Nintendo DS or Sony PSP?

Well again, the DS is made by Nintendo which ensures quality games...

I totally believe the PSP is trying to hard though and thats why the games suck so far... Even though a FEW are fun i would say, I'll give it time though.

Question for steve - Is WiFi availible to even the original DS's? If so why isnt this more advertised? I was so surprised to find out the PSP was getting WiFi, I never even bought my DS knowing it had WiFi...
Ryder said:
Question for steve - Is WiFi availible to even the original DS's? If so why isnt this more advertised? I was so surprised to find out the PSP was getting WiFi, I never even bought my DS knowing it had WiFi...
Let's clear up a few rumors right now :) :

The PSP has standard 802.11b WiFi capabilities
The DS has two forms of WiFi: Standard 802.11b and a low-power variation of 802.11b that they developed (some say alongside motorola). At the moment, they seem to want to use only their proprietary format, though both are built-in, as seen from the homebrew that's been done.
Ryder said:
Question for steve - Is WiFi availible to even the original DS's? If so why isnt this more advertised? I was so surprised to find out the PSP was getting WiFi, I never even bought my DS knowing it had WiFi...

The DS hardware was wifi capable from day one, but no games out yet support it, the PSP had online games from day one, so the capability was more advertised.

Its kind of like how the PSP supports gamesharing, but nothing was really mentioned about it until gamesharing capable games came out.
Heck it doesnt even say WiFi on the DS's specifications...

It should have been advertised more IMO because only people who browse the internet are going to know now... and most of them probly wont even find out

How exactly would you put homebrew on the DS using its online capabilities when you cant access them? (I believe this is what u was saying)
steviep said:
Really? Ok start the list :)

According to game rankings (Min. 20 reviews, sorted by avg. score from main sites)

Number of PSP games with an average score of 80% or above: 9

1. Lumines
2. Wipeout Pure
3. Ridge Racer
4. Burnout Legends
5. Virtua Tennis: World Tour
6. Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix
7. Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee
8. Twisted Metal: Head-On
9. MLB

Number of DS games with an average score of 80% or above: 8 (Unless you count nintendogs 3 times, then its 10)

1. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
2. Advance Wars: Dual Strike
3. Kirby: Canvas Curse
4. Meteos
5. Super Mario 64 DS
6. Nintendogs: Chihuahua and Friends
7. Nintendogs: Dachshund and Friends
8. Nintendogs: Labrador and Friends
9. WarioWare: Touched!
10. Trauma Center: Under the Knife
And which games you like is totally opinionated...

But i still dont think that list is accurate because different people voted for different games at different times and basically with no other comparison of other consoles...

And what I mean by that is well when i first got ATV Offroad Fury for PSP i thought it was the bomb it was the first game I got for it and i would have rated it 10... now with other games out Id probly give it a 5 or 6... See what I mean? games usually bore me pretty quick (except SNES mario kart, not exactly standard 'racer' though)...I'm sure the games are rated high but they simply don't appeal to me...

All hail free market economies, bringer of CHOICE :)
Never mind game rankings... lol. I've never said that the PSP has all crappy games. It has some good ones... however, if you look at the list, don't you notice a disturbing trend?

Yes, the DS has 802.11b out of the box (like the PSP) as well it has it's own 802.11 variant which I believe is for DS-to-DS communication (similar to bluetooth, similar in range as well).

Ryder, I can't remember the site, but homebrewers are working feverishly to figure out how DS' 802.11b implementation works, so that the large homebrew scene of the DS community can start making their games wifi-enabled as well. They're pretty far along, but not quite there yet. When Nintendo's WiFi launches in a couple weeks, it'll probably help them figure it out better.
I own a psp and i like it since i can pop in a movie at work, put on the earphones and watch it while nothing is going on. Or i can play the games.
Compared to just a few short years ago, the PsP and the DS graphics are outstanding. I think as both gaming systems mature, the games will get better and better.
Was a post that mentioned that you can get a 4 gig hard drive for the psp even though it's awfully bulky imho. As was said before, the DS is a little better for gaming atm, but the PsP is catching up and does do well on other stuff for just being a portable...
I went with ther DS for two reasons..

one..i wanna own noob ass when metroid prime hunters comes out.. it's gonna have internet play (through wifi of course)...

and second.. I wouldn't use any of the extra features of the PSP.. so DS was clear to me
Rancid... agreed with Metroid... Playing the demo, I realized that an FPS can be pulled off extremely well on the DS, with accuracy almost as good as a mouse/rev controller. They should port Starcraft, or make another RTS game, as well as get more adventure games. The DS is almost made for PC genres, and the accuracy over a gamepad is refreshing.
Rancid and stevejp: I'm call you two out in Metroid Prime when it hits. :mad: :p

(There's no 'game face' smiley, so I used mad face. Looks kinda like a game face...)

steviep said:
Never mind game rankings... lol. I've never said that the PSP has all crappy games. It has some good ones... however, if you look at the list, don't you notice a disturbing trend?

