seriosuly take a step back dude.....the obvious bias is plain to see. Yes the DS has some killer games, so does the PSP. But you can't slay the opposition when the device you have chosen is inferior in the subject you are slaying.....

Nonsense. I never once claimed the DS had more powerful hardware, just that their hardware is better designed and lends itself more to gameplay. The PSP doesn't have a "killer app" yet, sorry to say. Next, nobody ever said Mario is the roxx0000rs, just that it's pretty good, and rather different from the original.

Bottom line is this: PSP is underutilized for gaming, and Sony is blowing it. They've loaded the thing with irrelevant GIMMICKS and have all but ignored *gaming*. Nintendo owns the portable market, and Sony's unlikely to take that away anytime soon.

Tigerblade said:
Now that I agree with. It just pisses me off seeing the blatent hypocrasy sometimes. You can't say, GTA = OLD, but in the next sentance say Mario64 = the r0xxor. That is blatent !!!!!!ism.

Nobody said that, don't be the complete jackass we know you can be :)

Tigerblade said:
Not flaming. I just don't like the blatent !!!!!!ism. If GTA was out on the DS and Mario64 on the PSP (lol) It would be the other way round. Do ppl not see this?

No, it wouldn't. If Mario were on PSP it would mean that Sony bought Nintendo. Fortunately, they can't afford to, and their 18% falloff in the last year is a clear indicator that things aren't going the way Sony wishes they were.

Stop comparing GTA and Mario; no one else has, you're pulling that comparison out of your ass. The only reasonable comparison is that both titles have been retreaded ad nauseum.

Rash said:
good point!, snes, megadrive, gba, sms, amiga, c64, speccy, neogeo, all on the psp, neo turf masters, holy crap, wheres my mame roms lol!!

That's actually not a very good point at all. You've been able to use those emulators on Gameboy Advance, which is MUCH less powerful than PSP, for *years* now. If the best thing you can claim about PSP is that it can do the same thing GBA's been doing for the past 5 or so years, you're better off saving yourself the $175 premium and get a GBA SP.

I HOPE that PSP will eventually have some good games, and it probably will, but not yet. Sony's strategy with PSP is miserable at best, as is evidenced by their new "we'll sell more!" bundle--priced $50 higher than the existing bundle, with *still* no game included.

You have some great responses, there, Jason... but you probably should have kept them all in one post. hehe
steviep said:
The best DS games have been listed in this thread already... but for a quick recap, you should definately own Mario, Nintendogs, Castlevania, Meteos, Advance Wars, Phoenix, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart... ah man, I can go on forever so I'm going to stop. Check out IGN or something. lol

As far as burnout goes, I don't know anything about it, so someone else will have to answer.

I've also been quite addicted to Metroid Pinball lately. It's very fun and frustrating trying to beat certain high scores... plus it comes with a rumble pack.

Honestly though, I don't think racing games fare as well on the DS as they do on the PSP because it just can't handle it graphically. I have burnout legends for psp and it is quite fun but it doesn't keep me occupied as long as the ds games do.
DragonMasterAlex said:
That's actually not a very good point at all. You've been able to use those emulators on Gameboy Advance, which is MUCH less powerful than PSP, for *years* now. If the best thing you can claim about PSP is that it can do the same thing GBA's been doing for the past 5 or so years, you're better off saving yourself the $175 premium and get a GBA SP.

I HOPE that PSP will eventually have some good games, and it probably will, but not yet. Sony's strategy with PSP is miserable at best, as is evidenced by their new "we'll sell more!" bundle--priced $50 higher than the existing bundle, with *still* no game included.


Sorry i knew the gba had some emulators but i didnt know it could emulate the neogeo games perfectly such as KOF Series, Sam Showdown Series, Metal Slug Series, neo turf masters, Last Blade Series, Puzzle bobble Series, etc etc...

Can u or someone in the DS know how provide me with a link to this as i will get a DS plus the memory card adaptor and a 2 gig sd card if this is the case, thanks.

