Nintendo DS or Sony PSP?

You own TWO? lol
wow... if I had that kind of money to blow, I would own one of each. Not two of one.

Alias, so when was the last time you picked up a DS and played Nintendogs or Phoenix Wright, or Advance Wars? See, cause you can't play those games on a PSP (they could never be ported properly) because the DS can "do more" in the realm of control.
Okay. so after playing castlevania: dawn of sorrow a for a while.. i can say that it is indeed better than Symphony of the night.. definatly the best castlevania to date.. so castlevania is definatly a good reason to get the DS

and well you know.. what i say goes.. cause i'm the alpha and the omega..

Girls want me... and guys want to be me.. :cool:
Man i cant get enough of SSX on Tour, GTA LCS, Wipeout Pure, Ridge Racers, The Con, Mercury, Fifa 06 and tiger woods 06 (glad they sorted out those loading times on tiger woods lol) i thought i wasnt getting any work done, im definately not getting anywork done now as snes emulator and neocd emulator now works on 2.0 firmware psps. Bloody mario world/ r-type series/ Super turrican/Contra 3 / king of fighters series/ metal slug series/ sam showdown series seriously affecting my sleep lol!!
Rash said:
Man i cant get enough of SSX on Tour, GTA LCS, Wipeout Pure, Ridge Racers, The Con, Mercury, Fifa 06 and tiger woods 06 (glad they sorted out those loading times on tiger woods lol) i thought i wasnt getting any work done, im definately not getting anywork done now as snes emulator and neocd emulator now works on 2.0 firmware psps. Bloody mario world/ r-type series/ Super turrican/Contra 3 / king of fighters series/ metal slug series/ sam showdown series seriously affecting my sleep lol!!

that sounds like a really lame advertizement.. LOL!!!!
Here's another factor in my DS over PSP decision that nobody has mentioned:

first geneartion sony hardware SUCKS. The average lifespan of a first-run PS2 was six months. A friend of mine who uses his ps1 constantly has gone through 4. I'm surprised there has not been more complaints of broken PSP's yet.
Slartibartfast said:
Here's another factor in my DS over PSP decision that nobody has mentioned:

first geneartion sony hardware SUCKS. The average lifespan of a first-run PS2 was six months. A friend of mine who uses his ps1 constantly has gone through 4. I'm surprised there has not been more complaints of broken PSP's yet.

Well my psp has lasted nearly a year so far lol, no probs at all, dropped it a few times aswell doh!! i have no idea what the latest nintendos are like for hardware lasting, had a snes and that lasted years!! Still got it somewhere probably still works but ittl be a nasty shade of yellow by now lol!.

RancidWAnnaRIot said:
that sounds like a really lame advertizement.. LOL!!!!
Hey it may look like a lame advertisement but hell its true lol!!
DS all the way - just got one, love it.. anyways good reasons why DS is better then Psp -

Trauma Center 'under the knife' - its a surgery game, its HARD, and its very intense.. Very much worth buy a DS for.. (probably going to alot more of these types of games) -

Mario 64 - DS - umm its mario 64 ... handheld.. can't get much easier then that.

Castlevania DS - yes its awesome.. go get it..

WarioWare - its now got a bunch of touchpad games - if you havn't played Warioware at all its kinda like a whole stack of mini games you have to play through - its really good - (though kinda short) -

With the Psp you can good graphics - but do you get smoother gameplay?

The touch pad changes soo much, even simply not having to press start to check a submenu makes it soo easy to play - Castlevania only uses the dual screen as a map/stats screen - yet you can't live without that second screen after using it soo much..

In the psp, your playing an RPG or a 3rd-person shooter, and you need to check something you have to keep pressing start to check out your XP or your inventory or if you need to equip something - but with the DS thats competely eliminated with the touch screen and the primary screen.

The gamecube tried something similiar with finalfantasy Crystal Chronicles - using the GBA SP as an inventory screen.

Final thing - DS battery life is alot longer then the psp - (I have heard accounts that psp lasts usually 4 hours, with my DS I get 10)
I'm certainly pleased that the thread I started has become a sticky; frankly, I was surprised there wasn't one previously. I'm also glad it's been an incredibly civil discussion!