You mean how besides Lumines, everything is a port/sequel? DS I feel right now has more original games (Trauma Center and Nintendogs spring to mind), but as time goes on, I'd like to think the PSP will be getting more original titles. Ports and such are cheap to make for the PSP though, apparently.

Popolocrois should be interesting...though it's either a port or sequel as well, but it'll be the first one released in the states.
steviep said:
Ryder, I can't remember the site, but homebrewers are working feverishly to figure out how DS' 802.11b implementation works...

Did you mean this?

You can also download the official demos from that site and send them to your DS, if you have a Wi-Fi NIC with the correct chipset along with a hacked driver.
That's the site! :D Looks pretty cool, if you ask me! Certainly progressed since last I checked.
I actually do have a compatible wifi PC card and thanks to a PCI adapter (so I don't have to have it in my laptop) I've sent plenty of demos and homebrews to my brother's DS ;)

(lol I really should get my own... i steal his too much to play).

My favourite homebrews, so far, have been Duck Hunt DS (looks nicer than the orig) and the ScummVM engine which allows me to play the old Lucas adventure games nearly perfectly. Somebody needs to release a working engine (like ScummVM) for the Sierra games, including the SCIV VGA stuff. I want to get back into those, too.
Get a ps2 ($135 from now) and a Nintendo DS ($149 for a bundle?) and you've got 2 systems for only $60 more than the cost of a psp ($225 from overstock) and can play GTA, Mario Kart, anything! :)
Amen Jay. The list of game ranking games are predominantly PS2 ports... which was what I was trying to point out earlier. I already have a PS2, I don't need another one.
The DS also has the kickass download play function, meaning to play with other people on a wireless lan you usually only need 1 copy of the game, which is pretty sweet. Also, the best game developer ever, Treasure, has been focusing on GBA lately.
I have had a Nintendo DS since it came out. In the beginning I was really excited, but truth is so far only game I am playing or played on it was Mario 64, and now Castelvenia'

Ninentodogs..does not appeal to me at all, I dont get it, my daughter wants.

The whole stylus thing with dual screens was just a gimmick IMO, Most games I find it harder to use that screen then anything and just wish they stuck to top screen.

I do plan on getting a PSP this christmas, and then probably give the DS to my daughter who will get more use out of it.
Well, I think you have all convinced me to go the Nintendo DS route. In fact, the people that were touting the features of the PSP really kinda pushed me further into the DS camp. ;) I already have a laptop and a PDA and an iPod, so I don't want something that does a ton of things all-in-one. I'm a firm believer in one tool for one job--as long as that tool does things right.

So now I suppose I'll go to one of those free product sites and whore out some of my friends to help me get one of these things, so I can concentrate on getting the games. Anyone want to help me out? I'd be happy to return the favor...just PM me. :p

As an aside, people have mentioned backwards compatibility with GBA games--what about peripherals? I have the Pac Man game for the Gamecube that does the GBA interface, and it'd be nice to play it like it was meant to be played. Somehow I doubt it can be done, though. :(
I bought a PSP for my fiance last weekend- and there are ZERO games out for it that are worth a sh!t.

However, the movie playback is amazing. Better than the portable DVD player.

But if you are buying for games, at this point in time, go with the DS. Seriously, do yourself a favor.

*IF* the PSP ever comes out with some good games, you could always trade up.
carl67lp said:
Well, I think you have all convinced me to go the Nintendo DS route. In fact, the people that were touting the features of the PSP really kinda pushed me further into the DS camp. ;) I already have a laptop and a PDA and an iPod, so I don't want something that does a ton of things all-in-one. I'm a firm believer in one tool for one job--as long as that tool does things right.

So now I suppose I'll go to one of those free product sites and whore out some of my friends to help me get one of these things, so I can concentrate on getting the games. Anyone want to help me out? I'd be happy to return the favor...just PM me. :p

As an aside, people have mentioned backwards compatibility with GBA games--what about peripherals? I have the Pac Man game for the Gamecube that does the GBA interface, and it'd be nice to play it like it was meant to be played. Somehow I doubt it can be done, though. :(

Unfortunately, I don't think the DS supports the GCN/GBA connectivity, which is a shame because pac-man versus is the bees knees.
spymonkey said:
Unfortunately, I don't think the DS supports the GCN/GBA connectivity, which is a shame because pac-man versus is the bees knees.

What a bummer. Oh well. I suppose I could find a cheap GBA if I ever wanted to play Pac Man.
I have both, and wouldn't be able to choose between the two. The PSP doesn't have as many great original titles now, but it does great video playback, and you can run emulators on it. It does have some great titles on the way like GTA (reviews up on 1up and IGN), Katamari, Viewtiful Joe (to name a few). I'm running ScummVM on my PSP, playing Sam and Max again :)

The DS has a lot of great, typical Nintendo titles. Nintendogs is adorable, and a lot of fun, and more detailed than you would imagine it to be at first glance. It's more than just petting your puppies, it really uses all the features of the DS well. The DS has Castlevania, Phoenix Wright (which I still have to import, I'm not in the US), Advance Wars, etc.
It really depends on which games you prefer, but they both have their advantages. It's a tough call.
it seems like the consensus is just.. if all you want to do is just play games.. go with the DS, if you want all that other crap (i don't mean it in a bad way) go with the PSP...

if the PSP were cheap i'd probably get it..
I just bout a PSP because of the now available web browsing. I spend a lot of time in airports and the PSP does everything for me, I just wish it could also be my cell phone.
PSP, just cooler, more capabilities, cooler.