I think sony know what they are doing, its just like the PS2 its the oldest console out of the 3 biggies yet its the most expensive, yet its the best selling console of its generation.

steviep said:
The best DS games have been listed in this thread already... but for a quick recap, you should definately own Mario, Nintendogs, Castlevania, Meteos, Advance Wars, Phoenix, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart... ah man, I can go on forever so I'm going to stop. Check out IGN or something. lol

As far as burnout goes, I don't know anything about it, so someone else will have to answer.

Sorry I want Big a list of original DS games excluding mariokart, mario64, castlevania, advancewars not rehashes/sequels etc....thanks
I believe that the X-box remains the most expensive... and don't forget that one of the reasons that 80 million PS2s have been sold, is that most people who own them have purchased more than one ;)

In the end, I don't know what's going to happen... but I believe that being a portable console is the wrong strategy for the handheld market. Handheld gaming goodness has been perfected by Nintendo, and I don't think Sony will put any considerable dents in their marketshare. Especially considering the creaming the PSP is getting in Japan, now.
steviep said:
I believe that the X-box remains the most expensive... and don't forget that one of the reasons that 80 million PS2s have been sold, is that most people who own them have purchased more than one ;)

In the end, I don't know what's going to happen... but I believe that being a portable console is the wrong strategy for the handheld market. Handheld gaming goodness has been perfected by Nintendo, and I don't think Sony will put any considerable dents in their marketshare. Especially considering the creaming the PSP is getting in Japan, now.

Im talking stand alone console prices, not ones with free games and remotes etc.

Yep i know a lot of people that have a PS2 in more than one room because of its multi purpose (DVD Player/Games Machine).

The PSP Has the same strategy, Multipurpose machine which is why it will eventually win.

Your sentence above about the ps2s is so similar to the DS in Europe....Everyone bought a DS when they first came out, then they had a go on the PSP when it came out, then they all traded their DS for a PSP so now especially here in the UK there are shed loads of Second Hand DSs that arent selling, although i must admit the DS is now doing OK now that nintendogs is out, probably another mariokart will boost the DS sales in the holiday season.
Rash said:
Sorry i knew the gba had some emulators but i didnt know it could emulate the neogeo games perfectly such as KOF Series, Sam Showdown Series, Metal Slug Series, neo turf masters, Last Blade Series, Puzzle bobble Series, etc etc...

Can u or someone in the DS know how provide me with a link to this as i will get a DS plus the memory card adaptor and a 2 gig sd card if this is the case, thanks.

I think sony know what they are doing, its just like the PS2 its the oldest console out of the 3 biggies yet its the most expensive, yet its the best selling console of its generation.

Sorry I want Big a list of original DS games excluding mariokart, mario64, castlevania, advancewars not rehashes/sequels etc....thanks

Well, Xbox and PS2 are tied for most of expensive, but still, they've certainly done well with PS2. Note, however, that none of Sony's first party games the biggest draws for the system. Exclusives like Final Fantasy, MGS and GTA have all been major driving factors for Sony's box. In the coming generation they won't have nearly the exclusives they do now, and the PS3 is no more powerful than Xbox 360, but may end up being much more expensive, not to mention 6 months to a year late to the party. Final Fantasy's next iteration is highly "up in the air" (Square's reportedly pissed about no PS3 hard drive), MGS4 is cemented as a PS3 title but hasn't been called "exclusive" as far as I've read, and GTA's got no announcements that I am aware of. PS2 has sold well thanks to being on time to the party, having dvd and a whole lot of hype. Remember the "50x more powerful than Dreamcast" crap? Wasn't even remotely true, but it stuck in people's minds and they believed it.

Whether Sony likes it or not, they've got some *major* competition in the coming generation, and Nintendo is a major wildcard that could end up on top. PSP, on the other hand, isn't doing nearly as well as DS, isn't selling nearly the games that DS is and would need another decade on the market before it could catch up with Gameboy. PSP can be a threat, to be sure, but so far it really isn't.

I'm not 100% sure about all the emulation on GBA or DS, as I don't use it. I have a friend who is a major emulation whore, though, and he's always going on about how great GBA is, and he's got like 3 or 4 of those 2Gb cards loaded with games from a wide variety of systems.

