Nintendo DS or Sony PSP?

So by your same logic, becasue Sonic appeared on the cube and gba, nintendo bought sega out....u huh
erm... Sega dropped out of the console market to develop games for other platforms and become a strictly software company. your analogy makes no sense, unless of course you are depending upon nintendo dropping out of the console and mobile market to make games for sony and MS. i definatly do not see that happening.
When the Revolution dies an early death like the cube, we shall see ;)

Bookmark this page and mark my word's, I'm sure the big N wouldn't find it diificult programming Mario64 for the PSP2 ;)
I'm pretty sure the day Nintendo drops out of the console market is the day they stop making video games. But I don't see how the Rev's gonna die an early death. It's not like Cube is dead. :rolleyes:

Anyway, let's get back on topic here...people can make fun of whatever they think is kiddy, but it's not very productive. :rolleyes:
Im very interested in playing mariokart DS, what new features does it have?
BillLeeLee said:
It's not like Cube is dead. :rolleyes:

Maybe not in the states it isn't, but you guys have a hard on for all things Nintendo. People stopped buying 'cubes here about a year can pick them up second hand for about £20.

I think the only game I've seen to come out recently for it is Resi 4...

To me, that's dead. Very reminiscant of the Dreamcast, should have been put down before limping out of the ring.
Rash said:
Im very interested in playing mariokart DS, what new features does it have?
All that matters is it has online multiplayer.

We should make a [H] MK clan! :D

Tigerblade isn't invited :p ;)
CreamySoupUSA said:
All that matters is it has online multiplayer.

We should make a [H] MK clan! :D

Tigerblade isn't invited :p ;)

but you all dis gta on the psp even though its the first 3d multiplayer gta on any system, you dis all the other ps2 games that have come out on psp and are multiplayer, so why should mario kart get credit/praise? everyone is gonna buy mariokart for the ds yet they are so against other formats having sequels/rehashes with new content!!!?
CreamySoupUSA said:
Tigerblade isn't invited :p ;)

LMAO and what makes you think I wanna play

TBH I think playing GTA online would be more fun

Wanna race? nah, Wanna just free roam and take the piss....yeah go on then :) Try that on Mario Kart
Tigerblade said:
People stopped buying 'cubes here about a year can pick them up second hand for about £20.

You can pick 2nd hand PS2's and Xboxes up for 20 quid too, so I'm failing to see your point. And where is 'here'? Your street?

The cubes got a pretty strong line up in the coming months as seen here, quite a few titles are "must haves" there, expecially Zelda...

And I haven't seen anyone mention Kirby for the DS yet, that game is awesome, much more to do than meets the eye.
Show me where I can get a 2nd hand ps2 or xbox for £20 please.....last time I looked they were about £60. If you do provide a link tho I might get an xbox :)

Name another 'must have' title in that list aswell. Zelda is a 'must have' to only a section of gamers, certainly doesn'y qualify as that title to me.

£20 for a cube at my local Gamestation, Playtime Multimedia, Cash Generators, and another local games shop. Oh and this gem on ebay

£27.99....nuff said.

Was gonna flog mine, but at those prices I may aswell keep it.....

Oh and 'here' is right under my

Sorry for bringing this off topic, but looks like I've offended some nintendo !!!!!!s. Why are you guys always the same, you were like this in the Megadrive v SNES wars :rolleyes:

EDIT - looking at your 'list'....why are over 2 thirds listed as 'No release'? Is that because the 'cube is dead?
Doesn't constitute a STRONG line up at all does it....only 17 games on that list have a defined release date, and they are all crap, bar perhaps NFS Most wanted. Is that because the 'cube is dead?

Yeah thought so.
Tigerblade said:
Name another 'must have' title in that list aswell. Zelda is a 'must have' to only a section of gamers, certainly doesn'y qualify as that title to me.