Btw, a poll would have been nice...
I have a GBA SP and the CF adapter for it that allows you to play ROMs

I also have a 1.5 PSP that has a ton of ROMS / other homebrew stuff on it and I prefer the PSP.

I don't believe that a console has to have a shitload of games to be desirable. I just need one game at a time to make me happy.

Handsdown - I am amazed at the quality of the screen on the PSP - which is why I prefer the PSP over the GBA.

You have most of the same capabilities on both devices - but I just can't get over the quality of the screen.
I've grown to really love the two screens of the DS. Honestly there are times when I'll be playing a game on my PC or a console, and only using one screen strikes me as being so...primitive :D
Nomad said:
I have a GBA SP and the CF adapter for it that allows you to play ROMs

Ooh, care to elaborate? I didn't know anything about this.
EnJoY120 said:
Btw, a poll would have been nice...

Heck no! A poll would only encourage people to come in, vote, and leave. I wanted reasons for choosing one over the other, and I definitely got that here. :)
I just picked up a DS last night, and I love it. It's very light, and the screens are nice and bright. I picked up Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow. I like the fact that I can have the map and status screen on the top screen, while playing the game on the bottom screen. I do a lot of map/play switching on the other CVanias. My GBA flash card works great in the DS. I can run my emulators and homebrew games perfectly (though only in GBA mode currently) I'm debating about whether or not to flash my DS to allow me to load DS based emulators off the same cart. I also like the fact that there are no moving parts like in the PSP. That always makes me nervous with portable equipment. Anyway, I think the PSP is cool too, but the DS is definitely more my style for portable games.
GP2X. I know this was suppose to be a PSP vs DS question, but depending on what you’re looking for the GP2X can be an excellent choice.

Some Links:

Commercial games for the GP2X will be all but non-existent, but the GP2X will be an excellent handheld homebrew platform. Unlike the PSP where you’ll have to fight Sony every inch of the way on running unofficial software, the GP2X will be a wide open system to do whatever you want with. The fact that the GP2X is Linux based insures that there will be immediately available upon release a ton of ports of all the great emulators and homebrew games available for Linux. Also since the GP2X uses standard SD cards instead of Memory Stick Duo cards it’s much cheaper to slap a 2gb card in the device to carry around movies and music. The GP2X will support far more formats mp3, ogg, avi, mpg etc… Beyond the lack of commercial games the other weakness of the GP2X is its lack of wifi, Bluetooth or any other wireless technology. It may be possible to add wifi to the device later via a USB adapter or a SDIO Wifi card, but as of right now nobody knows for sure. So anyways, if you want new innovative games, get a DS – if you want graphically impressive ps2 ports get a PSP, and if you want emulators and homebrew get a GP2X.
Buying a DS enables you to play some innovative and truly unique games. Some games are simple and short yet very fun like Kirby. A lot of DS games you can jump right in, finish a stage or task and save, then move on. Perfect when you just want to play a short game of pacman or bomberman, it is a portable gaming device afterall. the upcoming global wifi feature and games will take DS gaming to another stage in fun of multiplayer gaming. I really hope big N can do it right and gain more 3rd party support for its features. Nintendo is all about the FUN in gaming. if you can only associate fun with FPS and headshots, DS is not for you...

PSP on the otherhand...I really hated the idea of them porting every damn game from the PS/PS2. You're really just gaming the same PS2 games, on the go. But of course if that's what you like then PSP is for you. True that the graphics and its features are better than DS but you're not playing anything new on the PSP. Worst of're probably buying the same game/movie twice....

So imo...DS if you want to play something new/fun/different. PSP if you love PS2 games on the go. PSP looks a lot cooler though :D
I'll second the GPs for homebrew. I've been thinking about getting one for a long time. I actually have no good reason to offer for why I haven't. Actually I have one good reason. I'm actually hoping someone will make a Commodore 64 emulator for the DS that uses the touch-screen for a virtual keyboard. That would make me a VERY happy person.
I bought both when they came out. I had a feeling back in January that the DS was going to suck into this fall, and that pretty much turned out that way, in my opinion. I hadn't touched my DS since I got my PSP until this month, now the PSP is the one not getting played. Too many great games for the DS came out this month, and Mario Kart is next month. The last new PSP game I got was Virtua Tennis, and I don't really see anything I want in the near future. I'm not really interested in GTA, especially after getting Burnout for the PSP, because I have a feeling both games are essentially going to be rehashes of older versions. GTA might be a little newer, but Burnout Legends was essentially the same Burnout 3 I played, just with a few extra tracks.
I went with the PSP. The screen is beautiful, has some amazing graphics, but most importantly I get to use it as a media player. Convergence at it's finest.