Nintendo DS or Sony PSP?

Start cleaning the bugs out of your house... haha.
December 17th is coming up. Though I just preordered Mario Kart DS... as someone said in this thread "portable online crack". And I'm lookin to be addicted :D
steviep said:
Start cleaning the bugs out of your house... haha.
December 17th is coming up. Though I just preordered Mario Kart DS... as someone said in this thread "portable online crack". And I'm lookin to be addicted :D

Ya I've prolly said this a hundred times now, Nintendo knows how to make simple, fun, suck you in games. They are the pioneers of virtual crack for sure. Lets also not forget CV just came out not to long ago, another great life sucker. ;)
WTF is it with the DS? I'm being serious here, but why would anyone actually choose a portable n64 over a portable ps2? Especilly when you see games such as gta..... :D

No flames, just honest views.

What annoys me the most is the fact ppl slay 'old' conversions on the PSP, but turn a blind eye to the ones on the DS....
just curious can someone list the ds games that make really good use of the touch screen like Nintendogs and warioware please, thanks.

Also can anyone admit that they play on there DS for more than 5 hours a day?

And who will be buying or has bought fifa 2006/burnout/tiger woods and ridge racer for the DS?
DragonMasterAlex said:
LOL, that's pretty funny. I guess a 333Mhz CPU (though currently locked at 222Mhz, not that you'll see that on the PSP's box...) is just a scorching amount of power, eh? Plus that 480x272 screen...whoo...almost standard def! Almost...

The DS isn't as capable, hardware-wise, but the comparison between the two illustrates the quintessential truth about gaming: The games are more important than the hardware. Nintendo's DS has superior games across the board, while PSP basically has PS2 games ported to it. GTA is OK, sure, but I played it 4 years ago, it was called GTA 3 then. Yeah, the new one's got some new missions, but "meh".

If you're looking for a portable to play games on, the DS can't be beat right now.


How the hell can you slay the psp hardware wise and then back the DS..... :rolleyes: Then say played gta thru 4 years ago, but Mario DS is the roxx0000rs *wank*

Seriosuly take a step back dude.....the obvious bias is plain to see. Yes the DS has some killer games, so does the PSP. But you can't slay the opposition when the device you have chosen is inferior in the subject you are slaying.....
Rash said:
And who will be buying or has bought fifa 2006
ridge racer for the DS?

Don't make me laugh man. In all seriousness the conversions are like chalk and cheese. SO compltely different.
Maybe it's not about hardware, but the simple seperate niche that each system has in terms of titles? In no way am I saying the DS is superior in any way, it just has the games I want to play right now. Personally I would like to play GTA, but once I'm done with that, my PSP will sit in its case, more than likely waiting until next year for GT.

Nintendo had the first launch, and obviously more development time. Quality games come out for it each week. The PSP hasn't quite got there yet, but it will. It's all up to what you like as a gamer. Some of us like the DS, some of us like the PSP.

Remember you buy hardware to play GAMES, thats what it's all about.
Now that I agree with. It just pisses me off seeing the blatent hypocrasy sometimes. You can't say, GTA = OLD, but in the next sentance say Mario64 = the r0xxor. That is blatent !!!!!!ism.
Guys, keep this thread flame free and a non-hostile place, please. It is a sticky, so lets have it stay that way. ;)
Not flaming. I just don't like the blatent !!!!!!ism. If GTA was out on the DS and Mario64 on the PSP (lol) It would be the other way round. Do ppl not see this?
yer your right, its personal preference, for me the DS only has meteos that i would really enjoy atm out of there software list, then it would be sat gatering dust untill.........
Yet the psp i have 20 games all of which i am enjoying with new games i like coming out each week!!
lesman said:
Guys, keep this thread flame free and a non-hostile place, please. It is a sticky, so lets have it stay that way. ;)

QFT lets all be civil. I don't want to lock the thread, it's a really good one.
Tigerblade said:
WTF is it with the DS? I'm being serious here, but why would anyone actually choose a portable n64 over a portable ps2? Especilly when you see games such as gta..... :D

No flames, just honest views.