At this point, I'm still leaning towards the DS, but I'm tempted to find a way to get both, for various reasons. I think at this point I'm really missing my PS2 and Xbox that I sold, and I know that a lot of the games I used to enjoy are available on the PSP (Madden, Tiger Woods, Burnout, GTA, Metal Gear). But at the same time, Nintendogs is calling my name. ;)

Indeed, I think I'll get both of them, but start with the DS. Any leads on Black Friday deals? I can't remember the sites that had the ads, but I'm sure they'll be popping up soon enough.
I see you've chosen the dark side, thats okay I guess.

As for deals on the DS, back when I was looking for a handheld I remeber seeing alot of used DS's on various FS/FT forums, you might ant to check those, I think alot of them were going for around $75-80, and that was a few months ago.
Naldo said:
I see you've chosen the dark side, thats okay I guess.

Dark side being PSP, or DS? Either way, I think that a previous poster hit it on the head when making the comment about games driving the system. That's pretty much how I feel. A lot of the games on the DS that I've looked at have an Anime-like quality (of course I realize Nintendo is a Japanese company and all), and I'm not really into that. But there are still plenty of games on the system that are interesting to me, and the lower cost is a factor of course.

Plus, I see that Meijer has in their sale paper the Nintendogs bundle, so I'm going to be looking at online retailers to see what kinds of deals I can snag.
sarbz said:
I had a psp for a while and absolutely loved it. The graphics kick major a$$ for a handheld. It's amazing how they cram so much into such a small device.

Anyway, I went through the same thing...trying to pick one. I ended up with a's just so damn cool to have that much power in your hands.

LOL, that's pretty funny. I guess a 333Mhz CPU (though currently locked at 222Mhz, not that you'll see that on the PSP's box...) is just a scorching amount of power, eh? Plus that 480x272 screen...whoo...almost standard def! Almost...

The DS isn't as capable, hardware-wise, but the comparison between the two illustrates the quintessential truth about gaming: The games are more important than the hardware. Nintendo's DS has superior games across the board, while PSP basically has PS2 games ported to it. GTA is OK, sure, but I played it 4 years ago, it was called GTA 3 then. Yeah, the new one's got some new missions, but "meh".

If you're looking for a portable to play games on, the DS can't be beat right now.

Mazgazine1 said:
DS all the way - just got one, love it.. anyways good reasons why DS is better then Psp -

Trauma Center 'under the knife' - its a surgery game, its HARD, and its very intense.. Very much worth buy a DS for.. (probably going to alot more of these types of games) -

Mario 64 - DS - umm its mario 64 ... handheld.. can't get much easier then that.

Castlevania DS - yes its awesome.. go get it..

WarioWare - its now got a bunch of touchpad games - if you havn't played Warioware at all its kinda like a whole stack of mini games you have to play through - its really good - (though kinda short) -

With the Psp you can good graphics - but do you get smoother gameplay?

The touch pad changes soo much, even simply not having to press start to check a submenu makes it soo easy to play - Castlevania only uses the dual screen as a map/stats screen - yet you can't live without that second screen after using it soo much..

In the psp, your playing an RPG or a 3rd-person shooter, and you need to check something you have to keep pressing start to check out your XP or your inventory or if you need to equip something - but with the DS thats competely eliminated with the touch screen and the primary screen.

The gamecube tried something similiar with finalfantasy Crystal Chronicles - using the GBA SP as an inventory screen.

Final thing - DS battery life is alot longer then the psp - (I have heard accounts that psp lasts usually 4 hours, with my DS I get 10)

My GF just got Trauma Center Saturday and it's *awesome*. Even *I* am hooked, and I don't care much for blood :)

Mario 64 != Mario 64 handheld, though. It's more like Mario 64 Director's Cut, with more and new areas, tons of unlockable mini games, 4 characters to play with (the original just had Mario) and a bunch of new abilities to use. Mario DS is da shiz.

On the battery life, my GF tends to get about 13 hours on her DS before it needs a recharge. Even with one of those $200 extended battery addons for PSP you're lucky if you can get 5 hours.