That's the great thing about taste, it might not be a must have for you, but there's quite a few million who'll be picking it up on day one. The same goes for Fire Emblem, Mario Superstar Baseball, Mario Smash Football, Batallion Wars and quite a few of the not yet dated titles, some of which have been pushed to the Rev.

I still don't know how the hell you managed to start trashing the GC in a DS or PSP thread... So please don't reply to this, I'd hate to see an awesome thread die

New Mario Kart DS videos are up, and finally with sound. They seem to be using Wi-Fi, and there's still CPU opponents, which is good. The music in this vid brings back memories.
I have never slated the 'cube, I'm stating it is dead. I own the console ffs, now why would I slate a console that I own :rolleyes:

I don't care how big a fan you are of it, it's had it's day...

Now back OT :D
Tigerblade said:
Now back OT :D


Rash said:
Im very interested in playing mariokart DS, what new features does it have?

Online play, over 30 tracks(some classic), lots of unlockable characters and new karts, a new mission mode of which there are about 50 I think, and you can create your own 32x32 decal that will appear on your kart for all to see, perfect for drawing sprites from the 8 and 16bit eras.
Smiffy said:
And I haven't seen anyone mention Kirby for the DS yet, that game is awesome, much more to do than meets the eye.
Ah...I had kirby in one of my must-have DS games lists back a few pages. That game rocks.
Tigerblade said:
Nintendogs? Please....if a grown man was seen stroking a screen with a stick whilst an ikkle dog rolled over around here, he'd get a shoeing for being a fag. Gimme gta or pursuit force anyday on a true 'next gen' handheld. Personnaly attacking me or any other person that actually goes against your beleifs is pretty sad really, and is now what I expect from ppl that buy a toy, so I'm done arguing with 'kids'. Enjoy your inferior port of burnout ;)

Why would someone get a "shoeing" for being a cigarette? I fail to see the logic there... :p

Anyhow, I'm 100% manly man, and I'm loving Nintendogs. I can't wait to unlock the Husky (my real dog, Laika, is a husky). But at the same time, I'm eager to check out Burnout (your co-called "inferior port"). Why is it with so many people--like essentially everyone who's come into this thread from across the pond--that things are black or white? Can you not accept that some people will enjoy both systems for various reasons?

I still have every intention of snagging a PSP, mainly for games like Metal Gear: Acid and GTA.

Quite frankly, I almost wish this thread hadn't gotten stickied. It brought all the wrong people into the thread. It went from an incredibly civil discourse about the merits of each system, weighed against itself and not the opposition, and has devolved into bashing Nintendo by those who think it's just for kids. Lighten up, people, and open your eyes--it's ridiculous to say that you're shunning a platform because it doesn't "look good." You're missing out on some great stuff if you do that.

Nah, strike that...leave the DS alone. I want it all to myself, and the people who appreciate it.
hignaki said:
Ah...I had kirby in one of my must-have DS games lists back a few pages. That game rocks.

Can you tell me a bit more about it? I read some of the review on Gamespot, but it wasn't making a lot of sense to me. I'm getting the feeling that a lot of DS games need to be played to be understood fully!
carl67lp said:
Anyhow, I'm 100% manly man, and I'm loving Nintendogs. I can't wait to unlock the Husky (my real dog, Laika, is a husky). But at the same time, I'm eager to check out Burnout (your co-called "inferior port"). Why is it with so many people--like essentially everyone who's come into this thread from across the pond--that things are black or white? Can you not accept that some people will enjoy both systems for various reasons?
Yes! I know there are people like that out there, like me, and you, and a couple of other people in this thread. COME! Rejoice in the glory that this thread once was! We need you, "people-who-can-appreciate-both-systems". I know you're out there.

I love my PSP. I can't seem to put down SWBFII (it even seems to be better than it's PC/console bretheren, by gameplay types...meh) and I can't wait for games like Infected and some more RPGs to be released for the thing.