What annoys me the most is the fact ppl slay 'old' conversions on the PSP, but turn a blind eye to the ones on the DS....

again.. its' the GAmes on the DS not the graphics that made me buy a DS, and DS games..

GTA got old a long time ago for me anyway..
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
GTA got old a long time ago for me anyway..

This is what I mean. Mario64 got old a long time before GTA, but yet people still rave over it.Yes it was a good game and I wouldn't mind the fact ppl saying it, but the ppl saying it have found every secret and every hidden thing, but then put GTA down as being an 'old port'. At least in GTA there is more longivity (sp?) in online multiplayer, free roaming etc.

This is my one and only point, sorry about harping on about the same 2 games, but it seems to be these games that cause the bigger arguments.
Tigerblade said:
This is what I mean. Mario64 got old a long time before GTA, but yet people still rave over it.Yes it was a good game and I wouldn't mind the fact ppl saying it, but the ppl saying it have found every secret and every hidden thing, but then put GTA down as being an 'old port'. At least in GTA there is more longivity (sp?) in online multiplayer, free roaming etc.

This is my one and only point, sorry about harping on about the same 2 games, but it seems to be these games that cause the bigger arguments.

you're right.. Mario64 got old too.. that's why i don't have it lol...

There are more completly new games that intersting me on the DS than PSP...
Tigerblade said:
This is what I mean. Mario64 got old a long time before GTA, but yet people still rave over it.Yes it was a good game and I wouldn't mind the fact ppl saying it, but the ppl saying it have found every secret and every hidden thing, but then put GTA down as being an 'old port'. At least in GTA there is more longivity (sp?) in online multiplayer, free roaming etc.

This is my one and only point, sorry about harping on about the same 2 games, but it seems to be these games that cause the bigger arguments.

Your problem, tigerblade, is that you're using Mario64 as the example. It was the launch software, sure... but have you seen the games that have come out since? They make the GTA port look like yesteryear. Not graphically, but in terms of fun, originality, and addictiveness to a new experience. Besides, if you saw what else they included with Mario64 (like a hundred mini games, all designed for the touch screen, modified levels, etc), you'll see that they spent more time on it than they do for many of the PSP console ports.

As mentioned earlier in this thread, from, the top 10 PSP games, 90% are PS2 ports. The top 10 DS games, 90% are original. Hardware wise, the PSP trounces the DS (except for the touch screen) but we're not looking at hardware here. We're looking at gaming. The DS, in no way, is a portable N64 except in terms of the power that it has.
This is what I mean. Mario64 got old a long time before GTA, but yet people still rave over it.Yes it was a good game and I wouldn't mind the fact ppl saying it, but the ppl saying it have found every secret and every hidden thing, but then put GTA down as being an 'old port'. At least in GTA there is more longivity (sp?) in online multiplayer, free roaming etc.

You do have a good point. My biggest beef with nintendo is their shameless rehashing of mario and sticking him in every possible game just to squeeze the biggest $$$ out of their IP's. Mario Golf, Mario Soccer, Mario Baseball, Mario Tennis, Metroid Pinball, 2340786 Yoshi games, the fact that you can buy Mario 3 on three different platforms (nes, snes, gba), a billion donkey kong games, and the ultimate in marketable games: the smash brothers series, where they squeezed every last ounce of every piece of IP they have and smushed it into one giant mediocre mush.

However, they do make some nice hardware :D
I'll agree that it's shameless whoring of the Mario franchise. That said, however... have you played any of those Mario sports games? You won't find a better party sports game anywhere. In fact, Mario Baseball is so much better than real baseball, you'd wonder why they don't adopt the sheer speed and fun factor into the real sport itself. There's a good reason why they stamp Mario on the title. Mario = quality for the most part.
Glad you see my point. I agree, the big N fo make some classic games, but it's the old rehash 10 yr old stuff, be it games or tech that annoys me. TBH, I wanna play Tekken 5, gta fifa06 on the move, thats why the PSP suits me. There will most likely be a n64 emu to go with the snes one soon anyway and I can play all the old nintendo classics anywho :)
steviep said:
I'll agree that it's shameless whoring of the Mario franchise. That said, however... have you played any of those Mario sports games? You won't find a better party sports game anywhere. In fact, Mario Baseball is so much better than real baseball, you'd wonder why they don't adopt the sheer speed and fun factor into the real sport itself. There's a good reason why they stamp Mario on the title. Mario = quality for the most part.

