Love your Socket A?

skudmunky said:
What are you planning to do with it? Massive overclocks? Stock speeds? Do you care about how loud it is? How much do you want to spend?

well, my specs are in my sig... I'd like quieter this this damn Thermaltake...
count me in.
i got an amd xp 3000+ 400mhz fsb on an asus a7n8x.
looking at getting an a64 system in the next year or so.
THe problem is I'm not american, so it's proving to be hard to buy the zalman in Canada....

Also whats the differnce between....

CletisMckloskey47 said:
count me in.
i got an amd xp 3000+ 400mhz fsb on an asus a7n8x.
looking at getting an a64 system in the next year or so.

Argh! Where did you buy your 400MHz FSB Athlon XP? I want one. :(
you want one eh? how much would you be willing to pay for a 3200+ w/ Asus A7N8X Deluxe v 2.0, and i got ram and stuff too that might be up for sale
Light1984 said:
you want one eh? how much would you be willing to pay for a 3200+ w/ Asus A7N8X Deluxe v 2.0, and i got ram and stuff too that might be up for sale

I know better not to buy a second hand processor from a guy who browses hardforum. ;)
velusip said:
I know better not to buy a second hand processor from a guy who browses hardforum. ;)

LMAO... meh.. it has ran stable for 2 years, dont see why it wouldnt continue to do so, lol
I think people are worried that some procs have been pushed to hard (i.e. buying a Barton that ran @ 1.9Vcore for 2 years). That is understandable. However, if that Barton only got maybe 1.75Vcore (which is nothing compared to Mr. 1.9Vcore), then I would not hesistate.

Same applies to video cards, but as always, you should PM the seller about the details. Better to ask than to assume...
XP 2400 running @ 2.2 with 400mhz bus. I've had this thing for going on 3 years now and it still gets the job done!

Count me in!
woo! Got my new hs and fan.. Zalman is a beauty... after some mods... (pushing over caps... grinding off the P4 screw hole...)
My XP-M 2600+ at 2635mhz on air still does good for me. I do wish I had cash for a S939 system, but this will do for now.
I have approx. 50 Socket A motherboards (99.9% 400mhz FSB) new in the box (various brands) along with almost as many Processors & other needed Socket A hardware. Yes ....overkill to the Max but, the price to performance ratio can't be beat !

Yeah ...I know Socket A is being phased out as well the 754 ..."AND" now Socket 939. You say nay for 939....well next Spring/Early Summer ....AMD is switching to another so-called better Socket version .....dubbed Socket M-2.

Sometimes it seems AMD & Intel make changes fuel new sales for themselves and Mobo manufacturers. There's alot of PC'ers that have to have the newest of whatever.

I'm sticking with Socket A !!!!!!!!!
Javvis said:
Sometimes it seems AMD & Intel make changes fuel new sales for themselves and Mobo manufacturers. There's alot of PC'ers that have to have the newest of whatever.
i really dont think so. look at intel's recent history, the only socket that was shortlived was socket 423, Slot1 supported p2's AND p3's, 370 lasted from the PPGA celeron to 1.4ghz p3's (although you needed a new chipset for the tualatins), and s478 lasted from ~2001 to 2005. On AMD's side, Slot A was shortlived and Socket 462 lasted from the thunderbird athlons in '99 to 2005 when AMD phased out socket A semprons. the A64 revisions are due to the socket needing a change when the memory needs a change, a64 NEEDED a socket different than 754 for dual channel, and im willing to bet that when s754 was released the memory controller was very premature and couldnt handle dual channel (or even 1ghz HTT), hense the reason for the 1MB L2 on the original claw a64's.

so with dual channel introduced, AMD had to up pin count. there is absolutly no way to get around that since hte memory controller is on the CPU, just as htere is no way around M2 for DDR2, you just cant throw a DDR2 chip in an old board. im willing to bet that AMD could pull off DDR2 with 939 pins, but then there would be people buying hte wrong chip with the wrong board and it would be a nightmare. IIRC, M2 is only 940 pins.

and 755 is sticking around for a while as well.
Interesting thread .....but, I don't see the logic in spending a ton of money for new hardware when the performance gain is not worth the price. Example ...2 Video cards in Sli-mode .....what a waste of money ! For now .....the same applies to newer AMD Socket Platforms. AMD's FX-57 cost about $1100 -1200 ....and is the Flagship of AMD's processors ....but, for that price ....I can buy & perfer to own about 14 AMD XP 2500 Mobiles & OC them.