Rash said:
Im talking stand alone console prices, not ones with free games and remotes etc.

Yep i know a lot of people that have a PS2 in more than one room because of its multi purpose (DVD Player/Games Machine).

The PSP Has the same strategy, Multipurpose machine which is why it will eventually win.

Your sentence above about the ps2s is so similar to the DS in Europe....Everyone bought a DS when they first came out, then they had a go on the PSP when it came out, then they all traded their DS for a PSP so now especially here in the UK there are shed loads of Second Hand DSs that arent selling, although i must admit the DS is now doing OK now that nintendogs is out, probably another mariokart will boost the DS sales in the holiday season.

LOL, PSP doesn't look to be winning anything, this round. It's not selling as much as DS worldwide. The first few weeks of launch window sales can't be construed as market success overall, though they may be an indicator of things to come. Look at Dreamcast, though. It had the biggest launch that any console had *ever* had before when it hit the streets on 9/9/99. Nobody ever sold so many consoles or games so fast before that date, nobody ever did $100 million in business in the games industry in such a short space, yet did that console eventually win? No.

For all it's multimedia capability, PSP makes it *too difficult* and *too expensive* for the average consumer to tote around their portable media. UMD's are overpriced, low-rez and a pain to carry around. Memory sticks are limited to Sony's proprietary format unless you buy the new $200 addon that lets you use a CF card or microdrive. The PSP's default software for getting content onto a memory stick is total crap, and the new software they're offering costs $20 to download and $30 for a retail box. $20-30 for software that SHOULD come with the system for *free*.

If you're a guy who just wants to take his movies on the go, you're not going to touch a PSP. You're going to get a $99 portable DVD player with a larger, nicer screen and you're going to be able to play your DVD's without having to buy them again in UMD format for inflated prices. If you just want to take your music, you're gonna get an iPod or something similar, that will hold MUCH more music than the PS3, have more functionality for playing your music your way and WON'T cost you $250 for 32MB.

If you're a gamer who's hardcore, you'll probably get both PSP and a DS. If you're a casual gamer, you'll probably buy either a DS or a GBA. If you're a fashion conscious gamer on a budget, you'll get a GBA micro. In a year or two you'll probably end up with a next-gen Game Boy that plays Gamecube games and GB games from all previous generations, and it will probably come in a PSP-sized package but with far more horsepower and perhaps even the ability to play back movies and music from mini-DVD's that you can get media for in the store right now.

Sony's mistake with PSP is in targeting solely the hardcore gamer with a load of cash to drop, and that's a *very* small part of the market.

steviep said:
I believe that the X-box remains the most expensive... and don't forget that one of the reasons that 80 million PS2s have been sold, is that most people who own them have purchased more than one ;)

PS2 sales have exceeded 90 million worldwide, and the "PS2 broke down so people had to buy duplicates" joke is pretty old by now.
I completely disagree with the PSP to PS2 comparison. The difference is that the PS2 has a vast library of games, while the PSP has a pretty thin one. There are only three semi-system-sellers right now (GTA, Burnout, Lumines, sorta Darkstalkers but not really). And hardly any spectacular games are coming up.

The DS currently has many awsome games (Mario, Wario Ware, Osu! Take! Ouendan!, The entire GBA catalog) and some awsome announced games (FF3, Mana, etc.)

Also, saying that the PSP appeals to the hardcore games is quite untrue IMO. It also appeals to the everyday gamer, through the EA titles. Most people play NBA, NFL and Need for Speed.
PCJ said:
I completely disagree with the PSP to PS2 comparison. The difference is that the PS2 has a vast library of games, while the PSP has a pretty thin one. There are only three semi-system-sellers right now (GTA, Burnout, Lumines, sorta Darkstalkers but not really). And hardly any spectacular games are coming up.

The DS currently has many awsome games (Mario, Wario Ware, Osu! Take! Ouendan!, The entire GBA catalog) and some awsome announced games (FF3, Mana, etc.)

Also, saying that the PSP appeals to the hardcore games is quite untrue IMO. It also appeals to the everyday gamer, through the EA titles. Most people play NBA, NFL and Need for Speed.

