Nintendo DS or Sony PSP?

hignaki said:
It's called Google: <-- In EUROPE <-- In January, since has flipped around.

EDIT: Ha, it seems even the Great doesn't google sometimes. It's okay, even I don't. But that built-in firefox google box makes it all too easy. :p (NOTE: Not being mean, just providing useful links :) )

Cool cheers, im the first to admit that im lazy!
hignaki said:
I love my PSP. I can't seem to put down SWBFII (it even seems to be better than it's PC/console bretheren, by gameplay types...meh)

I can't agree with that sorry. For what it is running on I'm very impressed but it doesn't hold a candle to the PC version. IMO I don't think a console could ever beat a PC in FPS, control pad isn't accurate enough/fast enough for my liking.

Regards everything else. People have their opinions. Respect mine and I will respect yours. TBH tho I am curious about Mario Kart, I just hope it isn't the steaming pile of turd that graced the n64.....

Now where is GTA, getting seriously addicted
Im pretty sure Need For Speed Most wanted is out today here in the UK on all Formats, Cant wait to check it out on the psp and ds. Scratch that, i think its been delayed till the end of the month, balls
Tigerblade said:
I can't agree with that sorry. For what it is running on I'm very impressed but it doesn't hold a candle to the PC version. IMO I don't think a console could ever beat a PC in FPS, control pad isn't accurate enough/fast enough for my liking.

Regards everything else. People have their opinions. Respect mine and I will respect yours. TBH tho I am curious about Mario Kart, I just hope it isn't the steaming pile of turd that graced the n64.....

Now where is GTA, getting seriously addicted
Nope, they said MKDS is going back to the old school style of the SNES (whatever the hell style that is, I just know more people liked the SNES version rather than the N64 or GC).
CreamySoupUSA said:
Nope, they said MKDS is going back to the old school style of the SNES (whatever the hell style that is, I just know more people liked the SNES version rather than the N64 or GC).

Yer i still play the snes version today!!
As do I. As well as the GBA release (quite similar to the SNES)
The N64 and Gamecube versions were decent, however... not to knock on them. But they weren't as good as the original. I'll be looking forward to playing the new one, which is made in the style of the original :D
Never played the cube version, but the problem n64 version was the AI. Was SOOOO annoying....

I tell you one game that I would consider getting a DS for....Killer Instinct! If it was like the n64 version + portable, I'd buy one in a flash ;) sod the touch screen. ;)


That's one thing the PSP is lacking. A decent beat em up, I pray Tekken 5 will get released.

But in this post alone you can see why I don't rate the the mo. It has ZERO games that I would consider playing. And for the games that are out on both machines, the PSP has the superior version. So what if I'm an arcade/racing/beat em up whore, that's what I like :D
PSP needs some kind of advanced war style game if it had that I would probably pick one up in a heart beat :p

*crazed advanced war addict*
Darakian said:
PSP needs some kind of advanced war style game if it had that I would probably pick one up in a heart beat :p

*crazed advanced war addict*

there is one coming out, and it looks amazing, ill post a link later
yer its called field commander, looks awesome, its multiplayer online aswell, cant wait to give it a blast think u can find a preview on
Here is some sick stuff..

so it seems like the DS might very well have a web browser..

this is a quesiton asked to Reggie someting from NOA..

Q: I'm curious what your thoughts are on having DS as a web browser. Is that soothing you are going to steer clear of since it is a kids platform or is that something you could look into?

A: Actually having a web browser on the DS? I think it is a provocative idea. I think it is very provocative. And again, looking at it with our "Disruptor Lens" by saying "how can we bring new people on board to buy DS and play DS" I think having a web browser would be highly disruptive; I would love to do it.

The whole thing can be read here

Reggie talks nintendo Future

a web browser would kill on that thing..

this is an interesting read..

intersting Q & A i have no clue what he virtual consoel is?? :confused:

intersting he didn't deny the kids platfor mpart of the question.. but maybe it just slipped by him
The 'virtual console' is just the term they use to describe how the Rev is backwards compatible with all the previous consoles.
Virtual console = the ability to play all the other Nintendo consoles on the revolution (i.e. NES, SNES, N64) through downloadable roms on their online service.

I don't think he caught the 'kids' question, because he's always said Nintendo is for everyone. Personally, after reading that article, I feel quite confident in purchasing the DS when its online arrives. The fact that homebrewers are working on a web browser on DS Linux is kinda neat, too :)
Rash said:
yer its called field commander, looks awesome, its multiplayer online aswell, cant wait to give it a blast think u can find a preview on

Hmmmm I am intrigued :)
This disscusion helped me to decide on which handheld to get. Today I pre-ordered the red ds mario kart bundle because I am more interested in the games that the ds has to offer at the moment. I do plan on getting a psp, i jsut am waiting for some killer games and dmaybe a price drop.
I got a psp a few weeks after it was released. I had Untold Legends, Hot Shots Golf and Lumines. I felt like those were the best games available at the time. I sold the psp a month later. It just didn't get played enough. I felt like the games offered on the psp at the time were lacking in areas. HSG was definately the best out of the games though.