Socket A ....might not be the fastest kid on the block anymore but, it's plenty fast enough for any present game or application & anything I've seen coming in the next couple years.
AMD's FX-57 cost about $1100 -1200 ....and is the Flagship of AMD's processors ....but, for that price ....I can buy & perfer to own about 14 AMD XP 2500 Mobiles & OC them.
erm... the FX-57 is a full Ghz faster than a 2500m. the 2500 was NEVER a high end chip, youre comparing apples to oranges here. there are a64 mobiles too, and they are cheap. you'll never hit FX-57 speeds with a mobile xp(well, you can, but its VERY rare), much less what an 57 can it (3.2+ GHz)

i think hypertransport makes a64 MORE than worth the upgrade cost IMO, the whole platform is SO much more responsive than aXP ever was.
lithium726 said:
i think hypertransport makes a64 MORE than worth the upgrade cost IMO, the whole platform is SO much more responsive than aXP ever was.
i find it's the integrated memory controller ;)
lithium726 said:
understandable. i'll let it slide cause i've seen how much you really do know :cool:
and this way people know that you really meant the MC :p
Hah, that's nothing. Mine runs at 67 Celcius for weeks. It's a good little processor... Yes you are! Yes you are! *pat pat*

Mind you, my apartment is HOT.
Yah, if I leave my door closed my room is about 4 degrees hotter than the rest of the house. This'll be great in the winter!

My MP runs at about 36c, and goes up to, but not above, 40c at full load. I stuck a Zalman on it. Found it for 35 and I needed a new cpu fan, so I snapped it up!

I love the clearance/refurb section in Microcenter.
Welcome in, Lyquist.

What do you people think the fastest card I can put in my system without the CPU bottlenecking it is? 9800pro? 6600gt?
2500+ Barton running at 2.2gig


1800 Palamino running stock and hot (65c+, but from what I read, the baby Asus MB reads tems wrong)
I had a 2500 and a 6800 LE and I thought it was fine, but when I got a 3500 my fps in the Nvidia demos quadrupled.
Thoroughbred 2800+ here :)

Socket A for life (at least until prices on the X2 drop :p)
Yay im in the club now
i got 4 of em running
2800 @ 2.25ghz (gamer) for now...i know i can get more out of it though
2400 @ 1ghz (nice quiet server chip)
2700 @ 2.2ghz (kids gamer)
2700 @ 2.2ghz (wife's puter)

then i got 4 or so here at work.....i love AMD :D

my main rig's brand new Western Digital SATA drive (less than 3 weeks old from the egg) died this past weekend. For the past few days (more till I get the RMA one in the mail), I am on my backup PC which is a:

1.2 Athlon
ECS K7S5A v. 3.1
128MB Registered DDR266
16x CDROM (yes, CD!)
16 MB PCI Nvidia reference RIVA TNT

but it is my old "ricer" case, from my "modding days" (blue lights and water cooled - really cheap water cooled)
The water cooling is the "Ice berg kit" from a few years back (the first kit to be under $100)
Works and I'm running kubuntu 5.10 on it - runs smoother than windows (on this machine, that is ;) )

I forgot how uber-quiet this thing is!
still runnin my Athlon XP 3200+ after all this time....sucker runs a little toasty now to.....
Hey i am thinking of building a socket A machine for two of my little brothers, what would you guys reccomend, one likes movies the other games. My bugets $200 but i have cases, ps's cd drives, hd's and all the basic stuff.
I'd probably just get a socket 939 or 754 and get a sempron, but if you're going socket A, the NF7-S is around $50-60 now which is a good price for an amazing motherboard. Not sure about XP processor prices. But the 64 bit semprons cost as much as some of the athlon XP's.
I gotta 1800+ xp still. running 2.1 sadly.. used to run on 2.4
Any developments on this baby recently or has every moved on a long time ago.

btw, is there a processor like the xp's and xp-m's these days and nf7-s v.2 was the shiznett? Super cheap but packing in OC? I member i paid 50 for my xp haaha. so ya? anyone know?