Nintendo DS or Sony PSP?

i'm amazed a flame war hasn't broken out.. this is good.. there is hope in humanity..

you can also get the M3 adaptor for the DS, which lets you play emulated games, and watch movies, listen to MP3s.. read e-books.. i forgot what else you can.. but yeah...

that is avaliable..
The M3 is a nice little device. Can't wait till they finish GC-Linux either. That PDA will kill in web browsing, if they can figure out how to do it at that resolution/ram. It's good that this thread has remained civilized.

Anyone else looking forward to Animal Crossing DS? I loved the N64/gamecube outing of the game - non-linear gameplay at its finest. Can't wait to see what they have up their sleeve with the WIFI. The next few months of DS are looking a lot better than the next few months of PSP.
Can anyone post some links to the adapter pages, emulation information, and the like? All legal stuff, mind you, since this thread has become quite a resource for me.
carl67lp said:
Can anyone post some links to the adapter pages, emulation information, and the like? All legal stuff, mind you, since this thread has become quite a resource for me.
For which platform are you looking for this info?
Nomad said:
For which platform are you looking for this info?

The DS primarily, as I think that'll be what I go with, but people should feel free to post links for both platforms--it'd be nice to have this thread as a reference for people wanting to buy either platform.
Nintendo: (Makers of an adapter that takes a memory card that you can then transfer ROMs / music / ebooks / pictures, whatnot) - Not the only one - just the one that I have. The main thing to look for here is real-time-save (IMO), as you can just just hit a couple of buttons and save the damn game.

PSP: (A good overview of what types of things can be run)
For reference Firmware Ver1.5 can run anything - and it is simple to do - you copy contents to your MSPD and launch either the application or loader from the menu.

Here is a thread on the 2.0 firmware and what is currently running (meaning - Yes - you can run homebrew on a 2.0 PSP - just not ISOs):
I have both... But i prefer the DS more now... No good games on the PSP except burnout and GTA, which get really old fast for people like me. I have not purchased GTA:LCS, but don't plan on, even though it is the biggest hit yet on the psp. I just purchase lost in blue for the DS. I must say, it is by far the best DS game out there. So much fun, i am stuck at this one part, but still gathering food, making furniture, cooking, exploring, it is very fun. I would suggest buying a DS first, get nintendogs, lost in blue, and mario kart. PSP games just lack gameplay, but have graphics; DS games lack graphics, but offer a unique experience.

Your decision, but i would suggest a DS first (low price point0
Blakestr said:
lol ngage....more like N--you know what, nevermind, that joke is very unoriginal
Hey - I have an ngage QD - They aren't that bad. I do think that they would have been better suited to team up with Nintendo and have it play GBA titles - but who knows what will happen with that little phone.

BTW - if you are looking for a cheap backup GSM phone - you can get those things REALLY cheap.

AND - there are GB and NES Emus for the nGage too.
PSP: definately more versatile, but one can argue about the games...
DS: gaming machine. i'm glad that's what it was designed for, looking at all the great games that are out and on the way

I haven't bought any of the new DS/GBA flashcart hybrids, but from what I've heard, this is the best one, adding the "versatility" to the DS, if you really want to play mp3s/movies/etc... as well as game backups, homebrews, and GBA games:
I bought a DS just for Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. Now that Mario and Luigi 2 will be coming out, I'm not regretting my purchase ever (not that I was, Dawn of Sorrow was better than Symphony of the Night)
Not only Mario & Luigi 2 next year, but either late this year or next year, the sequel to Super Mario World (basically) is on the way, with online co-op... finally, 2D sidescrolling again... (designed in 3D) woohoo! :D
Isnt Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time coming out in Nov 2005? In europe anyway, according to Revo Europes release list. Although there isn't a solid date...

Mario Paint is on that list too, supposed to be coming out for the Rev too featuring 3d modeling.