As well, I can't put down Nintendogs or Kirby Canvas Curse for the DS. I love using the stylus when I want a change of pace in my games, and I can only see more good games on the horizon, for both the DS and the PSP.

(yes, I know I've said it before, but still trying to bring new people "up to speed" because mostly nobody reads all the posts :3 )
Wow has this thread ever turned into a crap-fest. Tigerblade - go away. Nintendo is just for kids, and since they're making all kinds of money and have billions in the bank, they will fail with the Revolution because their controller won't change gaming and they'll drop out of the market. We all know that :rolleyes:

I certainly do plan on picking up a PSP... when they provide me with games that I'm interested in playing, that I can't play anywhere else. That's the reason that the DS has caught my attention. You can port a PSP game to the DS (with graphical loss, of course) but most games can't be ported the other way around, without some significant loss of control. That doesn't mean I think the DS is far superior, it just means that I enjoy it more as a handheld.

I don't need another MP3 player (I have a Nano) or a portable video player (my GBA + flashcart can do that just fine, if I really want to watch something on the go). I just want to play games. And if they are "childish" so be it. I'm man enough to be able to tell you that Nintendogs is one of the cutest games on this planet, and that anyone who can look at one of those puppies when they light up as you turn the game on, and tell me that they're not adorable and lovable, you're not a human! This kiddy image thing... BS if you ask me.

The DS is not a crappy toy, otherwise it wouldn't be outselling the PSP... by a wide margin in Japan. That said, there is NOTHING wrong with owning both systems - as they both provide you with a different experience. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - the DS is a portable handeld gaming machine, and the PSP is a portable PS2-ish - whichever tickles your fancy, you buy. You don't have to completely trash a company to make a point. There are plenty of things I can say about Sony, but I'm man enough to keep my mouth shut.
1up has a preview of Animal Crossing Wild World, if you've played the original this is a must have. If not, try it, it's a non-game game that will suck your life away. Have to wait till 2006 for this as I'm in Europe :(
my only problem with PSP is price.. if they released a version with out all the extra crap i'm not gonna use.. and made it cheaper.. taht would be awesome..
another thing i've noticed though.. and this isn't just in reference to everyone in this thread.. but to people everywhere (especially in my school)..

people that are all for the PSP and woudn't even consider the DS, are very very cautious about their public image. Simply becasue the DS is seen as "kiddie".. so they don't want to be labeled "kiddie" or if you're older "gay"...

PSP is a sort of fasion accessory, where the DS is a kids toy.

PSP is a status symbol, where the DS is a symbol of your immaturity..

this seems to be the general populaces take on this from what i've seen..

I think it's pretty sad to be honest.. but that's how it seems to be..

if i could i'd have both.. but i don't have that kind of cash..

sad staet of affairs if you ask me.. i honestly.. i bet i'm tougher than a lot of these people.. actually i know i am.. especially coming from the neighborhoodi grew up in.. i'm sure a lot of you would shit your pants living where i grew up..

but, this really shouldn't be an issue of "PSP is for mature people" "DS is for kids".. i don't know.. that's just lame..

BTW: i got bored of Mario 64 and mario kart a long ass time ago.. i don't intend on getting those games on my DS... i'm just waiting on prime hunters as it would be cool to play it online... for now i'll play castlevania... i don't think castlevania is kiddie is it? i mean hell.. there's castlevania for PS2... so all i'm saying is.. you can't label the whole DS system as kiddie

BTW.. in case you guys didn't know.. nintedo's target market with teh DS is ages 16 - 100 yers old... they actually do not intend this system for people under 16.. though i'm sure there are plenty of suitible games for that age group.. anyway.. that's my two cents..
I find it interesting that there is this public perception that the PSP is superior to the DS... yet the sales show the opposite.

Who the heck is buying all the DS's? I bought one, and so did some of my friends, but we're not part of the mainstream audience. I'm just a tad baffled at the DS's success relative to the PSP. Despite my enthusiasm for the DS, I thought the PSP was going to take the lead... I do like how things have turned out though hehehe, don't get me wrong.
^^ Great point. I think the issue is complex, but I'll sum up my take.

