Love your Socket A?

Im enjoying my Athlon xp 2500+ barton, 64 bit is so overated and overdone 32bit is still an awesome processor to have. Also i dont want to do 754 or 939 cause then i will have to update the architectures on all my linux cds and i dont want to reburn 15+ different distros
locutus24 said:
Im enjoying my Athlon xp 2500+ barton, 64 bit is so overated and overdone 32bit is still an awesome processor to have. Also i dont want to do 754 or 939 cause then i will have to update the architectures on all my linux cds and i dont want to reburn 15+ different distros

well a 2500+ on linux Still runs like a 4800+X2 XPpro...
Yeap that it does and wow well i have terrain distance maxed out :) i got off topic sorry :eek:
anyways about socket A i think its really a descent chip cause i moved from a P4 512k cache even a sempron 2400+ seemed faster
Can I join the Socket A club too? :D

Still using some unlocked "low volt" T-bred B 1700 and 1800's.

OCed to 2.4ghz with scores of 11,000+ in 3dMark2003 with my unlocked 6800nu.

I too think A64 is overrated. I mean, if you need a new system then by all means. But with
a good sktA rig there is little need to upgrade. The relatively small improvement in
benchmarks is not worth spending the cake on a whole new system IMhO.
Alright everybody, I'm back. I'll be updating the member lists and stuff as soon as I'm done unpacking and re setting up my room... And I've got a few pages of this thread to read.

Whats up?
skudmunky said:
Alright everybody, I'm back. I'll be updating the member lists and stuff as soon as I'm done unpacking and re setting up my room... And I've got a few pages of this thread to read.

Whats up?

May I ask where have you been, fellow AMD club President? :D :p
Little reason to upgrade? The 64s smoke the xps badly and with the newer generation of games, you need all the power you can get.
AMD[H]unter said:
May I ask where have you been, fellow AMD club President? :D :p

On Vacation in New Hampshire, for 3 weeks, without any computer access, I handled it quite well, and only wasted one day drooling and twitching.
Well, I just sold my 3000+ and MN31N, but I am still happily using a 1700+ with 5 36GB U160 drives in RAID5 for digital photo storage so I guess I get to stay a member!
Scar1.8T said:
Well, I just sold my 3000+ and MN31N, but I am still happily using a 1700+ with 5 36GB U160 drives in RAID5 for digital photo storage so I guess I get to stay a member!
Exiled Socket A member? JK :D
love my socket A's....4 Socket A PC's in my house, so id like to join the club also.
BigDaddy85 said:
Scar1.8T said:
Well, I just sold my 3000+ and MN31N, but I am still happily using a 1700+ with 5 36GB U160 drives in RAID5 for digital photo storage so I guess I get to stay a member!
Exiled Socket A member? JK Exiled Socket A member? JK :D

Nope, He's just spreading the love. 3000+ Barton on a MN31N here! :p
Ive got three Socket A's running in my house. My old 2500Barton, my current 3200Barton and my Brothers 3200Barton! I think that is enough for me to join the club! hell Ive had only one intel Pc and three AMDs (not counting the Pcs my dad and mom bought).
I love my Socket A. When I first built a pc back in 6th grade (my project at the end of the year) I built a cheap ass computer with a Socket A Duron Proc. Due to this I always have fond memories of 6th grade and the Socket A. Plus my 3200 has lasted me so long, I will be upgrading to Socket M2 though, but my Socket A will live on doing some insignificant tasks.
{NG}Fidel said:
I love my Socket A. When I first built a pc back in 6th grade (my project at the end of the year) I built a cheap ass computer with a Socket A Duron Proc. Due to this I always have fond memories of 6th grade and the Socket A. Plus my 3200 has lasted me so long, I will be upgrading to Socket M2 though, but my Socket A will live on doing some insignificant tasks.