Also noticed a title called 'Hardcore Pool DS', if that doesn't sell systems I don't know what will.
I don't have the DS so I won't comment on it, but I have the PSP. Great for kicking back and playing games without tying up the TV or annoying someone (headphones). Great graphics for such a small screen and the battery life isn't as bad as some people are saying about it (Turn the LCD brightness down a little and you get longer playing time) plus I bought two batteries just wish I could find some external device to charge the batteries so I could always have a fresh battery. Anyways, getting back on subject. The Sony PSP IMO is geared more for the mature audience or people who what versetality and the Nintendo DS is geared for childeren or children at heart :D
Pepster64 said:
I don't have the DS so I won't comment on it, but I have the PSP. Great for kicking back and playing games without tying up the TV or annoying someone (headphones). Great graphics for such a small screen and the battery life isn't as bad as some people are saying about it (Turn the LCD brightness down a little and you get longer playing time) plus I bought two batteries just wish I could find some external device to charge the batteries so I could always have a fresh battery. Anyways, getting back on subject. The Sony PSP IMO is geared more for the mature audience or people who what versetality and the Nintendo DS is geared for childeren or children at heart :D
.....Now THAT might just start the flame war - but I do understand (and partially agree with) what you are saying.

Nintendogs is definately not geared towards a 30 year old man.

I still say that it only takes one game at a time to make the system worth your while.

I would also say to anyone considering / open to either - if you have never seen the screen of the PSP - get a store clerk to open one up and let you see the screen before buying one.
In Japan (and in North America, to a lesser extent) Nintendogs has been selling to those over 40. I even read about 60-80 year olds buying a DS in Japan for its original titles - mostly Nintendogs and Brain Training. Nintendogs is exactly the type of title to appeal to non-gamers, and make them into gamers, and that's exactly what they're going for. As I've said prior in this thread, the PSP is the more versatile machine, with a beautiful 4" screen (as opposed to the 2 3"). Especially if you buy the extended battery to go beyond the 2-6 hours average battery life - you don't need to do that for the DS. But this man is looking for gaming, and it's quite widely accepted that the gaming is better on a certain less versatile machine.

If I'm a "child at heart" - so be it, Jedi. But it makes me that much more of a man, to be able to go beyond that "mature" bullshit that so many 13-19 year olds wear on their sleeves.
i have a psp, amazing graphics and certain games sold me.

i plan to get a ds/nintendo dog combo during black friday. hopefully they have some deals. i love playing all the lil mini games and what not on the touchscreen.
i just tried to buy Castlevania for the DS today.. but it was sold out..

me - teh sad... i'm gonna try another store tomorrow..
Ok, everyone, this thread has been stickied because it has stayed *mostly* civil, and has a lot of good opinions/info/links, essence, please, please, please, let's have it stay that way and work as a team to keep this going well! :)
lesman said:
Ok, everyone, this thread has been stickied because it has stayed *mostly* civil, and has a lot of good opinions/info/links, essence, please, please, please, let's have it stay that way and work as a team to keep this going well! :)
Sweet. I like it when a thread like this exists. Nice and happy :)

I noticed the OP said "top three games" on the sytems. I already gave my opinions on both, and as an owner of both, my top games for the DS and PSP are (from best to "less-best":

1. Burnout Legends (portable Burnout 3...mmmm good)
2. Darkstalkers Chronicles (all the A.D.D. of Street Fighter/Darkstalkers, portable!)
3. Lumines (Lumines > Tetris, period :D )

1. Castlevania, Dawn of Sorrow (If you have ever played Castlevania, GET THIS GAME)
2. Advance Wars: DS (best advance wars ever. Buy it, now.)
3. Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney (choose-your-own-adventure gameplay?, yes please)
(3b: almost-a-tie: Nintendogs. I play F.E.A.R., Q4, BF2, and CS; yet I love Nintendogs?)

If you buy one, or both of those systems, my opinion is that those games are a first-buy.
Rancid - grab it online? :)
THIS is a good example of a thread that has remained civil. Someone should post a link in the videocard forum ;)

Anyone try Sims 2 for DS yet? I hear it has a lot of neat stuff to do with the stylus, and some gameplay elements borrowed straight from Animal Crossing (which, I also can't wait to come out... man I have to get my own DS instead of continuing to borrow the ones i bought for my brother and girlfriend. lol)

Hignaki, interesting that you didn't include GTA LCS in your top 3 PSP games... can't say I disagree, after playing it yesterday.