First off N doesn't make games, they make little containers of plastic crack that suck people in. They also have a proven track record in the handheld market. This is also to say that they understand the experience of handheld gaming.

Sony is just now stepping into the market, and I do think they have made a great product, it's just going to take some time to get some really superb games on it. When the FF's and GT's start to hit I am sure things will get quite a bit more interesting.

Another thing to consider is that kids do make up a big chunk of the gaming market, and mom and dad are going to drop the coin on the DS because it's cheaper and does have more younger player friendly games.
i know a lot of the PSP people here are closet DS fans LOL!!!

they have DSs at home.. they just never take them out... :D :p ;)
Tigerblade said:
When the Revolution dies an early death like the cube, we shall see ;)

Bookmark this page and mark my word's, I'm sure the big N wouldn't find it diificult programming Mario64 for the PSP2 ;)

LOL, the Cube hasn't died, what are you talking about? It's got one of the most anticipated games in the whole of the industry on the way, with Zelda: Twilight Princess coming next year. Granted, it doesn't have games coming out every week like PS2 or Xbox, but then, that's because Nintendo cares more about quality games than MS or Sony (especially Sony).

Revolution's so far got all the makings of a hit, and I think we're all going to be pleasantly surprised by how it performs at market. Right now, it's the *only* innovative console design we've got coming, so I'm stoked for it.

Incidentally, you'll never live to see the day when Nintendo leaves the hardware market to make games for Sony and Microsoft. For starters, they're better at making a *profit* in the games market than Sony or MS have ever been, so the chances of them leaving are practically zero.

As per my post yesterday, ALL off topic/crapping/trolling posts will now be deleted.
edit: to avoid removal thought i didn't think it was crapping... but!!! don't want to take chances :D

i would like to hear peoples thoughts on what i said about image and the PSP and DS??
PKFGimpy said:
I find it interesting that there is this public perception that the PSP is superior to the DS... yet the sales show the opposite.

Who the heck is buying all the DS's? I bought one, and so did some of my friends, but we're not part of the mainstream audience. I'm just a tad baffled at the DS's success relative to the PSP. Despite my enthusiasm for the DS, I thought the PSP was going to take the lead... I do like how things have turned out though hehehe, don't get me wrong.

can u back your first sentence up with a link or something to show the vs sales figures?
Rash said:
can u back your first sentence up with a link or something to show the vs sales figures?
It's called Google: <-- In EUROPE <-- In January, since has flipped around.

EDIT: Ha, it seems even the Great doesn't google sometimes. It's okay, even I don't. But that built-in firefox google box makes it all too easy. :p (NOTE: Not being mean, just providing useful links :) )
It's really hard to find market data from North America concerning handhelds, but I do believe that the PSP is still outselling the DS in NA by a 25%+ margin. In Japan, the figures are much more dramatic:
That site has data in terms of marketshare percentage.
That site takes the data into the context of numbers.
And that's Gamespot reporting that as of the end of September, the DS has sold a total of 3.2 million units (sold), and the PSP stands at 1.7milion units (shipped, not sold).

Edit: whoops, someone beat me to the punch :) The 2 other figures above are the most recent.
Edit 2: Worldwide, 6.65 million players worldwide had already got to grips with the Nintendo DS. But no PSP figures...
IGN have had their paws on the final build of Mario Kart DS, I'm not too worried about the lag they mentioned though...

IGN said:
Nintendo of America held its semi-annual Nintendo press summit in its Redmond, Washington headquarters. Here, the company focused on the Nintendo DS system's upcoming line-up and the system's local and worldwide multiplayer functions using the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service. The first product demonstration was with Mario Kart DS, where members of the gaming press got a chance to go eyes and hands-on with the final build set for release in just under two week's time.