yer i agree with you on that point which i why i like both the serious sports games and the fun ones, ie tiger woods = serious and hotshots golf = fun
i also like the ape academy minigames, tekken bowl etc
Tigerblade said:
Glad you see my point. I agree, the big N fo make some classic games, but it's the old rehash 10 yr old stuff, be it games or tech that annoys me. TBH, I wanna play Tekken 5, gta fifa06 on the move, thats why the PSP suits me. There will most likely be a n64 emu to go with the snes one soon anyway and I can play all the old nintendo classics anywho :)

good point!, snes, megadrive, gba, sms, amiga, c64, speccy, neogeo, all on the psp, neo turf masters, holy crap, wheres my mame roms lol!!
Homebrew on the DS is alive and well, as well. You should see some of the incredibly interesting things they're doing with that touch screen. Can't wait until they complete their custom online code for homebrewers. And port some old adventure games, damnit! They're perfectly suited for the DS, as well as RTS games like Starcraft.
steviep said:
Homebrew on the DS is alive and well, as well. You should see some of the incredibly interesting things they're doing with that touch screen. Can't wait until they complete their custom online code for homebrewers. And port some old adventure games, damnit! They're perfectly suited for the DS, as well as RTS games like Starcraft.

scumvm emulator would be good on the ds, it may be already out, im not up to date on the ds emulator scene.
Yes it's been out for a while now. The lucasarts games all work - though of course you have to have enough room on the flashcart to fit them.

The original Hexen and Heretic have been ported, and Doom as well I believe. Playing FPS with the DS touchpad is insane, it's almost as accurate as a mouse.
Bbond919 said:
get the freakin psp man

Yes, get the PSP - he certainly makes his case :p
Lol BBond, at least tell him why he should! This thread has remained reasonable because people have provided reasoning along with their posts.
You gotta wonder too though, about older games, even board games which could be ported on both systems, although DS would have an advantage because of the two screens. Monopoly, Sorry, Connect 4 .

Lol they could even have battleship and you would be looking over the other player to see if he was moving his ships with his stylus...."omfg cheater!"
Battleship has already been homebrewed for the DS... lol. Though it doesn't work online yet. The person working on the DS' online homebrew code still hasn't finished it. I definately want to see them port some older PC games that require mouse stuff (adventure games, FPS games, and RTS games especially)
Before, I was equal stance on which one to buy. But now that I've picked up Battlefront II for the PSP, I can't put it down. I know it'll probably last for, like, three weeks before i never touch it again, but that's three weeks well worth
I'm going to pick that game up for the PC or at least one of my consoles, depending on the price difference - much better way of playing it (any multiplatform title). After trying it at my friend's house, I will agree with you that it's a decent little game, potentially addictive.
I have both handhelds as well.

They are both great handhelds that form to different types of players. I love the way the psp looks and the reactions I get from other people, and even though I am always picking up new games... I find myself coming back to the DS for simple reason that the games are so addictive. The psp has so many ported games... You can get the same gaming experience on a console as you can on the psp (for the most part), not many games are unique. But for the DS, there are many games where you can only get the experience from it.

Here are my reasonings for each handheld:

PSP: You love console gaming... GTA and very deep graphical experience as you would get on a console. If you want to watch high quality movies on the go. This is also good if you have the money to throw around considering games are $40-50.

DS: For people who used to (or still do) sit in front of simple consoles such as NES and play addictive games hours on end. Games for the most part are simple and fun... and can keep you occupied, also most of the time you get the same great experience playing for 5 mins as you do 2 hours. For someone with a smaller budget considering you don't need as many accessories, and games are $20-35.

So basically you need to step back and find out what your motives are for getting the handheld. I enjoy both but for different reasons. :)
im wondering how many people would buy a psp if they didnt own a ps2, xbox or me!!!
Rash said:
im wondering how many people would buy a psp if they didnt own a ps2, xbox or me!!!