Edit - oh and about Nintendogs. I agree - even some here that wear their """"maturity"""" on their sleeves (can you feel the sarcasm?) wouldn't be able to resist the closest thing to a real puppy ever created... when they see you enter the room and their puppy eyes light up, and they jump up excitedly, wagging their tails, and with their paws placed on the screen, they start licking you affectionately.... aw man, I'm going to have to go now :(

Nomad said:
.....Now THAT might just start the flame war - but I do understand (and partially agree with) what you are saying.

Nintendogs is definately not geared towards a 30 year old man.

I still say that it only takes one game at a time to make the system worth your while.

I would also say to anyone considering / open to either - if you have never seen the screen of the PSP - get a store clerk to open one up and let you see the screen before buying one.

I don't see how it could cause a flame war, I didn't say it was totally geared for chilren for I did write "children at heart" meaning adults. I would play a DS it a heart beat because I remember all the classic nintendo games and the DS does have mature titles just not as many as the Sony PSP. True it could cause a flame war over the target audience of the device, but this isn't what this thread is about. Besides I still sometimes watch cartoons and I'm 41 years old. :p :D Just because something is gear more for children doesn't mean adults can't like it too. Take a look at all the animation coming out of Hollywood like Shrek 1 & 2 for example geared for children but has adult humor so everyone can enjoy the movie. just my .02 cents
I have both as well,

I got the DS first back in Feb and when it arrived I was blown away, but not by the graphics as we all know that is not what you look for in Nintendo games. I was blown away by the new dimensions of gameplay it bought to the table. With a microphone and the touch screen the interaction between player and game becomes so much more real and fun. I couldnt pull myself away from the bomb game on Mario. I bought Project Rub and Wario Ware as well and the fun has never stopped...

Then in March the PSP arrived, and much like everyone else my eyes melted when I saw Ridge Racers and Spider Man 2.

But upon holding the PSP I started to notice afew flaws, all the buttons felt really cheap and the console was coated in a horrible plasticy shine that somehow seems to suck the grease off my hands and refuses to let it go...

I ended up buyin 6 games for it... Lumines, Tony Hawks, Darkstalkers, Ridge Racers, Wipeout and Mercury. After the intial spangle had worn out after about a month, I can honestly say that now I only play Ridge Racers, my friend has a lap time of 41.600 on seaside route 765 that I have been tryin to beat for the past 2 months.

After playin just 10 minutes of D-pad intensive games like Darkstalkers and Tony Hawks even Arnie would be screamin in pain, the D-pad mercilessly tears into your thumb...

When it comes to choosin one of these great handhelds it really comes down to what you as a gamer are lookin for from portable games.

The PSP looks fantastic and the graphics are great but it's just like a big titted blond porn star with the all the personality of a spoon. You would have fun with her but would never bring her home to your folks... There is nothing new, it is just a small PS2.

The DS on the other hand is ugly and chunky, but reliable and feels great in your hands. All the buttons feel quality made and the D-pad is a dream. I have had no pain in my hands when playin on my DS for hours, plus the potential for fun with the touch screen and mic is through the roof. ( Project Rub touches on the possiblities of using both touch screen and mic in games with great results.) The real fun start when Mario Kart and Soul Calibur arrives...
MrCore64 said:
When it comes to choosin one of these great handhelds it really comes down to what you as a gamer are lookin for from portable games.
QFT Brother!
steviep said:
Hignaki, interesting that you didn't include GTA LCS in your top 3 PSP games... can't say I disagree, after playing it yesterday.
Yeah, it's not really my "cup o'tea," but I could see how some people would love it.

I love the PSP for it's graphics, but the DS is what I can throw in a briefcase/backpack without worry. I do take my PSP with me places, I've got one of those logitech playgear cases for it, so it's about the same in durability, now. I tell ya, once Animal Crossing is released, I don't know if I'll have time for my PSP, or eating, sleeping, etc... Though I could say the same for Battlefront II, LOTR: Tactics, and whatnot for the PSP.

