Nintendo DS or Sony PSP?

Yeah, Jump Superstars will in all likelihood remain Japanese only for the same reason that the Super Robot Wars are Japanese-only - it's a licensing nightmare since so many different companies own the rights to release games based on the various series featured in JS, and with 25+ series featured, it'd definitely be difficult. Still makes me sad, so I'll have to import it, just like Super Robot Wars.

Any Gradius fans out there? Konami has announced a Gradius compilation for the Japanese PSP that includes 5 Gradius games on the cartridge.

And I'm still waiting on opinions for the Popolocrois game (and I want Princess Crown for PSP damnit!)
Any Gradius fans out there? Konami has announced a Gradius compilation for the Japanese PSP that includes 5 Gradius games on the cartridge.

Does anybody know the whole story about Gradius and who owns it? I know that Gradius 5 was done by Treasure while the rest were by Konami, which makes some sense because Treasure was started by ex-Konami people, but I always wondered what the full story behind the series was.
I havn't bought a PSP game since launch... while on the other side I bought 2 DS games 3 months ago and I'm picking up MK ASAP. DS wins this round for me.
Quick question for you guys.
Can the DS be used with Chrystal Chronicles?
^^ have no clue.. but this has inspired me to design a game system... a crappy one.. but one none the else..

i'm being serious here.. i'm an EE.

maybe i'll just have it play pong though..
Yeah, that's what I meant. Thanks. It's also apparent that I can't spell either :p
If you really want to play CC with more than 1 player, you can get original GBAs (the one without the backlight) for a few bucks on Ebay. CC wasn't that great of a game alone, but with 2 players it was alright. The DS, though, doesn't have the "wired" hookup that the GBA does, as they wanted to focus on wireless, so GBA is the only way to play that game. And boo on Jump Superstars :( I don't read Japanese.
steviep said:
If you really want to play CC with more than 1 player, you can get original GBAs (the one without the backlight) for a few bucks on Ebay. CC wasn't that great of a game alone, but with 2 players it was alright. The DS, though, doesn't have the "wired" hookup that the GBA does, as they wanted to focus on wireless, so GBA is the only way to play that game. And boo on Jump Superstars :( I don't read Japanese.

That's what I did for my Pac Man game. Actually, I almost felt bad about it (since I knew I was going to get a DS within days, and I did in fact do so), but since the eBay auction was for charity--100%, I might add--I actually felt pretty good about it.
If you look well enough, you can find them for $20-30 on Ebay, which isn't bad. Luckily the DS and the Revolution will "talk" to eachother wirelessly, though, just as the PSP and PS3 should.
Definately the DS. The DS has better games that are more fun, and on top of that it is less expensive for the system and more importantly the games.
heh what a coincidence. i was just deciding since last week whether to buy a PSP or a DS. at first i was leaning more towards the PSP because i haven't bought anything nintendo related ever since the N64. i play with my PS2 quite frequently (especially with the recent release of Castlevania: Curse of Darkness) and love Sony for making it. i think i am leaning more towards the DS now because of its stronger library of games. it is true, however, that most of the PSP's games have been ports from the PS2. i'm looking more for a portable that plays Final Fantasy and strategy games (like FF Tactics). i'm not much of a sports game fan or GTA type games. i play fps games on my pc and want to leave it that way. racing games i want to leave on my PS2, and the same goes for fighting games. so that leaves RPGs and strategy games. so i'm gonna buy whichever has the stronger library in those realms. so i'll be keeping my eye on the games to be released list for each system, and checking back here to this post for more input. thanx guys!
If you've already got a PS2, like me, there isn't really a reason to own a PSP unless you want to watch movies on a 4" screen on the go. The games are pretty much the same. The DS has the stronger library, especially of games that are original. For strategy games, the mouse-like interface can work wonders, and RPGs are on the way as well. Mistwalker, Square, and Namco all have RPGs on the way from what I remember reading (i.e. Final Fantasy, Mana sequel, is confirmed, etc etc).