I got a DS a few nights ago. I got Nintendogs, Castlevania and Advanced Wars. The DS is a way better pick imho. I only got 3 games but there are plenty out there that I will get over the next few weeks. And TONS more over the few months that are coming out.

I think DS will have a future of terribly FUN games that will keep me entertained.

DS ftw! :cool:
I plan on buying a PSP once the gigapack is released (PSP and a 1GB memory card for $299). What really made me want the PSP, over the DS, is the fact that there are tons of great racing games for it. There's Wipeout Pure, Burnout Legends, Ridge Racer, Need for Speed: Underground Rivals, Midnight Club 3, ATV Offroad Fury, and soon Need For Speed: Most Wanted, TOCA Race Driver 2 and Grand Turismo 4! I never really thought about getting a handheld, but these great racing games are part of the reason I started to want one. I'm also a big GTA fan, and having a full blown 3D GTA on a handheld is so awesome. I remember playing the top down GTA on a gameboy... how far we've come!

I must be truely honest and say I haven't looked too much into the DS and the game library (Like I said, it was just recently I started to want a handheld; so I can't say too much about it.) It's definitely a great system as I played it a few times; But I just feel that the two screen setup with a touchscreen just wouldn't benefit the type of games I wanted to play. Most screen shots of racing games for the DS use that second screen to display a map, or a virtual steering wheel(i think?). I feel the widescreen is better for racing games as you can see more of the track, and the analog stick is better for steering.

On the other hand, if racing games aren't your "thing"; then you'll probably think the current PSP library is sucky. A DS might be better, simply based on that fact alone. Fortunately, though, it's picking up speed and getting some great titles (Such as Socom, Sims 2, Armored Core, Infected, Field Commander, ect.)

Just my opinion. :)
Matrox462 said:
I plan on buying a PSP once the gigapack is released
They have them for sale at Fry's - also comes with a game for that price.
Yep, Matrox you're right in that the PSP has more "console" style games, so if that's your thing... however, do yourself a favour and play Sims 2 for DS or better yet, PC... it's designed for such an interface.
steviep said:
Yep, Matrox you're right in that the PSP has more "console" style games, so if that's your thing... however, do yourself a favour and play Sims 2 for DS or better yet, PC... it's designed for such an interface.

Is sims 2 already out for psp and ds???!!!
Yes it is, as well as the consoles. It's similar to the previous Sims console versions though (no real "God mode" control, objective-based). The best version (not graphically) is the DS version because of the stylus, but the PC version still rules.
Has anyone heard anything about Zoo Tycoon for DS? I see that it's been out for a while but I can't find a review anywhere...
steviep said:
Yes it is, as well as the consoles. It's similar to the previous Sims console versions though (no real "God mode" control, objective-based). The best version (not graphically) is the DS version because of the stylus, but the PC version still rules.

Is that a "....because its stylus it must be better policy....." or have you actually played all the other versions to know its better...!!?
I've played the PC and the DS version, as well as the Gamecube version. The Gamecube version is the same as the other consoles/PSP's version (from what I've read in reviews, it's a cross-platform title). While the DS version is similar to the console version in execution, it incorporates mouse-like control, and even borrows gameplay elements from Animal Crossing (i.e. texture/draw your own clothes) to boot. It differentiates itself. Of course none is as good as the PC version, which gives you total control, but if you have to get one of the console versions, get the DS. Visually, the X-box/PC versions look nicest, though. Slart - check out for a review of Tycoon. Didn't get a good review at all, but it doesn't look like a really bad game in the screens (i miss sprites! lol)
steviep said:
I've played the PC and the DS version, as well as the Gamecube version. The Gamecube version is the same as the other consoles/PSP's version (from what I've read in reviews, it's a cross-platform title). While the DS version is similar to the console version in execution, it incorporates mouse-like control, and even borrows gameplay elements from Animal Crossing (i.e. texture/draw your own clothes) to boot. It differentiates itself. Of course none is as good as the PC version, which gives you total control, but if you have to get one of the console versions, get the DS. Visually, the X-box/PC versions look nicest, though. Slart - check out for a review of Tycoon. Didn't get a good review at all, but it doesn't look like a really bad game in the screens (i miss sprites! lol)

ok, ill wait while the psp version comes out, i like the idea of trading, designing/editing your character and importing/trading stuff/other users sims and head to head modes , sims 2 in yer pocket, great stuff!
Rash said:
Is sims 2 already out for psp and ds???!!!

it's out for the DS.. don't know about the PSP

Slartibartfast said:
Has anyone heard anything about Zoo Tycoon for DS? I see that it's been out for a while but I can't find a review anywhere...

I remember reading a review on

they said the game blows ass...
Nomad said:
They have them for sale at Fry's - also comes with a game for that price.