Nate Bihldorff of the NOA Treehouse walked us through some of the features of the new Mario Kart design. The game, classic Mario Kart action, runs at an incredibly smooth 60 frames per second rate, and gets pretty fast and intense especially in the game's unlockable 150 CC mode. Much of the demonstration was spent showing off the game's collectible weapons during the race, including a Blooper power-up that leaves smeary ink on opponents' screens to make it much more difficult to see. Players can also pick up a powerup that temporarily turns the player into Bullet Bill, turning them invincible and giving them an insane burst of speed.

Nate also showed off the insane depth of the Nintendo DS design. Single player will have several features, including the ability to play against computer controlled bots within Battle Mode. Each racer in the game will have multiple kart vehicles that are both for aesthetics and performance; racers have a variety of attributes that affect their racing performance, including Speed. Acceleration. Weight. Handling. Drift, and Items. The items attribute determines if that character will get all the good power-ups or just a whole lot of boring bananas and green turtle shells. There are also single player missions and boss battles to open up unlockables; boss battles reference past Super Mario situations such as the Big Bully fight from Super Mario 64.

At the tail end of the demonstration, Nintendo opened up the room to take part in some multiplayer racing action. Using the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service, we had the opportunity to play other members of the gaming press in Montreal and Germany. The game's producer, Hideki Konno, was on-hand in the Montreal office for some Wi-Fi Connection action as well.

In our short time with the game, it's very clear: Mario Kart DS is awesome. Awesome. The classic old-school karting action works extraordinarily well on the Nintendo DS platform. Even though some favorite elements, like coin collecting, aren't in the game design, the DS version adds some new techniques, such as drafting. Players can get a boost of speed by tailing opponents for an amount of time, giving them enough momentum to zip past the lead guy. The lower screen comes in very handy in many situations; you can see turtle shells zooming up from behind, and use that overhead view as a secondary view for when a Blooper squirts ink all over your screen.

The internet connection was admittedly a bit temperamental, with some lag issues and situations where players were randomly dropped from the action. But since the room was filled with dozens of players partaking in the Wi-Fi play, the lag and connection drops could have been attributed to the jammed wireless traffic in the area.

When it was working, it was nearly flawless. The Internet play is limited to simple four player racing matches, and players "vote" on which tracks to race on during the connection; the winning selection (the highest number of votes) will be the track everyone races on. The computer will choose the track from the voted list if there's a tie. Since our cartridge didn't have a friends list built, we entered a match-up race where the service would seek out and pair us up with like-skilled opponents based on the wins/losses ranking attached to our online name.

The performance definitely depends on the connection between the players in the network, and in our case, playing against someone from Germany did bring up some lag that caused his kart to wobble when he appeared on-screen. This inconsistent motion made it a little difficult to target green turtle shells at them. There are also some limitations to the Wi-Fi gameplay: players, for example, cannot keep a banana peel queued behind their kart to protect them from a six o'clock attack.

Overall, Mario Kart DS was an incredible hit at the Summit. It was tough for everyone to stop playing when the presentation moved to Tony Hawk's American Sk8land, another game that will support the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.

We're walking away from the event with the final build of Mario Kart DS, so we'll have more on the game as it approaches its November 14th release.
Yeah, it sounds more like an overwhelmed wireless router. That said, being the first wireless game on Nintendo's wifi, one wonders if they have their servers ready for the surge :)
steviep said:
It looks almost as good as the Gamecube version, minus the AA and some polys!

Whoa..... It looks nice but I wouldnt go quite that far.
Why not? At the 320x240 rez of the DS screen, I believe that it looks almost as good. Granted, you blow that up to the 640x480 and it looks like crap in comparison... however, have a look at this video and then a 320x240 video of metroid prime, and it's hard to notice anything other than lack of AA :)
lol well the DS obviously can't push the polys that the Gamecube can. I'm not stupid. But on the small screen, it most definately has turned out looking almost as nice. I'm sure you can agree with that.