Edit: Here is a link that should whet your appetite. Those of you who like Super Monkey Ball should also click here, and Square fans may be shocked by their latest in-house developed online game.
Sorry to double-post, but I thought I'd post an interesting (as always) read from Matt at IGN:

Matt from IGN said:
A little history here. For a time, I was a big Nintendo DS skeptic. I picked up the system and thought the ideas behind it were kind of intriguing, but the port of Mario 64 was damaged, in my opinion. Plus, a quick glance at the PSP showed that Sony's handheld was unarguably more powerful and slicker in most respects. And even now, if asked to rate the actual hardware, I would call PSP the winner without a second's hesitation.
But DS is absolutely owning PSP on the software front. I mean, there's no comparison. Nintendogs kicked off my affair with DS and Mario Kart is dominating me now. I've got Viewtiful Joe waiting to be played. Sonic Rush in the mail. And Animal Crossing DS will be here in a couple of days, too. These games are all top-notch and truly show off the potential of Nintendo's handheld.

It's pretty crazy, actually. The other night I dusted off my PSP, charged it up, popped in Burnout and gave it a spin. I had a good time. The game looks outstanding, particularly since it's running on a handheld. And it seems to retain most of the mechanics that made the console versions fan favorites. But even so, I probably spent a half hour with Burnout before I found myself itching to go back to Mario Kart DS. And I guess that just lends credence to Nintendo's philosophy that you don't need to have the flashiest game hardware or software on the block to have the best game experience.

Mario Kart is simply amazing. And I'm really psyched to play some Animal Crossing DS with Craig later this week. Meanwhile, the latest videos of Metroid Prime Hunters look absolutely phenomenal. Nintendo has really swayed me over to its side with quality software. I've really completely reversed my opinion of DS from several months ago, and likewise my feelings about PSP have shifted. I'm not nearly as keen on the system as I used to be. It's really kind of sad, actually, when the most exciting future purchase I'm making for the system is not a game, but a bigger memory stick so that I can store my television shows.

Hats off to Nintendo in a big way because I'm a DS nerd now.
steviep said:
Sorry to double-post, but I thought I'd post an interesting (as always) read from Matt at IGN:


Sorry about the double post, but I feel the exact same way as Matt. Let the good games roll, because my D.S. will be baught soon.

This reminds me of a post where there was a guy slamming on Nintendo because they didn't have a big release squedual. At least Matt is saying that there are more fun games on the D.S. right now even with the console ports of the PSP.
It's not just Matt that feels that way. If you remember, back at the beginning of the 2 handheld's lives, the entire gaming press were all over the PSP, saying that the DS is a gimmick that won't go anywhere. The tables of the gaming press have turned completely, a 180, and they're practically calling the PSP the next game gear now. I guess, like Matt, it has everything to do with the games, and how they've proven that the touch screen is more than just a gimmick.
Agreed. I didn't say it, some of the gaming press has recently. lol
It's too early to call a PSP a game gear, but there are parallels of course. At the moment, though, the DS is the clear sales winner, and has better games. At the moment, if I had to choose which to buy, I would easily pick the DS. This may change, however, with a lot more killer non-port apps for the PSP - something which it sorely lacks at the moment.
I love the PSP I got for my girl to watch movies on, the thing is amazing in that regard. But then I went and tried to find a couple of decent games that I haven't played already on another console... and came up with nothing good.

The DS on the other hand has a slew of great games out for it right now, that are extremely fun to play. The only problem is the damn touch screen gets scratched all to hell too easily.

Didn't apple just do a recall on certain Nanos because of the same problem? Why hasn't the big 'N' done the same thing?

Don't get me wrong, I love both machines. they compliment each other very well. Just both still have a few drawbacks, but what doesn't?
The DS on the other hand has a slew of great games out for it right now, that are extremely fun to play. The only problem is the damn touch screen gets scratched all to hell too easily.

