Love your socket 754?

Unknown-One said:
What about a club in There?
My avitars name is StarLion

Edit: Since when is Oregon Trail an MMORPG??? :eek:

It always was. You just have one person host, and name 3 of the people after people in the clan. Then the host regularly updates the game and we all hope for the best!

I did a lot of them at SomethingAwful a year ago or two.
I was thinking warcraft III, since almost everybody has that game, and you can get 4-character clan tags. Why not? Wouldn't make a difference, I'm not active enough anyway. I post like once a week maybe.
JL_Audio_User said:
***A very sketchy lookin' 939 guy enters thread un-noticed....takes notes...walks away***

Um... Security! :eek:

More delays for my 754 bliss. I forgot to order a new powersupply.
maybe we should have an irc channel for the s754 club so we can all chat, kind of like the one they had for distrubuted computing
compslckr said:
maybe we should have an irc channel for the s754 club so we can all chat, kind of like the one they had for distrubuted computing
Ah, I like this.
I still think we should all play Counter Strike Source though :D
somebody say source?
ill smash you fellow 754'ers in source

i might as well join the club as well
got 2x 3400+dfi setups
I'm down for some CS:S even though I suck, I still like to play :D
JL_Audio_User said:
***A very sketchy lookin' 939 guy enters thread un-noticed....takes notes...walks away***

:D Lmfao, nice stuff. Knew I was gonna get a good laugh in here somewhere. Now, we need security for 754 now...who wants to be the bouncer? Note: You must be buff. :p
i would, but i'm a skinny stick.


maybe there will be a s939 club too? :D
Nuc_E said:
I'm 6'7" and weigh 245lbs, but I am by no means "buff".
you're definitly being considered for the job :p

being president, it's kinda my choice to pick somebody. basically i want someone who is around a lot, and knows a good amount about amd's and s754 ;)
having moderator status would be an added bonus :cool:
i just registered an IRC channel for us

channel: #[H]s754club
Topic: [H] Socket 754 Club IRC Channel

As people come in I will add them as OPs, my name in the channel is the same as my forum username (compslckr)
compslckr said:
i just registered an IRC channel for us

channel: #[H]s754club
Topic: [H] Socket 754 Club IRC Channel

As people come in I will add them as OPs, my name in the channel is the same as my forum username (compslckr)

hey we need more people in here.
tsuehpsyde said:
:D Lmfao, nice stuff. Knew I was gonna get a good laugh in here somewhere. Now, we need security for 754 now...who wants to be the bouncer? Note: You must be buff. :p

I'm 6'4", 255-260. Ex Marine, and still perficiant with my ar-15 :)
i can't seem to connect to gamesurge, maybe there is some sort of server problem
I heard rumor of PCI-e for s754...can anybody point me in the general direction on some info. for that? I need to upgrade my Barton test box to PCI-e...I can't afford s939 and don't want to go with a Celeron D...a s754 Sempron 3100+ with PCI-e would be shaweet :D

(p.s. did anyone notice my location change? ;) )
diablo111 said:
I heard rumor of PCI-e for s754...can anybody point me in the general direction on some info. for that? I need to upgrade my Barton test box to PCI-e...I can't afford s939 and don't want to go with a Celeron D...a s754 Sempron 3100+ with PCI-e would be shaweet :D

(p.s. did anyone notice my location change? ;) )
Look At This!
diablo111 said:
I heard rumor of PCI-e for s754...can anybody point me in the general direction on some info. for that? I need to upgrade my Barton test box to PCI-e...I can't afford s939 and don't want to go with a Celeron D...a s754 Sempron 3100+ with PCI-e would be shaweet :D

(p.s. did anyone notice my location change? ;) )

See the sig for a PCI-Express S754 board, so far I am very happy with it.
If we're gonna play source, might as well use my servers. ;) That's as long as you abide by the rules (sorry, no favoritism for 754 members, ;)). we have two servers, both 16 slot publics with a 66 tickrate and low pings for the east coast.

And with over 400 hours, I'll gladly own you all. :D Okay, now to update the member list...
diablo111 said:
As much as I move around this test box and the things I do with it...a full size ATX case is just not practical...
i have the same problem, except my rig is a fully fledged WC rig..
i'm thinking of building a frame of sorts to hold the mobo on the top, and the heatercore, pump, power supply and drives below the motherboard. perhaps a top for protection when i don't care about the temps :D
is socket 754 what intel uses if so I"m in.

JK, but put me in, I've get a 3000+ mobile CAA2C core that should've been an fx :)
**Diary Shot**

{ Creepy music starts..(like something really bad is gunna happen) }

{ camera shot zooms in on hand writing furiously on paper...holds shot for entire scene}

Diary entry dated:

Dear diary...
After my initial incursion into s754 I have come to the conclusion that "the plan" is infact possible. And now is the time to strike. Membership is now increasing and the heirarchy is just settling into their respective roles and duties.

1. Identify member of heirarchy to befriend ( the higher the better) and slowly con/blackmail/manipulate that individual into believing that I am their only true friend.

2. After developing friendship orchestrate series of events that seem to show imminent betrayal by other s754 members. Convince him that the only way to save s754 is to sacrifice it. And rename it s939b.

3. Demand immediate member vote on changing name. With help of NEW friend this vote will be rigged and s939b will be voted new name.

4. Betray new friend with threat of exposing his deception to general membership, make an arrangement where he keeps position and will "accept" my "advice" from time to time. Thereby making me the "defacto" ruler of s939b ( formerly s754 ).

and so it begins......

{ camera pans back show hand shaking....violently...pencil snaps }

{ camera shot / fade to black......cut music **end scene** }

so um..


I wanted to use the name (cf)Eclipse but you already had it.
Thats cool though cuz **cough** you seem really cool and stuff., how come your not a mod yet? thats messed up, seems like people not given you your due...and stuff

I mean...I'd vote for you and stuff....**cough**
Socrilles17 said:
is socket 754 what intel uses if so I"m in.

JK, but put me in, I've get a 3000+ mobile CAA2C core that should've been an fx :)

no, get OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!