Yep ive said b4 in other forums, if you want a handheld games machine for: Sports Games, Racing games, third person games, first person games, go for PSP

If you want a handheld games machine for Puzzle games , 3d platform games, games that use a stylus and games with fresher ideas go for DS

Not sure about god games ie sims 2 will have pluses and minuses for both machines although nintendogs is v good, advance comment untill i have seen the psp war game.

If you dont want to carry a seperate Games console,mp3 player, photo viewer, movie player, web surfer, movie/TV and music streamer, but want something that will do all the above, what you gonna get? Youll need quite a few pockets for all the above in seperates! and no, a portable dvd player aint gonna fit in yer pocket.

I admit if im jogging i have a small hard disk walkman. otherwise i use the psp.

DragonMasterAlex said:
If you're a guy who just wants to take his movies on the go, you're not going to touch a PSP. You're going to get a $99 portable DVD player with a larger, nicer screen

and a portable dvd player along with a few dvds is not a pain in the ass to carry round?
i also dont see why you need a higher resolution than what the UMDs play for a portable movie??!!! the picture quality is outstanding!
So does the DS or gameboy advance play neogeo games or what!??
Rash said:
Yep ive said b4 in other forums, if you want a handheld games machine for: Sports Games, Racing games, third person games, first person games, go for PSP!

I've gotta disagree with those 2, it's as if the DS was made for first person games with the way they handle. And sports games is a little to early to judge, but with the 2 screens on the DS you can adjust plays/positions on the fly, then there's a realistic golf game which looks to be shaping up nicely(I hear Tiger Woods wasn't too great), and an online Basketball title from Square Enix in the works.
Rash said:
Yep ive said b4 in other forums, if you want a handheld games machine for: Sports Games, Racing games, third person games, first person games, go for PSP

I'm gonna have to disagree on the FPS part dude.. You obviously have not played the metroid prime hunters demo on the DS.

The touch screen is way way more accurate than using an analog stick to aim.. let me tell you that.. And i know anyone that has play the prime hunters demo would agree...

touch screen > analog stick for FPS by far
Smiffy said:
I've gotta disagree with those 2, it's as if the DS was made for first person games with the way they handle. And sports games is a little to early to judge, but with the 2 screens on the DS you can adjust plays/positions on the fly, then there's a realistic golf game which looks to be shaping up nicely(I hear Tiger Woods wasn't too great), and an online Basketball title from Square Enix in the works.

wow you can tap the screen on fifa 06 to change formation on the ds rather than pressing the d pad on the psp "on the fly" lmao, amazing use of the touch screen, too early to judge on sports games,, how long does the ds need? the ds doesnt have the hardware for realistic sports games

FPS games on the ds? lmao
This thread is quickly nearing flamethrower levels. :( Come on, people, keep it civil. You know who you are--I won't name names.

(Yeah, so I'm not a moderator...but it's my thread, damn it!)
carl67lp said:
This thread is quickly nearing flamethrower levels. :( Come on, people, keep it civil. You know who you are--I won't name names.

(Yeah, so I'm not a moderator...but it's my thread, damn it!)

serenity now.... insanity later
carl67lp said:
This thread is quickly nearing flamethrower levels. :( Come on, people, keep it civil. You know who you are--I won't name names.

(Yeah, so I'm not a moderator...but it's my thread, damn it!)

Great point. I see one more name call, thread crap or troll and this thread is history.
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
have you played the hunters demo??? !!

i find it hard to believe you just said that if you have

Yes i have, wasnt my thing.

and no the ds or gba cannot play /emulate neogeo, so i wont be buying one
I'm not gonna flame you, Rash... but like others, I find it hard to believe that you think FPS games work better on the PSP, and its semi-analog stick, rather than a mouse-accurate touchscreen. Could you explain to us why?
Rich Tate said:
Great point. I see one more name call, thread crap or troll and this thread is history.
steviep said:
I'm not gonna flame you, Rash... but like others, I find it hard to believe that you think FPS games work better on the PSP, and its semi-analog stick, rather than a mouse-accurate touchscreen. Could you explain to us why?
Let's not start a "OMG DS PWN PSP" debate, now. Instead, how about working with the topic:

Which handheld would you buy, and why (what games with it)?