I would, if I had the money :) Also a PS2 and GT4, only because I wouldnt be able to wait til GT4 comes out for the PSP...
If I already didn't have a PS2, I would probably get a PSP. It provides you with basically the same experience, and a lot of the same games, with the same visuals. Basically as I said earlier... a portable PS1.5. lol

But alas, I have a PS2 already, so I don't really need a PSP. The best DS games can't be found anywhere else.
JBlade00 said:
... also most of the time you get the same great experience playing for 5 mins as you do 2 hours. ...

That's a big thing for me. I don't have the time (or the attention span!) to play a game for a terribly long time. That's why I love games like Madden, Tiger Woods, Rise of Nations (with cheats!), or even SimCity 4 (my current in-play game).

I gotta say, I'm damned near drooling over Nintendogs, and now that I see Burnout is coming to the DS, I'm going to be all over that soon. I think I may wait and see if I can get the Nintendogs bundle cheap; we'll see what happens.
steviep said:
If I already didn't have a PS2, I would probably get a PSP. It provides you with basically the same experience, and a lot of the same games, with the same visuals. Basically as I said earlier... a portable PS1.5. lol

But alas, I have a PS2 already, so I don't really need a PSP. The best DS games can't be found anywhere else.
So what are the best DS Games?

Im also interested to see what DS Burnouts playability will be like
The best DS games have been listed in this thread already... but for a quick recap, you should definately own Mario, Nintendogs, Castlevania, Meteos, Advance Wars, Phoenix, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart... ah man, I can go on forever so I'm going to stop. Check out IGN or something. lol

As far as burnout goes, I don't know anything about it, so someone else will have to answer.

Carl: Nintendogs bundle = $149... don't think it'll get cheaper in time for X-mas, though.
I'm so glad I picked up a DS with online Mario Kart and Animal Crossing, plus 'The New Super Mario Bros' for some awesome old school action...

Scan 1
Scan 2

Some info:
New details on Nintendo's New Super Mario Bros., which there are videos of online somewhere. It's looking much, much more interesting now. Mario can wear koopa shells now!! And they give him special powers according to the color?!? What?!! And there's even a wireless two-player cooperative mode??!! A short interview in the issue reveals that the man behind the game's production and level design is none other than Takashi Tezuka, which is to say it might be great. He says, of the two-player mode: "There will be parts where you must cooperate; still, I thought it would be most fun if it was basically competitive." Is this to say that the two-player mode will be more-like Zelda: The Four Swords? Because that would so work in a Mario game. Tezuka furthers this optimism by saying "it's not just about getting to the goal first -- there are . . . other factors." Also in the interview: every level ends in a flagpole, and the original Mario theme will return as in-level music, though Mr. Koji Kondo is also making new music. Exciting!! This is, essentially, a . . . new Mario game, then?
steviep said:
... Carl: Nintendogs bundle = $149... don't think it'll get cheaper in time for X-mas, though.

Indeed. I was thinking mainly of finding coupon codes, or specials, or something. But it looks like I'll probably just try to sell off some of my extraneous stuff around the house to finance my purchase. :(
Tigerblade said:
WTF is it with the DS? I'm being serious here, but why would anyone actually choose a portable n64 over a portable ps2? Especilly when you see games such as gta..... :D

No flames, just honest views.

What annoys me the most is the fact ppl slay 'old' conversions on the PSP, but turn a blind eye to the ones on the DS....

Like there's a lot of difference. You do realize that the core of the "emotion engine" is the same MIPS III processor that was at the heart of N64, right?

In any case, DS has better games, period. GTA is fun, but it's tired, and LCS is just GTA 3 with new missions. Big deal.

Nintendo makes good, fun games, and plenty of them. Sony makes ports of PS2 games. Nintendo offers a good system at a reasonable price with new innovations to gameplay. Sony offers a sleek, sexy, overpriced pseudo-gaming device with a bunch of gimmicks embedded (UMD movies and barebones MP3 playback do NOTHING to enhance the gameplay experience).

Nintendo is all about games. They always have been. Sony's not, and they never have been. Nintendo owns the portable market for a reason: They understand it completely. Sony doesn't understand it at all.