Choices, Choices... :)
I have a question for peopel that know alot about the PSP..

what kind of micro controller is in the thing??

I know the DS has a ARM7 and ARM9 microcontroller... which is bad ass.. cause i'm sure it makes homebrew stuff easy since ARMs are an off the shelf micro controller..

but yeah... what does the PSP have?
Last I heard, the PSP uses two MIPS 4000 processors, that max out at 333 Mhz.

Compared to the NDS' ARM-7 and ARM-9, which are 33 and 66 Mhz respectively.
BillLeeLee said:
Last I heard, the PSP uses two MIPS 4000 processors, that max out at 333 Mhz.

Compared to the NDS' ARM-7 and ARM-9, which are 33 and 66 Mhz respectively.
Sony locked the processor speed at 222mhz to extend battery life, and they forbid any developer to use it's full capability, which kind of blows. An extra 100mhz could be put to good use! :)
PSP all the way.

I have a 1Gb card for mine. Enough space to store music for all day. I can watch movies off the card or UMD, browse the web at local Hotspots, much more than the DS can do. Plus it looks better, and doubles as my MP3 player. 2GB Duo sticks are out now, as well as a 4GB hard drive. The choice was easy.
BillLeeLee said:
Last I heard, the PSP uses two MIPS 4000 processors, that max out at 333 Mhz.

Compared to the NDS' ARM-7 and ARM-9, which are 33 and 66 Mhz respectively.

that's cool.. heheh

actually im' taking a computer archetecture calss next semester.. and the end reseult is that we build a MIPS processor...

BTW: i finally got Castlevania for the DS.. but i can't play it.. since i have to study for digital design.. :(
Alias said:
PSP all the way.

I have a 1Gb card for mine. Enough space to store music for all day. I can watch movies off the card or UMD, browse the web at local Hotspots, much more than the DS can do. Plus it looks better, and doubles as my MP3 player. 2GB Duo sticks are out now, as well as a 4GB hard drive. The choice was easy.

as mentioned before.. there is an adaptor.. that will turn the DS into a movie player, MP3 player, emulator player, and if the linux homebrews get going.. web surfing..

but i'm sure the PSP can sitll do all that better than the DS adaptor can (except the MP3 player part, cause well.. doesn't take that much do just do sound).. but still.. you can at least have the same function.

I just really like that fact that the DS was cheaper though... that's one of the main reasons i went with it.. and Animal crossing online on Nov. 14th
In other news, I just pre-ordered the third competitor.

It's basically completely open source. Right now, there's MAME, other emulators, quake, ScummVM and much more.

edit: As for PSP vs DS, so far I like my PSP more. Lumines is awsome. Metal Gear Acid was fun for a while. But mainly, Lumines is awsome.
PCJ said:
In other news, I just pre-ordered the third competitor.

It's basically completely open source. Right now, there's MAME, other emulators, quake, ScummVM and much more.

edit: As for PSP vs DS, so far I like my PSP more. Lumines is awsome. Metal Gear Acid was fun for a while. But mainly, Lumines is awsome.

interesting.. you should let us know how that goes.. it's a bit expensive though... but sound interesting
PCJ said:
In other news, I just pre-ordered the third competitor.

It's basically completely open source. Right now, there's MAME, other emulators, quake, ScummVM and much more.

edit: As for PSP vs DS, so far I like my PSP more. Lumines is awsome. Metal Gear Acid was fun for a while. But mainly, Lumines is awsome.

Definitely keep us informed about the GP2x (make a new thread or whatever). I'm actually interested in the Gamepark line since you can homebrew stuff for it, but it was always a little pricey. :D
I had originally gotten a Nintendo DS, but with a lack of games ( or games that I would play)
I ended up getting a PSP. I am so glad I got one. Its awesome not only for the games but for the movie/mp3 player capabilities. Now I own 2, one for hombrew and one for the latest games.