Try not to critisize other peoples posts, and instead give good counterpoints if you really need to blow some steam.

It may be time to lock the thread, delete the last two pages of it, and leave the rest for all to read. But HOPE IS NOT LOST! It can still be recovered! Let's give it another go.

End Rant.

Now, back on the OP's topic...even if it's already been answered :)

I recently played the Hunters demo for my DS (I never really bothered with it before...) and I really like the intuitive control system. Using the touch pad is a nice, different way to do things, and seems to work quite well. But I'm not afraid of buttons, either, so using the PSPs face buttons (SWBFII, GitS, Coded Arms) isn't really all that bad, either. It takes getting used to, but so did using a stylus on anything besides a PDA.

Current Preference: Still a firm even for both.
hignaki said:
Let's not start a "OMG DS PWN PSP" debate, now. Instead, how about working with the topic:

Which handheld would you buy, and why (what games with it)?

Try not to critisize other peoples posts, and instead give good counterpoints if you really need to blow some steam.

It may be time to lock the thread, delete the last two pages of it, and leave the rest for all to read. But HOPE IS NOT LOST! It can still be recovered! Let's give it another go.

End Rant.

Now, back on the OP's topic...even if it's already been answered :)

I recently played the Hunters demo for my DS (I never really bothered with it before...) and I really like the intuitive control system. Using the touch pad is a nice, different way to do things, and seems to work quite well. But I'm not afraid of buttons, either, so using the PSPs face buttons (SWBFII, GitS, Coded Arms) isn't really all that bad, either. It takes getting used to, but so did using a stylus on anything besides a PDA.

Current Preference: Still a firm even for both.

he's just asking why Rash doesn't like the touch screen for FPS.. i think that's a legit question?? :confused:

though the "i don't want to flame, but.." part of his post wasn't needed.. but yeah"
Hignaki, I do not want to start a typical fan-boy debate, I just wanted to know why that he thinks that it wouldn't work, that's all. Though, I do agree with you in that posts should present points and counterpoints.
How about I ask nicely?

PLEASE let us not debate about thread crapping or trolling or any of that. I want you guys to continue a well spirited DEBATE and participate with you.

You guys worry about giving me thought provoking posts, I will worry about keeping it clean, it's part of my job. :) From this point out, to avoid a lock, I will be deleting any post that tries to skirt the forum rules. If it continues we goto the lock, fair enough? Good.

I do not want to close this, its a great thread, with so many good points and good convo. We're trying to help people decide on their buying dollars, not fill our egos. I own a DS and bought it for Animal Crossing, there I admit it, I'm a shell of a man. ;)

Thank you rich tate....I would die if I saw this thread locked! It's been so great. :)
lesman said:
Thank you rich tate....I would die if I saw this thread locked! It's been so great. :)

Same here. In fact, earlier this evening, thanks to the excellent advice in this thread, I used my birthday money and bought a Nintendogs DS bundle! I had to go to three places before someone finally had any in stock, but I'm glad I did. Nintendogs is actually much more fun than I expected it to be. Those pups are just so darned cute! My real-life dog was going nuts as I voiced the commands into the mic. :D

I will admit that I'm already thinking about which game will be next. I suspect I'll hold out and get Mario Kart DS when it comes out. I know my fiancee will enjoy that one thoroughly.

Incidentally, I bought a GBA (original style) on eBay yesterday; I suspect it will arrive by Monday. Mainly I got it for the Gamecube connectivity, but it'll be nice to have around in general. to play with Rover. (Stupid unimaginative brain I have...)
I would highly suggest Mario DS. Even if you have played the orig, they did change some stuff, and it really is a blast with the two screens.

Also for GBA I would surely say grab the Final Fantasy I/II remake. New graphics, same grinding, same lack of plot. ;)
Rich Tate said:
I would highly suggest Mario DS. Even if you have played the orig, they did change some stuff, and it really is a blast with the two screens.