You can get screen protectors pretty cheaply for it and they last quite a while too, depending on what you're playing.
Not at all. I thought that as well, but still remain at the same level of thumb tapping with or without. Its about as thick as 3 hairs, but surprisingly durable. A fingernail however, will gouge it easily.
It shouldn't unless you get air pockets in there. If it's applied on flat it'll be fine. also sells a screen protector, as well as one for PSP. I used to use a Dragon Games one that I got in Hong Kong, but I took those off after a while.

Now if you'll all excuse me...I'm heading out to buy Mario Kart DS.
BillLeeLee said:
It shouldn't unless you get air pockets in there. If it's applied on flat it'll be fine. also sells a screen protector, as well as one for PSP. I used to use a Dragon Games one that I got in Hong Kong, but I took those off after a while.

Now if you'll all excuse me...I'm heading out to buy Mario Kart DS.

Since this is not an adhesive you basically flex it, and slip it into the space between the screen and plastic. Very easy once you get used to the motion. Therefore, you don't worry about air bubbles. Flex in the middle, insert left side, push down slide in right, press into top and bottom gap, perfect fit.
That's neat. The problem I had with mine was that I got air bubbles after first application, and couldn't smooth it out. I played with it like that for a while, but everytime the stylus hit an air bubble, I lose track in the game.
BillLeeLee said:
That's neat. The problem I had with mine was that I got air bubbles after first application, and couldn't smooth it out. I played with it like that for a while, but everytime the stylus hit an air bubble, I lose track in the game.

Ya no air bubbles to be concerned with and no adhesive left on your screen once you remove. :)
My and my girlfriend have been using the same DS for the pas year pretty heavily, and there's not one scratch on either screen. However the touch screen gets fine smudges with stylus use which do appear as scratches, but they wipe right off with a cloth. Have you tried that with yours?
Since this is not an adhesive you basically flex it, and slip it into the space between the screen and plastic. Very easy once you get used to the motion. Therefore, you don't worry about air bubbles. Flex in the middle, insert left side, push down slide in right, press into top and bottom gap, perfect fit.

Sweet, sounds just like what I need. Thanks a lot guys!
My and my girlfriend have been using the same DS for the pas year pretty heavily, and there's not one scratch on either screen. However the touch screen gets fine smudges with stylus use which do appear as scratches, but they wipe right off with a cloth. Have you tried that with yours?

I use my eye glass cleaner (that I use on my glasses) on it and the PSP to keep it nice and clean looking.
Json23 said:
The DS on the other hand has a slew of great games out for it right now, that are extremely fun to play. The only problem is the damn touch screen gets scratched all to hell too easily.

as stated before.. screen protectors work great..

i've used them since i got my DS. no problems at all.. and no scratches either..
Wow, it got unsticked! Regardless, this is a concrete example of an X vs Y thread that DIDN'T go wrong - everyone should pat themselves on the back :D
steviep said:
Wow, it got unsticked! Regardless, this is a concrete example of an X vs Y thread that DIDN'T go wrong - everyone should pat themselves on the back :D

Yes I had to make some room. With Mario and the 360, it is time to move on. :)
Agreed. No need to keep it stickied with Mario Kart out there, and the 360 on the way. But reading over this thread gives me just a little TINY bit of hope in society :D
steviep said:
Wow, it got unsticked! Regardless, this is a concrete example of an X vs Y thread that DIDN'T go wrong - everyone should pat themselves on the back :D

Nows my chance ..... DS Sux, PSP Ownz!

just kidding of course, both are great, just aimed at different markets, anyone buying either would be happy with it as long as they do their research before they buy (ie. being dissapointed with a systems lineup/capabilities when they could have looked that stuff up before purchasing).
Long live this thread! Heh, anyways, another reason to buy the DS: Sonic, I just got this game and it is SO FUN!!! It brings me back...ahhhh.....this is great!
lesman said:
Long live this thread! Heh, anyways, another reason to buy the DS: Sonic, I just got this game and it is SO FUN!!! It brings me back...ahhhh.....this is great!

Agreed :D