Socket A didn't even exist when I was in the 6th grade. Of course, not much did in the computer world. I didn't think I was that old until now . Thanks alot. :(
Got mine 5 years ago. still runs strong! haven't gotten round to overclocking it yet, don't want to void my non existant warrenty. oh, wait... nevermind.

in other news:

'nother new member joined: ST|FFY. welcome!
on a sad note my new Athlon XP mobile arrived damaged :( I am having to wait 10 days just to get the replacement ordeal sorted, and them more shipping...
LadyMakoFox said:
on a sad note my new Athlon XP mobile arrived damaged :( I am having to wait 10 days just to get the replacement ordeal sorted, and them more shipping...
crap, is it ups? well i kno they do that mostly. :mad:
BigDaddy85 said:
crap, is it ups? well i kno they do that mostly. :mad:

I'm shocked and saddened to say it was Fed-Ex....

;_; my poor 2500+ M it never even got to break the 2ghz mark, It died so young!
LadyMakoFox said:
I'm shocked and saddened to say it was Fed-Ex....

;_; my poor 2500+ M it never even got to break the 2ghz mark, It died so young!

Should have used the U.S Postal Service.
count me in, I have five socket A computers a MP 1.2, XP 1600+ pally, XP 1700+ OC to 1.8 GHz, a XP 2200+ OC to 2.0 GHz, and a XP3200+ stock. Used mainly by two teenagers and a geekly father/father-in-law, lots of gaming. Lots. Even the MP 1.2 keeps up, does very well. Tell you what, for the money you can't beat em. But then again I am a user of lots of older stuff, I get a kick out of seeing how much I can squeeze from older components. They may just surprise you !
Welcome! Hey, your member #50. Cool.

I need to overclock. I'm still running at a stock 1.396 ghz. However, for 3 years I was running at 1 ghz exactly. The idiots who put my PC together downclocked the CPU by 0.4 ghz! How weird is that?!
skudmunky said:
I need to overclock. I'm still running at a stock 1.396 ghz. However, for 3 years I was running at 1 ghz exactly. The idiots who put my PC together downclocked the CPU by 0.4 ghz! How weird is that?!
actually, i built a PC for some people, and they gave me an old one.. ECS board with an XP 1600+, one of hte early ones wtihout the MP bridges closed

bios recognized it as an Athlon MP 1.05ghz... turned out to be an XP 1600+, idiots never set the 133mhz FSB setting
lithium726 said:
actually, i built a PC for some people, and they gave me an old one.. ECS board with an XP 1600+, one of hte early ones wtihout the MP bridges closed

bios recognized it as an Athlon MP 1.05ghz... turned out to be an XP 1600+, idiots never set the 133mhz FSB setting

That's exactly what happened with mine.. Except the bios called it a xp1600+, running at 1.046 ghz, and CPUZ called it an MP, 1.046 ghz.

just out of curiosity, how many of the PCs did you build?
just got my 2500+ Mobile to 2.3ghz and was happy but had to turn it down as cooling is an issue right now.
2800+ Barton. Rockin' out in my 333 cage just wishing 400 was possible. Add me to the list please! (Thanks to altec for pointing out this thread.)
Can I join please? :cool:

2600+ Thoroughbred B @ 2300MHz 1.568V (something is undervolting but it's Prime95 stable for days)

Gonna push it a bit more soon :D
I'll throw in with this motley lot.

See sig. No FSB uppage, straight unlocked barton multiplier change. I love the rig I'm running, my only gripe is a lack of PCI-X slots on the Socket A platform. Might need to build a separate server boxen when I go to join the TB club.
my Barton 2500 @ 3200 is still in good condition, also my HTPC is a sA sempron 2400, my bros puter is a duron 1.3GHz, dads is a 1800xp, sis has a sempron 2400 as well in a shuttle, socket A's kick ass!! my HTPC was under 300 dollars
i love my
Mobile 2500+ running @ 2.35Ghz :D and my HTPC 2600+ T-bread B running @ 3200+ speeds.
velusip said:
2800+ Barton. Rockin' out in my 333 cage just wishing 400 was possible. Add me to the list please! (Thanks to altec for pointing out this thread.)

Good job Altec!

Nice to get more members. :)
What are you planning to do with it? Massive overclocks? Stock speeds? Do you care about how loud it is? How much do you want to spend?
hehe dunno if I should add to this thread. I've been contemplating an A64 upgrade...I guess that would be blasphemous here =D.