DS for the win, no question (and the sales numbers certainly show that :)

Damn you people! Now I have gotta get Castlevania: DS and Trauma Center, and try this Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney game...and Nintendogs. Not to mention that the DS will be getting a new Secret of Mana in the, I get shivers thinking about that one. And then Mario Kart DS...and Animal Crossing DS, Mario and Luigi, the new side scrolling Mario game, a miniaturized Xenosaga episodes 1/2.

And I still haven't beaten Advance Wars DS. :p
BillLeeLee said:
Damn you people! Now I have gotta get Castlevania: DS and Trauma Center, and try this Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney game...and Nintendogs. Not to mention that the DS will be getting a new Secret of Mana in the, I get shivers thinking about that one. And then Mario Kart DS...and Animal Crossing DS, Mario and Luigi, the new side scrolling Mario game, a miniaturized Xenosaga episodes 1/2.

And I still haven't beaten Advance Wars DS. :p

LOL, only the most dishonest of fan-boys could deny it: Nintendo DS has the best library and the best upcoming portable games in the industry--period.

You can't say no to portable, online Mario Kart. That thing will be portable crack.
The DS does have the best library right now - but I rarely ever play the library - nor would I truly be interested in playing a library game (I can see it now - order the books by the dewey decimal system!!!! - blown away, I am).

You should look into the games that you would be interested in playing and go from there. I don't really think that you could go wrong with either choice.
Oh yeah man.. the DS is getting another Mana game.. that's gonna be OFF TEH CHAIN F00!..

i know thye are also getting a remake of FF3, that's supposed to have the look of FF7 for the PS1 (with significantly better graphics though)

.. but yeah.. i don't know.. gaming wise.. i don't say why someone would say no to the DS.. everything else.. then PSP has the edge.. but you're looking for games.. DS is the way to go..
FF3...I'd spend hundreds of dollars to play a quality remake of that game. Greatest story found in ANY video game ever. This is the "War and Peace" of video games. Except fun all the way through.
Blakestr said:
FF3...I'd spend hundreds of dollars to play a quality remake of that game. Greatest story found in ANY video game ever. This is the "War and Peace" of video games. Except fun all the way through.

Actually, it's a remake of the real Final Fantasy 3, which might not be the one you're thinking of (FF3 on Super Nintendo). FF3 on the Super Nintendo was actually Final Fantasy VI. FF2 on SNES was FF 4 in Japan.

Confusing no?
adg1034 said:
You can't say no to portable, online Mario Kart. That thing will be portable crack.

Honestly.. i'm not getting that game because i know my grades will suffer... screw that man LOL.. i need to get into graduate school..
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
because it's the first X Vs. Y thread in the history of humanity, that hasn't erupted into a flame war...

plain and simple

In a flame war, everyone loses. Even if you didn't get burned, you still have to deal with the stink of the smoke...
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
what does the smoke smell like?

It smells bitter and of sadness, for it is the smell of the intellectual harmony that could have been...
Blakestr said:
It smells bitter and of sadness, for it is the smell of the intellectual harmony that could have been...
that this thread is! :)

More favorite games for psp/ds, that I haven't mentioned (to stay on topic):

Kirby: Canvas Curse (Who cursed the canvas? WE DON'T KNOW! But who cares?)
Meteos: (OMG, portable crack. Meteos = Lumines > Tetris)

Metal Gear Ac!d (Who put the ! in Ac!d? WE DON'T KNOW! But who cares? :D )
Hot Shots Golf (I don't even LIKE sports games, much less golf. But I love HSG: OT)
i dont own a home console so every game is fresh for me! Yes the psp games may have borrowed a lot from the home consoles but the fact i can have them all in my pocket is a real plus for me! GTA, Tigerwoods, Tony Hawks, Fifa, Burnout, Wipeout, Ridgeracer in yer pocket!

Even to have a 10 year old mario 64 in yer pocket, another full 3d mario kart.....but it is in yer pocket you can play it anywhere, even while your taking a dump u got time for a few laps of mario kart!! This is an awesome time!