No Fry's around where I live... :(

steviep said:
Yep, Matrox you're right in that the PSP has more "console" style games, so if that's your thing... however, do yourself a favour and play Sims 2 for DS or better yet, PC... it's designed for such an interface.

Actually, I have no interest in getting Sims 2. I only mentioned it because I know a lot of people do like that game, and are looking forward to it's release. I have the original Sims, and everytime I try to play it, I get bored. lol
News from IGN is that Mario Kart has a restrictive online mode. And not restrictive in the sense that you can't play courses or characters that you want or something. Just very restrictive on who you can play that's NOT a random choice or a selected region/skill level - for instance, if you want to play against a friend, you have to know them in real life (or online) so that you can get their 12-digit friend code. Knowing their screen name is not enough - and there is no in-game chat to get their codes. This is both an extremely good thing (see: Xbox Live and 12-year-olds) and restrictive in a bad way in that it's hard to "make" friends. I wonder how it will end up playing out, and if the next WiFi enabled game will allow more freedom in who you can add to your friends list. A 'protective' stance on Nintendo's part - good for parents worried about children's online friends, of course - but not so good for those that are used to chatrooms dedicated to "pwning" lol
steviep said:
News from IGN is that Mario Kart has a restrictive online mode. And not restrictive in the sense that you can't play courses or characters that you want or something. Just very restrictive on who you can play that's NOT a random choice or a selected region/skill level - for instance, if you want to play against a friend, you have to know them in real life (or online) so that you can get their 12-digit friend code. Knowing their screen name is not enough - and there is no in-game chat to get their codes. This is both an extremely good thing (see: Xbox Live and 12-year-olds) and restrictive in a bad way in that it's hard to "make" friends. I wonder how it will end up playing out, and if the next WiFi enabled game will allow more freedom in who you can add to your friends list. A 'protective' stance on Nintendo's part - good for parents worried about children's online friends, of course - but not so good for those that are used to chatrooms dedicated to "pwning" lol

the good thing is.. that it's not set in stone.. if that method doen'ts work out.. they can very well change it for other games..
I agree. Though they've already set that up for Animal Crossing as well. It's still a centralized system, so it can change for each game. However, I'm still not sure whether it's a bad thing, or a blessing in disguise. It's a bit of both, frankly.
However, I'm still not sure whether it's a bad thing, or a blessing in disguise. It's a bit of both, frankly.

Once again, I agree with you :) For me personally I wish they had some sort of in-game chat or something, but given that Nintendo is traditionally family-orientated (see MK1's "sweat") I think this is a wise move. The last thing a parent wants to do is buy their kids mario kart and two days later have them yelling profanities at the thing. The best solution would be some sort of security option to toggle it either in the game or, even better, right in the DS firmware. Of course that's not easily done at this point.
I was reading about animal crossing.. weird stuff..

so say someone visits your town.. if you're neighbors really like the new visitor.. they actually move out of your town, and move into his town LOL!!! and they take all the crap you did for the neighbor with them..

hahah.. man i can see some turf wars erupting over that " you took my fav. neighbor.. never come back to my town again!"
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
I was reading about animal crossing.. weird stuff..

so say someone visits your town.. if you're neighbors really like the new visitor.. they actually move out of your town, and move into his town LOL!!! and they take all the crap you did for the neighbor with them..

hahah.. man i can see some turf wars erupting over that " you took my fav. neighbor.. never come back to my town again!"

You scoff, but a good friend of mine and I fought like mad over just that circumstance occuring ;)

It doesn't really hurt you in any way, just fun to fight about. ;)
Yeah, slart... we don't want to turn it into XBox Live. All it takes is one trip on to hear the pre-pubescent cries of "you fucking suck, you stupid dick! shut up, I'm going to pwn joo! BOOM HEADSHOT!!! you're an ass.... aw fuck, I fell!!" - and you can see why the DS is public yet private. However, I would certainly enjoy an option to do so at one point, on the DS. They WERE experimenting with VOIP on it, at E3.

Yeah, some Animal Crossing stuff was posted on IGN recently - that game certainly is shaping up to be portable crack on.... steroids.
too be honest the Xbox live kids that really piss me off.. actually.. this doesn't apply to just Xbox live.. but it seems to happen more there..

are teh kids that use racial slurs for everyone and anything.. it's just annoying..

i really hope this does not happen to nintendo wifi..
It seems like it's not going to. Yeah, they use the N word and other derogatory comments a lot in Live... as well as terms like "pussy" and "masturbation" and other stupid idiotic things. It ruined the experience completely for me. Worse than Counterstrike, even.
I think a lot of the conversation is good...many points are brought up throughout this thread as a whole, conversation is good in a thread like this; but of course, it can get out of hand, which, since this threads' beginning, it has strain away from the original style.....all the good points, convrsation, and links (basically all the USEFUL posts here) should be taken and put into a locked thread.