Also for GBA I would surely say grab the Final Fantasy I/II remake. New graphics, same grinding, same lack of plot. ;)

I'm not much for the FF series, but Mario DS is another one I want to pick up. That, and maybe Burnout, and probably ... gosh, I don't know. Maybe the Wario one.

Of course, all this will come in time. I just spent all the extraneous money I have!
I'll be buying one of them soon. Still undecided. The way I see it the PSP has:

Better graphics
Look very, very cool.
Has GT4.
Can use memory sticks to cary info or music to use as an mp3 player
Really nice screen.

And the DS has:

More games (A bit of a non-issue for me, I'll be getting it mostly as an MP3 player and portable interent browser.)

Does the DS play mp3s and does it have some sort of removeable memory that can be written to via. a PC?
Obi_Kwiet said:
Does the DS play mp3s and does it have some sort of removeable memory that can be written to via. a PC?
no. jsut like the GC, its a strictly gaming machine.
lithium726 said:
no. jsut like the GC, its a strictly gaming machine.

I believe you can get a memory stick reader for your machine. PSP gurus? Help us out. I have read alot of people say if you buy this thing, you use it for games, if you want music get an iPod.
Obi_Kwiet said:
Does the DS play mp3s and does it have some sort of removeable memory that can be written to via. a PC?

no.. but you can buy a 3rd party adaptor that allows you to play MP3s, watch videos, play emulated games..

the adaptor come with either compact flash inputs, or SD inputs.. which can be written using a PC

one such adaptor is called the M3 adaptor..
Rich Tate said:
I believe you can get a memory stick reader for your machine. PSP gurus? Help us out. I have read alot of people say if you buy this thing, you use it for games, if you want music get an iPod.
i use it for both, but i dont have an ipod. sold my ipod awhile back. only drawback with carrying a psp as a music player is the size. and memory stick is still to pricey.
steviep said:
I'm not gonna flame you, Rash... but like others, I find it hard to believe that you think FPS games work better on the PSP, and its semi-analog stick, rather than a mouse-accurate touchscreen. Could you explain to us why?

I didnt say the fps games work better on the psp i just mean i prefer the actual fps games on the psp. its the same debate as 10 years ago, the n64 got slated becaues you could not use a mouse or keyboard with the big Ns Goldeneye!.....yet it got countless praise. Same with Halo on the xbox, they are harder to use but you get used to it and learn. Accurate aiming is only an issue for some people, and yes it is easier with a touchscreen or mouse and keyboard, im a hardcore pc fps gamer and i prefer mouse and keyboard on thos games, but the pc fps games i like along with the psp fps games. console users found goldeneye/halo and timesplitters easy to use after a while, it doesnt make the games inferior though.

Its like some stylus games, i agree the touchscreen is fantastic but like with advance wars i prefere to use the dpad (old style) than the stylus.
DragonMasterAlex said:
No, it wouldn't. If Mario were on PSP it would mean that Sony bought Nintendo. Fortunately, they can't afford to, and their 18% falloff in the last year is a clear indicator that things aren't going the way Sony wishes they were.

So by your same logic, becasue Sonic appeared on the cube and gba, nintendo bought sega out....u huh

What really tickles me tho is the posts like, burnout/fifa/tigerwoods/any ps2 port is shite, DS rules originality, yet now burnout is coming on the ds it's w00t....gotta get me some burnout . :rolleyes:

To me and everyone I know the DS is a toy and man it's an ugly one at that. I don't know i single person that actually owns one, it's psp around here. You can get a DS anywhere, yet you can't pick up a psp for love nor money. It plays OLD, and some cases very old games, with a gimmick of a touch screen to wooo people into buying it.

Nintendogs? Please....if a grown man was seen stroking a screen with a stick whilst an ikkle dog rolled over around here, he'd get a shoeing for being a fag. Gimme gta or pursuit force anyday on a true 'next gen' handheld. Personnaly attacking me or any other person that actually goes against your beleifs is pretty sad really, and is now what I expect from ppl that buy a toy, so I'm done arguing with 'kids'. Enjoy your inferior port of burnout ;)