This is awesome stuff!! Both handhelds are good, u just need to decide if u prefer a lot fresh original ideas involving a touch screen/ dual screen and nintendos exclusive games with a steller 10 hr battery that even the hardest of gamers cant drain in a day,


an advanced hardware machine with current gen console game ports that have a few/ a lot of extras and a few fresh original games, loads of extra multimedia abilities and a poorer yet easily enough to satisfy the average gamers daily game usage, 5 hour battery.
BillLeeLee said:
Actually, it's a remake of the real Final Fantasy 3, which might not be the one you're thinking of (FF3 on Super Nintendo). FF3 on the Super Nintendo was actually Final Fantasy VI. FF2 on SNES was FF 4 in Japan.

Confusing no?

They are actually remaking the other FFs (4,5,6 in Japan) for the GBA, and re-doing the graphics for those as well. It's not as significant of a remake as FF3, but still enough to call it a remake. Similar to the FF1/FF2 remakes, but using more of the power that the GBA has. Regardless, you'll still be able to play it on the DS..... for the win!! :D

Seriously though, get the DS first... much better library for present and likely the future as well. It has better support as well, since most of those that are doing GBA (including MS' Rare) have already, or will, migrate from the GBA eventually as well. Better games = better system.
Slartibartfast said:
also, Gunstar Super Heroes for the GBA is game of the year. TREASURE ROCKS!!
OMG a Gunstar Heroes sequel?
*rushes to store*
I'm sure it was mentioned earlier in the thread, but having the GBA back-catalogue adds about... oh... a thousand games! lol. When I'm not "borrowing" my little brother's DS, I enjoy the hell out of the GBA SP that I annexed from him when I bought him the DS :D
steviep said:
I'm sure it was mentioned earlier in the thread, but having the GBA back-catalogue adds about... oh... a thousand games! lol. When I'm not "borrowing" my little brother's DS, I enjoy the hell out of the GBA SP that I annexed from him when I bought him the DS :D
more like over 2000. I just checked, and Trashman's release of Super Gunstar Heroes is number 2199.
Might I simply say I'm proud of you guys! I have been watching this like a hawk, and I'm really happy you guys have stayed to on point. This is what I want every thread to be like, a great source of info where everyone is happy.

Now so I don't crap the thread...;)

I bought a DS because of the rumored FF remakes and Animal Crossing. Yes I said AC, anyone who isn't man enough to admit its sheer capitalistic crack in a box need not respond. Also, if you make fun of me, b7s!! ;) I also picked up Mario DS and the SNES Mario remake, and played the shit out of them too, to the point where my thumb ached from all the jump spanking.

I have yet to buy a PSP because there hasn't been a whole lot there to interest me as of yet. I know when GT finally comes, I'll be on board. I have had alot of playtime with it, and can't say i'm not impressed, but there just isn't anything I REALLY want to play on it atm.

Bottom line for me, both great products, each carrying its own niche in the market.
Rich Tate said:
Might I simply say I'm proud of you guys! I have been watching this like a hawk, and I'm really happy you guys have stayed to on point. This is what I want every thread to be like, a great source of info where everyone is happy.
Awww shucks - :eek:
I'll agree to that. Those that want a portable gaming experience should grab the DS, those that want a portable console should grab a PSP.

Personally, I find portable gaming to be much more fun.

PCJ, I am well aware of release numbers and such being well over 2000, however - those include Japanese and European releases on top of NA. I estimated 1000 because I figured that's how many have been released here. Very uneducated guess :)
steviep said:
I'll agree to that. Those that want a portable gaming experience should grab the DS, those that want a portable console should grab a PSP.

Personally, I find portable gaming to be much more fun.

Man, you really nailed it there. That is probably one of the best summaries I've read. Nintendo does indeed have the handheld experience down. Not saying that Sony isn't going to put out some quality products in the future, but I have to agree Nintendo has been getting it done for years.
Portable console = load times and memory sticks and all ;)

I forgot to mention... Animal Crossing. I'm STILL playing that f'ing game on the Gamecube. It's like Sims in the sense that... it can never really get old. Stuff is always happening.
steviep said:
Portable console = load times and memory sticks and all ;)

I forgot to mention... Animal Crossing. I'm STILL playing that f'ing game on the Gamecube. It's like Sims in the sense that... it can never really get old. Stuff is always happening.

Haven't fired my cube game in forever. I'm almost scared to with all the weeds. ;)

REALLY looking forward to the DS version. Main reason I bought a DS, AC ANYWHERE! ;)